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Readability, Style, and Turtles
How the code is formatted; how it looks visually
Variable naming
Use of idioms
Why is style important? →
How the code is formatted; how it looks visually
Variable naming
Use of idioms
Why is style important? →
You'll probably spend more time reading code than writing it:
code you've written
example code from books, specifications, forums, etc.
other people's code (collaboration, inherited code, etc.)
If everyone follows the same style, it'll be easier to read and
edit existing programs = Maintainability
Most programming languages have established conventions
for style.
Usually programming teams (or companies) will also have a
set of conventions, or coding style guide.
The goal is readability and maintainability
Python has a published proposal laying out good guidelines
Conventions to Follow
Consistency! Whatever conventions you use, keep them
consistent across the entire project, or at least within a file.
4 space indentation (automatic in IDLE) →
if answer == 5:
Use blank lines to separate groups of related code to enhance
x = 2
y = 5
print("x plus y is ...")
print(x + y)
More Conventions
Surround operators with whitespace in expressions
# do this:
count = count + 1
# *not* this:
only use lowercase letters in variables names
# do this:
count = 0
# *not* this:
separate words in variable names using underscores
# do this:
my_count = 1
# *not* this:
mycount = 1
myCount = 1
An idiom can be:
A saying or expression whose meaning is not obvious from
its individual parts
An expression that is natural to a language
Generally native speakers, or people who know the language
well, know the idioms
it's raining cats and dogs
hace mucho frío
les carottes sont cuites
Programming Idioms
Similar to Natural Languages, an idiom in a programming
language is:
a common task, computation, or construct that's expressed
in a way that's unique, peculiar to or encouraged by the
particular programming language in use
understood by all who know the language and its
usually are the best (most efficient) way in that language to
do that thing
Not necessarily formally specified and usually not the only
way to do it.
Turtle Graphics
Turtle is a Python module…
Allows you to draw programmatically (think of a virtual pen
Commands are given to a movable pen
That pen can move and draw on a two dimensional plane
The pen is called a turtle!
It's essentially a Python implementation of another language
called Logo
created in the mid 60's
built on theory of constructionist learning (learn by
Turtle Graphics
Imagine you have a turtle
hanging out on the beach
imagine further that it's a
robotic turtle that you can
give commands to
move forward
turn around
as it moves, it leaves tracks
on the ground
turtle graphics simulates
this (seriously)
Turtle Graphics
We can draw by writing code
That code is analogous to the commands that we would give
the turtle (or pen, or pointer, or whatever)
move forward
turn around
but in addition, we can also
change colors
ask for user input