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Chapter 7 Section 3: Industrial Revolution
(Book p. 192-195, Online p. 54-57)
Directions: Read the pages on the Industrial Revolution and list specific changes in production, society, and
government that were the result of the Industrial Revolution.
Changes during the Industrial Revolution
Production (p.192)
Society (p.193)
Government (p.195)
Ch. 7 Section 3: Europe before, during, and after WWI and WWII
(Book p. 196-197, Online p. 58-59)
Directions: Read and gather information about the events before, during, and after the World Wars.
Europe Before World War I: Describe the how countries behaved in Europe before World War One.
World War I: (19___ - 19___)
World War II: (19___ - 19___)
Two Sides:
Two Sides:
What was the human cost of World War I in Europe?
Who won the war?
What were the effects of World War II in Europe?
Two Paths Emerge in Europe
What two countries emerged as superpowers after World Wars I and World War II?
What was the Marshall Plan? (see the picture on p. 197)
Industrial Revolution Phrase Bank:
Industrial Revolution Phrase Bank:
Industrial Revolution Phrase Bank:
Machines were used to do more of the
Machines were used to do more of the
Machines were used to do more of the
Because they were mistreated by
factory owners, workers formed
unions and government passed laws
to protect workers
Because they were mistreated by
factory owners, workers formed
unions and government passed laws
to protect workers
Because they were mistreated by
factory owners, workers formed
unions and government passed laws
to protect workers
European countries began to colonize
other areas in order to get more raw
materials for industry
European countries began to colonize
other areas in order to get more raw
materials for industry
European countries began to colonize
other areas in order to get more raw
materials for industry
Cities grew quickly and people lived in
dirty housing
Cities grew quickly and people lived in
dirty housing
Cities grew quickly and people lived in
dirty housing
Disease spread quickly in crowded
Disease spread quickly in crowded
Disease spread quickly in crowded
New inventions make transportation
and communication easier
New inventions make transportation
and communication easier
New inventions make transportation
and communication easier
Goods like textiles, or cloth products,
were made much faster and cheaper
Goods like textiles, or cloth products,
were made much faster and cheaper
Goods like textiles, or cloth products,
were made much faster and cheaper