Download Modern World History—Ms. Galvin Chapter 15, section 3 FASCISM

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Modern World History—Ms. Galvin
Chapter 15, section 3
Answer the following questions on the first part of chapter 15, section 3 (pages 476-480). You do not
need complete sentences, but make sure that you provide complete answers for each question. Also,
make sure that you don’t simply copy the textbook word-for-word. Put answers in your own words!!!
Setting the Stage
1. Many people in Europe grew unhappy with their democratic governments when the problems of the
Great Depression spread. Millions of people turned to fascism. Why did many people turn to
fascism at this time?
Fascism’s Rise in Italy
2. Define fascism.
3. Fascism differed from country to country. What were some of the similarities that fascists tended to
4. (a) How was fascism similar to communism?
(b)What are some of the differences between fascism and communism?
Mussolini Takes Control
5. Why did Italians begin to support fascism after World War I?
6. How did Benito Mussolini get more support in Italy?
7. How did Mussolini become head of the Italian government?
Il Duce’s Leadership
8. What did Mussolini’s nickname, “Il Duce” mean?
9. What political changes did Mussolini make once he came to power?
Hitler Takes Control in Germany
The Rise of the Nazis
10. After fighting in World War I, Adolf Hitler joined a right-wing (very conservative) political group that
became known as the Nazis (National Socialist German Workers Party). What were some of the
beliefs of the Nazis?
11. Hitler rose to power within the Nazi party. What was his nickname?
12. What happened when the Nazis attempted to overthrow the government in 1923?
13. While in jail, Hitler wrote his book, Mein Kampf (My Struggle). What were some of the ideas that
Hitler laid out in his book?
14. One of Hitler’s ideas was lebensraum. What does this mean?
15. Why did the Nazi Party gain strength in the early 1930s?
Hitler Becomes Chancellor
16. Why did President von Hindenburg name Hitler chancellor of Germany?
17. How were the Nazis able to become the majority party within the German parliament?
18. Once the Nazis were the majority within the German Parliament, the Enabling Act was passed to
give Hitler total power. He and the Nazis made many changes to turn Germany into a totalitarian
(a) What was the SS?
(b) What was the Gestapo?
(c) What economic changes did they make in Germany?
The Führer Is Supreme
19. What were some of the ways that Hitler took total control over all aspects of German life?
Hitler Makes War on the Jews
20. Hitler used the small Jewish population in Germany as scapegoats. What does this mean?
21. When did Jews in Germany begin to lose their legal rights in Germany?
Other Countries Fall to Dictators
22. What counties (besides Italy and Germany) fell to dictators after World War I?