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Microorganisms Vocabulary
Here are the terms you should know and use!
Algae (AL jee) - Plant-like Protists that live in water and contain chlorophyll. They
produce oxygen and their own food.
Bacteria (bac TEER ee a) – Microscopic single-celled organisms that exist everywhere.
Conclusion -The summary of an experiment, based on data.
Control – A part of the experiment that is unchanged.
Culture – To grow microorganisms in a specially prepared nutrient medium i.e. growing
mold on bread, your bread is your nutrient medium.
Decomposer -An organism, often a bacterium or fungus, that feeds on and breaks down
dead plant or animal matter. experiment – A series of steps to find the answer to a
Fungi (FUN ji or FUN guy) – Organisms that are neither plant nor animals, but have
characteristics of both and absorb food from whatever they are growing on.
Hypothesis (hy PAW thuh suhs) – An idea or question that can be tested.
Investigation – A process designed to answer a question.
Microorganism – A living thing that can only be seen with the aid of magnification.
Organism - Any living thing.
Protozoan (PRO to zo uhn) - A single-celled animal-like organism that often lives in
Producer – A living thing, like a green plant, that makes its food from simple substances
and sunlight.
Single-celled organism – Any organism that has only one cell, the smallest unit of life.
Variable – A part of an experiment that is changed.