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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Ch 19: A World in Flames 1931-‐1941 Sec9on 1: America and the World Fascism in Italy • Promoted by Benito Mussolini – Soldier in WWI • Believed: – that the na9on is more important than the individual – in the need of a dictator for order – Expanding territory for strength – Expanding the military – An9-‐communism Mussolini • • • • • • Protected private property Helped the middle class Employed the working class Gave out social security Used pride to get to the top Set up a dictatorship/got rid of democracy Communists of Russia • Took over aPer WWI under Vladimir Lenin • Renamed Russia USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) • One party ruled the gov’t • Ignored personal freedom • Punished enemies of the state Joseph Stalin • Took over in the USSR in 1926 • Increased factory produc9on • Killed all those against his agenda – 8-‐10 million people were murdered Nazi Party of Germany • Na9onal Socialist German Workers’ Party • Na9onalis9c • An9-‐communist • Hated the Allies from WWI for how the Germans were treated/had to take the blame • WAS NOT STARTED BY HITLER • Was voted into power during the Depression Adolf Hitler • Admired Mussolini • Arrested in 1923 aPer trying to overthrow the gov’t • Wrote Mein Kampf (My Struggle) – Wanted to unify the Germans – Wanted more land-‐take over Poland/Russia – Blamed Jews for Germany’s loss in WWI Hitler’s Rise to Power • 1933: appointed prime minister of Germany – Gave orders for police to in9midate voters • 1934: became president – Took the 9tle of fuhrer “leader” • 1935: started building up the military – Viola9on of the Treaty of Versailles Militarism in Japan • 1920s-‐Japan was run by businesses – Depression limited growth – Rise in unemployment • 1930s-‐Japanese officers wanted to expand Japan’s greatness to takeover China – Invaded China without gov’t permission – Killed Japan’s prime minister – Took over gov’t posi9ons America Wants Isola9on • Stay out of the war because: – European countries were not repaying WWI debts – Believed U.S. was tricked into WWI by gun companies • Neutrality Act of 1935: – Made it illegal for the U.S. to sell arms to any country at war Germany, Italy, and Japan Become Allies in 1936 • Hitler pledged to help Mussolini during the Spanish Civil War (Rome-‐Berlin Axis) • An9-‐Comintern Pact: – Japan became allies to Germany and Italy in exchange of informa9on about communist groups • Became known as the Axis powers in 1940 Neutrality Act of 1937 • Allowed countries at war to buy non-‐military goods from the U.S. • The countries had to pay cash for the goods and had to send ships to pick up the supplies • U.S. wanted to prevent another Lusitania Incident Roosevelt’s Ideas • Wanted to end the Depression • Didn’t like isola9onism (believes it will lead to war) • Supported interna9onalism: – Trade between na9ons creates prosperity and helps to prevent war • Will send military supplies to China to fight Japan (non-‐war effort since Japanese gov’t didn’t declare war)