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Block 5 –
Learning Objectives
Arunan Sriravindrarajah
The following lecture objectives were ordered thematically
Anatomy ................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Thorax – Heart .............................................................................................................................................. 4
Thorax – Clinical Anatomy ........................................................................................................................ 6
Imaging ................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Thorax - Radiology ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Thorax – Radiology II – An Interactive Session............................................................................... 7
Cardiac Physiology .................................................................................................................................................. 8
The Heart as a Pump – The Cardiac Cycle ......................................................................................... 8
Cardiac Muscle Function ............................................................................................................................ 9
Control of Cardiac Output ....................................................................................................................... 10
Autonomic Cardiovascular Physiology and Pharmacology ......................................................... 11
Regulation of Blood Flow to Tissues ................................................................................................... 13
Medium to Long-Term Regulation of Blood Pressure ................................................................... 14
Muscle Weakness and Fatigue .............................................................................................................. 15
Cardiac Pathophysiology ...................................................................................................................................... 16
Pathophysiology of Clinical Features in the Heart ......................................................................... 16
Treatment of Heart Failure ..................................................................................................................... 18
Pathological Consequences of Heart Failure .................................................................................... 20
Lipids in Heart Disease ............................................................................................................................ 21
Clinical Features, Investigation and Treatment of Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) ..... 22
Treatment of Chronic Ischaemic Heart Disease ............................................................................. 23
Peripheral Vascular Disease (Investigation, Acute and Chronic Management) ................. 25
Cardiac Investigations ........................................................................................................................................... 26
Introduction to ECG .................................................................................................................................. 26
Investigating Coronary Disease and Cardiac Function ................................................................ 28
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Angiography ......................................................................................... 29
The ECG in Ischaemia .............................................................................................................................. 30
Valvular Heart Disease .......................................................................................................................................... 31
Abnormal Heart Valves ............................................................................................................................ 31
Infective Endocarditis ............................................................................................................................... 31
Medical, Percutaneous and Surgical Management of Valvular Heart Disease .................... 33
Genetics and Congenital Abnormalities ............................................................................................................... 34
Genes and Cardiovascular Disease ..................................................................................................... 34
Environment, Epigenetics and Foetal Programming ..................................................................... 35
Chromosomal Abnormalities .................................................................................................................. 36
Development of Heart and Cardiovascular System ...................................................................... 37
Circulatory Changes at Birth.................................................................................................................. 38
Introduction to Congenital Abnormalities of the Heart ............................................................... 39
Developmental Delay / Disability ......................................................................................................................... 41
Identifying Developmental Delay......................................................................................................... 41
Support and Medical Services for Down Syndrome ...................................................................... 41
Intellectual Disability Support and Families .................................................................................... 42
Arrhythmias .......................................................................................................................................................... 43
Supraventricular Arrhythmias and Bradyarrhythmias (Including AF, SVT) ......................... 43
Introduction to Ventricular Arrhythmias ........................................................................................... 44
Anti-Arrhythmic Drugs ............................................................................................................................. 45
Hypertension ........................................................................................................................................................ 46
Obesity-Related Hypertension .............................................................................................................. 46
End-Organ Damage in Hypertension .................................................................................................. 47
Pharmacology of Hypertension Management .................................................................................. 48
Clinical Examination and Investigation in Hypertension ............................................................. 49
Other..................................................................................................................................................................... 50
Introduction to Somatisation ................................................................................................................. 50
Pulmonary Hypertension ......................................................................................................................... 51
The Link between Depression and Cardiovascular Disease ....................................................... 53
PPD ....................................................................................................................................................................... 54
Professional Communication – How to Get Published .................................................................. 54
Seminars ............................................................................................................................................................... 56
Seminar – Exercise and the Heart ....................................................................................................... 56
Seminar – Cardiovascular Disease – A Population Medicine Perspective – The individual
Within the Community ............................................................................................................................. 56
Seminar – Complementary Alternative Medicine........................................................................... 58
Seminar – Sensing Blood Flow ............................................................................................................. 60
Seminar – Cardiovascular Disease – A Population Medicine Perspective – Social and
Systemic Responses ................................................................................................................................. 60
Seminar – Team Conference – Chest Pain ....................................................................................... 62
Seminar – Critical Appraisal of Systematic Reviews .................................................................... 64
Seminar – Investigation of Cardiac Abnormalities in Kids ......................................................... 64
Seminar – Normal ECG Demonstration ............................................................................................. 65
Seminar – Drugs in the Community ................................................................................................... 66
Seminar – Critical Appraisal of Intervention Studies ................................................................... 67
Seminar – ECG and Arrhythmias ......................................................................................................... 68
Detailed anatomical organisation and of the great vessels, pericardium and
the structures of the heart, for example the electrical system, chambers,
There are four chambers of the heart – Right Atrium and Ventricle AND Left Atrium and Ventricle
There are four valves in the heart – Tricuspid (RA to RV), Pulmonary (RV to Pulmonary Trunk), Mitral
(LA to LV) and Aortic (LV to Aorta)
o Only the Mitral Valve has 2 leaflets; the other 3 valves have three leaflets
o Aortic and Pulmonary valve leaflets are referred to as ‘semi-lunar cusps’ (different in
structure to the Tricuspid and Mitral Valves)
It is important to understand that Pulmonary Circulation is low pressure, whilst the Systemic
Circulation is high pressure
o As a result, the Left Ventricle is much thicker than the Right Ventricle (to cope with the
higher pressure)
 Systemic Hypertension will typically result in the Left Ventricle coping adequately by
thickening (rather than having Left Ventricular Failure)
o Conversely, the Right Ventricle is much thinner and cannot cope well with higher pressure in
the Pulmonary Circulation (leading to Right Ventricular Failure)
External Jugular Vein will typically drain into the Subclavian Vein, which will then together with the
Internal Jugular Vein form the Brachiocephalic Vein, which drains into the Superior Vena Cava
The Pulmonary Trunk (from the Right Ventricle) is anterior to the Aorta, though the right branch of
the Pulmonary Trunk (i.e. Right Pulmonary Artery) will pass under the Arch of the Aorta to the Right
Right Ventricle is the most anterior chamber in anatomical position, whilst the Right Atrium is also an
anterior chamber
o The Left Atrium is the most posterior chamber in anatomical position, whilst the Left
Ventricle wraps around both Anterior and Posterior aspects of the body in anatomical
Pericardium has a fibrous and serous component
o The Fibrous Pericardium is easily visible as the ‘leathery’ outer layer
o The Serous Pericardium can be divided into Parietal and Visceral layers (with Pericardial
Cavity between these two serous pericardium layers)
o Innervation of the Fibrous and Parietal Pericardium is via the Phrenic Nerve (C3,4,5), whilst
innervations of the Visceral Pericardium is via the T1-T5 sympathetic nerves
 Innervation of Fibrous and Parietal Pericardium by Phrenic Nerve means that
pathologies in these areas can result in referred pain towards the shoulder and jaw
area (as this is also innervated by the Phrenic Nerve)
 Innervation of Visceral Pericardium by T1-5 Sympathetic Nerves means that
pathologies in this area can result in referred pain towards the upper arm (as this is
also innervated by the T1-5 Sympathetic Nerves)
The Right Atrium can be divided into a two components: Muscular and Smooth
o The ‘Crista Terminalis’ divides the Muscular (i.e. Pectinate Muscle) and Smooth parts, and
will progress from the SVC to the IVC
Other features of the Right Atrium include:
o Coronary Sinus – this is where the Heart’s own blood supply drains (i.e. heart venous
circulation will drain into Right Atrium via Coronary Sinus)
o Foramen Ovale – this is a connection between the Right and Left Atrium, which exists
 This will close off as part of normal development leaving behind the Fossa Ovale
Right Ventricle will initially begin as a smooth part beneath the Pulmonary Valve (Infundibulum) and
then becomes muscular in nature
o This transition between Smooth and Muscular components occurs at the Intra-Ventricular
Septum (IVS) [which is a potential site of pathology]
Unique features of the Right Ventricle include the presence of the Infundibulum and a
greater quantity of Trabeculae Carnae (which mean ‘beams’)
 Trabeculae Carnae are the ridges in the ventricle wall that are distinct from the
Papillary Muscle
Tricuspid Valve (which is the valve in between the Right Atrium and Right Ventricle) is anchored to the
Right Ventricle by the Chordae Tendinae (which itself is connected to the Papillary Muscle)
o Each of the Leaflets will be associated with separate Chordae Tendinae, which are connected
to an individual Papillary Muscle
o Papillary Muscles originate from the Muscular component of the Right Ventricle
o Moderator Band will connect the Papillary Muscle to the Intra-ventricular Septum (IVS)
 Note the Moderate Band is an anatomical feature of the Right Ventricle, but does
NOT serve any clinical purpose
Left Atrium will have four Pulmonary Veins drain into it from the Lungs (i.e. Right and Left Superior
and Inferior Pulmonary Veins)
o These Pulmonary Veins will insert into the back wall of the Left Atrium supplying oxygenated
o Left Atrium will have a Left Atrial Appendage
o Left Atrium is also smaller than the Right Atrium, but has thicker walls
Left Ventricle has a similar general structure / anatomical features to the Right Ventricle; for example:
o Mitral Valve has the same structure as the Tricuspid Valve (i.e. each leaflet anchored to the
Left Ventricle by the Chordae Tendinae [which itself is connected to a Papillary Muscle])
o Trabeculae Carnae are also present
o However, key differences are the Left Ventricle has thicker walls and less quantity of
Trabeculae Carnae compared to the Right Ventricle
The two Coronary Arteries will originate behind two of the three cusps (i.e. Left and Right Cusp) of the
Aortic Valve (i.e. this area behind the cusps is known as the ‘Sinus of Valsalva’)
The term ‘Aortic Root’ refers to the entire structure at the base of the Aorta (including the Aortic
o The Sinotubular Junction is the point of division between the Aortic Root and the Ascending
Coronary Arteries will arise from behind the cusps of the Aortic Valve and are on the outer surface of
the heart
o Left Coronary Artery will travel 1cm before branching into the Circumflex Artery and Anterior
Interventricular Artery (also known as the Left Anterior Descending [LAD] Artery)
 Anterior Interventricular Artery (i.e. LAD) travels through the Anterior
Interventricular Groove
o Right Coronary Artery [RCA] will initially travel on the anterior aspect of the heart before
progressing to the posterior aspect of the heart
 In 80% of patients, the Posterior Interventricular Artery (also known as the Posterior
Descending Artery [PDA]) [which travels within the Posterior Interventricular
Groove] will arise from the RCA
 However, in ~15% of patients, the Posterior Interventricular Artery will arise from
the Circumflex Artery
 In the remaining ~5% of patients, the Posterior Interventricular Artery can arise
from both the RCA and Circumflex Artery
Coronary Sinus is a structure on the posterior aspect of the heart that collects blood from the venous
supply of the heart (Great, Middle and Small Cardiac Veins) and drains into the Right Atrium
o Great Cardiac Vein will run adjacent to the LAD Artery, whilst the Small Cardiac Vein will run
adjacent to the RCA Artery [both on the anterior aspect of the heart]
o Middle Cardiac Vein will run adjacent to the Posterior Interventricular Artery, whilst the
Coronary Sinus flows into the Right Atrium [both of these are on the posterior aspect of the
SA Node is in the Superior Right Atrium near the SVC, whilst the AV Node is immediately superior to
the junction between the Right Atrium and Right Ventricle
o ‘Bundle of His’ refers to fibres from the AV Node that travel through the Intra-Ventricular
Septum (IVS)
‘Purkinje Fibres’ are the microscopic network of fibres that travel from the IVS throughout
both Ventricles that enable synchronous contraction
The surface anatomy of the heart and clinical significance
The interventricular septum is mainly muscular but superiorly there is a small membranous portion
which can be the site for a ventricular septal defect
~20% of people will have a Patent Foramen Ovale (i.e. that did not close off fully); this is typically not
a significant problem as the quantity of blood that passes through this Patent Foramen Ovale is not
o In contrast, an Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) at this location will involve significant quantities of
blood passing through and is a significant problem
Left Atrial Appendage serves no clinical purpose other than being a potential site for Thrombus
o Atrial Fibrillation involves the Atrium beating out of synchronisation from the Ventricles
o This can result in blood pooling in the Atrium in the appendage resulting in a clot
o If this clot is pumped into the Systemic Circulation, this could travel to the brain and cause a
o Hence, patients with Atrial Fibrillation are typically given prophylactic anti-coagulants to
prevent clotting
o Note: Patients undergoing open-heart surgery / bypass surgery who may potentially be at
risk of Atrial Fibrillation will commonly have their Left Atrial Appendage tied off (to prevent
the risk of thrombus formation)
Left Ventricle will adapt to a pressure load by hypertrophying (which reduced internal cavity size) and
to a volume load by dilating
Arch of Aorta will become more prominent as people age
Left Ventricle will dilate and increase in size towards the left when there is Left Heart Failure
Left Atrial enlargement may occur if there is a problem (e.g. Stenosis) with the Mitral Valve
o This will result in the loss of curve between the Aortic Knuckle and Left Ventricle on a Chest
X-Ray (instead there will be a straight line from the Aortic Knuckle to the Left Ventricle)
Right Ventricle enlargement (e.g. due to Pulmonary Hypertension) will result in a more pronounced
curve at the bottom right of the heart on a Chest X-Ray
In Chest X-Rays of Heart Failure, lung markings are much more visible (due to the presence of fluid, as
fluid backs up from the heart into the Interstitium [and eventually Alveoli] of the lung)
o Upper Lobe Diversion will result in more pronounced / visible blood vessels in the upper
LAD Artery supplies most of the anterior aspect of the Left Ventricle, so infarct of this artery can
damage up to ~25% of the Left Ventricle
o In contrast, infarct of the Left Circumflex Artery (which supplies the lateral aspect of the Left
Ventricle) will result in a smaller infarct area of the Left Ventricle and hence less damage
o The RCA supplies both the Right Atrium and Right Ventricle as well as a small part of the
inferior wall of the Left Ventricle, so infarct of the RCA can result in a small level of Left
Ventricular dysfunction
 Infarct of the RCA can also cause Bradycardia, as this artery supplies the SA Node
~60% of the time and the AV node ~80% of the time
Understand the major features of the clinical anatomy of the Thorax
Mitral Valve murmurs are more apparent / louder when the patient is rolled onto their left hand side,
as the heart (and hence the Mitral Valve) is closer to the chest wall
Aortic Stenosis and Mitral Regurgitation are the most common valvular abnormalities in Australia
Treatment for Empyema (i.e. build-up of pus in the pleural space) would require a surgical procedure
(i.e. decortication) to remove the Empyema (and the associated fibrous tissue) and to enable the lung
to re-expand
Draining would likely be ineffective as this would not deal with the fibrous tissue surrounding
the Empyema
o Draining would result in the cavity remaining (which would re-fill with fluid and likely get reinfected once more)
Thoracentesis will require avoiding the neurovascular structures to avoid any bleeding or pain
o This is commonly performed under CT or Ultrasound guidance to ensure the needle is
inserted appropriately
o Air is typically drained apically (2nd intercostal space at the mid-clavicular line) whilst fluid is
typically drained laterally (5th intercostal space at the mid-axillary line)
Tumour in the apex of the right lung has the potential to irritate the Brachial Plexus (e.g. C8/T1
o Removal of tumours is this location can be quite difficult due to the presence of other
important structures limiting access
Oesophageal Hiatus (through the Diaphragm) is at the midline, though the oesophagus will travel
towards the left-hand side of the body
The Bronchi will divide into:
o Primary (Main) Bronchi
o Secondary (Lobar) Bronchi
o Tertiary (Segmental) Bronchi
Right Main Bronchus is typically a short, straightened structure
o Foreign bodies aspirated will typically travel down this Right Main Bronchus (rather than the
Left Main Bronchus) due to this anatomical difference
The Left Bronchus can be distinguished from the Right Bronchus in a Bronchoscopy by the location of
the Trachealis Muscle
o Longitudinal Fibres of the Trachealis Muscles are at the posterior of the Trachea, and can be
used to orient oneself
Patient with a tumour around the Carina will typically present with Haemoptysis and Stridor (due to
the physical obstruction of the tumour in the airways)
Loss of border of the lesion / tumour in the Right Upper Zone in a Chest X-Ray is highly suspicious and
may be suggestive of being a malignant tumour
Understand the major structures of the thorax from radiographs
SVC and Brachiocephalic Veins are more anterior in the body (compared to the Aorta and
Brachiocephalic Trunk which are relatively more posterior compared to these veins)
Azygous Vein flows into the SVC near the junction of the Trachea and Right Bronchus on a Chest X-Ray
Left Pulmonary Artery will travel behind the Left Bronchus, whilst the Right Pulmonary Artery will
remain in front of the Right Bronchus
Pneumothorax will be more easily visible on Chest X-Ray in full expiration (as the lung is more
compressed and hence the lung markings [and hence absence of lung markings] are more visible)
Lordotic X-Ray will move the Clavicles away from the Apices of the Lung; this will make it easier to
view the Apices of the lung
Lateral decubitus view (i.e. patient rolled onto their side) will make it easier to view fluid / foreign
bodies in both the Thoracic and Abdominal cavities
Radiological complications from an Asthma attack that may be visible on a Chest X-Ray are either a
Pneumothorax or a Pneumomediastinum (i.e. air in the mediastinum)
Acute Left Ventricular Failure will result in Acute Pulmonary Oedema  this will be visible on a Chest
X-Ray (i.e. Kerley B lines, increased opacification of lung fields, etc.)
Pleural Effusion will be visible earlier on a lateral Chest X-Ray compared to a Frontal X-Ray (as ~50mL
of fluid will be visible on a Lateral X-Ray whilst ~250mL of fluid are required to be visible on a Frontal
Rib Fracture may not be easily visible on a Frontal X-Ray given the curved nature of ribs
o If the clinical picture is indicative of a rib fracture (e.g. pain on inspiration following trauma to
chest), then assume there is a rib fracture even if this cannot be identified on a Chest X-Ray
Deviation of airway towards the side of concern suggests Atelectasis (i.e. collapse of lung), whilst
deviation of airways away from the side of concern suggests Tension Pneumothorax (which should be
a clinical rather than X-Ray diagnosis!)
Flat Diaphragm suggests underlying COPD, whilst a Raised Diaphragm can result from a range of
different factors (e.g. Phrenic Nerve Palsy, Hepatomegaly, etc.)
