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The Economic Problem:
Production Possibilities Frontier (PPF) – the boundary between those combinations of goods and
services that can be produced and those that cannot
To illustrate the PPF we focus on two goods at a time, holding all others at a constant
We look at a model economy in which everything remains the same (ceteris paribus) except the
two goods we’re considering
Problem: limited resources. How should they be allocated across the various production of G&S?
What is the best combination?
Any point on or inside the PPF is attainable, points outside the frontier are unattainable
Production efficiency: is achieved if we
cannot produce more of one good without producing
less of some other good
Points on the frontier are efficient, points
inside, like D, are inefficient
(See appendix to chapter 1 for graphing)
Every choice along the PPF involves a tradeoff
The opportunity cost of a gun is the butter
The OC of a gun is the inverse of the OC of
Because resources are not equally productive in all activities, the PPF bows outward = concave
o As the quantity produced of each good increases, so does its OC
To determine which of the alternative efficient quantities to produce, we compare costs and
o The PPF determines OC
o The MC of a GorS is the OC of producing one more unit of it
o The OC of producing one more unit of butter is the MC of a gun
 The maringal cost line is
determined by creating a column graph from
the dots on the PPF and drawing a line
through them
 The MC line passes through
the centre of each bar
Preferences are a description of a person’s likes and dislikes
To describe rpeferences, economists use the concepts of MB and the MB curve
The MB of a GorS is the benefit received from consuming one more unit of it
o Measured by the amount a person is willing to pay for an additional unit of a GorS
General rule – the more there is of a good, the smaller the marginal benefit and the less one is
willing to pay for an additional unit of it
o = the principle of decreasing marginal benefit
The marginal benefit curve shows the relationship between the MB and the quantity of the good
o The MB curve (line) slopes downward, reflecting the principle of decreasing MB
Allocative Efficiency: when we cannot produce more of any one good without giving up some
other good that we value more highly
o Producing at the point on the PPF that we prefer above all other points
Production Efficiency: when we cannot produce more of any one good without giving up some
other good
o Producing at a point on the PPF
The point of allocative efficiency is the point on the PPF at which
o Not $ but guns per unit of butter
This point is determined by the quantity at which the MB curve
intersects the MC curve
Economic Growth:
The expansion of production possibilities – an increase in the material standard of living – is
called economic growth. Influenced by:
o Technological change – the development of new goods and better ways of producing
o Capital accumulation – the growth of capital resources, includes human capital
The cost of economic growth 0 to use resources
in research and development, we must decrease our
production of consumption G&S
The OC of EG is less current consumption
By using some resources to produce capital
goods, the PPF shifts outward in the future
To graph OC of EG, compare capital input
purchased with output
Capital accumulation shifts the PPF outwards