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Biology 105 – Human Biology
Class Location:
Days / Time:
Spring 2011
55244 / 61816 4 Units
UVC1 St. Helena
F 9:00 AM – 3:50 PM
Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology, 5e (Martini/Nath)
Chapter 17 Nutrition and Metabolism
Multiple-Choice Questions
1) The sum of all of the biochemical processes going on within the human body at any given instant
is called
A) glycolysis.
B) oxidation.
C) catabolism.
D) anabolism.
E) metabolism.
Answer: E
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.1
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
2) Cells synthesize new organic components to
A) perform structural maintenance.
B) perform repairs.
C) support growth.
D) B and C only
E) all of the above
Answer: E
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.1
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
3) Which of the following is a disaccharide?
A) sucrose
B) galactose
C) fructose
D) glucose
E) ribose
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.2
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
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Biology 105 – Human Biology
Class Location:
Days / Time:
Spring 2011
55244 / 61816 4 Units
UVC1 St. Helena
F 9:00 AM – 3:50 PM
4) Inside of the mitochondrion, during the transition reaction, each pyruvic acid molecule
A) forms a molecule of citric acid.
B) loses a carbon atom.
C) attaches to NAD.
D) directly enters the electron transport system.
E) has a phosphate ion added to it.
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.2
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
5) The TCA cycle
A) begins with the formation of a molecule of citric acid.
B) directly produces most of the ATP from the catabolism of glucose.
C) does not form any carbon dioxide.
D) contains enzymes called cytochromes.
E) forms acetyl CoA from glucose.
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.2
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
6) The cells that are most dependent upon a continual supply of glucose are those of the
A) muscular system.
B) nervous system.
C) respiratory system.
D) digestive system.
E) integumentary system.
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.2
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
7) The TCA cycle must turn ________ time(s) to completely metabolize the pyruvic acid produced
from one glucose molecule.
A) one
B) two
C) three
D) four
E) five
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.2
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
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Biology 105 – Human Biology
Class Location:
Days / Time:
Spring 2011
55244 / 61816 4 Units
UVC1 St. Helena
F 9:00 AM – 3:50 PM
8) In glycolysis, each molecule of glucose metabolized releases enough energy to form ________
molecules of ATP.
A) 2
B) 4
C) 30
D) 36
E) 38
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.2
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
9) Muscles store metabolic reserves as
A) carbohydrates.
B) glycogen.
C) amino acids.
D) triglycerides.
E) fatty acids.
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.2
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
10) The major steps in the electron transport chain include
A) removal of hydrogen atoms from a substrate molecule by coenzymes.
B) ionization of hydrogen atoms.
C) increasing the energy level of electrons passing through the electron transport chain.
D) the loss of electrons by oxygen atoms.
E) all of the above
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.2
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
11) The human body prefers ________ as its primary energy source.
A) fatty acids
B) proteins
C) cholesterol
D) carbohydrates
E) glycerol
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.2
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
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Biology 105 – Human Biology
Class Location:
Days / Time:
Spring 2011
55244 / 61816 4 Units
UVC1 St. Helena
F 9:00 AM – 3:50 PM
12) If you are running sprints, which nutrient would your body use the most of to make ATP?
A) protein
B) sugars
C) complex carbohydrates
D) fat
E) amino acids
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.2
Skill Level: 2 Reviewing Concepts
13) On a tour of African countries, Don contracts a bad case of traveler's diarrhea. Because he
cannot eat very much, his body starts to use energy sources other than carbohydrates. This would
result in
A) increased levels of urea in the blood.
B) ketosis.
C) a decreased blood pH.
D) increased gluconeogenesis in the liver.
E) all of the above
Answer: E
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.2
Skill Level: 2 Reviewing Concepts
14) In the electron transport chain, energy for the synthesis of ATP is provided by the
A) splitting of oxygen molecules.
B) breaking of the covalent bonds in glucose.
C) movement of hydrogen ions through channels in the respiratory enzymes.
D) combination of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen to form water.
E) oxidation of acetyl CoA.
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.2
Skill Level: 2 Reviewing Concepts
15) The liver utilizes fatty acids to synthesize
A) triglycerides.
B) steroids.
C) phospholipids.
D) lipoproteins.
E) all of the above
Answer: E
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.3
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
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Biology 105 – Human Biology
Class Location:
Days / Time:
Spring 2011
55244 / 61816 4 Units
UVC1 St. Helena
F 9:00 AM – 3:50 PM
16) During lipolysis,
A) triglycerides are converted into molecules of acetyl CoA.
