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Chapter 11/12
X-ray Beam
 Primary Radiation (PR)- portion of beam from tube
to the patient; radiation before it enters the patient
 Remnant Radiation (RR)- radiation emerging from
patient’s body to expose the film; image forming
Primary Beam
 The beam that is directed at the patient’s body
 Photons can be absorbed by the patient’s body part’s
 Photons could pass right thru the patient’s body and enter the
film, putting density on the film. These photons are called exit
radiation or remnant radiation
 Photons could hit something in the patient’s body, bounce off,
and fly out in a new direction. This last event produces
scattered radiation.
Primary Beam Distribution
 5% of primary beam passes through the patient
without any interactions
 15% of the primary beam interacts with atoms and
produce secondary radiation, they make it out of the
patient and expose the film.
 80% will be totally absorbed by patient
Distribution of Remnant Radiation
 20% or 1/5 of the intensity of the original beam
exposes the film
 With remnant radiation about 75% to 80% of the
beam is made up of secondary radiation
 Refer to figure 1-12 pg. 14
Absorption of the Beam
 Attenuation- partial absorption of the x-ray beam,
occurs when the beam is absorbed partially by tissue,
 Difference of x-ray absorption affects the density on
the film
Subject Contrast
 Subject Contrast refers to tissue differences
 Represent differences in x-ray absorption in the body
 Greater the absorption of tissues in relation to
adjacent structures, the greater the subject contrast
Review Types of Radiation
 Primary Radiation (PR)
 The beam from the focal spot to the object being
examined, prior to absorption
 Remnant Radiation (RR)
 The beam emanating from the object and exposing
the film
 CR- central ray is the center of the x-ray beam
 SID- source to image distance is the entire distance
traveled by the x-rays from the focal spot the to the
IR- image receptor
 OID- object to image distance is the distance from
the object to the film (
Units in Radiology
 Roentgen is the primary unit used for the quantity of
x-rays (R); this is the unit of exposure to an x-ray
 Rad and Rem are quantitatively equal to the
Roentgen (R)
 Coulomb per Kilogram C/Kg internation unit for to
measure exposure which is equal to 2.58 x 10 to the
18th R
Prime Factors of Radiography
 mA- milliampere
 S- seconds time
 kVp- kilovoltage peak
 SID- source to image distance
These are all controlled by the technologist
Variables affecting quality
 Electrical factors
 Geometrical Variables
 Patient Status
 Image receptor system
 Processing Variables
 Viewing conditions
Creating a Radiographic Image
 Creating a image by differential absorption requires
that several processes occur:
Differential Absorption
 The process of image formation where the x-ray
beam interacts with the anatomic tissue and a
portion of the remaining beam strikes the image
receptor to give us the x-ray image.
Differential Absorption
 In this process some of the x-ray beam will be
absorbed by the tissue and some will pass through
the body at a decreased energy, strike the film and
be visible on the manifest image.
 What is the manifest image vs. latent image?
Differential Absorption
 We use differential absorption when discussing how
varying anatomy absorbs and /or attenuates the xray beam differently.
 Which anatomical parts will absorb more of the x-ray
bone or soft tissue
Differential Absorption and Image
 A radiographic image is created by passing an x-ray
beam through the patient and the interactions that
occur with the image receptor.
 What is an image receptor?
 A partial absorption of the x-ray beam
 The reduction in x-ray intensity that occurs as the x-ray beam
traverses the body part.
 Two distinct processes occur during beam attenuation:
absorption and scattering
Beam Attenuation
 As the primary beam passes through the patient it
will loose some of its’ original energy.
 This reduction in the energy of the primary beam is
known as attenuation.
Determining Attenuation of the Beam
 Three essential aspects of tissues will determine their
attenuation properties and the resulting subject
Tissue Thickness
Tissue density
Tissue atomic number
Tissue Thickness
 As a tissue area becomes thicker, its attenuation of
the x-ray beam is greater.
