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ClimTrans2050 "ClimTrans2050" Open source model for analyzing Austria’s transition to a low carbon society by 2050 – A research plan Angela Köppl, WIFO Klimatag Graz, 6.-8. April 2016 ClimTrans2050 ClimTrans2050 project team The project team WIFO: Claudia Kettner, Angela Köppl, Stefan Schleicher, Katharina Köberl, Christian Hofer Wegener Center: Gabriel Bachner, Thomas Schinko, Karl Steininger UBA: Jürgen Schneider, Ilse Schindler, Thomas Krutzler, Thomas Gallauner IIASA: Matthias Jonas, Piotr Żebrowski ClimTrans2050 Why a research plan for an open source model? Policy needs guidance for long run transition Available tools to capture these processes not sufficient Application of existing economic models to the very long run faces limitations (Pindyck (2013, 2015), Rosen (2015), State of EU Environment Report (2015)) Changes in the capital stock (Breakthrough technologies) need to be addressed Analysis of radical vs. incremental path changes Detailed modeling of energy, emissions and economic structures – deepened structural modeling Guiding questions: What kind of modeling framework for assessing long term transformation process? Which model extensions allow a better understanding of transformation options? ClimTrans2050 Content of the ClimTrans2050 Research Plan (1) Research Plan presents a first step for a new modeling approach Aims at coherent and understandable modeling guidelines that put the focus on functionalities (relating to housing, mobility, nutrition, etc.) Focus on stocks and flows that together supply functionalities A setting that allows to integrate the research activities in a stepwise manner, ultimately arriving at an open-source model that fully covers the Austrian emission inventory in relation to the three tiers. A new perspective for modeling activities in view of a 2050 horizon A modeling framework that is able to analyze transition processes A new perspective on energy, emissions and economic structures Embedding of national emission target paths consistently into global context ClimTrans2050 Content of the ClimTrans2050 Research Plan (2) Deepened structural modeling framework along a three tier approach Physical, economic and institutional dimension An exemplary model module as illustration and application of the deepened structural approach to analyzing energy systems. Web-based platform for disseminating the research plan and exemplary model modules to stakeholders and the research community Identification and guidance for the next research steps following the three tier approach ClimTrans2050 Mindset: Functionalities and the three tier approach Functionalities (e.g. nutrition, shelter, mobility) are the outcome of the interaction of stocks (e.g. buildings and machinery) and flows (e.g. energy, materials) The concept of functionalities aims at capturing the ultimate purpose of economic activities emphasizes the interaction between stocks and flows allows to capture the impact in the investment and operating phase allows to capture details in technologies The concept of functionalities is made operational along three tiers Tier 1 is dealing with the physical structure of the system that finally determines the amount of emissions Tier 2 represents techno-economic dimension (capital stocks and flows; availability of technologies, investment and operating costs) Tier 3 considers the embedding of tier 1 and tier 2 into an institutional setting (instruments, mechanisms, behavioral change) Stock-flow interactions for providing functionalities ClimTrans2050 resource flow r A Δr functionality S(r, K) B ΔK capital stock & infrastructure K ClimTrans2050 Mainstream Modeling Final consumption of reproducibles Resources reproducible, human Reproducibles of goods and services Intermediate consumption of reproducibles Investments for replacement, expansion, of reproducible resources ClimTrans2050 Deepened Structural Modeling for the Three Tiers Approach Deepened structural modeling Final consumption for functionalities Stock of Resources Natural resources: renewable, exhaustible, soil, air, water Man-made resources: reproducible, human, social Functionalities shelter, nutrition mobility, communication Flow of Reproducibles Environmental impact goods and services for functionalities via consumption and for resources via investments Intermediate consumption for functionalities Investments for replacement, expansion, recycling, regeneration of resources ClimTrans2050 Life styles Social dimension Final consumption Market mechanisms Stock of Resources Natural resources: renewable, exhaustible, soil, air, water Man-made resources: reproducible, human, social Functionalities shelter, nutrition mobility, communication Environmental impact Flow of Reproducibles goods and services for functionalities via consumption and for resources via investments Intermediate consumption for functionalities Investments for replacement, expansion, recycling, regeneration of resources Public and private finance Market based instruments Non-market based instruments for functionalities ClimTrans2050 Web based Platform: at/tiki-index.php ClimTrans2050 Thank you for your attention