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Graduate Student – Santiago laboratory, University of Colorado, Aurora (August 2015 – Present)
Research Volunteer – Dr. Rytis Prekeris laboratory, University of Colorado, Aurora (April 2013 - May
Research Associate – Piramal Lifesciences Limited, Mumbai, India (January 2011 – December 2012)
Medical Laboratory assistant – Kingston Hospital NHS trust, Surrey, United Kingdom (August 2008 –
October 2010)
Graduate Student – Dr. Mario Santiago laboratory, University of Colorado, Aurora
Proficient in molecular cloning techniques like mammalian vector design, site directed mutagenesis,
DNA and RNA isolation, RT-PCR, quantitative PCR, analyzing gene sequencing results
BSL-2 experience - Mammalian cell culture (T-293 and 3T3 cell lines), preparing Friend virus stocks
Flow cytometry, optimizing ELISA assays, SDS PAGE and Western blotting, measuring plasma viral
loads and proviral DNA
Laboratory animal work - Mice genotyping using tail DNA, tissue (spleen and bone marrow) extraction
and cardiac punctures
Research Volunteer - Dr. Rytis Prekeris laboratory, University of Colorado, Aurora
Performed shRNA knockdown techniques, protein expression and purification, mammalian cell culture
and immunohistochemistry techniques using FITC and DAPI
Soft Agar assays in order to detect metastatic cellular transformation
Research Associate – Piramal Lifesciences Limited, Mumbai, India
Design and execution of pre-clinical trials to test the anti-tubercular activity of an investigational new
drug (IND) molecule
Biosafety level 3 laboratory work experience – Preparation of mycobacterium growth media, Acid fast
staining, sub – cultured multidrug resistant Mycobacterium.tuberculosis
Laboratory animal work – Developed tuberculosis animal infection models, animal tissue extraction,
intra-nasal, intra-peritoneal and oral drug administration
Laboratory management – Supervision of the animal facility staff, performed QA/QC checks in the
BSL-3, managed laboratory inventory and equipment maintenance schedules, maintained SOPs
Medical Laboratory Assistant - Kingston Hospital NHS trust, Surrey, United Kingdom
Data entry into LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System softwares)
Performed blood sample processing and pre-treatment, gram’s staining and patient MRSA nasal swab
and High vaginal swab test
Prepared microbiological media and practiced aseptic microbiological techniques
Detection of bacteremia or fungemia in patient blood samples using blood culture systems
MSc. Biomedical Research, Virology
August 2014 - 2016 (expected)
University of Colorado, Aurora
MSc. Biomedical Science
September 2007- 2008
University of Westminster, London, United Kingdom
July 2004 – 2007
BSc. Biomedical Science
University of Central Lancashire, Preston, United Kingdom
Piramal Lifesciences – The IND molecule was approved for the bio-analytical testing phase in the trial
Abstract presented at the International Conference for the European Iron Club, in St Gallen,
Switzerland on September 18, 2008
Co-expression of both, TbpA and TbpB components of the human transferrin binding
receptor of Neisseria meningitidis, in E. coli. Shravida Shetty+, Maryam Amini+, Robert W. Evans$,
Sebastien Farnaud+. School of Biosciences, University of Westminster, London, UK; $Biosciences,
School of Health Sciences and Social Care, Brunel University
Forming scientific hypotheses and testing them experimentally
Problem solving and good communication skills
Proficient in MS Office, graph pad prism, Filemaker pro, and digital tools used for molecular cloning
like MacVector, Sequencher and Expassy
Currently, volunteering as an English tutor at the local county library (Douglas County libraries)
1. Dr. Mario Santiago, Associate Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases, University of Colorado, Denver
Tel: 303-724-4946
Email: [email protected]
2. Dr. Rytis Prekeris, Associate Professor, Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, University of
Colorado, Denver
Tel: 303-724-3410
Email: [email protected]
3. Tiffany Curtin, Adult Literacy Specialist, Douglas County Libraries
Tel: 303-688-7646, Email: [email protected]
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