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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
BENG 230C Cardiovascular Physiology Cardiac Impulse Conduction Including slides courtesy Professor Wayne Giles University of Calgary Reading Levy and Pappano, Chapter 3 Kléber AG, Rudy Y (2004) Basic mechanisms of cardiac impulse propagation and associated arrhythmias. Physiol Rev. Apr;84(2):431-88. Review. Willem Einthoven (1860-1927) 1903: Invented ECG machine 1924: Received Nobel Prize in Medicine Sinus Node and the Purkinje System of the Heart Note: 1) Myogenic spontaneous pacing 2) Pattern of conduction 3) Apex and base of the ventricle 1) Purkinje system 2) Transmural conduction Adapted from figure 10-1, Guyton & Hall Cardiac Conduction Sequence Electrocardiogram (ECG) Conduction of electrical impulses through the heart Measures and records intensity (millivolts) and the time intervals involved Conventional Arrangement of Electrodes for Recording Electrocardiogram Adapted from figure 11-6, Guyton & Hall Conventional Arrangement of Electrodes for Recording Electrocardiogram Adapted from figure 11-6, Guyton & Hall ECG Leads 12 Lead ECG V1-6 are precordial (chest) leads The Important Deflections and Intervals of a Typical Scalar Electrocardiogram Adapted from figure 22-33, Berne & Levy Organization of Cardiac Muscle Fibers The Electrophysiological Syncytium ‘Intercellular Communication’ Adapted from figure 9-8, Sherwood Cardiac Gap Junctions Intercellular current flow in mammalian ventricle Cable Equation for Continuous Propagation Wavefront Propagating Towards a Boundary Currents reflected from boundary reduce electrical load on cells proximal to the boundary Effects of wavefront collision on the upstroke of the transmembrane action potential and the Na+ inward current. Top left: change of membrane potential (Vm) during action potential upstroke. Bottom left: maximal upstroke velocity of transmembrane action potential in V/s. Top right: Na+ inward current (INa). Bottom right: Na+ conductance (gNa). From Spach and Kootsey Dispersion of local current at front of propagating wave current-to-load mismatch reduces current density, locally slows AP upstroke and reduces conduction velocity Effect of wavefront dispersion on the upstroke of the transmembrane action potential and the Na+ inward current. A, inset: 2-dimensional strand of excitable tissue emerging into a large area.Action potential upstrokes (A) and dVm/dt traces (B) show two components that are most prominent at the site of tissue expansion (signals 6). C: time course of Na+ conductance, gNa. D: time course of Na+ inward current, INa. Note that INa increases at the expansion site (site 6). [from Fast and Kléber.] Wavefront Curvature Effect of curvature on propagation. Left: stimulation of a perfused rabbit ventricular epicardial layer with a single electrode (point stimulation from black dot) produces a convex excitation front. Right: stimulation with a line of electrodes (line stimulation) produces an almost flat excitation front. Numbers correspond to activation times in milliseconds. Isochrone lines are shown at intervals of 3 ms. Average longitudinal velocity of curved wave is 13% slower than that of flat wave. [from Knisley and Hill.] Discontinuous Propagation Propagation velocity depends on the repartition into subelements of low and high resistance. At high discontinuity, conduction is only maintained within a certain range, characterized by a match between the value of the low resistance elements, the number N of elements, and the value of R which separates them Left: discontinuity is defined by a row of excitable elements (Rlow) separated by resistors (Rhigh). Right: change of propagation velocity (θ) vs. effective or overall longitudinal resistance (Ri) plotted in the bottom panel is equal to the average longitudinal resistance. Case A: continuous case, θ2 α 1/Ri Case B: moderate discontinuity, Rlow = 200Ω/cm, Rhigh = 5,000 Ω /cm Case C: marked discontinuity, Rlow = 200, Rhigh = 10,000 [Modified from Joyner] Safety Factor in Structurally Nonhomogeneous Tissue A–D: conduction along a fiber with inhomogeneous intercellular coupling. A: starting from the junction between cells 79 and 80, gap junction