B) triglycerides are broken down into glycerol and fatty acids.
C) lipids are converted into glucose molecules.
D) lipids are formed from excess carbohydrates.
E) lipids are metabolized to yield ATP.
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.3
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
17) Beta-oxidation
A) occurs in the mitochondria.
B) is the process that breaks down fatty acids into two-carbon fragments that can be metabolized by
the TCA cycle.
C) yields large amounts of ATP, while requiring coenzyme A, NAD, and FAD.
D) A and B only
E) none of the above
Answer: E
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.3
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
18) Lipogenesis generally begins with
A) glucose.
B) amino acids.
C) fatty acids.
D) acetyl CoA.
E) succinyl CoA.
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.3
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
19) Lipoproteins that carry mostly cholesterol and phospholipids from peripheral tissues to the liver
are called
A) low-density lipoproteins (LDLs).
B) high-density lipoproteins (HDLs).
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.3
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
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Biology 105 – Human Biology
Class Location:
Days / Time:
Spring 2011
55244 / 61816 4 Units
UVC1 St. Helena
F 9:00 AM – 3:50 PM
20) The food source most clearly linked to heart disease is
A) simple sugars.
B) complex carbohydrates.
C) lipids.
D) proteins.
E) nucleic acids.
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.3
Skill Level: 3 Critical Thinking & Clinical Applications
21) Diets containing too many calories and too many lipids by proportion increase the incidence of
A) obesity.
B) heart disease and atherosclerosis.
C) diabetes.
D) hypertension.
E) all of the above
Answer: E
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.3
Skill Level: 3 Critical Thinking & Clinical Applications
22) Which of the following is a complete protein source?
A) eggs
B) corn
C) gelatin
D) rice
E) none of the above
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.4
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
23) In transamination, the amino group of an amino acid is
A) converted to ammonia.
B) converted to urea.
C) transferred to another carbon chain.
D) transferred to a molecule in the glycolytic pathway.
E) transferred to acetyl CoA.
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.4
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
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Biology 105 – Human Biology
Class Location:
Days / Time:
Spring 2011
55244 / 61816 4 Units
UVC1 St. Helena
F 9:00 AM – 3:50 PM
24) The process of deamination produces
A) keto acids.
B) urea.
C) ammonia.
D) acetyl CoA.
E) B vitamins.
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.4
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
25) Nitrogen compounds of the body include
A) amino acids.
B) nucleotides.
C) creatine.
D) porphyrins.
E) all of the above
Answer: E
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.4
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
26) In the condition ketoacidosis,
A) blood pH may drop below 7.05.
B) cardiac arrhythmias occur.
C) coma could result.
D) death could be a consequence.
E) all of the above
Answer: E
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.4
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
27) Nucleotides from RNA
A) are deaminated to form ammonia.
B) can provide sugars for glycolysis.
C) can be used to synthesize proteins.
D) cannot be used as a source of energy for the production of ATP.
E) cannot be recycled.
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.5
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
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Biology 105 – Human Biology
Class Location:
Days / Time:
Spring 2011
55244 / 61816 4 Units
UVC1 St. Helena
F 9:00 AM – 3:50 PM
28) A calorie unit used in food is equal to the amount of energy necessary to raise the temperature
of 1 kilogram of water ________ degree(s) Celsius.
A) 1
B) 2
C) 10
D) 100
E) 1,000
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.6
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
29) Which of the following is a fat-soluble vitamin?
A) vitamin K
B) vitamin C
C) vitamin B6
D) niacin
E) riboflavin
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.6
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
30) B vitamins are
A) important to many metabolic reactions.
B) involved in the oxidation of food.
C) water soluble.
D) all of the above
E) none of the above
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.6
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
31) The nutrients that yield ZERO energy per gram are
A) carbohydrates.
B) proteins.
C) fats.
D) nucleic acids.
E) vitamins.
Answer: E
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.6
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
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Biology 105 – Human Biology
Class Location:
Days / Time:
Spring 2011
55244 / 61816 4 Units
UVC1 St. Helena
F 9:00 AM – 3:50 PM
32) The vitamin that functions as part of coenzyme A is
A) pantothenic acid.
B) niacin.
C) vitamin A.
D) vitamin C.
E) riboflavin.
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.6
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
33) A cofactor that is essential for muscle contraction, nerve function, and blood clotting is
A) sodium.
B) potassium.
C) calcium.
D) magnesium.
E) selenium.
