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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
ARVE RIVER GEOLOGY OF TASMANIA ONE: INCH SERIES -I1NJVUS/TY OF TA.&WAWIA . liEOLOGY DEPT 4769 .. tw:roM ",. III .. 0 I"" •7 JdI I Jdl LEGEND -~- FAULT WITH OOWNTHROWN , - Quaternary ststem INt)lCATE.O JlEY JtIAP I'"AULT - POIITION - S10£ RECENT APPliiOllWATE FORMATION ,0IJND.Urt Dolerite Ttioulc System ~ Boundaries CONC.ORDANT SILL DISCORDANT SHOWlNIi WAGNCTIC VAAIAnON SERI€S ~ A.u...uvru/ol FAULT INFERRED INTRU5l'l£ _ aOON04RY KNOCKLOFTY UHDSTONE AND Base mop by courtesy of Permian System I'£P.HlREE FORES1RY COMMISSION Hobart IGNEOUS ROCKS VEHICULAR TRACK Jurosslc JdI DI&USED TlVoMWAY ? System DOURlTE Z ItIILC3 MAPPED 8Y R. J. FORD JAH -1'1!:a 1955 s,ooo 10,000 GEOLOGY OF ARVE RIVER AREA 1. BIBLIOGRAPHY: BLAKE, F., 1935- Report on country olong route of Croycroft Track. Unpublished report of Mines Dept. FORD, R. J, 1956 - Geology of the Upper Huon-Arve River Area. Vol. 90, pp 147-156. Pap. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tal., 2. STRATIGRAPHIC TABLE: SYSTEM FORMATION Strong epeirogeny and faulting Jurassic~ Permian 3. Knocklofty { Ferntree Woodbridge Dolerite sills and sheets Sandstone and sha Ie Mudstone Glacial formation LOCALITIES OF SPECIAL INTEREST: Thin sill of dolerite Doleri te sill Ferntree Mudstone showing presence of strike fault Faulted Triassic rocks 4. THICKNESS (in feet) Erosion interva I Tertiary and Quaternary Early Tertiory? Triassic ROCK TYPE 476500E. 698000N. 477000E. 693800N. 472500E. 693700N. 470300E. 691000N. PHYSIOGRAPHY: Note control of Arve River by rock types Waterfalls in Ferntree Mudstone Weathered dolerite 473600E. 697500N. 471000E. 696OOON. 800 370 290 GEOLOGY OF TASMANIA ONE INCH SlERIU - UNIVEIUrrY 0," n.SMAHI.... G~GY D€ P T , UPPER HUON 4770 Jdl Jdl LEGEND F.tJA.T WITN DOWNTHROWH 51DE INDIC"'T~ RLCCNf .seRIes FAULT - POSITIOH APPHlXIt.Ur,TE ~ FAULT INFERRED FORM"'TION IJO(.IHDAR'I' ~ CONCORDANT SILL + ALLUVIUt.e Trianlc. System Dolerite Boundone..s ,. Ouotemory System kNOCKLOFTY SAND5TOHE AND S..... LE ...' / Bose mop by courtesy of Permian Syrtem [!(] FERNTREE CE!:J WOODBRIDGE ROADS VEHICULAR TRAC K I Pbe. I BERRIEDALE LIMESTONE ~ .UNDELLA DiaCORa.HT INTRUSIVE BOlINMR'I' STRikE AHD DIP MUDSTONe. FORESTRY COMMISSION Hobart ,"LACIAI. ,"ORMATION hIIUDJTOHI: AND R.-rHIONl'S SILTSTONE HORIZONTAL. DIP o MAPPED BY R. J. FORD JAN. "!Ill IGNEOUS ROCKS JurasJlc ? System ~ DOLERITE - SCALE ~o=;~=*'='=r'=*="=;==' ========;-~~ mo AlILE! 10.000 "-CCl GEOLOGY OF UPPER HUON AREA 1. BIBLIOGRAPHY: BLAKE, F, 1935 - Report on country along route of Craycraft Track. Unpublished report of Mines Dept. FORD, R. J, 1956 - Geology of the Upper Huon-Arve River Area. Vol. 90, pp. 147-156. 2. Pap. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tas., STRATIGRAPHIC TABLE: SYSTEM FORMATION Quo ternary and Tertiary Early Tertiary~ Permian Strong ·epeirogeny and faulting Knacklafty Ferntree { Woodbridge Bemedale Bundella Dolerite sills and sheets Sandstone and shale Mudstone Glacial Formation Limestone Mudstone 3. LOCALITIES OF SPECIAL INTEREST: Berrieda Ie Iimestone with fossils 473500E 708000N. Intrusive contacts af dolerite 473250E. 701250N. 473250E. 7065CON. Dolerite dyke 475000E. 707800N. Isolated sedimentary blocks on dolen te 474300E. 701700N. 4788COE. 703800N. 475000E. 701400N. Weathering of dolerite THICKNESS (,n feeti Erosion intervol Jurassic~ Triassic ROCK TYPE 473500E. 701500N. 79500E. 700000N. 300+ 800+ 370+ 290 90 120+