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Measuring Up
Ms. Witsil
January 19, 2016
Eating Habits
Did you know Giraffes typically
sleep standing up? Or that giraffe’s
are the tallest mammal known.
The giraffe is a unique and
amazing animal. Continue reading
to find out more about this long
necked giant!
Giraffes are ​ruminants​, so they
have lots of room to store their
favorite foods. They mainly eat
leaves and buds on a ​variety of
trees and shrubs. They also like
like to eat flowers and fruits when
in season. Giraffes have a bluish
purple tongue that is covered in
hair. These hairs help protect
their tongue when eating thorny
plants and trees. Unlike humans,
giraffes only need to drink water
every couple of days. Most of
their water comes from the plants
they eat.
The light yellow color indicates the range
giraffe’s can be found in Africa
Where can you find
these long necked
A giraffe roaming in it’s natural habitat
In their natural habitat giraffe’s
can be found in the open planes
of the African savannas. They
also like to roam in the grasslands
and woodlands. In their natural
habitat, giraffes ​home range is
between 8 and 50 square miles.
You can also find giraffe’s in zoos
across the world. This is not their
sometimes it is best for injured
giraffes to live in ​captivity where
they can be nursed back to
Giraffes tongues are bluish purple and
covered with tiny hairs
Word Bank
Home range: the area in which
an animal normally lives
Captivity: state of being held or
confined to an area
Ruminants​: has more than one
Variety: ​different types
Measuring Up continued...
Ms. Witsil
January 19, 2016
Unlike many other species of
animals, male and female giraffe’s
appearances do not differ much in
appearance. Both male and
females have “horns,” which are
actually knobs covered with skin
and hair to protect them from a
head injury. The hair on a giraffe's
tale is 10 times thicker than human
hair. Giraffes can weigh between
1,750 and 2,800 pounds, that’s the
size of a large truck. Their height
can range from 14 to 19 feet.
Their height helps them reach the
tall branches and lush leaves they
eat. Along with their heavy weight
and extreme height, giraffes also
have very large feet. In fact, they
are the same size as a dinner
Like human fingerprints, no 2 Giraffe’s have
the same spot pattern
As you have learned, Giraffes are
amazing and unique mammals.
Giraffes have some very unique
attributes, like the hairs on their
tongue that protect it from thorns.
Or that they usually sleep
standing up. Whether they are in
their natural habitat of the African
savannas or in the zoo, they are
beautiful animals to observe and
learn from.
Fun Facts
Giraffes spend 2 hours
and 10 minutes a day
animals that rarely fight.
● http://animals.nationalge
A giraffe’s foot is as large as a dinner plate.
Baby giraffes can stand within 10 minutes of
being born.