 Changes in tissue thickness may cause the subject
contrast to either increase or decrease, depending on
how the tissue has changed.
Tissue Density
 The physical density of a substance refers to the
amount of physical mass that is concentrated into
a given volume of space (concentration of
atoms or molecules in the tissue).
 At higher tissue densities, there are more atoms or
molecules packed into a given space.
 Visible radiographic contrast occurs between two
tissues in the image that are extremely different in
physical density.
Tissue Atomic Number
 Contrast agents, bone, and metallic objects are
visible on a radiograph primarily because of the
difference between their atomic numbers (how large
their atoms are on average).
Tissue Atomic Number
 Larger atoms are not spatially larger in actual size,
but rather they are denser with electrons.
 Elements with higher atomic numbers will have
increased absorption of the x-ray photon
 concentration of electrons within the space
of the atom’s diameter is refereed to as
electron density
Physical Density vs.
Atomic Number Summary Review
 Physical Density
 Number of atoms concentrated into a volume of
 Average Atomic Number
 Relates to the concentration of electrons within each
Types of Body Tissues
 Three types of body tissues may be distinguished
from each other on a radiograph primarily because of
the effect of tissue density:
Soft tissue (muscles, glands)
Gas (air in the lungs or bowel)
Fat (adipose tissue)
What will the density appear like?
 Soft tissue (muscles and glands) absorb more x-rays
than fat or gases thereby resulting in lighter shades
of gray on the image
 Fat will appear slightly darker than the muscles and
 Gas will appear the darkest
 If the incoming x-ray photon passes through the
anatomic part without any interaction with the
atomic structures, it is called transmission.
 The combination of absorption and transmission of
the x-ray beam will provide an image that represents
the anatomic part.
 Density(images brightness) overall blackness on the
processed image.
 Contrast-Differences in brightness levels or
densities in order to differentiate among anatomic
Subject contrast
Production of Subject Contrast
 Contrast is essential for visibility of the manifest
 Overall contrast on the image is due to the subject
contrast produced by the interactions of the x-ray
beam with the various tissues of the body.
Subject Contrast
 Subject contrast is produced by the differential
absorption between various tissues of the body.
Exit Radiation
 When the attenuated x-ray beam leaves the patient,
the remaining x-ray beam is known as exit radiation
 Exit radiation is composed of both transmitted and
scattered radiation.
 The varying amounts of transmitted and absorbed
radiation creates an image representing the
anatomic area of interest.
White and Black Areas on a Film
 Scatter radiation creates unwanted density on the
image called fog (most common form of noise).
 The areas within the anatomic tissue that absorb
incoming x-ray photons will create a white or clear
areas on the image.
 The incoming x-ray photons that are transmitted
will create black areas on the image.
Scale of Grays
 Anatomic tissues that vary in absorption and
transmission will create a range of dark and light
 The scale of image densities are created by x-ray
absorption and transmission of the x-ray beam as it
passes through anatomic tissues.
Interactions of X-rays within the Patient
 Let’s take a look at the interactions occurring within
the patient when x-rays are taken.
 There are three distinct interactions we will be
Photoelectric Effect
Compton Effect
Thompson Effect
Photoelectric Effect
 Complete absorption of the incoming x-ray photon
occurs when it has enough energy to remove (eject)
an inner shell electron.
 The ejected electron is called a photoelectron.
 The ability to remove or eject an electron from an
atom is a characteristic of x-rays. It refers to
ionization of an atom.
 In the diagnostic range, this x-ray interaction is
known as the Photoelectric Effect.
Photoelectric Effect
 With the photoelectric effect, the ionized atom has a
vacancy, or electron hole, in its inner shell.
 An electron from an upper level shell will drop down
to fill the vacancy.
Photoelectric Effect
 As a result of the difference in binding energies
between the two electron shells, a secondary x-ray
photon will be emitted.
 This secondary x-ray photon is a form of scatter
radiation and may interact with other tissue
Photoelectric Effect
 The secondary x-ray photon does not reach the film.