Loss of contrast between borders of Heart and Diaphragm with respect to the lung suggests
consolidation of the lung
Prominence of the Hilum suggests congestion (which could indicate Left Ventricular failure)
Rib fractures are most easily identified if they are on the lateral aspect of the rib (i.e. the sides of the
Right Middle Lobe Consolidation will be indicated by the loss of the Right Heart border
o In contrast, loss of diaphragm edge can be indicative of Lower Lobe Consolidation
Pulmonary Oedema can be identified in a Chest X-Ray from widespread opacification across both
Understand the cardiac cycle, including its two major phases:
o The flow of blood of around the body is determined by pressure
generated by the pump action of the heart
o The key to understanding valve abnormalities and the complex birth
defects of the heart is a detailed understanding of the cardiac cycle
The heart is a pump whose function is to pump adequate amounts of blood to all tissues of the body
o Supply to each group of cells should be matched to its needs
o This will avoid both ischemia (if supply < demand) AND any unnecessary energy usage (if
supply > demand)
There are two major phases in the cardiac cycle:
o Diastole (i.e. Filling Phase) – the heart will fill passively due to the pressure gradient from the
Great Veins
 It is important the pressure in the Right Atrium during diastole is low enough so that
it will fill passively from the Great Veins due to the pressure gradient (i.e. Filling
 Failure of the Right Atrium pressure to be lower than the Great Veins’ pressures
during diastole will result in pathology
o Systole (i.e. Ejection Phase) – the heart actively contracts and pumps blood through the body
Ventricles are the key chambers responsible for the pump function of the heart
o Ventricles have valves at input and output to ensure the flow of blood in the desired
direction only
The stimuli to contract the Heart is via intrinsic pacemaker regions (e.g. SA Node) rather than a nerve
o This provides evolutionary advantage as the heart is more likely to continue to contract
SA Node will fire spontaneously (~80 signals / minute) and create an Action Potential that is
conducted across the Atrium in all directions
o This signal is received by the AV Node, which will then conduct this signal to the Bundle of
His (BOH)
However, there is a time delay for the AV Node to conduct the electrical signal from
the SA Node to the BOH
 Note: The AV Node and BOH also have the potential to fire spontaneously and each
could act as a pacemaker in the heart (though it spontaneously fires at a slower rate
[i.e. ~60 and ~40 signals / minute respectively] compared to the SA Node)
o BOH will transmit the signal to the Purkinje Fibres, which are located in the inside of both
Ventricles (at which point the electrical signal is transmitted from cell-to-cell within the
Cardiac Muscle of the Ventricles)
 The transmission of the electrical signal via the BOH in the midline of the heart to
each of the Ventricles enables the Ventricles to contract synchronously
Spontaneous Firing of SA Node occurs as the SA Node electrical potential will spontaneously rise until
it reaches a threshold that triggers an Action Potential (after which the electrical potential will
spontaneously rise once more)
o The rate of spontaneous increase in electrical potential (and hence heart rate) is regulated by
the autonomic nervous system
Understand the pressures and volume changes occurring in each chamber
throughout the cardiac cycle and the way in which these lead to opening and
closing of the valves
o This facilitates understanding of the ECG, the heart sounds and the
functional changes in many arrhythmias and at abnormally low and
high heart rates
o Note: The heart has four chamber and four valves
Slight increase in pressure in the Atrium once the Ventricle commences contraction is due to the
closure of the Mitral Valve
o This closure of the valve will increase the pressure within the Atrium
o Pressure of Atrium will reduce once the Mitral Valve opens as there is opportunity for the
remaining blood in the Atrium to flow into the Ventricle
Pressure in Ventricle and Atrium will be the same when the Mitral Valve opens
o The pressures will diverge once the Mitral Valve closes, with the pressure in the Ventricle
rising very steeply (Isovolumic Contraction Phase)
o The Aortic Valve will then open, resulting in a slower rise in pressure and reduction in volume
of the Ventricle (Ejection Phase)
o The closure of the Aortic Valve will result in a rapid reduction in the pressure of the Ventricle
(Isovolumic Relaxation Phase)
o The Mitral Valve will then re-open after the Ventricle Pressure falls to the level of the Atrial
Pressure, resulting in the Ventricle to commence filling (Passive Filling Phase)
 The Atrial Filling Component Phase occurs at the conclusion of the Passive Filling
Phase due to the contraction of the Atrium; this will only fill the heart a smart
amount beyond the filling achieved in the Passive Filling Phase
o Note: Pressures in the Right Heart are ~25% of the pressures in the Left Heart
The minimum volume of the Heart is ~80mL (i.e. heart never completely empties of blood)
Understand the organisation, structure and function of cardiac muscle
o All muscles are compromises between high speed and high force
which are desirable but very costly metabolically and require complex
control mechanisms which are more liable to damage
o Cardiac muscle is specialised in a number of ways to meet the
functional requirements of the heart
Myocytes (i.e. Cardiac Muscle Cells) are small cells (which enables rapid diffusion of Oxygen) and
contain numerous mitochondria
o This enables them to produce energy via Oxidative Phosphorylation; this enables the heart to
be continuously active in a metabolically efficient manner that is not liable to fatigue
Disadvantage is that there is a propensity for ischaemic damage (if there is a loss of oxygen
supply), as well as a loss of force production (as there is a greater proportion of mitochondria
instead of only being myofibrils)
Myocytes are connected via end-to-end gap junctions
o This results in low resistance between cells and enables current to pass from cell-to-cell
o This allows rapid conduction of the AP from cell to cell (and across whole heart), which
enables synchronous pumping of the heart
Action potential is triggered by a depolarising current from the rapid, inward flow of Na+ ions (similar
to nerve and muscles)
o However, in contrast to Skeletal Muscle, there is additionally a slower, inward flow of Ca2+
ions  this slow inflow prolongs the long plateau of the Action Potential (compared to
Skeletal Muscle) to ~300ms
 Note: Calcium channel blocking drugs will reduce this inflow and slow the heart rate
and contractility of the heart
o Repolarising current will then occur from the efflux of K+ ions
The prolonging of the Action Potential (through slow inward flow of Ca2+) is designed to prevent
repetitive activity (i.e. tetany) which would prevent diastolic filling (and hence reduce cardiac output
to zero)
o Disadvantage of prolonged action potential is that it requires a careful balance between
depolarising and repolarising currents; errors in this balance may result in arrhythmias
Action potential will trigger the excitation-contraction coupling (i.e. conversion of electrical signal to
mechanical response) via:
o AP activates Calcium Current (i.e. ICa) and causes a small Calcium entry into the cell
o Calcium binds to Sarcoplasmic Reticulum (SR) Calcium Release Channel within the cell and
opens it (resulting in Calcium induced Calcium release [CICR])
o Large Calcium release from SR causes contraction of the cell
o Relaxation (which enables diastolic filling) is caused by:
 Reuptake of Calcium into the SR by the SR Calcium pump
 Removal of Calcium from the cell by the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger on the cell surface
There are complex mechanisms for varying calcium release within myocytes (e.g. in response to
sympathetic triggers such as adrenaline)  this enables the myocytes to vary output over a large
range (through higher force and rate of contraction)
o Furthermore, the development of multiple Calcium pumps in the myocyte ensures
intracellular calcium is sufficiently low in diastole; this causes the heart to be extremely
compliant during diastole and ensures adequate diastolic filling
NOTE: The ‘Learning Objectives’ section of the Compass page for this lecture has a lot of relevant
information (
Understand the mechanisms for varying cardiac output
Cardiac Output = Heart Rate x Stroke Volume = HR x (End Diastolic Volume – End Systolic Volume)
The stimuli to contract the Heart (i.e. Heart Rate) is via intrinsic pacemaker regions (e.g. SA Node)
Currents involved in the pacemaker function include:
o If current – this will be triggered by hyperpolarisation (rather than depolarisation) and will
contain a range of different cations (i.e. non-specific cation current)
o Na/Ca exchanger – this will contribute current as it pumps in three Na+ ions for each Ca2+
ion pumped out
o L-type Calcium current responsible for rising phase of the Action Potential (AP)
Heart Rate can be increased through sympathetic activation (e.g. Adrenaline)
o However, there is a maximum effective heart rate of ~180 due to the diastolic filling time
(and hence diastolic filling) being inadequate if HR >180
Beta-blockers and Ca2+ Channel Blockers will reduce heart rate, but they are also negatively inotropic
Hence, they will not only reduce the heart rate but also reduce the stroke volume (by
reducing the release of Calcium and the force of contraction)
o Alternatively, Ivabradine is a non-inotropic agent that will slow the heart rate through
blocking the If current
End Systolic Volume is determined by the force of contraction (i.e. inotropic state)
o Force of contraction in muscle contractile proteins can be increased via increasing the
systolic Calcium ion concentration
o Interventions to increase Calcium ion concentration include:
 Increased stimulation frequency  Calcium enters with each Action Potential
 Increased extracellular Calcium  Calcium entry is increased and Na/Ca exchanger
is also affected by extracellular Calcium concentration
 Sympathetic stimulation (e.g. Noradrenaline released from sympathetic nerves)
 Cardiac Glycosides (e.g. Digoxin)  blocks Na+ pump, which inhibits efflux of
Calcium through Na/Ca exchanger
o Interventions to reduce Calcium ion concentration include:
 Calcium channel blockers  reduce Calcium entry and reduce Calcium release from
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
 Beta-blockers inhibit sympathetic activation
End Diastolic Volume is determined by the central venous pressure (i.e. preload)
o The greater the pressure, the larger the end diastolic volume
However, increased central venous pressure (i.e. preload) stretches the cardiac muscle and causes
increased force production by several mechanisms including increased sliding filament overlap and
increased Ca2+ sensitivity of the contractile proteins
o Consequently, the stretched heart has a greater Stroke Volume and a greater Cardiac Output
o This is summarized as ‘Starling’s Law’ (i.e. Cardiac Output is dependent on Central Venous
Central Venous Pressure (i.e. preload) is regulated via:
o Muscle Pump – muscle contractions will pump blood from the peripheral veins to the central
veins; this increase in volume will increase CVP
o Sympathetic Innervation of peripheral veins – this results in vasoconstriction, which will
pump blood from the peripheral veins to the central veins; this increase in volume will
increase CVP
o Renin/Angiotensin/Aldosterone system – this increases sodium and water retention; this
increase in volume will increase CVP
Patient following moderate heart attack will have reduced Cardiac Output
o The body may compensate fully for this by increasing the CVP (and hence increasing the
Cardiac Output)
 This may be performed by increasing Na+ and water retention, which increases
blood volume and hence increases CVP
o However, in patients with severe heart attacks, Na+ and water retention will be insufficient
to fully compensate for the reduction in Cardiac Output
 These patients will progressively increase their water retention resulting in severe
Peripheral Oedema and Pulmonary Oedema (which will inhibit gas exchange /
Afterload refers to the pressure into which the heart needs to pump (i.e. systemic arterial blood
o The energy required by the heart is dependent on the stroke volume and the afterload
o Cardiac output will fall at extremely high arterial blood pressures, as the heart is unable to
generate sufficient energy to work at the level required to maintain SV at these pressures
Understand the principles of neurotransmission in autonomic efferent
nerves, together with the concept of autonomic neuronal receptor
Autonomic Nerves are those nerves that innervate anything other than skeletal muscle (which is
innervated by Somatic Nerves)
There are three components of the Autonomic Nervous System
o Sympathetic System – these Nerve Fibres arise from either the Thoracic or Lumbar regions of
the spinal cord (Intermediolateral [IML] component of the Spinal Cord)
o Parasympathetic System – these Nerve Fibres arise from either the Brainstem or the Sacral
region of the spinal cord
o Enteric System – this is intrinsic to the gut
The major neurotransmitters in the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are
Noradrenaline, Adrenaline and Acetylcholine
o The neurotransmitter released from all Sympathetic and Parasympathetic preganglionic
nerve terminals is Acetylcholine (hence these nerve fibres are described as cholinergic);
these will act on Nicotinic Receptors
o Most of the Sympathetic postganglionic nerve fibres release Noradrenaline (plus a small
fraction of Adrenaline) and are described as Adrenergic fibres; these will act on
 There are a few Sympathetic postganglionic nerve fibres that release Acetylcholine;
these are described as sympathetic cholinergic fibres and will act on either
Muscarinic or Nicotinic Receptors
o The Parasympathetic postganglionic nerve fibres are cholinergic, releasing Acetylcholine
from their terminals at the neuro-effector junction
One preganglionic fibre may innervate up to 100 postganglionic neurons, whilst one postganglionic
neuron may be innervated by multiple preganglionic fibres
Neurotransmitters are released from the pre-synaptic terminal of the Axon and will impact upon the
target (e.g. smooth muscle cell) to trigger a response / action
Neuromodulators are substances that can potentiate and / or inhibit the effects of neurotransmitters
o For example, Neuropeptide Y will inhibit the release of Noradrenaline (to prevent the
depletion of Noradrenaline by preventing excessive secretion) whilst maintaining its
effectiveness / impact (by potentiating its action on the smooth muscle cell)
Preganglionic neurons are specific to a particular target / function (depending on the type of
preganglionic neuron) (e.g. neuron A is specific to blood vessels vs. neuron B is specific to the heart)
o There are also sub-populations within each major group (e.g. those neurons that innervate
blood vessels in skin are separate from those neurons that innervate blood vessels in skeletal
o These different sub-groups can be independently controlled by inputs from spinal afferents
or descending inputs from brain nuclei
o This specificity will enable the sympathetic nervous system to trigger only particular
functions (rather than all functions at once)
 The various different receptors triggering sympathetic activity will each have
different impacts on the different types of preganglionic neurons
Heart receives innervations from both sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves
o Sympathetic nervous system innervates the SA Node (and hence can increase heart rate) and
the Atrial and Ventricular Myocardium (and hence can increase contractility)
o Conversely, Vagus Nerve (i.e. parasympathetic nervous system) innervates the SA Node (and
hence can decrease heart rate) and to a lesser extent the Atrial and Ventricular Myocardium
(and hence can decrease contractility)
Blood vessels diameter will be influenced by sympathetic innervations (resulting in vasodilation)
o This will change the peripheral resistance and hence blood pressure
o Note: There is minimal parasympathetic innervations of blood vessels; exception is particular
Cerebral Vessels and Erectile Tissue
Sympathetic vasoconstrictor nerves are tonically active (i.e. active at all time)
o Hence, denervation will result in loss of vasoconstriction (and hence trigger vasodilation of
the blood vessels)
o The signal to remain tonically active arises from the brain, so high spinal / brain injury can
also result in the loss of this vasoconstriction (and hence trigger vasodilation of the blood
o Note: The neurotransmitter is usually Noradrenaline (and hence these are adrenergic nerves)
‘Baroreceptor Reflex’ is the single most important reflex that regulates blood pressure in the shortterm
o This reflex will maintain the blood pressure within normal limits in the short-term by
adjusting the level of sympathetic stimulation to a range of different organs (e.g. heart,
blood vessels, kidneys, etc.)
o Other factors affecting sympathetic stimulation include stress / anxiety, circulating
hormones, disease states (e.g. hypertension), ‘central command’ (e.g. during exercise), etc.
Increased sympathetic nerve activity is associated with heart failure, hypertension and obesity
NOTE: The ‘Content’ section of the Compass page for this lecture has a lot of relevant information
Understand the nervous and hormonal mechanisms designed to regulate the
blood flow to tissues
o The aim of the circulation it to provide every cell with appropriate
amounts of oxygen, glucose, etc. and to remove waste products such
as CO2, heat, etc.
o Because the intrinsic metabolic rates of different tissues vary widely
and because the metabolic rate can change dramatically with activity,
this process requires a series of control mechanisms which regulate
blood flow to each of the tissues
Arterial Blood Pressure is normally held constant by the Baroreceptor Reflex and the Sympathetic
Nervous System
o Largest pressure drop in the circulation occurs along arterioles  hence, arterioles have the
greatest resistance to flow
o With tissues in parallel, flow to any tissue is inversely related to its resistance
o Hence, Arteriolar resistance, which is set by the degree of constriction of smooth muscle in
the arteriolar walls, determines tissue blood flow
Extrinsic determinants of arteriolar smooth muscle constriction include:
o Sympathetic stimulation of Alpha-adrenoreceptors causing vasoconstriction
 This is used for short term regulation of the BP
 Density of sympathetic innervations is high in low-priority organs (e.g. skin, GI tract)
and low in high-priority organs (e.g. brain, heart)  this means there is a greater
capacity to reduce blood flow in the low-priority organs
o Parasympathetic stimulation causing vasodilation
 In contrast to the tonically active sympathetic stimulation, parasympathetic
activation only occurs under specific circumstances
o Circulating hormones
 Adrenaline causes peripheral vasoconstriction through its impact on Alpha-1
adrenoreceptors but vasodilation through its impact on Beta-2 adrenoreceptors
 Angiotensin causes widespread vasoconstriction
 Vasopressin (i.e. ADH) causes widespread vasoconstriction
 Histamine caused vasodilation and increased capillary permeability
Intrinsic determinants of arteriolar smooth muscle constriction include:
o Basal Vascular Tone – this is caused by spontaneous vascular smooth muscle activity and
stretch-induced activity (by the pressure of blood in the vessel)
 Reduction of this Basal Vascular Tone (e.g. via Nitrates) will result in vasodilation
and increased flow
o Vasodilator Metabolites (e.g. reduced oxygen, increased CO2, lactic acid, adenosine, etc.) –
this can cause relaxation of vascular smooth muscle
 These play a key role in regulating the level of blood flow (via a negative feedback
These are the link between tissue metabolism and blood flow, and are the main
mechanism of action for matching local blood flow to the needs of small groups of
Endothelial-derived Factors – these various vasoactive factors affect underlying smooth
muscle; examples include:
 Nitric Oxide (NO) – an endothelial-derived relaxing factor
 Endothelin – potent vasoconstrictor
 Prostaglandins – powerful local vasodilator
Understand the distinction between medium to long-term regulation, and
short term regulation of arterial pressure
Short-term regulation of arterial pressure will involve temporary changes in response to different
stimuli; for example, there is a diurnal variation in blood pressure where levels are low during late
night / early morning (i.e. sleep time) and rise in the morning after waking up
o Therefore, the recording of Blood Pressure and Heart Rate will vary based on the time of the
day and hence it’s important to take this into consideration when assessing these vital signs
o It may be preferable to measure Blood Pressure and Heart Rate over a 24-hour period when
assessing whether a patient is hypertensive
In contrast, medium to long-term regulation of arterial pressure involves changes in blood pressure
due to chronic, continuous changes (e.g. changes in renal function)
List and describe the different mechanisms of medium to long-term
The different mechanisms of medium to long-term regulation of blood pressure will each impact upon
the kidneys; these include:
o Renin / Angiotensin / Aldosterone system – this will impact total peripheral resistance and
blood volume, both of which impacts blood pressure
o Baroreceptor Reflex – this will stimulate sympathetic changes in the kidneys (e.g. increased
Renin levels, increased sodium retention, increased renal vascular resistance) which will
impact upon blood pressure
 Chronic re-setting of the Baroreceptor Reflex will change sympathetic activation of
the kidneys and result in a change in the renal function curve; this will trigger a
change in the long-term equilibrium blood pressure (e.g. hypertension)
o Salt intake – this will increase sodium and water retention, which will increase blood
o Other mechanisms increasing Renal Sympathetic Activity (e.g. increased Leptin, activation of
chemoreceptors, other circulating hormones, etc.)
Discuss the role of hormones (particularly the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone
Hormones can influence blood pressure through their impact on the level of vasoconstriction /
vasodilation, as well as their impact on fluid levels
For example, the hormone Renin will be released from the kidneys in response to reduced arterial
pressure in the kidneys
o Renin will convert Angiotensinogen to Angiotensin I; this is converted via the Angiotensin
Converting Enzyme (ACE) to Angiotensin II
o Angiotensin II will impact upon a range of different targets such as:
 Brain – this triggers behavioural changes (e.g. drinking water) and a signal to release
Vasopressin (i.e. ADH)
 Adrenal Cortex – this triggers release of Aldosterone
 Blood Vessels – this triggers vasoconstriction
Kidneys – this triggers (in addition to the Vasopressin and Aldosterone from the
Brain and Adrenal Cortex respectively) the increased retention of Na+, which will
result in an accompanying retention of water
o The combined impact is the increase in total peripheral resistance and blood volume, both of
which results in an increase in blood pressure
Other hormones (e.g. Leptin) can trigger sympathetic stimulation of the kidneys, which will increase
blood pressure (via increased Renin levels, increased sodium retention and increased renal vascular
Discuss the interrelationship between arterial pressure and blood volume
Reduction in arterial pressure will trigger the kidneys to release Renin
o This will ultimately increase blood volume (via the Renin / Angiotensin / Aldosterone
system), which will increase arterial pressure
o Once arterial pressure increases to an appropriate level, the kidneys will no longer release
additional Renin and hence the blood volume and arterial pressure will be maintained
Discuss the crucial importance of the kidney in long-term regulation (with
examples to illustrate how a change in renal function can lead to
The position of the Renal Function Curve is critical to determining the equilibrium level of mean
arterial pressure where fluid intake = fluid output
o Changes in renal function will result in a change in the long-term equilibrium arterial
o For example, renal sympathetic nerve activity is increased in Essential Hypertension as this
will shift the Renal Function Curve such that fluid intake and output will be equal at these
higher arterial blood pressures
Kidneys are also critical to the long-term regulation of blood pressure through their key role in the
Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone system
o The levels of Salt and Angiotensin II should be inversely related (in order to maintain arterial
blood pressure at the equilibrium level)
o As a result, failure of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone system will interfere with this ability
to maintain the equilibrium arterial blood pressure
Discuss the methods of measuring muscle force and fatigue, and some of the
causes of muscle weakness
Methods of measuring muscle force include:
o Simple clinical approaches (e.g. squeeze fingers, maximum force of biceps, eyelid droop [in
Myasthenia Gravis], getting up from the floor [child] or chair [adult])
o Objective measurement (e.g. force transducer)
Causes of muscle weakness include:
o Loss of muscle mass due to:
 Old age (i.e. sarcopenia)
 Malnutrition
 Cancer or serious infection
 Immobility / disuse atrophy
 Muscular diseases (e.g. muscular dystrophy)
o Perception of muscle weakness / fatigability (albeit without loss of muscle mass) (i.e. Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome)
o Spinal damage (e.g. trauma, tumour, demyelinating diseases)
o Cortical damage (e.g. stroke, tumour)
o Hormones (e.g. Corticosteroids)
Neuromuscular Junction problems (e.g. Myasthenia Gravis)
Peripheral Motor Neuron problems (e.g. nerve damage)
Fatigue; this may be caused by:
 Any process (e.g. inactivity / immobility) resulting in increased proportion of ‘fast’
fibres (which fatigue easier vs. ‘slow’ fibres)
 Inadequate blood / oxygen supply
 Abnormal muscle metabolism
 Any severe muscle wasting disease (as more effort is required from the remaining
muscle fibres)
Describe objective methods of measuring muscle force and fatigue (including
methods of determining whether weakness is central, neuromuscular or in
the muscle)
Objective methods of measuring muscle force include:
o Force Transducer (to measure maximum force from a muscle group)
o Surface Electromyogram (to assess nerve stimulation)
o MRI (to assess muscle mass)
Identification of the location of the weakness can be performed by stimulating the central upper
motor neuron vs. peripheral nerve vs. muscle fibre directly
o If stimulation of the peripheral nerve can trigger a force, then weakness is central
o If stimulation of the muscle fibre can trigger a force, then weakness is either central and / or
neuromuscular (i.e. upstream)
o If stimulation of the muscle fibre CANNOT trigger a force, then weakness can be either
central, neuromuscular and / or in the muscle
Define heart failure, including a description of the structural adaptations
occurring in the heart and the systemic neurohumoral changes in heart
o The role of cardiac dilatation and preload recruitment will be
o Neurohumoral changes, including activation of the sympathetic
nervous system and the renin-angiotensin system, will be described
Heart Failure is the mechanical failure of the heart to maintain systemic perfusion commensurate
with the requirements of metabolising tissues
o This can be acute heart failure or chronic heart failure
o Alternatively, heart failure can be systolic (i.e. reduced systolic function) vs. diastolic (i.e.
preserved systolic function)
Chronic Heart Failure can result in structural adaptations in the heart such as Hypertrophy or
Ventricular Dysfunction will trigger a Neuroendocrine response
o This Neuroendocrine Response will result in a positive feedback loop that further increases
Ventricular Dysfunction (i.e. increased preload and / or afterload results in increased
Ventricular Dysfunction)
o For example, the Sympathetic Nervous System will be overactive in Heart Failure  this
results in increased Renin release, which will increase blood pressure (i.e. afterload)
Natriuretic Peptides are released in response to increased preload and volume of shear stress
o These peptides will cause Natriuresis (i.e. excretion of sodium in urine), vasodilation and the
suppression of Renin and Endothelin (which are vasoconstrictors)
o There are three classes of Natriuretic Peptides – A-type (release by Atrium), B-type (released
by Ventricles) and C-type (released by Vascular Endothelium)
Understand the pathophysiology of heart failure
The primary effect of Heart Failure is on the heart and vascular system, though adverse effects also
occur in other systems too (e.g. Respiratory, Renal, CNS, etc.)