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.6
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
34) An ion that is a necessary component of high-energy compounds and nucleic acids, and a
structural component of bone, is
A) chloride ion.
B) sulfate ion.
C) phosphate ion.
D) bicarbonate ion.
E) iodide ion.
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.6
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
35) Which food group is the best source of vitamin C?
A) dairy
B) meats
C) fruits and vegetables
D) desserts
E) breads
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.6
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
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Biology 105 – Human Biology
Class Location:
Days / Time:
Spring 2011
55244 / 61816 4 Units
UVC1 St. Helena
F 9:00 AM – 3:50 PM
36) A mineral that is a necessary cofactor for hemoglobin synthesis is
A) zinc.
B) copper.
C) cobalt.
D) iodine.
E) silicon.
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.6
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
37) The vitamin that is required for the synthesis of visual pigments is
A) vitamin A.
B) vitamin B.
C) vitamin C.
D) vitamin D.
E) vitamin E.
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.6
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
38) Which of the following is a trace element?
A) chlorine
B) sodium
C) calcium
D) iron
E) sulfur
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.6
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
39) The vitamin that is essential for the production of several clotting factors is
A) vitamin A.
B) vitamin B.
C) vitamin E.
D) vitamin C.
E) vitamin K.
Answer: E
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.6
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
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Biology 105 – Human Biology
Class Location:
Days / Time:
Spring 2011
55244 / 61816 4 Units
UVC1 St. Helena
F 9:00 AM – 3:50 PM
40) The vitamin that is a constituent of the coenzymes FAD and FMN is
A) thiamine (B1).
B) riboflavin (B2).
C) niacin (nicotinic acid).
D) folacin (folic acid).
E) cobalamin (B12).
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.6
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
41) Which of the following minerals is important in ATP production and utilization?
A) zinc
B) iron
C) magnesium
D) calcium
E) sodium
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.6
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
42) The vitamin that plays the role of a coenzyme in amino acid and lipid metabolism is
A) vitamin B6 (pyridoxine).
B) pantothenic acid (B5).
C) riboflavin (B2).
D) folacin(folic acid).
E) niacin (nicotinic acid).
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.6
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
43) The vitamin that is a coenzyme in amino acid and nucleic acid metabolism is
A) pantothenic acid (B5).
B) vitamin B6 (pyridoxine).
C) folacin (folic acid).
D) vitamin C (ascorbic acid).
E) vitamin K.
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.6
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
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Biology 105 – Human Biology
Class Location:
Days / Time:
Spring 2011
55244 / 61816 4 Units
UVC1 St. Helena
F 9:00 AM – 3:50 PM
44) Which food group is the best source of calcium?
A) breads
B) meats
C) dairy
D) fruits
E) vegetables
Answer: C
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.6
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
45) Impaired fat absorption in the intestine would interfere with the absorption of which vitamin?
A) vitamin A
B) vitamin B12
C) vitamin C
D) niacin
E) riboflavin
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.6
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
46) A mineral necessary for normal membrane function is
A) calcium.
B) sodium.
C) manganese.
D) zinc.
E) iron.
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.6
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
47) This mineral is a cofactor of the carbonic anhydrase enzyme system.
A) chloride
B) calcium
C) copper
D) zinc
E) magnesium
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.6
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
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Biology 105 – Human Biology
Class Location:
Days / Time:
Spring 2011
55244 / 61816 4 Units
UVC1 St. Helena
F 9:00 AM – 3:50 PM
48) The fat-soluble vitamins include
A) A, D, E, and K.
B) A, B, C, and D.
C) B, biotin, C, and A.
D) niacin, B, folacin, and biotin.
E) C, biotin, A, and K.
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.6
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
49) The only natural dietary sources for vitamin B12 are
A) dairy products such as milk.
B) meats.
C) vegetables.
D) A and B only
E) citrus fruits.
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.6
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
50) Factors that influence an individual's BMR (basal metabolic rate) include
A) sex.
B) age.
C) body weight.
D) genetics.
E) all of the above
Answer: E
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.7
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
51) In order to get enough energy out of food to survive, humans must have a constant supply of
A) oxygen.
B) water.
C) carbon dioxide.
D) iron.
E) vitamins.
Answer: A
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.7
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
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Biology 105 – Human Biology
Class Location:
Days / Time:
Spring 2011
55244 / 61816 4 Units
UVC1 St. Helena
F 9:00 AM – 3:50 PM
52) Which of the following individuals would lose the most heat in a cold room?
A) an adult man
B) an adult woman
C) an adolescent male
D) a child
E) a newborn infant
Answer: E
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.7
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
53) Which of the following individuals would have the lower BMR?
