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Curriculum Template
Topic: Electricity
Subject/Course: PHYSICS
Grades: 11, 12
Designers: Bowen, Burns, Beningson, Ricardelli
Stage 1—Desired Results
Established Goals: Develop qualitative and quantitative understanding of voltage current
and resistance and the connections among them (Ohm’s Law)
Mass. State Frameworks: Physics 9-12 framework:5.2
Students will understand that…
Essential Questions:
How does electricity behave in a circuit?
Electricity moves in a predictable manner
Students will know…
Students will be able to…
Ohm’s Law for series and parallel circuits
Some common schematic symbols
Know what voltage is and unit of measure
Know what electric current is and unit of measure
Know what resistance is and unit of measure
How to use a digital volt ohm meter (DVOM)
Identify common components connected in a circuit
Distinguish a complete circuit
Use Ohm’s Law to predict current, voltage, and
Build, predict and test a simple circuit (series, parallel)
Identify components in a schematic diagram.
Use a digital volt ohm meter (DVOM)
Connect components on a bread board
Stage 2—Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks:
Students will be given a simple series circuit and predict circuit values through the use of Ohm’s Law.
Students will build the circuit and prove the above values through the use of a digital volt ohm meter.
Students will be given a simple parallel circuit and predict circuit values through the use of Ohm’s Law.
Students will build the circuit and prove the above values through the use of a digital volt ohm meter
Predict and measure resistor values using color codes and ohm-meters
Key Criteria
Students will be given the necessary materials to perform the above tasks in a lab format. Results will be
graded as to the student’s ability to correctly complete the task.
Other Evidence
Student work samples
Stage 3—Learning Plan
Learning Activities
Consider the WHERETO elements.
The intent of the unit is to empower the students to be able to look at a simple series or
parallel circuit and determine the circuit quantities. They will be expected to be able to
apply their knowledge of Ohm’s Law to solve the problem. They will then be expected to
prove their mathematical results with the use of a digital volt ohm meter. Students will visit
my Edublog site and view a “youtube” video of a
series and parallel circuit.
Students will see the relationship between an understanding of Ohm’s law and how
circuits are designed and built. They will use that knowledge to design and build their own
simple circuit, given a number of resistors, wires, and a power supply.
The students will be instructed, through the use of a whiteboard, sample circuits,
“youtube”, and worksheets as how to apply Ohm’s Law to a circuit. They will solve some
series circuits and parallel circuits in a lab setting. Given a circuit schematic, students will
build a circuit to specifications and measure the circuit values and compare the results to
their predicted results. They will then be given an opportunity to design their own circuit and
prove their ability to do so. Students with limited ability, may design less complex circuits,
but still succeed at the task.
Curriculum Template