There are two distinct pathophysiologies of Heart Failure:
o Heart Failure with Reduced Systolic Function (i.e. reduced Ejection Fraction) (HFrEF)
o Heart Failure with Preserved Systolic Function (i.e. preserved Ejection Fraction) (HFpEF)
HF with Preserved Systolic Function results from increased myocardial stiffness; this will inhibit
appropriate relaxation (i.e. diastole) and hence result in decreased end diastolic volume / reduced
stroke volume
o This has both mechanical and metabolic components
o A number of other mechanisms contribute to the pathophysiology, such as:
 Resting and exercise systolic dysfunction
 Impaired ventricular-vascular coupling
 Abnormal exercise and flow-mediated vasodilation
 Chronotropic incompetence (i.e. stiff heart requires longer to fill)
 Pulmonary arterial hypertension
Causes of HF with Preserved Systolic Function include:
o Acute Ischaemia (this limits the energy available to the heart, which inhibits Lusitropy [i.e.
the ability of the heart to relax])
o Age
o Hypertension
o Aortic Stenosis
o Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
o Pericardial Disease
o Sarcoid (and other infiltrative diseases)
There are significant differences between patients with HF with Preserved Systolic Function compared
to HF with Reduced Systolic Function in terms of co-morbidities
o However, the survival prognosis of both groups are similar
o In contrast, the treatment options for HF with Preserved Systolic Function are limited
compared to HF with Reduced Systolic Function
 Diuretics is the main treatment available for HF with Preserved Systolic Function
There is an increase in the slope of the pressure-volume curve for patients with HF with Preserved
Systolic Function
o This magnifies the change in LV Pressure following a change in Preload and / or Afterload
Causes of Acute Heart Failure include:
o Tachycardia
o Pressure or Volume Overload (e.g. Hypertension, Pulmonary Embolism, Pregnancy)
o Acute Valvular Failure (e.g. Endocarditis, Trauma, Valve Dysfunction)
o Acute Myocyte Dysfunction (e.g. Ischaemia, Drugs, Toxins)
o Acute Pericardial Disease (e.g. Pericarditis, Aortic Dissection)
Clinical Manifestations of Acute Heart Failure include:
o Symptoms (of Reduced Output Heart Failure)
 Fatigue / weakness
 Effort intolerance
 Cognitive impairment
 Sleep disturbance
o Symptoms (of Congestive Output Heart Failure)
 Shortness of breath / Orthopnoea
 Peripheral oedema
 Sleep disturbance (e.g. Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnoea)
 GIT symptoms (e.g. dyspepsia, abdominal swelling, etc.)
o Physical Findings
 Peripheral Oedema
 Tachycardia
 Hypotension
 Peripheral cyanosis
 Vascular congestion (e.g. elevated JVP)
 Crepitations in the lungs
Respiratory-related complications occur in Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) as gas exchange is impaired
due to the lung containing excess fluid from the backfill from the heart  this will increase the work
required for breathing resulting in dyspnoea
o These respiratory-related complications will also contribute to worsening heart failure by:
 Increasing respiratory muscle fatigue, which will increase the workload required by
the heart (which worsens the heart failure)
 Triggering hyperventilation, which causes hypocapnia  this results in reduced
ventilatory drive, which will result in sleep apnoea / disruption (which worsens the
heart failure)
Main modes of death in heart failure will be:
o Progressive Heart Failure
o Sudden Death (especially due to VT / VF)
o Stroke
Understand the major principles of drug treatment for heart failure
Patients with a dysfunctional / disadvantaged heart will have their prognosis improved by reducing
the blood pressure (i.e. reducing afterload)
o The appropriate level of blood pressure for such patients will be lower than normal (indeed,
aim for the lowest blood pressure possible without adverse side-effects)
Drug treatment for heart failure attempts to minimise the level of pre-load and / or afterload for
o This will reduce the LV pressure required to maintain cardiac output / perfusion, and hence
reduce the effort required from the heart (which reduces the symptoms of heart failure)
Understand the pharmacological actions of the most frequently used drugs
The main drugs for treatment of heart failure and their mechanisms of action are:
o ACE Inhibitors / ARB (Angiotensin Receptor Blockers) – these will inhibit the Renin /
Angiotensin / Aldosterone system in a manner that will reduce blood pressure (i.e. afterload)
and blood volume (i.e. preload)
o Beta-Blockers – these will reduce sympathetic activation of the heart, which will reduce the
speed of cardiac remodelling such as hypertrophy (which results in loss of cardiac output)
and / or dilatation (which results in congestion)
o Diuretics – these will reduce blood volume and hence pre-load
o Salt Restriction – this will reduce blood volume and hence pre-load
o Inotropes (only used in end-stage heart failure as long-term usage increases mortality) –
these will increase contractility of the heart and thus increase cardiac output
Understand the different drug treatments in patients with heart failure
There is no proven therapy available for Diastolic Heart Failure (i.e. Preserved Systolic Function Heart
Failure)  Diuretics are the main treatment used for patients with this condition
Management / treatment of Systolic Heart Failure will vary depending on whether it is Acute or
Chronic Heart Failure; the particular management / treatments are:
o Acute Heart Failure Treatment
 MONA (Morphine, Oxygen, Nitrates, Aspirin)
 Morphine provides pain relief
 Oxygen reduces dyspnoea and work of breathing
 Nitrates act as a vasodilator (decrease preload and afterload)
 Low-dose diuretic (e.g. Frusemide)  this will reduce blood volume and hence preload
Inotropes (e.g. Dobutamine, Dopamine, etc.)  this will augment contractility
(though it will increase mortality if used long-term)
 Non-drug therapies (e.g. CPAP)
o Chronic Heart Failure Treatment
 Lifestyle changes (e.g. fluid restriction, no salt added diet, reduction / cessation of
 Diuretic (with patient to weight themselves daily and increase dosage of diuretics if
higher levels of fluid are being retained)
 Blocking vasoconstrictive agents (e.g. Angiotensin, Noradrenaline, etc.) in order to
achieve neurohormonal balance
The different drugs available for treatment in chronic heart failure include:
o ACE Inhibitors (e.g. Ramipril, Captopril, Enalapril)
 All the different ACE Inhibitors work exactly the same in treatment of heart failure
 ACE Inhibitors will be effective regardless of whether the patient is post-MI or with
mild, moderate or severe heart failure
 ACE Inhibitors mechanism of action is to inhibit the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone
system (and hence prevents vasoconstriction and increased blood volume)
 Side effects / contraindications include hypotension, hyperkalaemia, angioedema,
dry cough, renal impairment
o Angiotensin Receptor Blocker (e.g. Candesartan, Valsartan)
 Same mechanism of action to ACE Inhibitors, but can be effective at reducing
hospitalisations in patients that are intolerant to ACE Inhibitor
o Aldosterone Antagonists (e.g. Eplerenone, Spironolactone)
 Spironolactone is a useful drug to treat severe heart failure, but there is a significant
risk of hyperkalaemia and / or renal impairment (and gynaecomastia)
 Hence, renal function and potassium levels need to be closely monitored for
patients using Spironolactone
o Beta-Blockers (e.g. Carvedilol, Metoprolol Succinate, Bisoprolol, Nebivolol)
 This is the most effective treatment for reducing mortality from heart failure
 However, the method and timing of administration is critical to ensuring this benefit
 Provision of large doses of Beta-Blockers to patients in Acute Heart Failure
will kill them
 In contrast, patient in the decompensating phase (i.e. post Acute Phase of
Heart Failure) can be commenced slowly on a low dosage of Beta-blockers,
with the dosage slowly increased
 Each of the Beta-blockers are different / unique and so the choice of Beta-blocker is
important (as they may have very different impacts / outcomes)
 Ensure the Beta-blocker prescribed is appropriate for the patient given
their condition and situation
 Side-effects include bronchoconstriction, bradycardia and hypotension
 The bronchoconstrictive effect of Non-selective Beta-Blockers can be
significant, so it’s important to ensure patients are able to tolerate this,
especially if they have a history of respiratory problems
 The scale of the mortality benefit from the use of Beta-Blockers in Heart
Failure is such that doctors will always aim to be use Beta-Blockers if
o Other potential treatments include:
 Fish Oil has been shown to deliver a 9% relative risk reduction in mortality in chronic
heart failure patients
 Ivabradine is another drug that has shown some potential promise for treatment of
heart failure; this works through slowing of the heart rate
 However, recent evidence has shown potentially higher mortality in
patients with active Angina, so further research is needed to better
understand the risks / benefits of this drug
 Angiotensin and Neprilysin inhibitor may potentially improve outcomes for heart
failure patients via increased vasodilation
Beta-Blockers are the equivalent of ACE Inhibitors for first line therapy
o However, ACE Inhibitors are the first line therapy prior to use of Beta-Blockers in Australia, as
the PBS requires the use of ACE Inhibitors prior to the use of Beta-Blockers in order to be
 Note: Remember to only use those specific Beta Blockers that are effective (e.g.
Carvedilol, Metoprolol Succinate, Bisoprolol, Nebivolol)
o Aldosterone antagonists are now the third-line therapy
o Some patients will not respond to ACE Inhibitors and instead need to be treated with
Hydralazine and Nitrates
o Note: Digoxin is an older inotropic drug that is sometimes used, though there is no evidence
this will provide a mortality benefit
 Similarly, Aspirin / Warfarin are drugs that are sometimes used, though there is no
evidence this will provide a mortality benefit
Heart Failure may also trigger Sudden Death due to Arrhythmias
o Many different medications that theoretically minimise Arrhythmias have been considered,
but these have not shown benefits (and sometimes shown harms) from clinical trials of these
o However, the MADIT study illustrated that implantation of a Defibrillator in patients with
Ejection Fraction <35% will increase survival
NSAIDs are contraindicated in patients with heart failure as they have the opposite effect of ACE
Inhibitors (i.e. stimulate Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone system [and hence stimulate vasoconstriction
and increased blood volume])
o Newer diabetic medication (e.g. Thiazolidinediones), antiarrhythmic agents and Metformin
are also contraindicated in heart failure
Statins are ineffective in the treatment of chronic heart failure
Understand the relationship between heart failure and reduced tissue
Congestive Heart Failure is:
o The pathophysiologic state in which an abnormality of cardiac function is responsible for the
failure of the heart to pump blood at a rate commensurate with the requirements of the
metabolising tissues, despite adequate venous filling; and / or
o The heart can only pump adequately when there is an abnormally elevated diastolic volume
Heart failure due to Volume Overload will lead to Dilatation of the chambers, whilst heart failure due
to Pressure Overload will lead to Hypertrophy of the chambers
o Note: End-stage heart disease due to Pressure Overload will involve a decompensatory phase
where the heart dilates
Capability to fully perfuse Cardiac Myocytes will be reduced when the Cardiac Myocytes become
thicker due to hypertrophy (as the nutrients / oxygen cannot reach the centre of the Myocyte)
o This lack of perfusion will inhibit the ability of the Cardiac Myocyte to contract, ultimately
resulting in reduction of the force of contraction
Left Heart Failure will reduce the cardiac output in the systemic circulation, which will reduce
o Left Heart Failure will also result in a backflow of blood into the pulmonary circulation
o Right Heart Failure will result in systemic venous congestion (also due to the backflow of
Understand the changes that develop in the tissues as a consequence of
reduced perfusion
Left Heart Failure will increase the load of the Left Atrium, which will flow backwards resulting in
Pulmonary Congestion
This triggers Pulmonary Hypertension, which increases the load / pressure on the Right Heart
as it needs to pump against this higher pressure
o Pulmonary congestion will also eventually trigger Pulmonary Fibrosis and the deposition of
haemosiderin in the lungs (as RBCs enter alveoli where they are degraded by macrophages)
o Note: The increased load on the Left Atrium also increases the risk of arrhythmia in the Left
Atrium (i.e. Atrial Fibrillation)
Left Heart Failure will also reduce perfusion to the kidneys; this will trigger the release of Renin, which
increases sodium and water retention, and hence blood pressure
Left and Right Heart Failure will result in damage to the effectiveness of the valves (e.g. regurgitation)
due to the structural changes that result in response to heart failure
Right Heart Failure will trigger systemic venous congestion, which will result in the back-up of blood
resulting in Hepatic and Splenic Venous Congestion
o This slows bloodflow through these organs and will inhibit perfusion of the centre of these
organs  this results in centrilobular necrosis of hepatocytes in the liver
o Spleen will become grossly enlarged, which triggers the development of pale fibrous
trabeculae within the Spleen  this aims to limit the further enlargement of the spleen
o Systemic Venous Congestion will also result in peripheral oedema, elevated JVP, ascites, etc.
Understand how lipoproteins may affect the formation of atherosclerotic
plaques in the artery wall
Amphipathic Apo-lipoproteins can solubilise lipids and enable their transport through blood
o This can lead to the transport of lipids to the artery wall forming an atherosclerotic plaque
LDL, Lp(a), IDL and VLDL remnants are lipoproteins that are all directly Atherogenic (i.e. causing
o All these lipoproteins are based on Apolipoprotein B100, which will aim to deliver these
lipoproteins to an appropriate site
o In contrast, HDL lipoproteins will transport cholesterol away from the artery wall towards the
LDL particles will move into the Tunica Intima layer of the artery through a gradient-driven process
(i.e. passive diffusion)
o Once in the arterial wall, the LDL will undergo oxidation and become inflammatory
 Inflammation will increase the permeability of the endothelium, which exaggerates
the influx of LDL, oxidation, etc. (i.e. self-fulfilling prophecy)
o This will trigger the entry of Monocytes into the arterial wall, which convert to Macrophages
 The Macrophages will phagocytose these oxidised LDLs and eventually become so
full of oxidised LDL that they become known as a ‘Foam Cell’
Damage to the artery wall is caused by the number of LDL particles rather than the total quantity of
o Hence, a greater quantity of smaller, dense LDL particles will cause more damage and
increased CVD risk
o High levels of Triglyceride will drive cholesterol ester transfer via CETP to/from LDL and HDL
resulting in impairment of HDL and greater numbers of small, dense LDL
Reduction in LDL will significant decrease CV events (even in patients without vascular disease) whilst
having no significant increase in non-CVD
o Statins will reduce circulating LDL by reducing LDL production within the cell  this results in
the cell absorbing more LDL from the bloodstream and hence lower circulating LDL
There is a significantly increased risk of CV event above the threshold of ~60% of the Coronary Surface
Acute CVD events arise from inflamed lipid- rich ‘culprit’ lesions with a thin fibrous cap
o Lipid modification can reduce inflammation and plaque lipid, which stabilises plaque lesions
Accumulation of plaque in the vessel wall may result in the size of the overall vessel expanding
outwards (rather than inwards and hence reducing the size of the lumen)
As a result, a ‘clear’ angiogram may be present even in the presence of significant
This type of plaque accumulation will be identified by Intravascular Ultrasound
Understand the environmental and genetic factors that affect lipids
Changes in environmental factors (i.e. diet and exercise) are the main cause of the increased
prevalence of heart disease
o Genetics though will determine those people most susceptible and likely to suffer from heart
disease given these environmental factors
Environmental risk factors include:
o Smoking
o Hypertension
o Diabetes
o Dyslipidaemia
o Obesity
o Physical Inactivity
o Low fruit and vegetable intake
Genetic risk factors include:
o Familial Hypercholesterolaemia
o ATSI background
Risk factors for heart disease tend to occur in multiples / clusters (as they are often associated)
Atherosclerosis is proportional to the number and severity of classic risk factors
TBA – New in 2014
Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) typically implies a plaque rupture that will trigger a thrombus on the
o Plaque ruptures are extremely common, though most do not cause a clinical syndrome /
o ACS can manifest in several different ways depending on the level of occlusion and the
occurrence of emboli downstream; the different manifestations are:
 Unstable Angina – this implies no myocardial damage
 Non-Q Wave Myocardial Infarction (e.g. NSTEMI) – this implies a transient occlusion
(although this is not always the case)
 Q Wave Myocardial Infarction (e.g. STEMI) – this implies a full thickness infarction of
the myocytes downstream
Symptoms of ACS include:
o Abrupt onset / rapidly progressive angina
o Chest Pain at rest
o Diaphoresis (i.e. sweating)
o Tachycardia
o Dyspnoea / Acute Pulmonary Oedema
o Cardiac Arrest / Ventricular Arrhythmia (which can result in syncope)
Diagnosis of ACS based on:
o Positive Troponin levels (i.e. high sensitivity, low specificity)
 Note: Renal impairment will affect the Troponin levels
o Stress Testing
o D-Dimer / CRP levels
o CT Angiogram
Differential Diagnosis for ACS will include:
o Aortic Dissection (indicated if sudden onset, severe interscapular pain)
o Pulmonary Embolus (indicated if hypoxic, dyspnoea, tachycardia)
o Pericarditis (indicated if positional, pleuritic pain)
o Oesophageal (indicated if positional, responds to Antacid)
o Musculoskeletal ( indicated if local tenderness, positional)
Treatment of ACS involves:
o PCI (Percutaneous Coronary Intervention [i.e. Coronary Angiography])
 This is indicated for ALL ACS!
 There is a significant mortality advantage if PCI treatment for MI can be provided
within 4 hours of onset of symptoms
 There is no benefit for having a ‘cooling off’ / waiting period prior to PCI after onset
of ACS
 Note: If PCI is not available, then provide Thrombolysis
o Beta-Blockers
 Beta-Blockers are prescribed to the patient at as high a dosage as possible without
excessively reducing the heart rate (as Beta-Blockers have the side-effect of
reducing heart rate)
o Statins
 This will stabilise existing plaques, though there is a time-lag of ~3-6 months for this
to occur
o Anti-platelet Therapy (e.g. Aspirin, Clopidogrel, etc.)
 Treatment with a GPIIb/IIIa inhibitor (e.g. Abciximab) will be effective as this is the
common pathway of platelet aggregation
 Aspirin and Clopidogrel / Prasugrel / Ticagrelor have complementary mechanisms
and can be used together to maximise anti-platelet action
o Antithrombotic Therapy (e.g. Heparin)
ACS typically will involve multiple unstable plaques (rather than a single unstable plaque)
o This increases the risk of further ischaemic events from these other plaques rupturing (even
during the same admission)
o As such, there may be an opportunity to provide treatment for these other plaques to
minimise the risk of these other plaques rupturing
 Initial studies have shown there is a mortality benefit from conducting preventative
PCI for these other plaques
o Another study illustrated that the impact of subsequent plaque ruptures can be minimised
(e.g. avoid mortality, avoid cardiac arrests, reduced frequency of infarcts, smaller infarcts) by
continued treatment of the patient with anti-platelet therapy and Beta-blockers
 Continued treatment of the patient with anti-platelet therapy and Beta-blockers is
particularly important in the ~3-6 months after an initial event as this is the time-lag
required for Statins to stabilise existing plaques
Heart bypass surgery is the gold standard treatment as it will provide a ‘cure’ for any plaque ruptures
upstream of the graft
o In contrast, PCI will only treat that individual plaque rupture (and NOT the remainder of
plaques that are likely to exist)
o Hence, heart bypass surgery will most benefit those patients who are most likely to suffer
from progressive disease (e.g. diabetic patients, patients with family history of cardiovascular
Understand the different treatment modalities for improving the balance
between myocardial oxygen demand and myocardial oxygen delivery
o Consider the pharmacological approaches, as well as the use of
surgical revascularisation procedures
Ischaemic Heart Disease is a life-long disease that can never be cured
o One-off treatments such as Angioplasty or Heart Bypass does NOT cure this disease, but
rather slows down the progression of the disease and / or alleviates symptoms
Instead, a life-long treatment plan is needed to provide the optimal outcome for patients
with Ischaemic Heart Disease
Treatment of Ischaemic Heart Disease will focus upon:
o Risk Factors
 Examples include cholesterol, smoking, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, etc.
 There are clear treatment targets for some of these risk factors, which can serve as
a goalpost to measure progress / outcomes
o Symptoms
o Revascularisation
Medications for Treatment of Ischaemic Heart Disease include:
o Prognosis (‘SAAB’)
 Statin
 Aspirin
 ACE Inhibitor
 Beta-Blocker
o Symptoms
 Nitrates (causes vasodilation, which reduces afterload)
 Beta-Blocker (inhibits sympathetic activation, which reduces heart rate)
 Calcium Antagonist (causes vasodilation, which reduces afterload)
Statins will lower hepatic cholesterol production in cells via inhibition of HMGCoA Reductase, and
hence lower LDL cholesterol levels in the bloodstream (as more LDL cholesterol is absorbed into the
o This lowering of LDL cholesterol levels in the bloodstream will result in increased removal of
cholesterol from the plaques via the natural dynamic cholesterol transport system across the
vessel wall
o This reduces Atheroma progression and stabilises any existing plaques
o The benefits from the use of Statins is proportional to the absolute level of risk in the patient,
although there is still a benefit from continuing to lower cholesterol levels even if the patient
has a normal level of cholesterol
Aspirin is effective at reducing the risk of ischaemia by reducing the risk of thrombus formation on a
ruptured plaque (which would then cause occlusion, ischaemia and potentially myocardial infarct)
o Thienopyridines (e.g. Clopidogrel, Prasugrel) are a different anti-platelet therapy that may be
used as an alternative or supplement to Aspirin
o Clopidogrel AND Aspirin use is indicated for patients with events on Aspirin, and is effective
for prevention of coronary stent thrombosis, especially drug eluting stents
o Overall, anti-platelet therapy is a critical component of the treatment plan for all patients
suffering or at-risk of ischaemic heart disease
ACE Inhibitors are effective at improving outcomes of patients with clinical heart failure (e.g.
Ventricular Scar), asymptomatic impairment of LV function or known cardiovascular disease and
normal LV function
o The mechanism of action of ACE Inhibitors is the inhibition of the Renin-AngiotensinAldosterone system; this reduces blood pressure and vascular fibrosis (which is promoted by
Beta-blockers will block the Beta-Adrenergic receptors and hence inhibit the sympathetic nervous
o This will reduce the heart rate and blood pressure of the patient, and hence the amount of
work required from the heart
o Reduction in heart rate increases diastole time (i.e. time for oxygen supply to heart) as well
as reducing myocardial demand
Nitrates are effective by stimulating vasodilation (particularly in the veins), which reduces venous
return to the heart
o Reduction in venous return (i.e. preload) will reduce the stroke volume and hence the work
required from the heart
Calcium Antagonists are potent vasodilators (both venous and arterial); this will reduce blood
pressure, but also contribute to ankle oedema
However, they also have negative inotropic and chronotropic effects and should NOT be
used if there is Left Ventricular dysfunction or peripheral oedema
There is a synergistic benefit from taking multiple different medications for cardiovascular disease (as
they each have different mechanisms of action, which increases the impact of the other medications)
Revascularisation will be indicated when there is:
o Symptoms not controlled by medical therapy
o Prognostic benefit (e.g. Left Main Artery or 3 vessel involvement)
o Continued ischaemia after acute coronary syndrome
o Ischaemic myocardial dysfunction and heart failure
Revascularisation is generally performed via an Angioplasty
o This often involves inserting and expanding a balloon catheter at the ischaemic vessel to
restore blood flow (a stent may be inserted too at the time to keep the vessel open)
o Anti-platelet therapy is critical when inserting a stent (as occurrence of Stent Thrombosis will
often be fatal)
o Alternatively, a Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) can be performed
 Arterial Grafts are preferable as the material used for the Coronary Artery Graft
compared to Vein Grafts
 Vein Grafts have a higher risk of clotting / stenosing compared to Arterial Grafts
(and hence will have a lower lifespan)
Understand the non-operative and operative management of patients with
intermittent claudication
Intermittent Claudication will involve adequate circulation at rest, but the arterial occlusion
preventing the augmentation of flow needed for exercise
o As a result, anaerobic metabolism will occur, which results in acidic products and pain
o The level at which the pain occurs is always below the level of the arterial occlusion
Measurement of peripheral pressure (initial, post-exercise, post-rest) can provide an understanding of
the level of the occlusion in the periphery
Intermittent Claudication is generally benign (~85% manage without operation), with 5% at risk of
o ~85% of patients with Claudication develop collateral arteries that will circumvent the
arterial occlusion
 Exercise will stimulate development of these collateral arteries
 Collateral Arteries will disappear / close-down following opening of the occluded
artery (i.e. post-balloon) as they are no longer needed
For patients needing surgery, options include:
o Arterial Bypass Graft
 Upper Limb Veins are preferable to synthetic material for Grafts
 Outcomes from synthetic graft can be improved by attaching a small amount of vein
to either side of the occluded artery and then inserting the synthetic material
between them
o Balloon Angioplasty (including Stenting)
o Endarterectomy (i.e. physically shelling out the plaque)
 This is preferred vs. stenting for Carotid Artery disease
Treatment with an exercise program has a superior outcome for patients with Claudication compared
to Angioplasty
o Angioplasty provides a short-term benefit but exercise produces superior long-term
Angioplasty with Stenting is preferable than Angioplasty alone, though the incremental benefit is
small and inconsistent
Endoluminal Aneurysm Grafts have increased in prevalence in the past 20 years and is the most
popular technique for repairing an Aortic Aneurysm
This technique enables aneurysm repair on a wider range of patients (who otherwise would
be contraindicated for Open Aneurysm Grafts)
Furthermore, this technique delivers a more rapid recovery compared to Open Aneurysm
Understand the difference between acute and chronic limb ischaemia
Acute Limb Ischaemia results from acute trauma such as road accident, stabbing, glass injury or
iatrogenic causes
In contrast, Chronic Limb Ischaemia will result from long-term trauma such as atherosclerotic or
diabetic driven stenosis, occlusion or aneurysm
When fixing Acute Trauma, the Orthopaedic Surgeon will ideally fix the bones first and then the
Vascular Surgeon will fix the blood vessels afterwards
o This will mean the Vascular Surgeon knows exactly how long the vessel graft needs to be (as
otherwise a graft that is too short may have problems if the bone is only fixed afterwards)
Understand the basic concepts underlying recording of electrocardiograms
Electrocardiograms (ECGs) records the electrical activity of the heart (depolarisation and
repolarisation of the myocardium)
o The surface of the heart is viewed from 12 different angles (in a 12-lead ECG)
10 electrodes are places on the patient, with a ‘lead’ referring to the signals transmitted between two
electrodes (which enables 12 leads from 10 electrodes); these are divided between:
o 4 Limb Electrodes (i.e. Right Arm, Left Arm, Right Leg (earth) and Left Leg); these are placed
 RA, LA = Lateral aspect of anterior side of the arms (avoid bony prominences and
hairy areas)
 RL, LL = Medial aspect of the legs (avoid bony prominences and hairy areas)
o 6 Precordial Electrodes (and Leads) (i.e. V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6); these are placed at:
 V1 = 4th Intercostal Space Right Sternal Edge
 V2 = 4th Intercostal Space Left Sternal Edge
 V3 = In-between V2 and V4
 V4 = 5th Intercostal Space Mid-Clavicular Line
 V5 = Horizontal from V4 on the Anterior Axillary Line
 V6 = Horizontal from V4 on the Mid-Axillary Line
Normal ECG will have a ‘PQRST’ aspects / waves in the recording
o P wave reflects Atrial depolarisation (i.e. Systole)
o QRS interval reflects the Ventricular depolarisation (i.e. Systole)
o T wave reflects Ventricular repolarisation
Complexes will look different in each lead as the same electrical impulse is oriented at a different
angle (and hence will have a different strength) for each lead
o QRS Complex of Lead I should be positive; if this is negative, this typically indicates the Limb
Leads have been incorrectly placed in opposite directions (i.e. back-to-front)
Interpretation of an ECG will involve following a system; this system is:
o Rate
 Calculate by dividing 300 by the number of big boxes between two adjacent R waves
to calculate the rate
 Alternatively, count the number of waves across the horizontal length of the ECG
(i.e. on the Rhythm strip) and multiply this by 6 to calculate the rate
o Rhythm
 Are there normal P waves present prior to every QRS complex?
