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Cardiovascular Physiology 11A
1.) Describe normal blood volume and hematocrit in males and females. Why is there a diffence
is between males and females regarding these measurments?
2.) What is the difference between blood plasma and formed elements? Briefly describe
erythrocytes (red blood cells), leukocytes (white blood cells), and thrombocytes (platelets).
Describe the two types of leukocytes and provide examples and brief definitions of each.
3.) Briefly describe hematopoiesis and the genesis of erythrocytes and leukocytes.
Cardiovascular Physiology 11B
4.) Describe major differences between arteries and veins (including the direction of blood flow
involved with each and the relative muscle strength in each). Also describe the blood pressure
in some of the vessels (aorta, arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins). What is the
concept behind these differences in pressure?
5.) Label each of the following disorders/risk factors as causing either primary or secondary
hypertension and describe how each increases blood pressure.
a) hyperaldosteronism
b) high sodium diet
c) Cushing’s syndrome
d) pheochromocytoma
e) corticosteroids
6.) Describe the renin, angiotensin, aldosterone system (OOOH BABY ITS FLOW CHART TIME!!!)
7.) Give an example of each of the following drugs. When would you prescribe a patient of the
following drugs?
a) ACE inhibitors
b) Ag II receptor blockers
c) diuretics
d) Calcium channel blockers
e) beta-adrenergic blocking agents
8.) Define the P-wave, QRS-complex, T-wave, and U-wave. What is the clinical significance of
the PR-segment? What is the clinical significance of an abnormal U-wave?
9.) Describe cardiac action potentials in the ventricles, atria, and Purkinje system.
10.) Describe cardiac action potentials in the sinoatrial node.
11.) Briefly describe the absolute, effective, and relative refractory periods.
12.) Describe the conduction system of the heart (SA to Purkinje).
Cardiovascular Physiology 11C
13.) Define chonotropic, dromotropic, and ionotropic. How do the two branches of the
autonomic nervous system affect each of these?
14.) Describe atrial and ventricular extrasystole. How do you treat both disorders?
15.) What is the normal heart rate? Describe sinus tachycardia and sinus bradycardia.
16.) Describe atrial and ventricular tachycardia and AV-node block.
17.) Describe tight junctions and gap junctions. What is the importance of gap junctions with
regard to conduction?
18.) Describe the excitation-contracting relationship. What factors are involved in increasing
19.) Define preload and afterload. What happens when we have increases in either of these?
20.) Briefly describe the steps in the cardiac cycle.
21.) What is the normal end-diastolic volume? What is the normal end-systolic volume?
22.) How do each of the following cause atherosclerosis?
a) dyslipidemia
b) diabetes
c) smoking
d) hypertension
e) hypercalcemia (high calcium in blood)
23.) What is the difference between atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter?
24.) What causes the “lub-dub” heart sounds?
Cardiovascular Physiology 11D
25.) Describe the baroreceptor reflex?
26.) What are some ways we regulate blood pressure?
27.) Describe cerebral ischemia.
28.) Describe the function of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP).
29.) Briefly describe the structure of the nephron.
30.) Describe the function of the proximal tubule, the loop of Henle, the distal tubule, and the
collecting tubule. Pay attention to the ions be reabsorbed in each section (Make a chart!!!).
31.) Identify the main site of reabsorption/excretion for each of the following ions.
a) Na
b) K
c) Ca
d) phosphate
e) magnesium
f) amino acids
g) gluose
h) bicarbonate
i) chloride
32.) Where on the nephron does AHD act?
33.) What is a buffer? How does bicarbonate act in acid-base function of the nephron?