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Age of Discovery wikipedia , lookup

A. Greenland was discovered in the 900’s by Eric the Red or Eric
the Bald
B. His son, Leif Ericson, of Leif the Lucky, discovered
Newfoundland in 1000AD. He called it Vinland
II. Portugal
A. Prince Henry the Navigator was the first leader of Portugal to stimulate exploration and colonization
B. Explorers were sent to find a new all water route to the Indies
1)Bartholomeu Dias—was the first explorer to attempt to go around the tip of Africa. He got as far
as the Cape of Good Hope, but was forced back by his crew
2)Vasco de Gama—was the first to successfully sail around the tip of Africa
A. In 1492, Christopher Columbus, under sponsorship of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, set out to
find another route to the Indies. Three ships: Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria. He landed in the Bahamas
(San Salvador)
B. Treaty of Demarcation—line drew by the Pope that separated the New World between Portugal and
Spain. Portugal got the East, Spain the West. Further worked out in 1494 with the Treaty of
C. Spanish Conquistadores
1)Balboa—first conquistador. Crossed the Isthmus of Panama and sighted the Pacific Ocean
2)Ferdinand Magellan—first to circumnavigate the globe. He was killed by natives in the
3)Ponce de Leon—discovered Florida while looking for gold, silver, and the “fountain of youth”
4)Coronado—was looking for the Seven Cities of Gold and found the Grand Canyon
5)Hernando de Soto—discovered the Mississippi River; nicknamed the “Father of Waters”
6)Pizarro—conquered the Incas in Peru
7)Cortes—conquered the Aztecs in Mexico
8)Cabrillo—explored the coast of California
9)Onate—subdued the Pueblo Indians; kept a foot of each survivor
A. John Cabot—gave England claim to the New World
A. Verrazano—first explorer to give France claim to the New World
B. Cartier—discovered the St. Lawrence River
C. La Salle—sailed down the Miss. River to the Gulf of Mexico; named the area Louisiana after the King of
D. Samuel de Champlain—founded Quebec in 1608; “Father of New France”
E. Antoine Cadillac—discovered Detroit; “city of straits”
A. Henry Hudson—was English, but sailed for Dutch. Discovered the Hudson River and Hudson Bay.
Claimed New York for the Dutch
B. Dutch claimed New York (New Netherlands) and New York City (New Amsterdam)