Is the QRS complex narrow vs. wide (i.e. is QRS > 0.12 seconds?)
Are there any delays in conduction (e.g. Heart Block, Bundle Branch Block)
 First Degree Heart Block = PR Interval > 0.2 seconds
 Second Degree Type 1 (i.e. Wenkebach) Heart Block = Increasing PR
interval followed by a missed QRS complex (with this cycle then repeated)
 Second Degree Type 2 Heart Block = P wave sometimes having an
associated QRS complex and other times not having an associated QRS
 Third Degree (i.e. Complete) Heart Block = No relationship between the P
wave (which occurs regularly) and the QRS Complex
o The QRS complex is due to as escape rhythm from somewhere
beyond the AV Node
o This is an indication for the provision of a pacemaker to the
 Right Bundle Branch Block
o The delay in the signal reaching the Right Ventricle in a Right
Bundle Branch Block results in a delayed R wave in V1 (i.e. RSR
wave [‘M’ shape])
 Left Bundle Branch Block
o The delay in the signal reaching the Left Ventricle in a Left Bundle
Branch Block results in a delayed R wave in V6 (i.e. RSR wave [‘M’
Other Rhythm abnormalities include:
 Ectopic Beats
o Junctional Ectopic Beat will occur around the AV Node and result
in an unexpected very narrow QRS complex WITHOUT a preceding
P Wave
o Atrial Ectopic Beat will involve an unexpected P Wave followed by
a QRS complex
o Ventricular Ectopic Beat will involve a wider than normal QRS
 Atrial Fibrillation
o Absence of P waves and irregular QRS waves is a classic sign of
Atrial Fibrillation
 Atrial Flutter
o This will involve regular QRS waves interspersed with a series of P
waves (i.e. ‘sawtooth’ pattern of P waves)
o Patients with Heart Rate of 150 that is very constant are likely to
have Atrial Flutter (though the flutter P Waves are more difficult
to identify at this speed)
 Supraventricular Tachycardia
o This will involve a very narrow QRS complex tachycardia and the
absence of P Waves
 Ventricular Tachycardia
o This will involve a regular, very wide QRS complex tachycardia and
the absence of P Waves
 Ventricular Fibrillation
o This will involve a rapid, disordered / irregular series of QRS
Normal Axis will involve positive QRS complex in Lead I and aVF
Right Axis Deviation will involve positive QRS complex in Lead aVF, but a negative
QRS complex in Lead I
 Left Axis Deviation will involve positive QRS complex in Lead I, but a negative QRS
complex in Lead aVF
Left Atrial Hypertrophy’ will be identified by a later depolarisation of the Left Atrium
(which is identified in the ECG as a double peak in the P Wave)
 Right Atrial Hypertrophy will be identified in the ECG by a higher amplitude P Wave
in the leads facing the Right Atrium
 Right Ventricular Hypertrophy will involve a larger amplitude QRS complex and an
ST depression in the leads facing the right (e.g. Lead V1)
 Left Ventricular Hypertrophy will be identified if the sum of the S wave depth in
Lead V1 and R wave amplitude in either V5 or V6 is greater than 35mm (or 7 big
 ST Elevation indicative of infarction
 ST Depression indicative of Ischaemia (OR reciprocal ST depression to an ST
Elevation Infarction in the leads facing the other direction)
Understand the major methods of investigating cardiac pump function, with
reference to the anatomy of the heart and normal values for intracardiac
volumes and pressures
The major methods for investigating cardiac function are:
o Radiology (i.e. X-Ray, Angiography, CT)
o Cardiac MRI
o Ultrasound (e.g. Echocardiography, Intravascular Ultrasound, etc.)
o Nuclear Imaging
Cardiac Catheterisation (i.e. Angiography) involves invasive arterial / venous access with pressure
measurement and injection of contrast to visualise cardiac chambers and vessels
o The movement of the chambers of the heart (and hence function) can be visualised
o Pressure gradient can be measured (which together with cardiac output can be used to
calculate the size of each of the Valve areas)
o The size of the chambers can be assessed (and hence whether there is dilatation)
Nuclear imaging includes a range of techniques such as Blood Pool Studies, Nuclear Stress Tests (i.e.
Thallium + Sestamibi) and PET Scans
Discuss the relative benefits and indications of each method
The key dimensions to consider when determining the appropriate method of investigation are:
o Invasive vs. Non-invasive
o Functional vs. Anatomical
The following methods are available, and their benefits / indications are:
o Plain X-Ray
 Advantages – Cheap, non-invasive
 Disadvantages – Limited information on function and chamber size, limited
understanding of cause of pathology
o Cardiac Catheterisation (i.e. Angiography)
 Advantages – Provides information on both anatomy and function, multiple
investigations possible, accurate data, enables treatment in same procedure
 Disadvantages – Expensive, invasive (which risks complications such as a Stroke or
MI), provides no information regarding the vessel / chamber wall (hence
Atherosclerotic Plaques will not be identified unless there is stenosis)
o Cardiac CT
 Advantages – Non-invasive, images Aorta and Pulmonary Vessels as well as
Coronary Arteries
 Disadvantages – Radiation exposure, lower resolution, unable to interpret calcified
vessels, respiratory and cardiac movement artifacts
Note: Key advantage of CT Scan is that will enable rapid identification of Coronary
Disease, Pulmonary Embolus and /or Aortic Dissection (i.e. the three medical
emergencies possible from the clinical sign of chest pain)
Cardiac MRI
 Advantages – Non-invasive, information on myocardial viability and pathology,
images Aorta and Pulmonary Vessels, assesses Ventricular function
 Disadvantages – Expensive, limited access, respiratory and cardiac movement
artifacts, lower resolution for Coronary Arteries
 Advantages – Provides information on both anatomy and function (e.g. visualise
blood flow through heart [and hence any valvular abnormalities], measure volumes
of heart, identify vegetations or thrombus, etc.), cheap, non-invasive
 Disadvantages – Investigator dependent, some patients difficult to study (e.g. Obese
patients), no information regarding Coronary Arteries
Nuclear Studies
 Advantages – Understand differences in perfusion across heart, assesses metabolic
activity, measures volumes
 Disadvantages – Radiation exposure, expensive
Understand the range of vascular pathologies for which angiography
provides diagnostic and therapeutic options
PCI (Percutaneous Coronary Intervention) is indicated in:
o Left Main Coronary Artery Disease
o Three-Vessel Coronary Artery Disease
o Acute Coronary Syndromes
o Symptomatic control of Angina
o Note: Exception is diabetic patients with multi-vessel disease and / or patients with complex
and extensive disease  they have better outcomes with a CABG (i.e. Bypass) rather than
Complications of PCI include:
o Stroke
o Myocardial Infarction (~1%)
o Coronary Damage requiring emergency CABG
o Allergic response to contrast
o In-stent Restenosis (hence use drug-eluting stents that release anti-proliferative drugs)
o Stent Thrombosis (hence treat with anti-platelet drugs such as Aspirin + Clopidogrel)
Non-coronary percutaneous cardiac interventions include closure devices (which can block ASD, VSD,
PDA, PFO, etc.) and valve replacements
o This enables replacement of the Aortic Valve in patients that otherwise are too ill for openheart surgery
o The TAVI study indicated a significant improvement in mortality after 24 months in this group
of patients who underwent Percutaneous Aortic Valve Replacement rather than the optimal
medical treatment only
Percutaneous Alcohol Septal Ablation involves inserting 100% alcohol into the hypertrophied area of
the septum, which will trigger an infarct in this area
o This will result in the reduction of the size of that part of the septum
o This is important as the hypertrophied septum will then no longer be an obstruction within
the heart (which enables a reduction in the pressure in the Left Ventricle)
Non-cardiac interventions have less evidence / data supporting their usage (as there is an absence of
clinical trials in this area)
o Internal Carotid Artery Stent is a possible option to reduce the risk of stroke in patients with
previous TIA (though surgical removal of the Atheroma has been shown to deliver superior
Aorto-Iliac and Renal Artery Stenting have been shown to have the same outcomes as
surgical intervention to remove the Atheroma in these areas
Understand the mechanisms which underlie the genesis of myocardial
Ischaemia occurs with interruption of Coronary Artery bloodflow  this causes a reduction in oxygen
and nutrient delivery to the myocardium
o Infarction of heart tissue will commence further away from the Coronary Artery (i.e. deep
within the heart in the Endocardium) before then approaching towards the Epicardium
(where the Coronary Arteries are located)
o Total transmural infarction will occur within ~6-12 hours of the occlusion
 Time = Muscle; the quicker the obstruction can be removed (and perfusion
returned), the less damage that will occur to the heart
 ECGs are now conducted within the Ambulance to speed up the process of
reviewing patients and getting them revascularised
Mechanisms for Ischaemia can be:
o Acute (e.g. thrombotic occlusion after plaque rupture, embolic event, etc.)
o Chronic (e.g. stable plaque with gradually narrowing lumen)
STEMI will involve a total-occlusion of the Coronary Artery, whilst NSTEMI will involve partial
o Hence, NSTEMI treatment can be more conservative (i.e. initial Heparin and anti-platelets
rather than immediate PCI)
Explain the characteristic changes on the surface ECG which allow one to
diagnose myocardial ischemia
o Acute myocardial ischemia in turn has a number of cellular and
metabolic consequences, leading to changes in the ionic milieu of the
cardiac myocyte, and therefore to the action potential.
o This results in characteristic changes on the surface ECG
Characteristic changes in an ECG indicating acute myocardial infarction are:
o T-wave changes (i.e. T-wave inversion, tall peaked T-wave, depressed ST segment)  these
indicate Ischaemia
 Peaked T-waves (>6mm in limb leads / >12mm in precordial leads OR > 2/3 height of
R-wave) will occur initially, but inverted T-waves will occur within a short time of
infarction (i.e. ~2 hours)
 Downsloping or Horizontal ST Depression is much more specific for ischaemia
compared to Upsloping ST Depression
o ST changes (i.e. elevated ST segment)  these indicate injury to the tissue
o Q-wave changes (e.g. Q-wave size > 1/3 size of R-wave)  these indicate tissue infarction
(i.e. death)
o Note: ECG changes need to be present in at least 2 contiguous leads to be material
(otherwise the changes are likely due to another reason)
o Note: New Left Bundle Branch Block can be an indicator of Myocardial Infarct
Differential diagnosis for ST depression include:
o Reciprocal ST depression
o Digoxin effect
o Hypokalemia / low magnesium
Differential diagnosis for ST elevation include:
o Ventricular hypertrophy
o Ventricular aneurysm
o Hyperkalemia
o Pericarditis
Pericarditis will involve widespread ST Elevation across all the leads (except aVR) in
contrast to Myocardial Infarction where the ST Elevation will only occur in some of
the leads
 Furthermore, there is likely to be a ‘U-shaped’ ST Elevation
o Brugada Syndrome
The different leads provide an indication of the different directions of the heart; these are:
o Septal Leads – V1, V2
o Anterior Leads – V3, V4
o Lateral Leads – I, aVL, V5, V6
o Inferior – II, III, aVF
Note: Patient may have a normal ECG and still be having a Myocardial Infarction (which will be
apparent from the clinical findings)
o In these circumstances, re-perform the ECG every 10 minutes as the Myocardial Infarction
may have occurred but is not yet showing on the ECG
Understand the microbiological aspects of acute rheumatic fever (ARF) and
their prevention
Acute Rheumatic Fever is an acute, often recurrent, immunological inflammatory disorder which
follows an upper respiratory tract infection due to Group A Streptococci (GAS)
o Upper Respiratory Tract / Pharyngeal GAS Infection (i.e. Throat Infection) can result in cross
reactivity in the inflammatory response between the Group A Streptococcus and SelfAntigens
o As a result, the immune system will react to self-antigens in the heart resulting in Acute
Rheumatic Fever
o The interval between the GAS infection and the occurrence of Acute Rheumatic Fever is ~1-5
 There is no bacteria in the heart during Acute Rheumatic Fever but rather it is
caused by immunopathology
Prevention of upper respiratory tract infections of Group A Streptococci (GAS) will enable the
prevention of Acute Rheumatic Fever
Note: Repeated or severe episodes of acute rheumatic fever lead to chronic rheumatic heart disease
(which causes permanent damage to valves)
Examine the relationship between rheumatic fever (especially when
recurrent) and various valvular abnormalities which may interfere with
normal cardiac function
Rheumatic Heart Disease can cause chronic inflammation  this will lead to fibrotic thickening of
valves, which reduces the valve orifice resulting in a stenosis of the valve
o Alternatively, Rheumatic Heart Disease can cause fusion of commissures between Valve
leaflets / cusps, which will also reduce the valve orifice resulting in a stenosis of the valve
o The Mitral Valve is the valve most commonly stenosed by Rheumatic Heart Disease
Rheumatic Heart Disease may also damage the Chordae Tendinae
o This will result in valve incompetence, leading to regurgitation (e.g. Mitral Regurgitation)
Understand general pathogenesis of bacterial endocarditis
Bacterial Endocarditis will involve microorganisms from the mouth or IV drug use lodging on a
damaged valve
The bacteria will embed itself in the valve and proliferate
The bacteria will destroy the valve on which they form as well as potentially releasing Septic
Emboli into the body (which can reach other organs such as the brain or kidney)
Bacteria are more likely to latch onto abnormal endovascular sites (e.g. pre-existing damaged heart
Distinguish key host and microbial factors
Hosts with pre-existing illnesses / diseases are more likely to be immunodeficient and susceptible to
additional infections
o Organs with pre-existing dysfunction are more likely to fail when suffering from Septicaemia
Some organisms are more likely to adhere to endothelial surfaces (and hence cause Infective
Endocarditis) (e.g. Streptococcus mutans)
o Gram negative bacteria tend to be more aggressive and increase the likelihood of requiring a
valve replacement
o Skin bacteria (e.g. Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, etc.) are more likely to
cause infection on prosthetic valves
Understand the biofilm infection concept
Bacteria can form a biofilm, which involves a group of microorganism cells sticking together
o Biofilms are involved in a variety of microbial infections in the body
o Biofilms are more difficult to eliminate compared to free-standing bacteria as they are more
resistant to antibiotics
Understand the general clinical features of endocarditis and their genesis
General clinical features of Endocarditis include:
o Immune complex disease or nephritis (due to chronic antigenaemia [especially Sub-Acute
o Splenomegaly (due to Reticuloendothelial hyperplasia)
o Embolic phenomena
Endocarditis may result in Septicaemia (if it showers septic emboli through the body), which will have
significant adverse effects throughout the body
Understand the cardiac-specific features of endocarditis
Endocarditis can result in vegetation on the Valves and significant valve damage
o This damage can result in Valvular Regurgitation
o Nightmare scenario is Endocarditis destroying the Aortic Valve  this would require
immediate / urgent Aortic Valve replacement!
Endocarditis will also result in ECG abnormalities (e.g. Axis Deviation and Bundle Branch Blocks)
Distinguish clearly between the syndromes of acute and subacute bacterial
endocarditis in terms of predisposing factors, microbial pathogenesis and
characteristic clinical features
Syndromes of acute and subacute bacterial endocarditis will depend on:
o Predisposing Factors (e.g. host resistance)
o Virulence of micro-organism
o Duration, frequency and intensity of infection
Acute Bacterial Endocarditis usually involves a particularly virulent organism (e.g. Staphylococcus
Aureus, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa)
o This is an emergency as the valve is under significant attack from the infection  this may
require immediate Cardiothoracic surgery!
Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis (SBE) is typically from a relatively trivial bacteraemia (e.g. mouth
organisms such as Viridian Streptococcus or Streptococcus Mutans) that is unable to cause an
infection in a normal person
o However, these bacteria will latch onto abnormal endovascular sites (e.g. pre-existing
damaged heart valve) resulting in SBE
o The more abnormal the endovascular site, the more likely it will be a site of an SBE infection
Clinical Features of ABE include:
o Hypotension
o Vasodilation
o Murmurs
Clinical Features of SBE include:
o Fever
o Murmur
o Constitutional Symptoms (e.g. nausea, lethargy, weight loss)
o Emboli
o Splenomegaly
Understand the general principles of investigation and management
Investigation will require taking a blood culture to identify the precise microorganism causing the
infection (which then enables the narrow tailoring of antibiotic treatment)
o Endovascular foci infection is much more likely to be detected from a blood culture
compared to Extravascular foci infection
o This is due to the Extravascular foci infection being walled off from the blood, and so the
infection is only released into the blood intermittently
 Hence, the blood for the blood culture needs to be taken at a specific time to be
able to detect the infection
 As a result, repeated blood cultures over 24 hours may be required to identify the
cause of Extravascular foci infection
Full Blood Count will also be useful to confirm the presence of inflammatory markers (e.g. elevated
CRP, Neutrophilia, etc.)
Echocardiogram is a useful investigation as this can demonstrate the presence of vegetation on the
o Echocardiogram will not identify microscopic infection of the heart valve, but only
macroscopic damage
o As such, negative Echocardiogram does NOT exclude Endocarditis
o Positive Echocardiogram can help identify emergency / severe cases of Endocarditis and
hence confirm the urgency / need for a valve replacement (or other surgical intervention)
Slow-growing bacteria can live for extended periods of time (by shutting down their metabolic
activity) and hence prolonged treatment is required to fully cure / eliminate the bacteria
o Cessation of treatment will enable the bacteria to survive and potentially switch to a rapidly
dividing / metabolising state that will cause significant symptomatic infection
There is a time lag of >16 hours to be able to specifically identify the species of bacteria affecting the
o Treatment decisions are made without knowledge of the specific species of bacteria; these
decisions are made based on knowledge of the common species of bacteria that cause
Understand the factors that contribute to the surgical management of
valvular heart disease, in particular when to intervene, the interventional
options and the choices of the options
Intervention for Valvular Heart Disease is indicated when there is:
o Significant symptoms; and / or
o Risk to life
Interventional Options for Valvular Heart Disease are:
o Valve Conservation
 Valve reconstruction and repair (i.e. of leaflets, Chordae Tendinae, Papillary
Muscles, Valve Annulus)
 Valvotomy (i.e. splitting open valve)  this can be performed percutaneously or via
an open operation
o Valve Replacement
 Heterograft (e.g. porcine valve, bovine valve)
 Mechanical Prosthesis
 Homograft (i.e. from human cadaver)
Factors influencing choice of Interventional Option:
o Valve anatomy (e.g. stenosis vs. regurgitation vs. mixed)
o Cause of valvular disease
o Patient age
 This affects the risk of the operation (e.g. may only be able to perform percutaneous
replacement rather than surgical replacement)
 This will also affect the expected lifetime required for the replacement valve (as
Tissue Valves will need to be replaced earlier compared to Mechanical Prosthetic
o Availability of grafts
o Patient preference / lifestyle
o Possibility of coagulant control (as lifelong anticoagulation is required for Mechanical
Prosthetic Valves)
o Co-morbidities
NOTE: The ‘Learning Objectives’ section of the Compass page for this lecture has a lot of relevant
information (
Highlight the widespread impact of genetics in cardiovascular disease, with a
specific focus on cardiomyopathies and primary arrhythmogenic disorders of
the heart
There are particular genes that will directly cause CV Disease
o There are currently ~45 different CV conditions (e.g. Marfan, Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy,
Long QT Syndrome, etc.) that are directly caused by an underlying genetic abnormality
Given most genetic cardiomyopathies are autosomal dominant, the whole family will require
o Examining rest of the family is CRITICAL!!!  other members of the family are highly likely to
be at risk!
o Family history may also provide a better understanding of the risk for the individual patient
(e.g. higher risk if there was a previous Sudden Death in the family)
o Genetic testing will enable prediction of genetic abnormalities causing CV disease
o Genetic counselling is very important for families where there is genetic cardiomyopathies
There is significant clinical heterogeneity (i.e. there are different clinical manifestations of the same
condition) and genetic heterogeneity (i.e. there are multiple different genetic mutations that can
cause the same condition) in these genetic cardiomyopathies
Sudden Cardiac Death is caused either by Structural or Arrhythmogenic causes
o ~50% of young people who die from Sudden Cardiac Death have no symptoms prior to the
initial collapse that results in death
Sudden death triggers can include contact sports, high-adrenaline / extreme activities (e.g.
bungee jumping), sudden noises (e.g. alarm clocks), energy drinks, stressful events (e.g.
knock-out sporting matches), etc.
Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator will deliver an electric shock to the patient if the heart goes
into a rhythm that could lead to sudden death (e.g. VT, VF)
o This undoubtedly saves lives, although it is only implanted into higher-risk patients (given the
excessive cost of implanting this device in all patients)
Examples of Structural Diseases causing Sudden Cardiac Death include:
o Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy – this is a disease of the sarcomeres in the heart
 It is the main cause of Sudden Cardiac Death in US athletes
 There are >1,000 mutations in at least 13 genes responsible for this disease
o Familial Dilated Cardiomyopathy – this is a disease of the cytoskeleton
 Abnormalities in several different genes can potentially result in this disease
o Arrhythmogenic RV Cardiomyopathy – this is a disease of the Desmosome Junctions between
 Pathology involves fatty infiltration of the Right Ventricle leading to fat, fibrosis and
 This is associated with people undertaking endurance triathlons / competitions (e.g.
hours of training)
o LV Noncompaction – this involves a failure of the LV to compact as part of normal
development and instead the LV remains spongy
Most Arrhythmogenic causes of Sudden Cardiac Death (e.g. Long QT Syndrome) are caused by Ion
o ~95% of these Ion Channelopathies involve either Sodium, Potassium or Calcium channels
Some of the genes resulting in Long QT Syndrome are associated with other genetic conditions (e.g.
