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Digestive system I
Alimentary tract
• Continuous provision
– Water
– Electrolytes
– Nutrients
• Achieved by
– Movement of food
– Digestion
• Mechanical and chemical
– Absorption
– Transport
Anatomical structures
Smooth muscles within the GI tract
• Layers
– Longitudinal
• Length-wise
– Circular
– Formation of syncitium
• Each fiber within respective layer
– Connected via gap junctions
• Ion movement
Contraction of GI smooth muscles
• Continual, slow
intrinsic electrical
– Slow waves
• Not action potentials
– Too low
• Generated by the
interaction of interstitial
cells of Cajal
– Periodic openings of
• Do not usually cause
muscle contraction
Contraction of GI smooth muscles
• Continual, slow intrinsic
electrical activity
– Spike potentials
• Action potentials
• Generated when the
resting potential goes over
-40 mV
– Greater the rise in
resting potential, greater
the frequency
– Lasts longer than normal
action potential (10-20
• Generated by the
movement of calcium ions
– Slower channels
• Changes in resting potentials
– Depolarization
Stretching of muscle
Stimulation of parasympathetic nerves
GI hormones
– Hyperpolarization
• Epinephrine and norepinephrine
• Stimulation of sympathetic nerves
• Role of calcium ions
– Entrance to cells
• Slow waves
– No muscle contraction
• Spike potentials
• Tonic
– Continuous but not associated with slow waves
• Continuous repetitive spike potentials
• Hormones and other factors
• Continuous entry of calcium ions
– Not associated with changes in membrane potential
Enteric nervous system
• Regulation
– GI tract movement
– GI tract secretion
(local and
Blood flow
• Myenteric plexus
– Mostly linear chain
• Extends entire length of
the GI tract
– Controls muscle
activity along the
length of the GI tract
• Tonic contraction/tone
of the wall
– Intensity
– Rhythm (slight)
• Myenteric plexus
– Movement of peristalic
• Increased conduction
velocity of excitatory
– Inhibitory neurons
• Secretion of inhibitory
• Inhibition of sphincters
– Inhibits food
• Submucosal plexus
– Local functions
• Absorption
• Secretion
• Contraction
Role of ANS
• Parasympathetic
– Cranial
• Vagus
• Esophagus, stomach,
and pancreas
– Sacral
• Large intestine and
• Defecation reflex
– Excitation
• Increased activity
• Sympathetic
– T5 and L2 of spinal
– Celiac and mesenteric
• Essentially innervates
entire GI tract
– Excitation
• Inhibition of activity
– Smooth muscle
– Neurons of enteric
nervous system
• Neurotransmitters
– Aceylcholine
• Excitation
– Norepinephrine/epinephrine
• Inhibition
Afferent sensory nerve fibers
• Activation
– Irritation of mucosa
– Distention
– Chemicals
• Inhibition or activation
• Transmission of
information to the
– Afferent vagus nerves
(80 %)
Role of enteric nervous system
• Generation of reflexes
– Integrated within the
enteric nervous
• Local reflex
– Loop between the
sympathetic ganglia
and GI tract
• Signals from lower
portion of the GI tract to
regulate activity of the
upper GI tract or vise
• Loop between the
spinal cord/brain stem
and the GI tract
– Vagus nerves from the
stomach to the
– Pain reflex (inhibitory)
– Defecation reflex
Movement within the GI tract
• Propulsive movement
– Peristalsis
• Generated in response to GI tract distension
• Requires active myenteric plexus
– Formation of the contractile rings
– Receptive relaxation
• Polarized movement
– Move in one direction
• Mixing movement
– Inhibition of peristalisis forward movement
• Sphincter
• Churning of the content within the segment
– Local intermittent constrictive contractions
Splanchnic circulation
• Flow of blood
– Afferent flow
• The GI tract
• Pancreas
• Spleen
– Enters liver via the
portal vein
• Flow through liver
– Exits liver via hepatic
• Vena cava
• Absorption of nutrients
– Water soluble molecules
• 75 % temporally stored in liver
– Fats
• Intestinal lymphatics
• Enters circulation via thoracic duct
• Arterial supply to the GI tract
– Mesenteric arteries (superior and inferior)
• Intestines
– Celiac artery
• Stomach
• Branches of arteries
– Muscle bundles
– Intestinal villi
– Submucosal vessels
• Rate of flow
– Proportional to activity levels
• Active absorption increases flow by max. 8 X
– Increased flow
• Vasodilators
• Decreased tissue oxygen concentrations
• Counter-current
exchange of oxygen
– Diffusion of oxygen
from arterioles to
venules without going
through circulation
• Bypassed oxygen is not
available for tissue
• Neural regulation
– Parasympathietic stimulation
• Increased flow
• Increased glandular secretions
– Cause of increased flow
– Sympathetic stimulation
• Decreased flow
– Vasoconstriction
• Overcome by local vasodilators
– Local ischemia
– Allows re-direction of blood