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Chapter 24
Czarist Russia True or False
Directions: Read each sentence. Write T if the statement is true or F if it is
______ 1) Alexander III became czar in 1855.
______ 2) A government in which one person has unlimited power is an
______ 3) The 1917 Russian Revolution was an important result of World War I.
______ 4) Russia’s industry began to grow in the eighteenth century.
______ 5) The Duma is the Russian parliament.
______ 6) Nicholas II faced many problems when he became czar in 1894.
______ 7) Bloody Sunday ended the revolution in Russia.
______ 8) In the 1800s, the czar controlled the lives of the Russian people.
______ 9) Alexander II freed serfs and introduced the jury system.
______ 10) A standard of living is a way to judge how well a person or a family is
______ 11) A revolutionary killed Alexander II.
______ 12) Alexander III took great interest in reform.
______ 13) St. Petersburg, Moscow, and Baky became centers of industry in Russia.
______ 14) Nicholas II declared war on Japan so people would think about
something besides revolution.
______ 15) Hundreds of workers were killed on Bloody Sunday.
©AGS® American Guidance Service, Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use only.
World History
Chapter 24
Czarist Russia
Directions: Read the words in the Word Bank. On the line before each
sentence, write the letter of the word that correctly completes
each sentence.
a) Alexander II
Word Bank
e) czar
i) Nicholas II
b) Alexander III
f) democratic
j) standard of living
c) autocracy
g) Duma
d) Bloody Sunday
h) freedom
______ 1) In the Russian Revolution, rebels overthrew the _______ .
______ 2) Russia was a(n) _______ in the late 1800s, ruled by one person.
______ 3) Czar _______ ended serfdom in 1861.
______ 4) Nobles, students, and peasants began to demand more _______ .
______ 5) Czar _______ took no interest in reform and went back to the old ways.
______ 6) By 1900, the _______ in Russian cities had improved.
______ 7) Czar _______ declared war on Japan in 1904.
______ 8) Russians wanted a more _______ government in which all people had
equal rights.
______ 9) Soldiers killed hundreds of workers in St. Petersburg on _______ .
______ 10) The czar dismissed the Russian parliament, or _______ , after only three
©AGS® American Guidance Service, Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use only.
World History
Chapter 24
Russian Revolution Multiple Choice
Directions: Circle the term that best completes each sentence. Choose your
answer from the terms in parentheses.
1) Many Russians looked to (communism, socialism, feudalism) to solve Russia’s problems.
2) The most influential early socialist was (Karl Marx, Nicholas II, Alexander II).
3) The Russian Revolution was caused by (World War I, civil war, Bloody Sunday).
4) (Abject, Abdicate, Abstain) means to give up power as a ruler.
5) Something that lasts for a short time and is not final is (provisional, proper, premier).
6) Members of the (Veche, Kremlin, Duma) chose leaders of the temporary government.
7) Workers and soldiers formed (soviets, estates, boyars) that took over city government.
8) The provisional government chose to continue war against (France, Italy, Germany).
9) After the Revolution of 1905, the spirit of (monarchy, rebellion, reform) grew in Russia.
10) Some Russians wanted a constitutional (convention, monarchy, state) like Great
11) Because of the war, factories could not produce enough (food, steel, guns and bullets).
12) Russia went to war with Austria and Hungary in (1905, 1914, 1917).
13) Czar Nicholas gave up his power because his (family, troops, advisors) refused to obey
14) Under socialism, the (czar, church, government) controls the economy of a nation.
15) Stores in St. Petersburg ran out of (bread, money, credit) in February 1917.
©AGS® American Guidance Service, Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use only.
World History
Chapter 24
Identifying Important Terms and People
A. Directions: Match each item in Column A with a detail from Column B.
Write the letter of each correct answer on the line.
Column A
Column B
______ 1) militia
a) new name for Russia
______ 2) Bolshevik
b) Lenin’s government took control of all of these
______ 3) Communism
c) non-Bolsheviks
______ 4) successor
d) small group of like people within a larger group
______ 5) Red Guard
e) won the Russian Civil War
______ 6) U.S.S.R.
f) founded by Trotsky
______ 7) Whites
g) can be called to military service quickly
______ 8) civil war
h) one who follows another in a position
______ 9) Reds
i) struggle between the Reds and the Whites
______ 10) minority
j) economic system
______ 11) industries
k) revolutionary socialist group
B. Directions: Write the name of the person each clue describes on the line.
1) Was murdered by Soviet spies in Mexico. ____________________
2) Leader of the Bolsheviks. ____________________
3) Czar who died during the Russian Civil War. ____________________
4) Had a high-ranking position in the Communist Party. ____________________
©AGS® American Guidance Service, Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use only.
World History
Chapter 24
The Bolsheviks True or False
Directions: Read each sentence. Write T if the statement is true or F if it is
______ 1) There is no private property under the system of communism.
______ 2) The Communist Party named Russia the Union of Soviet Socialist
______ 3) All Russians supported Lenin and the Communists.
______ 4) Czar Alexander II and his family died during the Russian Civil War.
______ 5) A successor is one who follows another in a position.
______ 6) Joseph Stalin won the support of most Communist Party members.
______ 7) The Bolsheviks were a revolutionary socialist group in Russia.
______ 8) Leon Trotsky led the Bolsheviks.
______ 9) The Bolshevik militia was called the White Guard.
______ 10) A minority is a small group of different people within a larger group.
______ 11) The Reds defeated the Whites in a civil war because the Communist
army was more unified.
______ 12) Lenin pulled Russia out of World War I.
______ 13) After seizing power, the Communist government went back to the old
class system of Russia.
______ 14) Trotsky founded the Red Guard.
______ 15) Non-Bolsheviks were known as the “Reds.”
©AGS® American Guidance Service, Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use only.
World History
Chapter 24
Using Important Terms
Directions: Read the words in the Word Bank. On the line before each sentence,
write the letter of the word that correctly completes the sentence.
Word Bank
a) censorship
e) economy
h) purge
b) collective
f) heavy
i) quota
c) consumer
g) newspapers
j) totalitarian
d) disloyal
______ 1) A fixed amount that is the goal to be reached is a _______ .
______ 2) In a _______ state, a small group totally controls the lives of citizens.
______ 3) To _______ is to remove from office.
______ 4) A _______ farm is owned by many peasants and run by the government.
______ 5) The banning of material by those in power is _______ .
______ 6) Products that people buy are called _______ goods.
______ 7) _______ industries include steel mills and power stations.
______ 8) Stalin crushed anyone who he thought was _______ .
______ 9) The Communist government controlled the Russian _______ .
______ 10) Stalin used censorship to control _______ and radio.
©AGS® American Guidance Service, Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use only.
World History