SIDS, Brugada Syndrome, etc.)
It is now mandatory in Australia for a blood sample to be taken from any young person (i.e. <40 years)
who dies in case it is needed for future testing
o For example, a Molecular Autopsy can be performed on this sample to identify any
underlying genetic abnormalities / conditions that may explain why they died
o Molecular Autopsy has helped identify an underlying cause in ~33% of those patients where
there previously was no identified underlying cause of the Sudden Cardiac Death (which
itself was ~33% of Sudden Cardiac Death cases)
Each of the different gene mutations resulting in a condition (e.g. Long QT Syndrome) will have
different triggers and different optimal treatments
o Similarly, the risk level will vary depending on the particular genes involved
Advances in genetic technology will enable more accessible, cheaper and more comprehensive
genetic assessment
Epigenetics do NOT involves differences / changes in DNA, but other functional modifications that can
potentially be inherited (e.g. DNA Methylation, Histone modifications, etc.)
o However, these functional modifications are NOT guaranteed to be inherited
These epigenetic changes can be triggered by the environment / conditions facing the person
o ‘Foetal Origins of Disease Hypothesis’ states organisms make predictive, adaptive responses
in anticipation of perceived impending environmental situations, and that this process begins
Examples of epigenetic changes include:
o Low birth weight or impaired foetal growth (IUGR) – this is associated with many adverse
health outcomes (e.g. hypertension, diabetes, CVD, etc.)
 This is presumed to occur due to the foetal compensatory responses in-utero that
increase foetal survival, BUT result in adverse long-term effects
Exposure to maternal diabetes – this is associated with CVD, diabetes, obesity and cancer
(irrespective of birth weight)
o Other factors affecting outcomes include maternal and paternal obesity and diet, maternal
smoking and maternal preeclampsia
There is some evidence that adults born with impaired foetal growth can have their CVD risk reduced
by dietary supplementation (with Omega-3 PUFA [Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids])
Recent data suggests that early life experience (e.g. healthy diet, normal weight) can help to
ameliorate deleterious changes
Understand the cytogenetic mechanisms responsible for Down Syndrome and
the mechanisms that produce Trisomy 21
Down Syndrome (i.e. Trisomy 21) results from there being 3 copies of the Chromosome 21 (rather
than 2 copies)
o Chromosome 21 is the smallest of the 23 different chromosomes
o This may explain why Chromosome 21 is the most common chromosome that can occur
three times (rather than the normal two times) and still be a live birth (as other
Chromosomes that occur three times will be too mutated resulting in a miscarriage)
The risk of having a child with Trisomy 21 increases with maternal age
o In contrast, there is no relationship between paternal age and Trisomy 21
Trisomies are observed in a significant proportion of spontaneous abortions
Trisomy 21 can result from:
o Full Trisomy (~95%)
o Chromosome Translocation (~4%)
o Mosaicism (~1%)
o Other (<1%)
Full Trisomy will result from meiotic or mitotic non-disjunction events
o Errors in Meiosis that lead to Trisomy 21 are usually (~95% of the time) maternal in origin
 Nondisjunction at Meiosis I is more likely to occur for maternal origin of dysfunction
compared to Nondisjunction at Meiosis II
 In contrast, nondisjunction at Meiosis II is more likely to occur for paternal origin of
dysfunction compared to Nondisjunction at Meiosis I
o These are two mechanisms through which Full Trisomy of chromosomes can occur
Chromosome Translocations can involve:
o Reciprocal Translocation
 This involves the swap of part of the Chromosome between two different
 This can result in balanced translocation (i.e. normal number of genes), though the
gametes will have unbalanced translocation (i.e. partial trisomy and monosomy)
 Partial Trisomy can be detected via FISH
o Robertsonian Translocation
 This involves fusion of the whole long arms of two acrocentric chromosomes
(chromosomes with the centromere near the very end)
 Note: The two short arms will also fuse together, but may be lost
o Insertional Translocation
 This involves a part of one chromosome being inserted into another chromosome
(without any reciprocal exchange)
Define the meaning of translocation and mosaicism
‘Translocation’ refers to rearrangement of parts of the chromosomes between nonhomologous
‘Mosaicism’ refers to the presence of two or more different genotypes in one individual (i.e. not every
cell in the body has the same DNA content)
This can occur by chance during early embryogenesis
This can result in partial Trisomy 21
 Note: ‘High-performing’ Down Syndrome individuals generally have mosaicism
Understand the major events that occur during the embryological
development of the heart (in particular the various partitioning processes)
The heart forms very early in the mesoderm within the trilaminar embryonic disc as a simple paired
tube inside the forming pericardial cavity
o These paired tubes will fuse to form a single primitive heart tube
o The heart begins to beat at about 22-23 days, with blood flow beginning in the 4th week
The single heart tube is then partitioned into 4 chambers with a systemic outflow on the left and a
pulmonary outflow on the right
o Septation of the heart into separate chambers occurs  as the embryonic / foetal circulation
is different to the neonatal circulation, several defects of heart septation may only become
apparent on this transition to the neonatal circulation
Blood passes the nonfunctioning lungs via 2 temporary ‘shunts’ (i.e. Foramen Ovale and Ductus
The three key differences in foetal circulation are the presence of the:
o Foramen Ovale (opening between Left and Right Atrium)
o Ductus Arteriosus (connection between Pulmonary Trunk and Descending Aorta)
o Ductus Venosum (connection from Umbilical Vein to Inferior Vena Cava [hence enabling
placental blood to bypass the liver])
o Note: Failure of these three differences to close will result in a congenital heart defect
 Foramen Ovale should close soon after birth once Left Atrium pressure > Right
Atrium pressure
 Ductus Arteriosus should constrict/close soon after birth
 Ductus Venosum should constrict/close within one week of birth
After birth, the lungs will inflate and the resistance to blood flow in the lungs decreases
o This will cause blood to flow via the Pulmonary Circulation (rather than the Ductus
Consider how abnormalities of the normal partitioning processes can cause
congenital heart defects and the effect that these can have on the circulation
Abnormalities of the normal development process can result in congenital heart defects such as:
o Patent Ductus Arteriosus
o Coarctation of Aorta
o Atrial Septal Defects (ASD)
o Ventricular Septal Defects (VSD)
o Atrioventricular Septal Defects (AVSD)
o Tetralogy of Fallot
o Transposition of the Great Vessels
Atrial Septal Defects may not produce any clinically relevant problems; however, significant defects
will produce a left-to-right shunt, which can ultimately cause increases in Pulmonary Pressure /
Pulmonary Hypertension
o Alternatively, venous embolism may travel through this septal defect and enter the arterial
circulation (which can then potentially lodge in the brain causing a Stroke)
o Ventricular Septal Defects can also produce a left-to-right shunt, which can ultimately cause
increases in Pulmonary Pressure / Pulmonary Hypertension
Patent Ductus Arteriosus will result in oxygenated blood from the Left Heart re-entering the
Pulmonary Circulation
o This will increase the pulmonary pressures (resulting in Pulmonary Hypertension) and make
breathing more difficult (resulting in dyspnoea)
Furthermore, the effective cardiac output to the systemic circulation is reduced due to this
diversion of blood
Transposition of the Great Vessels will result in two circulations in parallel  this will result in death
without surgery, as deoxygenated blood cannot be oxygenated resulting in a lack of oxygen supply to
Understand the normal changes in the circulation that occur at birth, to
enable transition from foetal to postnatal life
Normal changes to circulation that occur at birth are:
o Foramen Ovale should close soon after birth once Left Atrium pressure > Right Atrium
o Ductus Arteriosus should constrict/close soon after birth
o Ductus Venosum should constrict/close within one week of birth
After birth, there is a reduction in Pulmonary Vascular Resistance (due to the lungs breathing, the
fluid in the lungs being expelled and an increase in pulmonary vasodilating hormones) and an increase
in Systemic Vascular Resistance (as the low resistance placenta is removed from the circulation)
o This results in blood flowing via the Pulmonary Circulation rather than via the Ductus
Arteriosus (which can then functionally close within ~10-15 hours of birth)
o This also increases flow to the Left Atrium; this will increase Left Atrium pressure such that
the Foramen Ovale functionally closes
o Ductus Venosum closure commences shortly after birth due to cessation of umbilical venous
Understand the conditions that interfere with this normal transition
Causes of difficult transition of circulation include:
o Normal transition complicated by premature delivery (which can result in Patent Ductus
o Delay in transition in infant with normal cardiovascular system
o Normal transition in infant with abnormal cardiovascular system (who relies on a Patent
Ductus Arteriosus for survival)
Abnormal transition can result in:
o Cyanosis (i.e. ‘blue baby’)
o Respiratory distress
o Cardiac failure
o Shock
Examples of conditions interfering with the normal transition include:
o Patent Ductus Arteriosus
 This will result in pulmonary congestion  this can lead to Pulmonary
Haemorrhage, which will impair gas exchange (which can result in death!)
 Alternatively, this can result in insufficient blood supply to the brain, resulting in
poorer developmental outcomes
o Persistent Foetal Circulation
 This involves failure of systemic and pulmonary circulation resistance to convert
from the foetal to the normal postnatal resistance
 This results in continued blood flow through the Foramen Ovale and a lack of
oxygenation of blood
Examples of abnormal cardiovascular system conditions that rely on a Patent Ductus Arteriosus for
survival include:
o Pulmonary Atresia
 This involves the Pulmonary Outflow Tract / Pulmonary Trunk being absent or
completely stenosed (preventing blood from the Right Heart reaching the lungs to
be oxygenated)
 Patent Ductus Arteriosus provides a pathway for blood to be oxygenated
Transposition of Great Arteries
 This results in two circulations in parallel  this will result in death without surgery
as deoxygenated blood cannot be oxygenated, resulting in a lack of oxygen supply
to tissue
 Patent Ductus Arteriosus provides a pathway for blood to be oxygenated
Aortic Atresia
 This involves the Left Ventricular Outflow Tract being absent
 Oxygenated blood will back up from the Left Heart back into the Pulmonary
Circulation and back into the Pulmonary Arteries
 Patent Ductus Arteriosus provides a pathway for oxygenated blood to reach the
systemic circulation
Coarctation of Aorta
 Narrowing of Aorta will restrict blood flow to the lower half of the body
 However, Patent Ductus Arteriosus will ensure appropriate perfusion to lower half
of body
Note: Prostaglandin E1 is infused after birth for these infants, as this will re-open the Ductus
TBD – New in 2014
Medical aspects of congenital heart disease include:
o Cyanosis (which is related to Acne, Osteoporosis, Gout and Gall Stones)
o Haemodynamics
o Electrophysiology
o Endocarditis
Psychosocial aspects of Congenital Heart Disease include:
o Employment
o Insurance
o Contraception
o Exercise / sport
o Social development
o Intellectual development
The most common types of Congenital Heart Disease (which account for ~85% of Congenital Heart
Diseases) are:
o Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD)
o Atrial Septal Defect (ASD)
o Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA)
o Aortic Stenosis
o Pulmonary Stenosis
o Aortic Coarctation
o Transposition of the Great Arteries
o Tetralogy of Fallot
Ventricular Septal Defect will result in higher pressures and oxygen saturation in the Right Ventricle
Eisenmenger VSD involves the blood shunting from the right-to-left ventricle due to the Pulmonary
Resistance increasing to above the Systemic Resistance
o The Pulmonary Vessels will adapt to the higher pressures from the Right Ventricle (due to the
VSD) by developing higher resistance
o Once the Pulmonary Resistance is greater than the Systemic Resistance, blood will find it
easier to travel from the Right Ventricle to the Left Ventricle (rather than to the Pulmonary
o This will ultimately result in deoxygenated blood being pumped from the Left Ventricle into
the Systemic Circulation (which will trigger Cyanosis and Polycythaemia)
Central Atrial Septal Defect (i.e. defect in the centre of the Atrium wall) can be closed percutaneously
by threading a catheter through the defect and releasing a twin-disc device that clamps a single disc
down on either side of the Septal Defect (i.e. in both the Right and Left Atrium) and blocks the hole
o However, this technique can only be used on central defects and NOT on defects close to
other structures, as the device / discs need to be able to clamp down in the space around the
hole (to ensure the hole in completely blocked)
Atrial Septal Defect will result in blood flow from the Left to Right Heart (as Left Heart Pressure is
o This can result in Right Heart dilatation due to the excessive volume and pressures in these
chambers (which can cause Atrial Fibrillation, Pulmonary Hypertension and / or Right Heart
Patent Ductus Arteriosus can be resolved / closed off percutaneously by placing a disc on either side
of the Patent Ductus Arteriosus
o This uncorrected defect will result in blood flow from the Aorta to the Pulmonary Trunk
o This will trigger a continuous murmur (as there is continual rapid flow from the Aorta to the
Pulmonary Trunk)
o This will also trigger greater volume load into the Pulmonary Trunk, Left Atrium and Left
Ventricle (but NOT Right Heart)
Patients with Bicuspid Aortic Valve are more likely to have Aortic Stenosis, Aortic Regurgitation and /
or dilatation of the Aorta (which may eventually result in Aortic Rupture / Dissection)
Patients with an Aneurysm later in life following an Aortic Coarctation Repair are at risk of Sudden
o These patients will need treatment of this aneurysm to avoid this risk
Tetralogy of Fallot will involve the following four features:
o Right Ventricular Outflow Obstruction (e.g. Pulmonary Trunk Stenosis)
o Right Ventricular Hypertrophy
o Ventricular Septal Defect
o Aortic Override (over the Right Ventricle)
o Note: The four features of Tetralogy of Fallot occur due to the Infundibular Septum being
directed anteriorly rather than inferiorly
Blalock-Taussig Operation / Shunt increases pulmonary blood flow for palliation in duct dependent
(i.e. Patent Ductus Arteriosus) cyanotic heart defects
o This operation involves connecting the Subclavian Artery to the Pulmonary Trunk / Arteries
o This operation will relive cyanosis in patients (mainly infants) whilst they await corrective or
palliative surgery
Patients with congenital heart defects are more likely to suffer from arrhythmias due to:
o Scars on the heart from the operation to correct the congenital heart defect (which will
increase electrical instability)
o Dilated chambers (due to the congenital defect), which are irritated electrically
Transposition of the Great Vessels results in two circulations in parallel
o This is palliated with a Balloon Atrial Septostomy (which creates a connection between the
two parallel circulations), whilst definitive treatment involves an ‘Arterial Switch’
Tricuspid Atresia results in a hypoplastic or absent Right Ventricle  this results in the heart being
unable to properly oxygenate the rest of the body (as it cannot pump the blood into the Pulmonary
o Treatment can include Total Cavopulmonary Connection, which involves diverting venous
blood from the IVC / SVC directly to the Pulmonary Arteries (i.e. circumvent the Right Atrium)
Understand the range of normal development in children, together with
major deviations from the normal pattern that cause the greatest concern
‘Development Delay’ is defined as when a child does not reach developmental milestones at the
expected age (i.e. performance 2 standard deviations below age-appropriate norm), allowing for
normal variability
o This delay should be persistent rather than temporary / one-off (e.g. due to an illness in the
o Indigenous children are more than twice as likely to be developmentally vulnerable (i.e. 43%
of Indigenous children vs. 22% of Non-Indigenous children)
o Males are more likely to be vulnerable
Domains for development are:
o Gross Motor
o Fine Motor
o Speech and Language
o Cognitive
o Social / Emotional
o Self-help
If developmental delay is only is a single domain, consider whether there is a localised issue driving
this rather than being a true developmental delay (e.g. MSK condition inhibiting fine motor skills)
o However, single domain developmental delay (e.g. speech / language) may be an early sign
of a more global developmental delay
o Be VERY concerned if there is any regression in developmental progress!!!
Screening tools when used longitudinally improve detection of developmental delay by 3-4 times and
will correctly detect almost all children (compared to clinical judgment alone)
Screening for developmental delay is NOT a one-off but rather an ongoing process of ‘Developmental
o Other risk factors should also be considered in this Developmental Surveillance program
An approach to assessing children suspected of developmental delay includes:
o Taking a History from Parents – this can provide additional information on the functional
capabilities of the child (as the child may not be exhibiting their full capabilities in the
examination room)
o Examining for Risk Factors (e.g. failure to thrive, congenital abnormalities, sensory problems,
environment for child, etc.)
Common causes of developmental delay in developing countries are:
o Malnutrition
o Inadequate stimulation or learning opportunities
o Iodine deficiency
o Iron deficiency anaemia
o Note: Absence of attachment to a consistent caregiver can have significant negative effects
on brain development and cognitive functioning
Understand the common medical conditions associated with Down Syndrome
Common medical conditions associated with Down Syndrome includes:
o Congenital Heart Disease / Abnormalities (e.g. AVSD, PDA, etc.)
o GIT Malformations (e.g. Duodenal Atresia)
o Ocular / Vision disorders (prevalence ~60%)
o Hearing impairment (which will magnify any developmental delay by having a marked
inhibitory effect on language development)
o Hypothyroidism
Atlanto-Axial Instability (which can lead to neck pain, gait abnormality, etc.)
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
Childhood Leukaemia and Testicular Cancer
Coeliac Disease
Poor Oral Health
Autoimmune disorders (e.g. Vitiligo, Alopecia)
Skin Disorders (e.g. Hyperkeratosis)
Respiratory Infections
Psychiatric Disorders
Alzheimer’s Disease (earlier onset vis-à-vis general population)
Understand the importance of providing a thorough medical, developmental
and educational assessment
A thorough medical, developmental and educational assessment is important as this will identify
areas of need for people with Down Syndrome and ensure appropriate support is provided to
maximise their development, health and independence
o This will help foster autonomy and maximise inclusion in the community for people with
Down Syndrome
o Ongoing support is often required for individuals and their families, though most people with
Down Syndrome live in the community (rather than within institutions)
Remember to check / screen for particular health conditions regularly (even if there is no complaint
from the patient [as Down Syndrome patient may not have the skills to communicate any health
o There is often ‘Diagnostic Overshadowing’ (i.e. doctor being distracted by the intellectual
disability and not diagnosing other medical conditions present) which increases the
importance of pro-active screening
Preventative healthcare is also important given the high prevalence of various medical conditions in
people with Down Syndrome
Understand the range of support mechanisms for families of children that
have intellectual disability
‘Intellectual disability’ refers to deficits in intellectual function (e.g. reasoning, problem solving) AND
deficits in adaptive functioning (e.g. social participation, independent living) that had its onset in the
developmental period
o Severity of intellectual disability is based on functioning in Conceptual (e.g. language,
literacy, money, time, etc.), Social (e.g. interpersonal skills, ability to follow rules / laws, etc.)
and Practical (e.g. ADLs, travel / transportation, etc.) domains
Current approach to support is that it should be provided based on the needs of the individual
o The specific support needed will change across the lifespan of the individual
The support mechanisms available for families of children that have an intellectual disability include:
o Coordination of services (e.g. GP, Disability Case Manager, etc.)
o Advisors on schooling
o Respite care
o Financial support (e.g. NDIS, Carer Allowance, Taxi Subsidy, Disability Support Pension)
o Support groups / sibling groups
o Prenatal diagnosis support (e.g. explain the full circumstances of the life of a child with an
Intellectual Disability [e.g. Down Syndrome] and the impact on their parents / siblings lives
TBD – New in 2014
The key mechanisms for Arrhythmia are:
o Abnormal Automaticity
o Re-Entry (this is the most frequently encountered mechanism of Arrhythmia)
o Triggered Activity After Depolarisation
Increased automaticity results in a part of the Atrium (other than the SA Node) firing off an additional
electrical signal  this additional signal causes the Ectopic Beat
Re-entry refers to the ability of an electrical wave of depolarisation to go down a pathway and return
back through an alternative pathway to allow a circuit of electrical activation to form; this requires:
o Two alternative electrical pathways
o Unidirectional block in one of the above pathways
o Critical zone of ‘slow’ conduction (which enables depolarised tissue sufficient time to
repolarise in preparation for the next depolarisation [which will then sustain the
Supraventricular Arrhythmias will include:
o Atrial Ectopic Beats
 Mechanism – Automaticity, Re-entry
 Diagnosis – ECG
 Implications – Benign in absence of heart disease
 Symptoms – ‘Missed beat’, cough
 Treatment – Generally nil as this is benign
 Beta-blockers can be used if needed (assuming ectopic due to adrenergic
 Otherwise, avoid triggers (e.g. caffeine, alcohol, stress)
o Supraventricular Tachycardia
 Mechanism – AV Junctional Re-Entrant Tachycardia (70%), Accessory Pathway
(25%), Automatic Focal (5%)
 Symptoms – Rapid palpitations, dizziness, sudden onset / abrupt offset, sweating,
chest pain, pulsing in neck / throat
 Treatment – Vagal manoeuvres (e.g. coughing, Carotid massage, Valsalva
manoeuvre), drug therapy (e.g. Adenosine, Verapamil IV, Sotalol, Flecainide),
cardioversion, Catheter Ablation (preferred long-term treatment option
 Ablation involves delivery of radiofrequency energy that cauterises cardiac
tissue (which prevents transmission of electrical signals via this tissue) 
this is a very effective treatment (cure rate of ~95%)
 Note: Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) Syndrome is a specific type of Supraventricular
Tachycardia involving an accessory pathway; this is characterised by a short PR
interval, SVT and Delta waves (i.e. slurred upstroke of QRS complex)
 Note: Ectopic Atrial Tachycardia is a specific type of Supraventricular Tachycardia
involving ectopic beats from the Atrium; treatment can involve Flecanaide
(extremely effective), Sotalol or Cardiac Ablation
o Atrial Flutter
 Mechanism – Single re-entry circuit (typically in Right Atrium)
 Symptoms – Palpitations, light-headedness, flutters
 Treatment – Cardiac Ablation, Anticoagulation, Drug Therapy (e.g. Flecanaide,
Verapamil, Sotalol, Amiodarone)
o Atrial Fibrillation
 Mechanism – Multiple re-entry circuits (typically with a foci near the Pulmonary
Risk factors – Age (>50), Hypertension, Heart Failure, Ischaemic Heart Disease,
Valvular Heart Disease, Obesity, Diabetes, Thyroid Disease, Obstructive Sleep
Triggers – Endurance training / sports, respiratory disease, dehydration, spicy foods,
inflammation, GORD (Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease)
Symptoms – Palpitations, dyspnoea, fatigue, dizziness, syncope, angina
Implications – 5x Stroke Risk, 2x Mortality, Heart Failure, reduced quality of life,
reduced exercise tolerance
Treatment – Slow heart rate (e.g. via drug therapy [e.g. Flecanaide, Sotalol,
Amiodarone], cardioversion, pacemaker), treat symptoms, prevent stroke /
anticoagulation (e.g. Warfarin, Aspirin)
Describe disturbances of rhythm arising in the ventricles of the heart, how
they are classified, their mechanisms and effects, and how they may be
diagnosed and treated
Depolarisation / repolarisation of Ventricular Muscle will involve Na+, K+ and Ca2+ channels
Depolarisation will occur due to a gradual leakage of current until the threshold is achieved to trigger
o The heart rate (i.e. rate of depolarisation) can be decreased by increasing the threshold
potential and / or lowering the resting membrane potential (and vice versa)
o Anti-arrhythmic drugs commonly will adjust the threshold and / or resting membrane
potentials and hence impact upon the rhythm
Cardiac Myocytes have an elongated action potential phase compared to Skeletal Muscle Cells (during
which it is refractory and cannot be re-stimulated)
o This prevents rapidly repeated / continual contraction of the heart, which ensures there is a
diastole phase (and hence the presence of blood in the Ventricles to pump in the systole
The different ventricular arrhythmias are:
o Bradycardia
 This results from either the failure to generate an impulse (i.e. sinus node
dysfunction) or a block in conduction (i.e. at the AV Node or Purkinje Fibres)
o Tachycardia
 This can result from tachyarrhythmias conducted from the Atrium (e.g. Atrial
Flutter, Sinus Tachycardia, Supraventricular Tachycardia)
 Alternatively, this can arise from the ventricles themselves (e.g. focus, re-entrant
tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, Torsades des Pointes)
o Ventricular Bigeminy
 This refers to the presence of an ectopic beat every 2nd beat
 The second beat (i.e. ectopic beat) will produce less output / pressure as there has
been insufficient time to fill the Ventricle fully prior to the ventricular contraction
 This will result in a weak pulse character for this ectopic beat
 Furthermore, there will be a gap until the next normal beat due to this Ectopic Beat
interfering with the normal sinus rhythm
 This extra diastole time will cause the heart to overfill and contract harder
(due to the Frank-Starling Law) resulting in a more forceful beat (which can
be experienced as a palpitation)
o Note: If unsure whether patient has VT or SVT, always assume VT and treat accordingly!!! (as
this is the conservative choice and will avoid unnecessary mortality!)
