Download Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited Public Offering of 2016

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Press Release
Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited Public
Offering of 2016 Panda Bonds
(Hong Kong, 26 July 2016) Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited
(hereinafter referred to as “issuer”) has granted panda bonds worth no
more than RMB 4.7 billion to its qualified investors by public offering.
The panda bonds will be issued in different phases. The initial one will be
issued by Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited by way of public
offering in 2016 (phase one) (hereinafter referred to as " current bond").
As per the Announcement of Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited
public offering in 2016 corporate bonds (first phase), the current bond is
classified into two types,Type I is a five-year fixed rate bond with the
option for the issuer to adjust the coupon rate and for the investors to sell
the bond back at the end of year 3; Type II is a seven-year fixed rate bond
with the option for the issuer to adjust the coupon rate and for the
investors to sell the bond back at the end of year 5.The initial issuance is
worth RMB 1 billion, and the over-allotment cannot exceed RMB 3
billion. The initial issuance of Type I is RMB 500 million, and the initial
issuance of Type II is RMB 500 million.
Bond book-building work in current bond has completed on July 26, 2016,
the actual issuance is RMB 4 billion, the final issuance of Type I is RMB
1.8 billion, the final coupon rate is 3.0%; and the final issuance of Type II
is RMB 2.2 billion, the final coupon rate is 3.33%.
The current bond is issued by an overseas body in China market by public
offering (which is “panda bond”), it is the second panda bond public
offering in China market after Yuexiu Transport Infrastructure Limited,
and also the largest issuance size panda bond by public offering in China
with the lowest coupon rate among the same duration bonds.
About Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited (0371 HK)
The Company was inpandad in Bermuda as an exempted company with limited
liability and the shares of which are listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong
Limited. The holding company of the Company is Beijing Enterprises Holdings
Limited, (stock code: 0392). The Group strategically positions itself as a “leading
integrated water system solution provider", and specializes in water service and
environmental protection businesses, with waste water treatment as its core business
For more information, please visit the Group’s website at:
The English translation is for reference only and the Chinese version shall prevail in
case of any inconsistency between the Chinese version and English translation