conductance (gj) is increased from 0.08 to 2.5 µS. B: action potentials (Vm) C: safety factor (SF) along fiber (line graph); local charge contributions from INa (QNa) and ICa(L) (QCa) are shown in bar graph. D: peak values of INa (INa,max; solid line) and ICa(L) [ICa(L),max; dashed line] along fiber. E–H: propagation across an expansion site. E: fiber expansion (branching) is introduced at cell 80 and repeated twice with an expansion ratio (ER) of 2.3 F: action potentials; numbers indicate selected cells.G: line indicates SF along fiber; bars indicate QNa and QCa. H: INa,max (solid line) and ICa(L),max (dashed line) along fiber. [from Wang and Rudy]. Effects of Cell Size and Gap Junction Distribution Effect of cell size and distribution pattern of gap junctions on cell-to-cell propagation delay (A) and upstroke velocity of the action potential (B) during transverse propagation. Column a represents values simulated from a model of the normal adult dog heart cell with gap junctions located predominantly at the longitudinal ends. Column d represents values of the normal neonatal rat heart cell with uniformly spaced gap junctions around the cell perimeter. Column b corresponds to a virtual cell with the cell size of a dog myocyte and the gap junction pattern of a neonatal rat heart cell; accordingly, column c corresponds to a virtual cell with the cell size of a neonatal rat myocyte and the gap junction pattern of an adult dog myocyte. Note that cell size has a significantly larger effect than gap junction pattern on both parameters. [from Spach et al.] Effects of Reduce Gap Junctional Conductance AP upstrokes from the edge elements of neighboring cells are shown in A and B (see inset). A: Normal gap junction conductance B: Reduced coupling For normal coupling (A), intercellular conduction delay at the gap junction (shaded) is approximately equal to intracellular (myoplasmic) conduction time. A 10-fold decrease in gap junction conductance (B) increases the intercellular delay and decreases intracellular conduction time dramatically, resulting in gap junction dominance of macroscopic conduction velocity. [Modified from Shaw and Rudy] Subcellular Heterogeneity of Activation Subcellular heterogeneity of activation (A), dV/dtmax (B), and INa (C) in a network of simulated dog myocytes. Left graphs correspond to longitudinal propagation from left to right, and right graphs correspond to transverse propagation from top to bottom. Note the close direct correspondence between isochrone spacing and dV/dtmax and the inverse correspondence to INa during both transverse and longitudinal propagation. Immediately after passage of the wavefront through gap junctions, dV/dtmax and conduction velocity show low values and INa is high (sites of current dispersion) while the inverse situation is present before the passage of the waves through gap junctions (sites of partial collision). Conscious rodent ECG recording device Sliding head cone Adjustable end gate IP injection opening Sliding electrode plate Select regions without high frequency noise 1.088 ×10 3 1500 1000 500 0 yt selft − 1500 500 1000 1500 2000 3 − 2.155 ×10 2500 0 low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 timet Criteria for data analyses must be fine-tuned for each application 15 high Mouse Raw Data Traces Lead 1 ECG Respiration 0 0.5 1.0 Time (secs) Analysis of means of ECG signal parameters 1000 817.4635 P-wave QRS 0 0 1 "Pon" 2 "Pmax" 86 3 "Pend" 106 4 "Qon" 194 5 "Qmax" 199 6 "Ron" 202 7 "R" 210 8 9 T-wave 1 "R-R" "S" 72 217 "J" 220.9216 10 "Tmax" 241 11 "Tend" 266 Amplitude (measured units *1000) 0 HR 800 600 m_sig t 400 ypo 200 0 − 173.4002 200 0 0 20 40 60 80 t ⋅dt⋅1000 , pto⋅dt⋅1000 Time (ms) 100 120 140 140 Voltage-Sensitive Dye Imaging of Mouse Ventricle A B RV LV Mouse ventricular activation: Sinus rhythm Activation of Mouse Atria Right atrium Left atrium Pacing site LV Apex RV LV Apex Activation Pattern in Sinus Rhythm Rat Human Durrer et al, Circulation, 41:899-912, 1970 Motion Artifacts Activation and Repolarization in Acute Ischemia • Coronary artery ligation Æ ischemic area • Recording conditions: – 2 mM Ca2+ – 3 μM Cytochalasin-D for motion artifact reduction Ischemic zone Ventricular Fibrillation