Treatments for Arrhythmias are:
o Bradycardia
 Atropine (inhibit parasympathetic stimulation)
 Adrenaline (increases sympathetic stimulation)
 Pacing
 Medications (e.g. Sotalol, Amiodarone, Flecanaide, etc.)
 Cardioversion
 Cardiac Ablation
 Implantable Defibrillators
Mechanisms of Tachycardia’s are:
o Increased Automaticity
o Re-entry
o Triggered Automaticity
An infarction / myocarditis / cardiomyopathy, sarcoid, etc. causing a scar may leave small amounts of
functioning tissue present through which an electrical signal can travel (albeit in a different pathway)
o This preserved tissue amongst the infarcted tissue may lead to the formation of re-entry
‘Triggered Automaticity’ refers to the slight depolarisation that occurs after stimulation of the heart
(i.e. ‘delayed depolarisation’) being sufficient to reach the threshold potential and trigger a full
depolarisation / additional ventricular contraction (leading to an Arrhythmia)
o The more rapid the heart rate, the larger the delayed depolarisation
o ‘Triggered Automaticity’ is more common in the outflow tract arrhythmias and as a result of
certain drug toxicities
Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) Syndrome is an arrhythmia resulting from an accessory
Atrioventricular pathway in the lateral side of the Atrium and Ventricle (known as the Bundle of Kent)
It is not uncommon for a patient with a Supraventricular Tachycardia to have large levels of ST
Depression (i.e. sign of ischaemia)
Channelopathies are genetic alterations in membrane channel function that predispose a person to
potentially fatal arrhythmias (e.g. Long QT Syndrome, Brugada Syndrome, etc.)
There are four classes of Anti-Arrhythmic Drugs; these are:
o Class I – Drugs that block voltage-sensitive Na+ channels (e.g. Quinidine [Class 1A],
Lignocaine [Class 1B], Flecainide [Class 1C])
 These drugs reduce both the slope of depolarisation and the peak of the action
 Different sub-types of Class I drugs will increase (1A), decrease (1B) or have no
effect (1C) on the action potential duration and effective refractory period
 The degree of blockage produced is greater if the channel is more frequently
 Note: Na+ Channel blockers may be proarrhythmic and trigger AF, Re-entry and
Ventricular Arrhythmias
o Class II – Beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists (e.g. Metoprolol, Propranolol)
 These drugs block sympathetic activity
 This will increase the Effective Refractory Period of AV Node (and hence is effective
to prevent Supraventricular Tachycardia)
 Effect is to reduce heart rate and conduction
o Class III – Drugs that prolong the Action Potential Duration (e.g. Amiodarone, Sotalol)
 These drugs delay repolarisation by blocking K+ channels
 Effect is to increase Action Potential Duration and Effective Refractory Period (and
hence is effective against re-entrant tachycardia)
 However, all drugs that prolong QT interval have a proarrhythmic effect (and can
cause VT!)
o Class IV – Calcium channel antagonists (e.g. Verapamil)
 These drugs block L-type Ca2+ channels and hence inhibits action potential
 These drugs are most effective at the SA and AV Nodes
Effect is to reduce heart rate and conduction (and hence is effective to prevent
Supraventricular Tachycardia)
 Reduced Ca2+ also reduces risk of Triggered Automaticity and hence ectopic beats
Clinical uses of different classes of drugs are:
o Class IA – Ventricular Arrhythmias, prevention of paroxysmal AF
o Class IB – Treatment and prevention of VT and VF during and immediately after MI (but not
o Class IC – Prevention of paroxysmal AF, prevent recurrent tachyarrhythmias associated with
WPW Syndrome
o Class II – Reduce mortality after MI
o Class III - Prevent tachyarrhythmias associated with WPW Syndrome, prevent refractory AF
and other SVTs
o Class IV – Prevent SVTs, reduce ventricular rate in AF patients (but NOT WPW patients)
 Blocking the AV Node in WPW patients with AF is contraindicated as this may result
in the rapid, uncontrolled electrical currents from the Atrium being transmitted to
the Ventricles via the Bundle of Kent rather than via the AV Node
 If this occurs, the rapid, uncontrolled electrical signals will be transmitted
from the Atrium to the Ventricles unfiltered  this may trigger VT or VF!
 In contrast, rapid, uncontrolled electrical signals transmitted via the AV
Node to the Ventricles will NOT cause VT or VF, as the presence of the
refractory period of the AV Node prevents excessive stimulation of the
Adenosine is a drug that will produce a transient AV block that will terminate SVT (though can induce
AF in ~15% of patients)
Ivabradine is drug that will reduce heart rate through its effect on the SA node; this reduced cardiac
workload and oxygen demand and may be used to treat stable angina
Discuss the current understanding of the contribution of obesity to
Obesity can be defined as body fat of > 25% in men and > 35% in women
o BMI is a convenient surrogate marker for obesity such that obesity is presumed if BMI > 30
Hypertension is defined by the WHO as Arterial Blood Pressure > 140/90
The normal Systolic Blood pressure level will rise with age, due to increased arterial stiffness with age
o Increased arterial stiffness will increase systemic vascular resistance AND reflectionaugmentation (which are both components of Central Blood Pressure)
o Note: Reflection-Augmentation refers to the augmentation (i.e. increase) of Central Aortic
Pressure by a reflected pulse wave
Higher weight is associated with higher blood pressure (i.e. Obesity is associated with Hypertension);
mechanisms linking the two are:
o Overactivity of the sympathetic nervous system
 People with central adiposity (i.e. high abdominal visceral fat) will have higher
sympathetic nervous activity compared to other people with the same BMI but less
central adiposity
 Leptin is increased in obesity and has the effect of increasing sympathetic
 Obstructive Sleep Apnoea is associated with obesity and has the effect of increasing
peripheral sympathetic activity
 Insulin is increased in obesity and has the effect of increasing sympathetic
Adipose Tissue triggers increased Renin secretion (via increased sympathetic activity), which
results in Sodium and water retention  this increases blood volume and hence results in
o Metabolic Syndrome (which includes diabetes, dyslipidemia, central obesity) is increased in
obese patients  these factors are linked to hypertension
o Renal Mechanism (as the number of glomeruli in obese patients will decrease over time) 
this results in a progressive reduction in renal function such that the equilibrium blood
pressure increases (i.e. hypertension) to maintain equilibrium between fluid intake and
Obesity is associated with increased intravascular volume and pressure and therefore eccentric Left
Ventricular Hypertrophy (i.e. dilatation) (which causes volume overload)
o In contrast, hypertension in lean subjects is associated with concentric Left Ventricular
hypertrophy (which causes pressure overload)
o Obesity and hypertension leads to pressure AND volume overload  this is a potentially
synergistically adverse combination
A sensible combination diet (i.e. balanced diet) will result in a larger reduction in blood pressure
compared to a fruits and vegetable diet only
Discuss the end organ damage caused by benign and malignant systemic
Benign Hypertension is defined as systemic hypertension (i.e. Arterial BP > 140/90) that has been
stable for years
Malignant Hypertension is defined as Arterial BP > 200/120 over ~1-2 years; this will be lead to:
o Severe headaches, shortness of breath and / or chest pain
o Severe organ damage (e.g. stroke, haemorrhage, heart attack)
Benign Hypertension may result in:
o Left Ventricle Hypertrophy (eventually resulting in Left Heart Failure)
 Hypertrophied Cardiac Myocytes will increase the distance between the peripheral
Cardiac Myocytes and the blood vessel
 This will reduce perfusion of these Cardiac Myocytes resulting in their necrosis and
replacement with fibrous tissue
 Fibrosis increases the rigidity of the heart wall (which will exacerbate the
developing heart failure as it cannot relax and fill properly)
 Fibrosis also increases the risk of developing Arrhythmias, as fibrous tissue
is an insulator and increases the likelihood of developing re-entry circuits
o Right Ventricle Hypertrophy
 Left Heart failure will result in Pulmonary Congestion / Hypertension
 This increases the pressure against which the Right Ventricle needs to pump  this
will result in Right Ventricle Hypertrophy
o Replacement of smooth muscle in Arterioles with Eosinophillic Hyaline, which will narrow the
o Replacement of smooth muscle in Arteries with Fibrous Tissue, which increases the risk of
o Renal damage (e.g. hypertensive nephrosclerosis, atherosclerosis)
 This will exacerbate hypertension via Renin release
 However, renal function is seldom compromised by hypertension alone (unless
there is another renal disease present)
o Cerebral complications, such as:
 Increased risk of cerebral infarction due to Atherosclerosis (i.e. stroke)
 Increased risk of intercerebral haemorrhage (due to degradation of penetrating
 Increased risk of rupture of Berry Aneurysms in Circle of Willis
o Atherosclerosis throughout the body (which increases the risk of ischaemia)
Aortic Valve damage (due to Aortic Dissection [which can be triggered by Atherosclerosis,
which results in Hypertension] progressing to the Aortic Valve)
Malignant Hypertension may result in:
o Myocardial infarction
o Cerebral infarction (i.e. stroke)
o Haemorrhage
o Papilloedema
Discuss the underlying pathophysiology of hypertension
Blood pressure is a continuum, whereby higher blood pressure is associated with higher risk of Stroke
/ Coronary Heart Disease
o The threshold level at which ‘Hypertension’ is diagnosed is a relatively arbitrary level
o The key purpose of these thresholds is to determine when it is worth it to provide a
o However, the limitation of arbitrary thresholds is that almost everyone will fall in the ‘needs
treatment’ range
Current approach to whether it is worth treating blood pressure is whether there are other risk
factors present
Discuss the different classes of anti-hypertensive drugs and their mechanism
of action
BP = CO x Total Peripheral Resistance
o Peripheral Vascular Resistance is typically the main element targeted when attempting to
treat Blood Pressure
o In contrast, we typically avoid attempting to change cardiac output as a means of changing
blood pressure
The different classes of anti-hypertensive drugs are:
o ACE Inhibitors
 These drugs end in the suffix ‘-pril’
 Mechanism of action involves inhibition of the Renin / Angiotensin / Aldosterone
system (by reducing synthesis of Angiotensin II)
 This results in vasodilation and a reduction in blood volume (as less Aldosterone is
released)  both these will decrease blood pressure
 Side effects include hyperkalaemia (due to reduced Aldosterone), worsened renal
function if already impaired, dry cough, foetal malformations
o Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers (ARB)
 These drugs end in the suffix ‘-sartan’
 Mechanism of action involves inhibition of the Renin / Angiotensin / Aldosterone
system (by reducing synthesis of Angiotensin II)
 Only difference between ACE Inhibitors and Angiotensin II Antagonists are
that ACE Inhibitors will have a side-effect impact upon the Bradykinin
 Angiotensin II Antagonists and ACE Inhibitors have a similar effect / impact on blood
 The side effects are also similar (except for no dry cough in Angiotensin II
o Calcium Channel Blockers
 Mechanism of action involves blocking voltage dependent Ca2+ channels  this will
result in vasodilation
 This consists of either Dihydropyridines (these drugs end in the suffix ‘-dipine’) and
Non-dihydropyridines (e.g. Verapamil, Diltiazem)
 Dihydropyridines are more commonly used for hypertension
Non-dihydropyridines are more commonly used for ischaemic heart
disease (as they also block Ca2+ channels in the heart, which will inhibit the
SA and AV Node, and hence inhibit heart rate)
 Side effects include peripheral oedema, reflex tachycardia [i.e. increase in heart rate
in response to hypotension], headache, constipation (and decreased cardiac output
/ bradycardia for Non-dihydropyridines)
o Diuretics (e.g. Thiazides, Loop Diuretics, etc.)
 Mechanism of action involves blocking Na+ re-absorption in the kidneys (which
results in reduced water retention and hence lower blood volume / blood pressure)
 Different diuretics will have their effect in different areas of the Loop
 Each of these different locations have different ion transporters, so each
diuretic will have a different impact upon electrolyte levels (e.g.
Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium)
 Furthermore, each of the types of diuretics can be used concurrently to
increase the diuretic effect as their precise mechanism of action is different
 Side-effects include Gout, Hypokalemia, Hypercalcaemia, Hypomagnesaemia and
Hyperglycemia (these are all due to the increased Na+ in the urine up-regulating or
down-regulating absorption or secretion of these other ions in the kidneys too)
o Beta-Blockers
 These drugs end in the suffix ‘-lol’
 Mechanism of action involves blocking Beta-adrenoreceptors and hence inhibiting
the sympathetic response
 Inhibition of Beta receptors prevent the release of Renin (which will hence
reduce vasoconstriction and blood volume, hence reduce blood pressure)
 Blocking of Beta receptors will also result in a reduction in heart rate and
contractility in the event of sympathetic stimulation
 Unlike other drugs, there is significant variation / diversity within the class of Betablockers
 Not all beta-blockers are the same, as they may have different target
receptors or special attributes (e.g. partial agonist, local anaesthetic, etc.)
 Side-effects include Bradycardia, muscle fatigue / tiredness, cold hands / feet (due
to reduction in cardiac output to peripheries), bronchospasm
There are a range of drugs that can result in Hypertension; these include NSAIDs and Cyclosporin
(both of which ‘damage’ the kidneys and triggered increased Renin release)
o Additionally, Corticosteroids and the Oral Contraceptive Pill will increase blood pressure
through its interaction with Aldosterone
Drug combinations are common in treatment of hypertension, as each individual anti-hypertensive
medication only has limited effectiveness (i.e. each drug reduces BP by ~6-7mmHg only)
o Multiple anti-hypertensive medications may be needed in ~50-75% of patients to achieve the
reduction in blood pressure needed for their situation
The choice of which particular drug to use to treat hypertension will be influenced by the other
conditions / morbidities affecting the patient
o Different anti-hypertensive drugs have different mechanisms of actions that may be
beneficial (or contraindicated) for particular co-morbidities
Lifestyle modifications such as smoking cessation, salt-restriction and weight control have a
significantly bigger impact in reducing the risk of mortality / morbidity (as they are also a key risk
factor in several other diseases too!)
Discuss the significance and meaning of hypertension and that it is a
symptom of underlying disease
o Hypertension is often one outcome of a long chain of pathological
conditions and their elucidation can lead to useful therapy
Hypertension is defined as Arterial Blood Pressure > 140/90 (with optimal blood pressure <120/80)
This threshold is an arbitrary threshold, as there is a continuous relationship between
increased blood pressure and adverse cardiovascular events
Hypertension may be a manifestation of one or more underlying mechanisms or types of disease,
rather than being a disease entity in its own right
Understand the different risk factors associated with hypertension
Risk Factors for Hypertension include:
o Age
o Adverse lifestyle (e.g. smoking, obesity, high salt intake)
o Family history of metabolic syndrome, hypertension, renal disease, heart disease and /or
peripheral vascular disease
o Specific diseases, such as:
 Sleep Apnoea
 Coarctation of the Aorta
 Renal disease
 Endocrine syndromes
 Genetic conditions
o Pregnancy
o Medications (e.g. NSAIDS, Steroids, Alcohol, Oral Contraceptive Pill)
Examine the assessment of:
o Structural, functional and biochemical aspects of each item in the
causal sequence; and
o End-organ damage resulting both from the hypertension itself and
from its causal factors
Assessment will involve:
o History
o Physical Examination (particularly the renal, endocrine, cardiac, vascular and neurological
o Investigations (e.g. Full Blood Count + Biochemistry [e.g. EUC / GFR, LFT, Glucose, Lipids],
Urinalysis, Chest X-Ray, Echocardiogram)
 Other potential tests that can be performed include 24-hour urine, nuclear
medicine, hormones, autoimmune profile and imaging with CT / Ultrasound
 Specific causative diseases may also be specifically investigated for (e.g. Coarctation
of the Aorta, Cushing’s Syndrome, etc.)
Introduce the concept of somatisation via an understanding of the mindbody problem - a philosophical dilemma that ripples through all of medicine
but particularly psychiatry
o Somatisation is the presentation to a medical practitioner of a bodily
symptom or set of bodily symptoms that are psychological in origin
o Somatisation is common in general medical practice
Current scientific view is that the mind is generated from the material brain / grey matter rather than
being a non-material concept
o This overcomes the issue of a non-material structure influencing a material structure
o However, there is still no overarching theory about how the mind operates and generates
the unique thoughts, feelings, emotions, etc.
Somatisation is the tendency to experience, to conceptualise and to communicate mental states and
personal distress as bodily complaints and medical symptoms
o This is a condition that can affect all people (e.g. feeling sick prior to an unpleasant occasion,
and then feeling fine once the occasion is avoided)
Hence, understanding of the mind-body problem can explain somatisation  this occurs as a result of
the mental states created by the material brain being translated into the rest of the material body as
a bodily symptom
Provide a more in depth analysis of its classic manifestation - conversion
‘Conversion Disorder’ refers to a condition where:
o There are symptoms / deficits that affect voluntary motor or sensory function
o Clinical findings provide evidence of incompatibility between the symptoms and recognised
neurological or medical / physiological conditions
o Symptom deficit not better explained by another mental disorder
Conversion Disorder is more likely to occur in females and people of lower socioeconomic status
o Onset is most common in adolescence and young adulthood
Examples of symptoms that occur in Conversion Disorder include:
o Motor symptoms (e.g. seizures, impaired balance / co-ordination, paralysis)
o Sensory symptoms (e.g. loss of pain sensation, blindness)
Other clinical features of Conversion Disorder include:
o Indifference to symptoms (though this has low specificity as a feature)
o History of prior conversion disorder
When diagnosing a patient with Conversion Disorder, it is important to rule out other possible
illnesses (including other psychological diseases)
o Remember that tests for other diseases may not exist or may provide a false negative!
o As a result, Conversion Disorder should NOT be a diagnosis of exclusion, but rather an active
diagnosis based on the clinical features
TBA – New in 2014
Pulmonary Hypertension is defined as Mean Pulmonary Artery Pressure (mPAP) >= 25mmHg
o Pulmonary Wedge Pressure (proxy for Left Atrium pressure) > 15mmHg suggests a postcapillary (i.e. left heart failure) cause of the Pulmonary Hypertension
Pulmonary Circulation is a low-pressure, high-flow circulation system
o Many vessels are unopened at rest  as a result, the ability of unopened vessels at rest to
dilate and be used during exercise ensures the mPAP remains relatively constant regardless
of the flow level to the lungs
o mPAP will typically be within the range of ~15-20mmHG
Right Ventricle is less able to cope with increased afterload (i.e. Pulmonary Pressure) compared to the
Left Ventricle
o This is due to the Right Ventricle not having as much muscle in its wall, and hence cannot
compensate as much when there is increased pressures
o Hence, Pulmonary Hypertension will be a significant problem in the Right Ventricle, and
rapidly lead to Right Ventricle Hypertrophy
Pulmonary Hypertension is more likely in females and has an average age of patient of 52 years
o Median survival if untreated is 2.8 years
Causes of Pulmonary Hypertension include:
o Genetic predisposition
o Left heart failure
o Drugs / toxins
o Hypoxia (as this triggers vasoconstriction of the Pulmonary Vessels, resulting in Pulmonary
o Thrombo-embolic diseases
o Environmental exposures (e.g. diet)
o Other diseases
There are five different groups / types of Pulmonary Hypertension:
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (this is the most researched type, and has the most
treatments available)
o Pulmonary Hypertension due to left-heart disease (this is the most common type)
o Pulmonary Hypertension due to lung diseases and / or hypoxia
o Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension (CTEPH)
o Pulmonary Hypertension with Unclear Multifactorial Mechanisms
Pulmonary Hypertension is initially relatively asymptomatic, with symptoms and reduced cardiac
output only occurring in severe disease
o Initial symptoms of Pulmonary Hypertension include fatigue, progressive dyspnoea on
exertion, palpitations, chest pain, syncope and coughing
o End-stage symptoms will progress to symptoms / signs of Right Heart Failure (e.g. Oedema,
Ascites) and Cyanosis
Clinical presentation of Pulmonary Hypertension will include signs of Right Heart Failure (e.g. elevated
JVP, Tricuspid Murmur, Peripheral Oedema, Hepatomegaly, etc.)