A) a 34-year-old nursing mother
B) a 34-year-old nonpregnant, nonnursing woman
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.7
Skill Level: 2 Reviewing Concepts
54) Which of the following would lose heat faster?
A) an obese person
B) a tall, thin person
Answer: B
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.7
Skill Level: 2 Reviewing Concepts
Fill in the Blank Questions
1) Those nutrients that the body cannot synthesize or cannot synthesize in adequate amounts are
termed _________________________.
Answer: essential
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.1
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
2) The process of synthesizing glucose from lipids, amino acids, or other carbohydrates is called
Answer: gluconeogenesis
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.2
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
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Biology 105 – Human Biology
Class Location:
Days / Time:
Spring 2011
55244 / 61816 4 Units
UVC1 St. Helena
F 9:00 AM – 3:50 PM
3) The most important substances to humans are food, water, and _________________________.
Answer: oxygen
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.2
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
4) Most dietary lipids are in the form of _________________________.
Answer: triglycerides
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.3
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
5) Cholesterol that has been removed from the blood is excreted as part of
Answer: bile
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.3
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
6) Lipoproteins containing large amounts of cholesterol that are being transported in peripheral
tissues are called _________________________.
Answer: low-density lipoproteins (LDLs)
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.3
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
7) A complete _________________________ contains all of the essential amino acids.
Answer: protein
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.4
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
8) _________________________ is an unhealthy state resulting from inadequate intake of one or
more nutrients that becomes life-threatening as the deficiencies accumulate.
Answer: Malnutrition
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.6
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
9) _________________________ is a mineral used in the structure of hemoglobin.
Answer: Iron
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.6
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
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Biology 105 – Human Biology
Class Location:
Days / Time:
Spring 2011
55244 / 61816 4 Units
UVC1 St. Helena
F 9:00 AM – 3:50 PM
10) Chromium is a trace mineral needed for proper _________________________ metabolism.
Answer: carbohydrate
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.6
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
11) _________________________ are inorganic ions released through the dissociation of
Answer: Minerals
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.6
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
12) Vitamin _________________________ can be synthesized by the skin.
Answer: D
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.6
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
13) The _________________________ represents the minimum resting energy expenditures of an
awake, alert individual.
Answer: basal metabolic rate or BMR
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.7
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
14) _________________________ is the homeostatic process that allows us to maintain a constant
body temperature.
Answer: Thermoregulation
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.7
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
15) _________________________ is the loss of heat energy by vaporizing water.
Answer: Evaporation
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.7
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
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Biology 105 – Human Biology
Class Location:
Days / Time:
Spring 2011
55244 / 61816 4 Units
UVC1 St. Helena
F 9:00 AM – 3:50 PM
Essay Questions
1) Charlie has a blood test that shows a normal level of LDLs but an elevated level of HDLs in his
blood. Since his family has a history of cardiovascular disease, he wonders if he should modify his
lifestyle. What would you tell him?
Answer: Based just on the information given, Charlie would appear to be in good health, at least
relative to his diet and probable exercise. Problems are associated with elevated levels of LDLs,
which carry cholesterol to peripheral tissues and make it available for the formation of
atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels. High levels of HDLs indicate that a considerable amount of
cholesterol is being removed from the peripheral tissues and carried to the liver for disposal. You
would encourage Charlie not to change and keep up the good work.
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.3
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
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Biology 105 – Human Biology
Class Location:
Days / Time:
Spring 2011
55244 / 61816 4 Units
UVC1 St. Helena
F 9:00 AM – 3:50 PM
Labeling Exercises
Using the figure above, identify the element marked with a letter. (Example: CO2, H2O)
1) Label A: ________
Answer: CO2
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.2
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
2) Label B: ________
Answer: CO2
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.2
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
3) Label C: ________
Answer: 2H
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.2
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Biology 105 – Human Biology
Class Location:
Days / Time:
Spring 2011
55244 / 61816 4 Units
UVC1 St. Helena
F 9:00 AM – 3:50 PM
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
4) Label D: ________
Answer: CO2
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.2
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
5) Label E: ________
Answer: 2H
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.2
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
6) Label F: ________
Answer: 2H
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.2
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
7) Label G: ________
Answer: 2H
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.2
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
8) Label H: ________
Answer: H2O
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.2
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
9) Label I: ________
Answer: O2
Diff: 1
Learning Outcome: 17.2
Skill Level: 1 Reviewing Facts and Terms
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