 The photoelectric effect is crucial to the formation of
the radiographic image.
 The photoelectric effect is responsible for the
production of contrast on the radiographic image.
Photoelectric Effect
 During attenuation of the x-ray beam, the
photoelectric effect is responsible for total
absorption of the incoming x-ray photon.
Photoelectric Effect
 Whether the incoming photon is totally absorbed
depends on its energy and the atomic number of the
anatomic tissue.
 After absorption of some of the x-ray photons, the
overall energy of the primary beam will be decreased
as it passes through the anatomic part.
Scattering/ Compton Effect
 Some incoming photons will not be absorbed, but
instead they will lose energy during interactions
with the atoms composing the tissue, this process
is called scattering and results from the diagnostic
x-ray interaction with matter known as the
Compton Effect.
 The loss of energy of the incoming photon occurs
when it ejects an outer shell electron from the
Scattering/ Compton Effect
 An electron affected from an atom by the Compton
Effect is called a recoil electron.
 The ejected electron is called a Compton electron or
secondary electron.
 The remaining lower energy x-ray photon will
change direction and may leave the anatomic part to
interact with the image receptor.
Scattering/ Compton Effect
 The Compton photon may be scattered in any
 Scatter refers to any x-ray photon which has
changed direction from the direction of the
primary beam.
 The Compton Effect may be considered as scatter,
since 99% of all scattered x-ray photons originate
from Compton interactions in the patient.
Thompson Effect
 When the energy of the incoming x-ray photon is less
than the binding energy of the orbital electron,
Thompson interaction may occur.
 The orbital electron absorbs the entire photon, but
this additional energy is not sufficient to eject the
electron from its orbit.
Thompson Effect
 The orbital electron re-emits the photon with its
original energy, but it may be emitted in any
direction and is considered scatter.
 Thompson Effect accounts for 1% of all scatter
 These photons have very low energies and are not
likely to reach the film.
Compton Interactions
 Compton interactions can occur within all diagnostic
x-ray energies and are therefore an important
interaction in radiography.
 Scattered radiation provides no useful information
and must be controlled during radiographic imaging.
Compton Interactions
 Compton interactions become the more prevalent
interaction at higher kVp levels.
 Compton interactions may be considered as almost
constant, regardless of atomic number or kVp.
Photoelectric Interactions
 The greatest number of photoelectric interactions
will be achieved when the kVp is low and the tissue
atomic number is high.
Where do interactions occur
 Compton interactions occur only in the outer shells
of an atom.
 Photoelectric interactions occur only in the inner
most shell of an atom.
Other interactions
 After the ionization event of photoelectric and
Compton effects, the atom is left with an orbital
vacancy and soon pulls another electron into the
orbit to fill it.
 Each time an electron falls into an orbit, energy is
lost and is emitted in the form of electromagnetic
radiation (characteristic radiation) and it does not
make it out of the patient to expose the film.
Other interactions
 The final quality of the radiographic image is
determined by the photoelectric, Compton, and
Thompson interactions occurring within the
patient’s body.
Scatter Radiation Can Affect Three Areas
 If a scattered photon strikes the image receptor, it
will not contribute any useful information regarding
the anatomic area of interest.
 If scattered photons are absorbed within the patient,
they will contribute to the radiation exposure to the
Scatter Radiation Can Affect Three Areas
 In addition, if the scattered photon leaves the patient
and does not strike the image receptor, it could
contribute to the radiation exposure of anyone
within close proximity to the patient
Secondary Radiation vs. Scatter
 Secondary Radiation refers to any radiation resulting
from interactions within the patient.
 Scatter radiation refers only to that secondary
radiation which has been emitted in a direction
different than the original x-ray beam.
 Most secondary radiation is scattered.
Attenuation of the Beam
 All interactions within the patient, whether
Compton, Thompson, or photoelectric, represent
some degree of absorption of the overall x-ray beam.
 All interactions attenuate the x-ray beam.