Pulmonary Hypertension is very difficult to initially diagnose (and hence is commonly misdiagnosed)
o If a patient presents with dyspnoea and no cause can be determined, persist with
investigations (e.g. Chest X-Ray, ECG, Lung Function Test, Exercise Test, Echocardiogram,
Right Heart Study) as these will detect the Pulmonary Hypertension
o Note: Right Heart Study / Catheter is the ‘gold standard’ investigation
The following investigations can be reviewed for evidence of Pulmonary Hypertension:
o Review ECG for evidence of RBBB or Right Ventricular Strain / Ischaemia when assessing for
Pulmonary Hypertension
o Review Chest X-Ray for dilated Pulmonary Arteries (in the form of enlarged Hilum) and / or
o Review Echocardiogram for size of the Right Heart, the pressure gradient / speed of flow
across the Tricuspid Valve and any congenital abnormalities (e.g. VSD) that could result in
Pulmonary Hypertension
 Increase in Tricuspid gradient and dilatation of the Right Ventricle indicates
Pulmonary Hypertension
 Increased pressure in the Right Atrium and Pulmonary Artery confirm the existence
of Pulmonary Hypertension
 Pericardial Effusions may also be present in severe Pulmonary Hypertension
 However, Echocardiograms are not that accurate in patients with respiratory
disease (and so these patients often may need a Right Heart Catheter to confirm
diagnosis of Pulmonary Hypertension)
o Review CT Scan for the size of the different vessels as well as the size of the liver and heart;
this may suggest Pulmonary Hypertension, as well as identifying different causes of
Pulmonary Hypertension (e.g. thrombus)
 Ground-glass changes in the lung in a CT Scan are a sign of Pulmonary Hypertension
 CT Scan of lung may also identify a lung disease that is the cause of the Pulmonary
 However, remember to always perform a V/Q Scan when assessing Pulmonary
Hypertension to review for clots (especially as the CTPA may not reveal Peripheral
Clots) as the condition may be caused by Chronic Thrombo-Embolism
The WHO classification of Pulmonary Hypertension is commonly used to assess severity of the
disease; the classes are:
o Class I – no limitation of physical activity
o Class II – mild limitation of physical activity
o Class III – marked limitation of physical activity, but no discomfort at rest
o Class IV – unable to perform physical activity at rest
All patients with Pulmonary Hypertension receive a six minute walk (6MW) test every six months
o This requirement is mandated by the Government (for reimbursement of prescriptions)
based on evidence suggesting patients have improved prognosis with better results in a
6MW test
Elevated BNP Concentration (B-Type Natriuretic Peptide) is associated with poorer outcomes /
mortality  these BNP levels can be measured by a blood test
If a known genetic mutation or family history of Pulmonary Hypertension exists, there is a good
rationale for annual screening
Choice of Pulmonary Hypertension specific medications / treatment will depend on the severity of the
Pulmonary Hypertension
o Increasingly severe / progression of Pulmonary Hypertension will indicate usage of different /
additional medications
Treatment options for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension include:
o Oxygen (though there is a lack of evidence as to its effectiveness)
o Diuretics (which reduces blood volume / pre-load)
o Anticoagulants
o Calcium-channel blockers
 Note: These are ineffective unless the patient is shown to be vasoreactive (which
only occurs in ~7-10% of patients)
o Pulmonary Hypertension specific therapies
 Endothelin receptor antagonists (e.g. Bosentan)
 Prostanoid therapy
 Nitric Oxide and Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors (e.g. Sildenafil)
o Surgical Intervention (e.g. Atrial Septostomy, Lung Transplant, etc.)
Guidelines suggest additional therapies should be provided if the goals are not being achieved
o However, a challenge is that the PBS will only fund a single treatment at a time
Treatment for Pulmonary Hypertension due to Lung / Heart diseases should focus on treatment of the
underlying Lung / Heart diseases
o There is no evidence that the treatments for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension are effective in
patients with Pulmonary Hypertension due to Lung / Heart diseases
Understand the current thinking concerning the link between depression and
cardiovascular disease
Depression is a condition of pervasive, low mood for > 2 weeks that will involve loss of energy and
motivation, lack of sleep, etc.
o This is a chronic disease with a ~50% level of recurrence
o There is a current prevalence of ~2% and lifetime incidence of ~10%
o This is associated with poorer outcomes across a range of different dimensions (e.g. physical,
social, psychological, etc.)
Depression will impact upon the autonomic nervous system, and hence will also impact upon cardiac
o The impact of psychological factors on physical health are largest in younger people
(compared to older people)
Depression is a significant independent risk factor for the development of Cardiovascular Disease
(over and above other risk factors such as smoking, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, etc.)
o The more severe and recent the depression, the larger the increase in risk of Coronary Heart
o People with Depression are also much more likely to have multiple risk factors for
Cardiovascular Disease (e.g. smoking, obesity, etc.)
Depression is also a significant independent risk factor for poorer outcomes (e.g. higher and quicker
mortality) following a myocardial infarction
o Depressed individuals are ~60% more likely to have another heart attack following an initial
heart attack (compared to non-depressed individuals)
o Furthermore, doctors commonly treat depressed patients worse upon knowing the patient is
depressed (due to the bias of the doctors)
 Hence, depressed patients may be receiving poorer treatment (in addition to
underlying physiological differences due to depression)
 Depression is also associated with poorer compliance with treatment
Depressed people also have a different Cortisol response (and hence immune system), which
can have impacts upon cardiac physiology
Effective treatments for depression include exercise, anti-depressants and psychotherapy
Studies have not shown Anti-depressants by themselves to significantly improve mortality outcomes
for patients following a heart attack (although their quality of life does improve)
o However, this is due to the failure of some of the patients receiving anti-depressants to have
reduced depression
o Indeed, studies have shown depressed patients who respond to anti-depressant treatment
have improved cardiovascular outcomes compared to depressed patients who do NOT
respond to treatment
o Hence, response to treatment (rather than simply providing a treatment) is critical to ensure
improved outcomes!
Consider the issues involved in choosing a suitable research project
It is important to ensure your research interests are aligned with the supervisor’s research interests
o Also ensure your supervisor is actively publishing; they need to know how to ‘play the game’
and get published
When selecting a research project, consider whether the research question is important and will
actually change practice and / or promote debate / thought
o If the research question does not satisfy these criteria, then the research is unlikely to add
any value to science
o Furthermore, the research is unlikely to be published!
Understand why it is necessary to publish
Publication of all studies is important as otherwise there is no addition to the general body of
o Failing to publish studies (especially non-significant results) creates Publication Bias that
distorts the true body of evidence (and may also result in others conducting the same study
without realising it has already occurred)
Understand a strategy of how to successfully publish
Review articles are a simple but effective mechanism for creating a widely-cited publication
o Working with a senior medical professional to develop a review article will likely create a
piece of work that can be easily published (especially if discussed with an Editor beforehand)
Target the appropriate journal given the quality of the paper and the content of the paper
o Selecting the wrong journal will result in a waste of time (as journal may take several months
to decide whether to accept or reject the paper) and / or loss of impact (as the paper may
not reach the desired audience)
o However, whilst there is an increase in the papers published in non-elite journals, be careful
about the choice of a non-elite journal as their reputation (or potential lack thereof) will
reflect upon your work
If aiming to publish in a particular journal, ensure you follow the rules / style of the journal (or
otherwise you will be guaranteed rejection)
Use plain English rather than sophisticated / complicated terminology in the paper
Submit paper together with a cover letter that places the paper in context and explains why the
article in important (especially if currently newsworthy / relevant)
Have a basic understanding of how to structure a research manuscript
Follow the ‘IMRaD’ method for structuring a research manuscript (i.e. Introduction, Method, Results
and Discussion)
o Introduction should be short (~3-4 paragraphs) and engaging; this should summarise what’s
known, what’s unknown and the research question
 Note: Assume a more sophisticated audience with Specialist Medical Journals, so
there is no need for an elementary introduction to the overall area (as everyone
reading will be familiar with the overall area)
o Method should provide detail and clarify; an experienced reader should be able to replicate
the study based on the information provided in the method
o Results should present data clearly with the most important findings prioritised first
 State absolute numbers, relative numbers and percentages, as well as providing
95% confidence intervals
 Graphs / tables should be self-contained (i.e. reader of article can solely review the
graph / table and completely understand the result)
o Discussion should present the strengths and weaknesses of the study (vis-à-vis other studies
too), and the implications for the future / policy
 Do NOT repeat the introduction or results in this section (though the principal
findings can be re-stated)
o Note: Don’t confuse the different sections (e.g. discussion should NOT be included in the
Results section [as only include factual data from the study in the Results section!])
Title of article should be informative and clearly highlight the key areas of the article
o Use search engine terminology / keywords in the title as this will be commonly searched
o Avoid acronyms as people will not necessarily know to search for the acronym
o This will make it easier for others to find and cite the article as well as for the results to
impact upon practice
Structured Abstract should include objectives, design, setting, participants, interventions, main
outcome measures, results and trial registration
o Abstract should be ~250 words and should summarise the key results of the article
Gain insights into the perils of publishing
Perils of publishing include:
o Conflicts of Interest
 Explicitly state your conflict of interest (as failing to specify any conflicts that exist
may potentially damage your reputation)
o Duplicate Publication
 Do NOT submit the same paper to two journals concurrently (only submit to second
journal if it is already rejected by the first journal)
o Fraud
o Plagiarism
o Ghost Writing
o Authorship
 Ensure you fully understand and can vouch for a publication if you are named as an
 Your reputation is invested within any publication where you are an author and so it
is CRITICAL to verify and validate the findings and insights from the paper
o ‘Salami Slicing’
 This refers to attempting to generate multiple publications from the same study
 This might be possible in a large study
 However, if it’s a smaller study, it’s better to have one quality publication
with several interesting findings than several dull publications with only a
single relevant finding
o Disclosure of Findings prior to Publication
Describe and explain the changes in cardiovascular variables (e.g. blood
pressure, heart rate, cardiac output and vascular resistance) during dynamic
exercise in humans
o The goal will be to produce a flow diagram that will explain the
underlying mechanisms
Exercise is important clinically as most patients with heart disease / heart failure will first present due
to exercise intolerance
Exercise will increase the demand for oxygen (due to higher metabolic requirements) by peripheral
tissue; this can be achieved by:
o Increased cardiac output
o Increased ventilation
o Increased blood pressure
Maximum heart rate, blood pressure and tidal volume can be achieved within ~20-30 seconds of
intensive exercise
The autonomic nervous system (via reduced parasympathetic and increased sympathetic activity) can
trigger an increased heart rate and increased stroke volume (and hence increased cardiac output)
during exercise
o Increased heart rate occurs from sympathetic stimulation of the SA Node
o Increased stroke volume occurs from sympathetic stimulation of myocytes resulting in
increased contractility
Increased heart rate during exercise reduces the time for the heart to fill as well as increasing blood
o This will increase the pressure / contractility needed by the Left Ventricle in order to pump
enough blood (as there is higher arterial pressure to pump against and there is less time
available for systole)
o This increased contractility is illustrated by the increase in Pulse Pressure (i.e. difference
between Systolic and Diastolic Pressure)
Reduction in Total Peripheral Resistance (TPR) during exercise will increase the ease of perfusion of
the capillaries of the peripheries
o Blood Pressure only increases moderately during exercise due to this decline in TPR
Understand the effects of changes in cardiac function (e.g. an improvement
as would occur during training, or a deterioration as a result of cardiac
Chronic Endurance training will increase cardiac function; this will reduce resting heart rate (whilst
maintaining cardiac output by increasing stroke volume)
o This creates a larger potential increase in heart rate (and hence cardiac output) during
maximum exercise
Conversely, deterioration of cardiac function will increase resting heart rate (to maintain cardiac
output as stroke volume decreases)
o This reduces the potential increase in heart rate (and hence cardiac output) available during
maximal exercise
Be able to access and interpret data showing the contribution of
cardiovascular disease to morbidity and mortality in developed and
developing countries
Cardiovascular Disease is the leading cause of death globally (~22% of deaths in 2008)
Cardiovascular disease is NOT only a problem facing developed countries, but instead affects people
across the entire world
o However, it should be noted the nature / precise types of Cardiovascular disease are
different throughout the different parts of the world (e.g. Rheumatic Heart Disease in
developing countries vs. Coronary Heart Disease in developed countries)
o The increase in the number of deaths from Cardiovascular Disease in the next decade is
predicted to be driven from developing countries rather than developed countries
In 2020, it is predicted Cardiovascular Disease will cause ~25 million deaths worldwide (~37% of total
o 19 million of these deaths (~76%) will be in developing countries, with the remaining 6
million deaths (~24%) in developed countries
Discuss the reasons for current increasing prevalence of CVD including
specific risk factors for cardiovascular disease and links with other chronic
There a range of different risk factors for Cardiovascular Disease (and hence there are numerous
different mechanisms / options for reducing the level of risk of Cardiovascular Disease)
Key risk factors include:
o Age
o Gender
o Smoking
o Hypertension
o Cholesterol
o Diabetes
o Alcohol
o Obesity
The increased prevalence of these risk factors is resulting in the increased prevalence of
Cardiovascular Disease
Describe appropriate risk reduction measures to prevent cardiovascular
disease with particular emphasis on primary and secondary prevention
Primary Prevention refers to steps taken to reduce the risk of Cardiovascular Disease when there is no
clinical disease (though there is the existence of risk factors)
o In contrast, Secondary Prevention involves steps taken to reduce risk of / treat
Cardiovascular Disease when there is clinical disease
‘Population Approach to Prevention’ focuses on strategies that impact the whole population and aim
to reduce the risk of the whole population
o Whilst there may be a small benefit per person, the large number of people assisted may
result in a large / material overall benefit (although it may be difficult to motivate individuals
and doctors given the low risk for most patients)
o Furthermore, focusing on the overall population will avoid any stigma being attached to a
‘high-risk’ group
In contrast, the ‘High-Risk Approach to Prevention’ focuses specifically on the small proportion of
people with the highest risk of cardiovascular disease
o Focusing on this high-risk population will result in greater efficiency, improved costeffectiveness and lower NNT in the delivery of improved outcomes
The optimal approach will include elements of both a population strategy (reduce overall risk of the
entire population) and an individualised strategy (reduce the risk of the ‘high-risk’ component of the
Numerous studies have demonstrated Aspirin is effective in reducing vascular events in patients with
Cardiovascular Disease
o Similarly, numerous studies have demonstrated Beta-Blockers, ACE Inhibitors and Statins are
effective in reducing vascular events in patients with Cardiovascular Disease
Patients with known Cardiovascular Disease should ideally be prescribed with cholesterol lowering
medication (e.g. Statins) regardless of whether their current cholesterol levels are normal
o Lower cholesterol levels (regardless of the absolute level) will reduce the risk of a
Cardiovascular Event
Lifestyle factors (e.g. diet, exercise and smoking cessation) may also reduce the likelihood of a
Cardiovascular Event
Explain the contributions of the following to the successful management of
cardiovascular disease in the community:
o Primary and specialist care
o Multi-disciplinary teams
Complex pathophysiology of Heart Failure is such that an individualised approach to management /
treatment is needed
o This requires utilisation of multi-disciplinary teams that can develop and implement
individualised management plans
o For example, multi-disciplinary teams will include allied health professionals and cardiac
nurses who can assist patients to minimise their risk factors and manage their condition
more effectively
Primary care medical professionals can assist with the education of individuals to prevent the
incidence of Cardiovascular Disease as well as the stable management of existing Cardiovascular
o This will include education on risk factors, prescription of medications to reduce risk (e.g.
ACE Inhibitors, Statins, Aspirin) and monitoring for progression / exacerbations of cardiac
failure (which may enable more prompt treatment / management and the avoidance of
hospital admission / further morbidity)
Specialist care medical professionals are responsible for ensuring the appropriate medical treatment
to patients in acute situations
o They are also responsible for ensuring patients have the appropriate dosage titration
schedule on discharge to ensure their dosage of ACE Inhibitors and Beta-Blockers is
increased to the full, effective amount
o Specialists also may need to communicate / engage with GPs and educate them on the best
treatment options available
Discuss the strengths and limitations of the current evidence about the
distribution and cause of cardiac disease, its prevention and its management,
especially with regard to cardiac failure and hypertension
There is a lack of definitive data on the number of Australians with cardiac failure, though estimates
have been extrapolated based on overseas information
o This suggests ~300,000 Australians are currently affected by Heart Failure with another
~30,000 new cases annually
There have been several studies as to the causes, preventative approaches / treatments (e.g. ACE
Inhibitors, Statins, Aspirin) and the appropriate management for Cardiac Disease
Demonstrate an understanding of the future role of health care professionals
in reducing the prevalence of cardiovascular disease globally
Health care professionals have a responsibility to communicate to the population the risk factors for
cardiovascular disease, and to attempt to influence the general population to change behaviours to
reduce their risk exposure
o This role will also include providing medical treatment for co-morbidities associated with
cardiovascular disease (e.g. hypertension, diabetes, etc.)
Introduction to encountering complementary and alternative medicines in
The definition of Complementary Alternative Medicines (CAMs) will vary depending on the country
involved (e.g. Acupuncture and Ayurvedic Medicine are routine in China and India respectively)
o CAMs is heterogeneous in nature and encompasses diverse forms of therapy and belief
o The breadth of what is defined as CAMs can be ambiguous / uncertain (e.g. is spiritual
healing / prayer included as part of CAMs or is this viewed as a health / wellbeing practice?)
We should consider accepting / tolerating CAMs due to:
o Effectiveness (even if it is placebo effect)
o Minimal side effects (though not always the situation)
o Respect for patient autonomy
o Lower cost compared to orthodox Western-based medicines (though not always the
o Providing the patient with alternative means of engaging with their illness / condition (i.e.
different paradigm)
o CAMs being associated with other support services that are valuable / useful for the patient
o Respect for other cultural traditions
o Avoiding confrontation with the patient that could destroy trust in the relationship
o Humility (as western-trained doctors don’t know everything)
Whilst there may be a tendency to preference western medicine, remember there are significant
limitations in the evidence of orthodox Western-based medicine such as:
o Bias towards publishing positive results (and hence bias against disproving / publishing
negative results regarding efficacy of medications)
o Empirical evidence suggesting ‘significant’ benefit of medications (based on initial clinical
trials) are non-significant following years of empirical use (especially in mental health)
o Bias in sample selected for clinical trials (e.g. exclusion of patients with co-morbidities)
o Assumption that population-based results will apply to the unique individual
The rationale for the usage of CAMs generally cannot be assessed using Randomised Control Trials
o Patients are looking for a CAM rather than a dose-response drug
o Prescription of CAMs are tailored to the specific individual circumstances of the patient
rather than being a standard medicine applying to an overall population
 However, it should be noted that some CAM practitioners have a view of what
‘normal’ should be and indeed will apply a population-based approach rather than
tailoring it to the individual
o Note: Medical interventions can still be viewed as effective without confirmation via a RCT
(e.g. surgical techniques, nursing techniques)
It can be difficult to evaluate CAMs especially given the importance typically placed on the skills and
experience of the CAM practitioner
o This introduces significant variability that may make CAMs difficult to assess in a populationbased study
o Instead, it may be that CAM techniques can be effective depending on the specific patient
and the specific practitioner
Potential benefits from CAMs may result from provide beneficial ‘Context Effects’, which have been
demonstrated to lead to physiological changes and better outcomes
o Beneficial ‘Context Effects’ may be achieved by a close, empathetic bond between the CAM
practitioner and patient (i.e. high quality engagement with the patient)
The patient’s view and interpretation of their health condition will be shaped by their interaction with
their health practitioner
o The questions / approach of the health practitioner towards the patient will provide a frame
through which the patient interprets their condition
o Patients may prefer and benefit from the frame that CAM practitioners provide
A key differentiator of orthodox Western-based medicine is that it is structured in a manner that will
enable continual discovery / innovation / progress
o In contrast, CAMs are more static in nature and do not offer the same level of innovation
Furthermore, CAMs usually provide explanatory mechanisms of action that appear extremely
implausible and simplistic (in contrast to complicated mechanisms of action in orthodox
Western-based medicine)
The harms of CAMs need to be considered in the context of the harms of orthodox Western-based
medicine (as many of the same issues apply)
o However, one key differential is the number of extravagant, outrageous claims being made
by some CAM practitioners (without any capacity for patients to navigate amongst these
There is significant levels of exploitation associated with CAMs as different cultures are appropriated /
misrepresented to sell a particular product / approach
Understand the echocardiographic appearance of the heart, and the methods
used for sensing blood flow in the heart and arteries using Doppler
The structures within the body can be imaged (i.e. Ultrasound) based on an understanding of the
speed and frequency of sound; for instance, this includes understanding:
o Sound will reflect when it passes from one medium to another medium
o The denser the material, the faster sound will transmit through that material
‘M-Mode’ of an Ultrasound involves a single dimension view (with only one signal being sent and
o If this signal is directed towards the valve, then the opening and closing of the valve can be
viewed in this ‘M-Mode’
‘B-Mode’ of an Ultrasound involves hundreds / thousands of adjacent single dimension views
displayed radially to provide a 2-Dimensional view
Right Ventricle can be distinguished on an Ultrasound (from the Left Ventricle) as the chamber where
the inlet valve and outlet valve are separated by muscle
Murmur is the detection of blood flowing greater than 1 metre / second
o Blood flow in a normal heart will be less than 1 metre / second, so the presence of a murmur
indicates an abnormal heart
o The greater the constriction / stenosis of a valve, the faster blood will flow through the valve
 Hence, the specific speed of blood flow can provide an indication of the level of
The pressures / pressure gradient within the heart can be calculated based on the speed of blood flow
across two chambers
o Pressure Gradient = 4 x (Velocity of Blood Flow^2)
Understand how social and environmental changes have contributed to the
increased prevalence of cardiovascular disease globally
Social and Environmental changes have resulted in the increase in risk factors for cardiovascular
disease, such as the increase in air pollution and reduction in physical activity
o Increased industrial production and usage of motor vehicles has resulted in increased levels
of air pollution
 Air pollution can include Particulate Matter (PM), Ozone, Nitrogen Dioxide, CO,
Lead, etc.
