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From concept to community
Prof Liz Kay
Wendy Smith
“ x x x ‘s dental graduates are really, really good”
Innate qualities (Alison & Kay, 2009)
Decision making
Team worker
Self insightful
Pro-social behaviour
Recruitment is key
Select on the immutables
(innate qualities)
Build curricula to develop the mutables
(learnable skills)
Also …
Numbers of People
- Cohort effect
M e dium
Treatment Needs
Comple x
Community engagement, preventatively
oriented, public health positive
Very high level of technical and
communication skills
To be a community which develops
and influences dental health care
professionals to have the knowledge
and skills to enhance oral health, in
both individuals and the public
Absolute commitment to:Professionalism
 lifelong learning
 patient centeredness
 evidence based practice
Dental skills
 clinical
 communication
Societal awareness
 community orientation
Social awareness
 Contribute at least as much to community as they
derive from it
 Feel responsible for public health as well as
individuals’ dental problems
 Want to share what they ‘know’
 ‘Connectedness’
 A dental school which exists in, and for, the
community it serves
 Graduates who are equipped to be first
class, multi-skilled general dental
 A dental school which focuses on primary
care and public health, not specialisms
Community Engagement Team
- non clinical approach
A dental school for the
community it serves
Dental Education Facilities
based in neighbourhoods
Graduates equipped to
be first class dental
Opportunities for students
to ‘find out’ more about
population groups,
communities and impact
of health.
A dental school which
focuses on primary care
and public health, not
Provide treatment and
care alongside supporting
health improvement
Community impact
Access to state of the art
dental care facilities
Students engage directly
with people.
Community groups and
organisations enabling
and supporting modules
and learning opportunities
Our remit…….
Bridging the gap to the community
Community based modules
Inter Professional Engagement
Year 1
Year 2
Fact Finding
Plan and deliver an intervention
Learning outcomes include:
 Team working
 Communication
 Use evidenced based research and
literature reviews
 Treating people with respect, equality
and dignity
Learning outcomes include:
 Engage with a range of specialists and
other relevant individuals/groups
 Provide patients with preventative
education and instruction
 Critically appraise appropriate
research materials
 Explain roles and referral networks
 Develop communication and inter
personal skills
Examples of dental student led project
Partner organisation
Population group
Green Ark Childrens Centre
Fluoride varnish application
Under 5’s and their parents
Salvation Army
Create health passport
Men and women who are
Patient support group
Create information resource Head and neck cancer
patients and their families
Family Nurse Partnership
Devise and delvier oral
health training
Staff team
Prevention is the key
Increase awareness of key oral health
Encourages students to think outside
of the box; be creative
Improves patient management skills
Builds awareness of different
population groups; cultures,
Walk a mile in another persons shoes
Opportunity to influence dental
clinicians of the future
Increase opportunities for client group
Challenge perceptions
Partnership working
“you don’t know what you don’t know,
this has really challenged me and I ‘get it’ now!”
Student quotes:
Community quotes:
“this has been a really valuable
“always good to have students
working with us; they bring new
ideas and different ways of
“it’s important to provide support
to the most disadvantaged families
as it impacts directly on their
“it was useful to find out about
how the organisation runs and
how it operates.”
“the group encouraged our guys to
access dental treatment which has
been hugely beneficial.”
“I would recommend any community
organisation to get involved; the
students are great”
Clinicians for 21st century
Treating the whole person not just teeth
Increasing confidence
Deeper and more realistic understanding of
Societal benefit
 Its good fun!
Outreach projects
 Community Engagement Team now deliver a ‘community pathway’ week for 3rd year
medical students
 Develop and expand this across other faculties
 Encompass effective ‘public and patient involvement’ as part of research projects
 Support modules eg MBA Healthcare
“Community and social awareness is very current; demonstrates partnership,
reduces duplication and is cost effective.”
Want to know more:
Prof Liz Kay: [email protected]
01752 586800
Wendy Smith: [email protected]
01752 583130