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1870- 1914
Understanding the balance of power in
Europe from 1870- 1914
Aims, methods, continuity and change in
German foreign policy to 1914; global
colonial rivalry
Emergence of Germany as a single state
substantially altered the balance of power in
A series of wars of unification were fought in the
1860s by Prussia which excluded Austria from
the new German state
1870 Franco Prussian War- loss of Alsace
Lorraine to Germany
Bismarck as Chancellor / Kaiser Wilhelm I
Military superiority + Industrial revolution+
population increase= Germany to dominate in
Not an aggressive foreign policy- After 1871
Bismarck saw Germany as a ‘sated power’
Consolidate Germany’s position in Europe
Protect Germany from future attack- concern
was the French desire for revenge
Keep France isolated and Russia onside
This was done through the creation of a
complex web of alliances- essentially a policy
of restraint in diplomacy
1873 The Dreikaiserbund (Three emperors
league)- Germany, Austria, Russia
1879 The Dual Alliance- Austria and Germanysupport each other if attacked by each other
1881 Three Emperors Alliance- revision of
Dreikaiserbund- remain neutral if other was at
war with another power
1882 Triple Alliance Germany, Austria, Italysupport if attacked by two other powers
1887 Reinsurance Treaty- after the collapse of
Three Emperors- separate deal with Russia to
avoid a war on two fronts
1888 Kaiser Wilhelm II came to the throne
Bismarck replaced by Chancellor Leo Von
NEW COURSE – or Weltpolitik
Policy looked beyond Europe- EMPIRE and
Also diverted attention away from social and
political problems at home
Much more aggressive foreign policyinvolvement of the Kaiser
Capitalize on Germany’s position in Europe
and beyond
Fear of encirclement
Development of relationship with AustriaHungary
Aim for Germany- Naval power to rival Britain
1897 Admiral Tirpitz pushed for the
development of the Navy – building of 17 new
ships. Second Naval law also passed in 1900
Pushes Britain to seek security through
alliances- development of Triple Entente
Germany now felt that it was becoming
Britain develops new class of battleship-
Germany tried to expose the weakness of BritishFrench alliance over French interest in Morocco
Britain had given France a ‘free hand’ in Morocco
for their support over Egypt
Germany announced that they would assist the
Sultan of Morocco to maintain his independence
from France
Algerciras Conference- 1906- Britain backed
French interest in Morocco
Morocco a faliure for Weltpolitik and a blow for
German pride
French sent troops to Morocco on the request of
the Sultan to suppress a revolt that had broken
Germany saw this as the beginning of full French
takeover of Morocco
Germany sent a gunboat (the Panther) to Agadiras a way of extracting concessions from the
‘gunboat diplomacy’
Germany given parts of the French Congo
Again Germany miscalculated- Britain supported
France- strengthened ties of the Entente
1912 First Balkan War- Greece, Serbia and Montenegro
formed an alliance- as a way of pushing Turkey out of the
Balkans (Macedonia)- this took just seven weeks
Austria threatened by a strengthened Serbia and a clear threat
of war in the region
British call a conference in London and Turkey’s lands divided
up and the creation of Albania which limits Serbia’s access to
the sea.
Second Balkan War 1913- Bulgaria goes to war over
Bulgarians living in Serbia / Greece
Bulgaria defeated
Austria keen to be involved but Germany urges restraint
Serbia had succeeded on two occasions- proved its strength
diplomatically / militarily. Increased in size