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Welcome to the Endocrine Unit
 0161 446 3479
Information sheet (10)
Growth hormone profile
Your doctor has recommended that you have a growth hormone profile to assess how much
growth hormone your body is producing, either to confirm the diagnosis of acromegaly or as a
measure of disease activity.
Growth hormone is produced by the pituitary gland. This hormone is responsible for controlling
growth and metabolism in childhood. Growth hormone is also produced in adulthood and is
important for maintaining muscle and bone mass, and affects the levels of body fat.
Growth hormone also controls energy levels, memory and your general feeling of well-being.
Excessive growth hormone production can cause symptoms of tiredness, swelling of the hands
and feet, joint pains, sweating, headaches and changes to your facial features.
If you have acromegaly your doctor might request that you have this test so that they can
determine how well your treatment is working.
What will happen during the test?
A nurse will place a cannula which is a small tube used to take blood samples into a vein in your
arm. A blood sample will be taken to measure growth hormone. The nurse will take several
blood samples from you through the cannula at specific times to measure growth hormone.
Your test will finish at approximately 3.30pm. Once the test is completed the cannula will be
removed. You will then be able to go home.
Are there any risks with this test?
Is there an alternative test?
This test is one of a group of tests that we use to diagnose or exclude acromegaly. Taking a
single blood test is not a reliable way of assessing growth hormone levels because growth
hormone is released in pulses. The results can be very variable. By measuring growth
hormone levels throughout the day your doctor can assess your levels more accurately.
733 Growth hormone profile
Your results will be reviewed by the Endocrinology doctors. We will inform you and your GP of
your results and any changes to treatment or medication by letter. Sometimes it is also
necessary for us to contact you by telephone, so please provide us with your home and mobile
telephone numbers when you come in for your test.
If you have any questions about your test or results please contact the Endocrine Unit on 0161
446 3479.
The timing of endocrine tests is important so please attend at the time specified on your
appointment letter. If you are unable to keep your appointment please contact the department
and we will rearrange it for you.
The Christie Patient Information Service September 2011
Review date September 2014
733 Growth hormone profile