Download 4 Warm Up: Different Phases 2-18-15 Q1. What is the end result of

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4 Warm Up: Different Phases
LT Learn vocabulary associated with mitosis
I can distinguish the difference between
neighboring phases of mitosis
Q1. What is the end result of mitosis?
Q2. What is the last step of Mitosis?
4 Warm Up: Different Phases
LT Learn vocabulary associated with mitosis
I can distinguish the difference between
neighboring phases of mitosis
Q1. What is the end result of mitosis?
A1. Two identical sets of chromosomes
Q2. What is the last step of Mitosis?
-Learn vocabulary associated with mitosis
-Distinguish the difference between neighboring
phases of mitosis
Notes 1: Mitosis Vocabulary
You will look up 2 words and then present them
to the class and allow them to write the
Sister chromoatids
Spindle fibers
Sister Chromatids
Spindle Fibers
Activity: Compare and Contrast
As a group, you will be assigned one phase of
mitosis. You are to become an expert on that
phase (know it through and through).
Then you are to explain major differences
between the phase before it and after it.
This should be written on one paper for the
group. Put all names on it.
4 Warm Up: Different Phases
LT Learn vocabulary associated with mitosis
I can distinguish the difference between
neighboring phases of mitosis
Q1. What is the end result of mitosis?
Q2. What is the last step of Mitosis?
Q3. What is the difference between
chromosome and chromatin?
Q4. Explain the main difference between
anaphase and telophase.
4 Warm Up: Different Phases
LT Learn vocabulary associated with mitosis
I can distinguish the difference between
neighboring phases of mitosis
Q3. What is the difference between
chromosome and chromatin?
A3. Both strands of DNA, chromatin is found in
interphase, chromosome is a compact (folded)
version of chromatin.
Q4. Explain the main difference between
anaphase and telophase.
A4. Anaphase the chromosome is approaching
the cell's poles and there is no nuclear
envelope. Telophase the chromosomes are
now at opposite poles with a nuclear envelope
around them.
Mitosis: Cell division during which chromosomes are equally distributed to
the two identical daughter cells that are formed; results in growth.
Meiosis: Cell division in which one diploid cell produces four hapliod cells
calle ed sex cells or gamates, which have half the # of chromosomes as a
parent cell.
DNA: Deoxyribonucleic acid; master copy of an organism's information code,
which is passed on each time a cell divides and also from one generation to
the next
Chromosomes: Tightly packaged DNA (chromatin) that carries genetic
Chromatin: Long, tangled strands of DNA found in the interphase nucleus of
eukaryotic cells.
Sister chromatids: identical halves of the duplicated parent chromosome
formed durning interphase that form an X structure. These exact copies are
joined at a centromere.
Centromere: The structure that hold the sister chromatids together.
Centrioles: pair of cylindrical structures made of microtubules that migrate to
opposite ends of the cell durning prophase.
Spindle fibers: thin fiber that forms from the centrioles and attaches to the
centromere during prophase (prometaphase) and then shortens during
anaphase pulling sister chromatids apart and to opposite pulls.