 Evidence suggests a strong relationship between PM and Adverse Cardiovascular
Effects (even stronger than the relationship to Chronic Respiratory Disease)
 The smaller the size of the PM particles, the deeper into the lungs they are able to
Rise in electronics and other technological advances has reduced the level of physical activity
in current society
Social changes have also resulted in the development of Built Environments that encourage / require
behaviours that will increase the risk factors of cardiovascular disease
Describe the mechanism by which air pollution causes cardiovascular disease
Mechanisms though which air pollution can cause cardiovascular disease include:
o Systemic Oxidative Stress and Inflammation
o Triggering Vasoconstriction and Platelet Aggregation in the blood
o Autonomic Nervous System Imbalance (i.e. increased sympathetic and decreased
parasympathetic stimulation)
Understand the advantages of population strategies compared to individual
(high risk strategies)
A Societal Approach to Cardiovascular Disease (rather than an Individualised Approach) has the
benefit of treating a much larger number of people
o Hence, there is an opportunity to deliver a larger absolute benefit (i.e. reduction in burden of
disease) compared to a approach focusing only on high-risk individuals
o Furthermore, focusing on the overall population will avoid any stigma being attached to a
‘high-risk’ group
Note: The optimal approach will include elements of both a population strategy (reduce overall risk of
the entire population) and an individualised strategy (reduce the risk of the ‘high-risk’ component of
the population)
Describe the contribution of lifestyle factors to the risk and prevention of
cardiovascular disease
The four key risk factors for non-communicable disease are tobacco, unhealthy diets, physical
inactivity and harmful alcohol intake
o The four key non-communicable diseases are cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer and
chronic lung disease
A study illustrated that physical inactivity (i.e. being a bus driver) was associated with cardiovascular
o Physical activity goes beyond exercise / sport, and instead includes other activities too (as
many of the benefits from physical activity arise from activities below the training threshold
in an exercise program)
Studies have shown Physical Activity has major health benefits across a range of different areas (e.g.
cardiovascular, mental health, cancer prevention, functional status, etc.)
o The biggest incremental benefits from physical activity occur from changing a person from
low levels of physical activity to medium levels of physical activity
 This incremental benefit is greater than compared to changing a person from
medium levels of physical activity to high levels of physical activity
A study illustrated that whilst a group of patients given stents had a wider lumen than a group of
patients prescribed exercise, the patients undertaking exercise had much better physical fitness and
oxygen uptake
o Exercise resulted in a significantly lower incidence of Cardiovascular Events, as well as being
significantly cheaper than stents
Discuss the role of non-health sectors in improving population health
Urban Environments / Built Environments have a major impact on population health
o There are aspects of the Built Environment harming health
o As such, changes to the Built Environment can improve health
For example, Urban Sprawl and Land Zoning have resulted in a dependency on motor vehicles (in
order to move from home to work, home to entertainment, etc.); this has resulted in:
o Reduced levels of physical activity, which inhibits the health of the population
o Increased commuting and less time for engagement with the local community, which inhibits
mental health / happiness
o Less local production of food and home cooking, resulting in unhealthier diets
o Increased fossil fuel consumption  this increases air pollution, which inhibits the health of
the population
Designing healthier Built Environments (e.g. functional grid street pattern to encourage walking,
public transport, well-maintained public space, etc.) will improve population health
Discuss actions that can be taken at community and policy levels to reduce
the prevalence of cardiovascular disease locally and globally
Developing policies that promote healthier built environments will reduce risk factors (e.g. physical
inactivity, exposure to pollution, etc.) and hence the prevalence of cardiovascular disease
o Similarly, community lobbying to shape the local built environment in a manner that
encourages healthy living can play an important role
Policies to reduce air pollution / emissions will reduce the prevalence of cardiovascular disease; this
can include policies such as:
o Reducing motor vehicle emissions (e.g. cleaner fuels, vehicles and fleet, reducing vehicle use,
improving and influencing transport choice)
o Making businesses even cleaner (e.g. major industry, small businesses)
o Making homes and local environments cleaner, healthier and more liveable
o Targeting particle pollution in regional areas (e.g. wood smoke heaters)
o Better public transport
Understand the role of the individual clinician as an advocate for improving
population health
Health Professionals can improve population health by:
o Educating patients about the risks of air pollution and steps to minimise exposure (e.g. follow
Air Health alerts, avoid unnecessary exposures, reduce indoor exposures, etc.)
o Regularly asking patients about physical activity and encouraging increased physical activity
o Promoting healthy eating and socialising
o Advocating for healthy developments / built environment
o Getting involved in the local community in shaping the local built environment for the better
Outline the differential diagnosis of chest pain, including life-threatening and
non-life-threatening causes of chest pain
There is a vast range of potential differential diagnoses for chest pain; this makes it difficult to deal
with given the breadth of potential problems from this non-specific symptom
o Physical examination of chest pain will assist in ruling out some of the non-cardiac causes of
chest pain and / or identifying the possible complications of ACS
The differential diagnoses for chest pain include:
o Cardiac – AMI, Unstable Angina, Stable Angina
o Pericardial – Pericarditis, Pneumomediastinum
o Vascular – Aortic Dissection
o Pleuritic – Pulmonary Embolism, Pneumothorax, Pneumonia, Pleurisy
o Gastro-oesophageal – Gastro-oesophageal Reflux, Oesophageal Spasm
o Musculoskeletal – Myalgia, Muscle Strain, Costochondritis
o Neurological – Herpes Zoster, Nerve Root Compression
o Abdominal – Pancreatitis, Peptic Ulcer
The key life-threatening conditions include Pulmonary Embolism, Pneumothorax, Aortic Dissection
and AMI
Describe a systematic approach to the evaluation of patients presenting with
chest pain, including:
o History
o Examination
o Diagnostic testing - ECG, chest x-ray, biochemical cardiac markers
History will include:
o Description of pain and associated features
 Patient history for Chest Pain commonly will not fit signs / symptoms for ACS when
there is an underlying ACS  therefore, NEVER rule out ACS based on history alone
o Risk factors for Cardiovascular Disease (although very limited diagnostic value in an acute
o Risk factors for Thromboembolic Disease
Physical Examination will be aimed at identifying non-cardiac causes of Chest Pain or complications of
ACS; this will encompass:
o Evidence of Arrhythmia, Cardiogenic Shock and / or Congestive Heart Failure
o Abdominal Examination (look for signs of tenderness, guarding, Murphy’s sign)
o Chest Wall Palpation for Pain
 Pain on Chest Wall Palpation does NOT necessarily mean the Chest Pain is muscular
 This should only be considered if Chest Wall Palpation reproduces the specific type
of pain that the patient is presenting for (though even then it is not definitive)
o Signs of DVT
o Bilateral BP discrepancy
Diagnostic Testing will include:
o ECG (EVERY patient presenting to the ED with Chest Pain must have an ECG performed!)
o Chest X-Ray (aimed at identifying non-cardiac causes of Chest Pain or complications of ACS)
o Biochemical Markers (e.g. Troponin)
o Others (e.g. D-Dimer for PE, CT Aortogram for Aortic Dissection, etc.)
Explain the importance of a systematic approach to chest pain, with regard
o The limitations of 'textbook' descriptions of chest pain in real-world
o The limitations of risk factors in acute diagnosis of chest pain
o The potential for cognitive error in diagnosis - especially diagnostic
anchoring and early closure
Diagnostic aids / systematic approach to chest pain will assist with accurate diagnosis and early
o Applying a systematic approach is critical given the wider diversity in presentations for ACS
 making a heuristic based ‘clinical judgment’ is likely to result in missed diagnoses (which
can be fatal in ACS!)
 Focusing on risk factors may result in missed diagnoses if the patient does not fit
with the ‘typical’ risk factor profile (e.g. 22-year old with ACS)
 Real-life evidence also shows differences in the type of chest pain in ACS vs. the
‘textbook’ descriptions of chest pain in ACS
o Following a systematic approach will assist in maximising diagnostic accuracy and avoiding
common diagnostic pitfalls such as:
 Diagnostic Anchoring – over/under value critical pieces of information
 Early Closure – stop looking when an abnormal result is identified
o Note: The systematic patient evaluation has a primary focus on ACS (given the high
prevalence and significant adverse consequences of failure to diagnose ACS)
Systematic approach will also enable risk stratification based on clinical and diagnostic test findings 
this will assist in determining the strategy for management
Systematic Review is a thorough, defined literature search
o This will have clear, objective inclusion criteria (and a clearly defined search strategy)
o This will often focus on a specific clinical question rather than being broad in scope
o Not all systematic reviews include a meta-analysis (as individual studies may be too
heterogeneous for statistical comparison)
Meta-Analysis is a statistical technique for combining data from multiple similar studies into a
quantitative summary statistic (i.e. a weighted average of the individual study effects)
The two tests for heterogeneity (Chi squared and I squared) have low power, so there may still be
heterogeneity even if these metrics do not identify any heterogeneity
o If heterogeneity is detected, then the researcher will need to understand and explain why
this exists (e.g. different research designs, different sample demographics, different dosage
levels of treatment, etc.)
o Note: I squared measures the percentage of the result that CANNOT be explained by chance
Funnel Plot will identify Publication Bias (i.e. not publishing negative results), as this will result in a
asymmetrical Funnel Plot
o Other biases that can be detected in a Funnel Plot include Location Bias, English Language
Bias, Database Bias, Citation Bias, Multiple Publication Bias, Poor Methodological Quality of
Small Studies and Bias in Provision of Data
Systematic Review of Individual Patient or Participant Data will enable increased accuracy as the
researcher will be able to better control for heterogeneous factors across studies
o This will also enable sub-group analyses that can show different effects of a treatment /
therapy depending on the circumstances of the patient (which will enable more targeted
prescription of a treatment to those benefiting the most from that treatment)
Increased power of Systematic Reviews will not only enable easier detection of intervention effects,
but also easier detection of harmful side-effects
Critical Appraisal of a Systematic Review will involve consideration of:
o Is there a well formulated question? (i.e. PICO)
o Are there appropriate inclusion criteria?
o Was there a comprehensive literature search?
o Was there validity appraisal of studies?
o Is there heterogeneity of results? If so, are the reasons explored?
Important considerations when interpreting results of a systematic review include:
o Are the people in the studies generalisable to my patients?
o Is the treatment feasible?
o Are all important outcomes reported?
o Do benefits outweigh harm?
o Do my patients have particular values / preferences that influence the choice of treatment?
Understand the clinical assessment and investigations indicated in common
cardiac abnormalities
Echocardiography is the gold standard investigation to observe and assess the heart
o Other investigations include Chest X-Ray, ECG, Angiography, CT and MRI
When interpreting an ECG, take into consideration the age of the patient (as the ‘normal’ ECG is
different in children vs. adults)
o There is Right Axis Deviation in newborn babies as they have a thicker, dominant Right
Ventricle (as the Left Ventricle has not had to pump blood to the systemic circulation inutero)
o The Axis transitions towards 90 degrees (i.e. normal Axis) in a normal one-year old
o Normal 8 year-old will have an ECG heading towards an adult ECG
o Normal 17 year-old will have an adult ECG with Left Ventricle dominance
Changes that can affect the Paediatric ECG include:
o Age
o Size
o Position of heart relative to the body
o Body physique
o Physiological changes (e.g. autonomic nervous system)
Tall P wave (i.e. >2.5mm) is suggestive of Right Atrial Hypertrophy
o Conversely, elongated P wave (i.e. >0.10 seconds) is suggestive of Left Atrial Hypertrophy
QRS Complex duration in children should typically be <0.08 seconds
o The normal QRS Complex duration will increase with age (as there will be increasing muscle
mass in the heart)
Threshold in children for ST Elevation is >1mm whilst ST Depression is >0.5mm
Early repolarisation in adolescents may appear like an upward sloping ST interval leading into a T
wave (similar to upward slope of a Delta Wave)
o However, this is normal and NOT ST Elevation!
Continuation of Upright T-wave in Lead V1 (rather than changing to an Inverted T-wave) beyond the
first few days post-birth can be indicative of Right Ventricular Hypertrophy
Presence of Delta Wave (slow upstroke in QRS complex) and Tachycardia is labelled Wolff-ParkinsonWhite (WPW) Syndrome
Prolonged QT Interval (i.e. >0.45 seconds after adjusting for heart rate) is associated with Sudden
o If the T wave does not smoothly return to the isoelectric line, then an imaginary line is drawn
to the isoelectric line as if the T wave did return smoothly
o This intersection of the imaginary line with the isoelectric line is taken as the end of the T
wave for the purposes of calculating the duration / length of the QT Interval
The threshold for Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in adults (i.e. height of S wave in V1 plus height of R
wave in V5 or V6 > 35mm) is not the same for children with Left Ventricular Hypertrophy
o Instead, Left Ventricular Hypertrophy can be identified in children by asymmetric T-wave
inversion in Leads V5 or V6
RBBB is more common in children compared to LBBB
o This can occur after cardiac surgery, myocarditis, etc.
o This will be diagnosed by an ‘RSR’ wave and a broad QRS complex
 Incomplete RBBB (IRBBB) will have a ‘RSR’ wave but will not have a prolonged QRS
 However, the presence of a ‘RSR’ wave alone is a non-specific finding and can be
found in normal children
Thymus is very large in a newborn and will be part of the mediastinum structures
o In a Chest X-Ray, it is common to mistakenly view the thymus as part of an enlarged heart
rather than a different structure
Cardiomegaly is assessed in a Chest X-Ray if the ratio of the diameter of the heart to the diameter of
the Thorax is > 50% in Adults
o However, this threshold in >60% in children and >70% in infants
As Pulmonary Vascular Resistance falls at ~4-6 weeks after birth, many of the Congenital Heart
Defects will only present at this stage (as Pulmonary Vascularity increases to a level at which the
Congenital Heart Defects cause problems)
Demonstrate the process of recording and the interpretation of the ECG
ECG measures the net electrical difference between two electrodes
QRS Complex is larger than the P wave, as there is more cells that depolarise in the Ventricle
compared to the Atrium
Positive T wave (rather than a negative T wave) in Lead I is due to the length / duration of the action
potentials being different in the Endocardium vs. Epicardium
The Endocardium has a longer action potential compared to the Epicardium, which means
the Epicardium repolarises before the Endocardium  this results in a positive T wave
(rather than a negative T wave)
Repolarisation of the P wave does exist in the ECG, but the size of the electrical potential from this
repolarisation is relatively small (as the action potential in the P wave does NOT plateau; hence the
electrical difference is small)
o As a result, this repolarisation of the P wave is difficult to identify amongst the rest of the
The Q wave results as the action potential travels down the Left Bundle Branch quicker than the Right
Bundle Branch
o This results in an initial wave of depolarisation in the direction from the Left Bundle Branch
towards the Right Bundle Branch, which is more than 90 degrees from the average vector for
Ventricular depolarisation (i.e. R wave)
o As a result, the direction of this impulse is negative relative to the R wave (i.e. negative
electrical signal pre-R wave [which is the Q wave])
The S wave results as the last part of the heart the action potential travels towards is the superior
lateral border of the Left Ventricle
o The direction of this electrical impulse is more than 90 degrees from the average vector for
Ventricular depolarisation (i.e. R wave)
o As a result, the direction of this final impulse is negative relative to the R wave (i.e. negative
electrical signal post-R wave [which is the S wave])
Change in heart rate with the breathing cycle (i.e. higher heart rate with inspiration, lower heart rate
with expiration) occurs due to the impact of breathing on the autonomic nervous system (via Vagal
o Inspiration triggers the mechanoreceptors in the lung, which send a signal to the area of the
brain that controls the Vagus Nerve  this results in a decrease in Vagal Tone (which results
in higher heart rate)
o This sinus pattern of increasing and decreasing heart rate is described as ‘Sinus Arrhythmia’
Discuss the use and role of medications in the community
The objectives of the National Medicines Policy are:
o Timely access to Medicines that Australians need (include consideration of affordability)
o Medicines of appropriate standards (i.e. quality, safety, efficacy)
o Maintaining an appropriate and viable Medicines Industry
‘Quality Use of Medicine’ refers to the judicious selection of treatment options (i.e. drug vs. non-drug
therapy), appropriate choice of drug when it is required and safe / effective use of the selected drug
‘NO TEARS’ is a very useful pneumonic to enable the quality use of medicines; this involves applying
the following pneumonic when determining the choice of medications:
o Need and indication for drugs
o Open questions to patient about other drugs used (including Complementary and Alternative
o Tests and monitoring needed for each single medication
o Evidence and guidelines
o Adverse events
o Risk reduction or prevention (i.e. consider strategies that will reduce risk)
o Simplification and switches of medications prescribed
Australian Therapeutic Guidelines and / or Australian Medicines Handbook are excellent sources of
information regarding the appropriate choice of medications for treating particular conditions
o These resources will specify the first-line, second-line, third-line, etc. medications for each of
the different conditions
o These resources will also identify the key adverse events from these medications too
The pharmaceutical usage of Indigenous Australians is 1/3 of the usage of Non-Indigenous Australians
(despite having a higher burden of disease!)
Given the significant rate of non-compliance in adherence to medications in disadvantaged
populations, there is likely a significant rate of non-compliance in Indigenous communities
o This non-compliance may be due to lack of affordability for medications
Medications listed on the PBS are subsidised and will cost $34.50 for one month’s supply
o However, medications prescribed for ‘off-label’ usage are not funded by the PBS (i.e. patient
covers the full cost!)
o Similarly, medications not listed on the PBS will require the patient to cover the full cost
Medications are classified differently according to the Poisons Schedule  this classification
determines who can sell the medication (e.g. pharmacist only, pharmacy assistant, supermarkets,
etc.) and what is needed for sale (e.g. prescription)
Every medication has a range of Prescribing Information (PI) for medical professionals (which can be
accessed on MIMS) as well as Consumer Medical Information for patients (which can be accessed on
the manufacturer’s website); the PI includes:
o Composition
o Description
o Actions (i.e. Pharmacology, Pharmacokinetics, Clinical Trials)
o Indications
o Contraindications
o Precautions
o Interactions
o Adverse Reactions
o Dose / Administration
o Overdose
o Presentation
o Storage
o Poisons Schedule
o TGA Approval Date
There are three explanations for any result of a study:
o Truth
o Chance (i.e. random error)
o Bias (i.e. systematic error)
CONSORT is not a tool for assessing bias or quality, but rather is a tool for reporting
Cochrane ‘Risk of Bias’ Assessment will assess 7 different evidence-based domains of quality as high,
low or unclear risk (with justification / support for each rating); these domains are:
o Random sequence generation
o Allocation concealment
o Blinding of participants and personnel
o Blinding of outcome assessment
o Incomplete outcome data
o Selective reporting
o Other bias
Do NOT combine the different domains / elements of quality into a single weighted average score
o This will result in a distorted view of the quality as there is no justification for the different
weightings to apply to the different elements
o Instead, report on each element of quality separately
The treatment effect is typically relatively modest, so the introduction of bias due to inadequate
allocation concealment is likely to have a larger impact than the true treatment effect
‘Double blinding’ is an ambiguous term as this does not specify who is blinded
o Blinding of specific groups will mitigate / avoid specific biases, so it’s important to know
which groups were blinded and which were not
For example, patients receiving the intervention who are not blinded may introduce a
placebo effect
Intention-to-treat analysis is a useful technique to account for incomplete outcome data
o This introduces bias towards the null hypothesis (as patients who may not have actually
received the intervention [and hence will have had no improvement] are analysed on the
assumption they were treated)
The impact of incomplete outcome data will be influenced by the number of events occurring in the
rest of the sample
o If the number of missing participants / data is large relative to the number of events, this is
likely to introduce significant bias
Advantage of survival curve is that data from a participant can be used up till the point they are lost to
Reporting bias can include the failure to report all the outcomes measured in favour of only those
outcomes that are statistically significant
o Changing the primary outcome from one measure to a different measure is another means
of reporting bias
o Instead, the study design and protocol should be agreed and finalised prior to
commencement of the study, and reporting should be based on this initially agreed protocol
Early stopping of a study is associated with bias towards the intervention
o If a study is reported based on data only from an initial period of the study (rather than the
whole period), this may suggest reporting bias (as the study may not be significant over the
whole period, but does show a significant difference in the initial period)
Other bias includes asking the wrong question / using the wrong methodology (e.g. comparing
intervention against placebo rather than against current best available care, using an inappropriate
dosage for comparator drug, etc.)
Understand the disturbances of rhythm arising from the ventricles of the
heart, how they are classified, their mechanisms and effects and how they
may be diagnosed and treated
Atrial Fibrillation will involve occasional P waves in the ECG, but these are NOT regularly prior to the
QRS Complexes
o QRS Complexes are also occurring, albeit at a different rate, as not all the Atrial electrical
signals are transmitted to the Ventricles (as the AV Node has a refractory period that
prevents it from continually being stimulated)
o This arrhythmia involves the Atrium contracting inappropriately (resulting in the irregular
pattern of an excessive number of P waves)
 The electrical activity in the Atrium normally arises from the SA Node, but electrical
activity will arise from other parts of the Atrium or near the Pulmonary Veins in
Atrial Fibrillation
 As a result, electrical activity in Atrial Fibrillation is in a state of chaos with
numerous electrical impulses firing in a random pattern
 This results in the Atrium no longer contracting in a coordinated manner
Slowing the ventricular rate can occur by increasing the refractory period of the AV Node
o Digoxin is an effective treatment for increasing the refractory period of the AV Node
o Similarly, Beta-Blockers are an effective treatment for increasing the refractory period of the
AV Node
 There is less toxicity compared to Digoxin and hence Beta-Blockers are preferred
Cardiac Output will be reduced in Atrial Fibrillation as there is insufficient diastolic filling time  this
means that stroke volume is significantly reduced
o The reduction in stroke volume has a greater impact on cardiac output than the increase in
heart rate, which results in an overall reduction in cardiac output
Atrial Fibrillation increases the risk of thrombosis (due to turbulent blood flow resulting in blood
pooling in the Left Atrial Appendage)
Overall though, patients with congenital Atrial Fibrillation can live long, normal lives without
much impact on cardiac output (assuming the heart rate isn’t excessive)
‘Coupled Ventricular Ectopic Beat’ will have the following three defining characteristics on an ECG:
o No P wave preceding the Ventricular Ectopic beat (i.e. QRS complex)
o Prolonged QRS Complex with atypical shape (i.e. heightened amplitude) in the Ectopic Beat
o Premature (i.e. Ectopic Beat prior to the normal expected location of the next Ventricular
The prolonged QRS Complex in the Ectopic Beat occurs due to the triggering electrical signal arising
from one particular side of the heart rather than from the Atrium and down the normal conduction
o As a result, there is a longer distance to travel to reach all of the heart (compared to an
electrical signal commencing centrally down the Bundle of His) resulting in a prolonged QRS
o Furthermore, the different site of origin of the Ectopic Beat will result in the axis being
different, which results in the atypical shape (e.g. higher amplitude QRS complex, inversion
of T wave, etc.)
o Note: The precise site of origin of the Ectopic Beat can be inferred based on understanding
the precise shape and nature of the QRS complex and associated T wave
In a patient with a Coupled Ventricular Ectopic Beat, the pulse of the normal beat will be stronger, as
there is a longer filling time preceding this beat
o The longer filling time occurs due to the occurrence of the refractory period after the Ectopic
Beat, which delays the timing of the normal Ventricular Contraction
o In contrast, the pulse of the Ectopic Beat will be weak as there is a short filling time
preceding this beat
Ventricular Ectopic Beats are usually benign and will not require treatment
o However, when treatment is needed, this will involve the use of Beta-Blockers for symptom
control and potentially Cardiac Ablation for curative treatment
Second Degree Type 2 Heart Block will involve regular P waves, but with the P waves sometimes
having an associated QRS Complex and other times not having an associated QRS Complex
o This usually occurs due to a failure of conduction at the level of the Bundle of His-Purkinje
Fibre system (i.e. below AV Node)
 In contrast, Second Degree Type 1 Heart Block is generally due to a block at the level
of the AV Node
o Cardiac Output is typically reduced as the heart rate is low (although the stroke volume is
 In patients with chronic heart block, the ventricle may dilate / hypertrophy allowing
an increase in stroke volume that will compensate for the reduced heart rate (which
would enable maintenance of cardiac output)
o The Atrial rate is relatively high (>100bpm) as the body attempts to increase the heart rate
by increasing Atrial contractions
 Note: Some of the P waves may be ‘hidden’ within some of the QRS Complexes and
T waves
Second Degree Heart Block has the biggest adverse impact on life, as it may take a short period of
time for the tertiary pacemaker (i.e. Bundle of His) to activate when there is a heart block
o As a result, there may be a short period where there is insufficient contraction of the heart,
resulting in a loss of perfusion and loss of consciousness!
Ventricular Fibrillation may result due to either a rapid Ventricular Ectopic Beat triggering VF, or
alternatively a re-entry circuit
o A re-entry circuit will require a unidimensional block and slow conduction in addition to the
existence of a circuit
o A unidimensional Block can result due to the shape of the damaged cardiac tissue preventing
electrical impulses from conducting in one direction, but allowing electrical impulses to be
conducted in the other direction
 There may be insufficient cells being excited from one direction to overcome the
block (as less cells result in less current)
In contrast, more cells may be excited from the other direction, resulting in
sufficiently high levels of current to progress through / overcome the block
Cardiac output during Ventricular Fibrillation is zero  this is a medical emergency!
o Defibrillation will be the appropriate treatment as shocking the heart will cease all the
existing electrical circuits and ideally allow the SA Node to spontaneously fire once again and
return the heart to a sinus rhythm