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Lecture Outlines
Physical Geology, 15/e
Plummer, Carlson & Hammersley
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Mountain Belts and the
Continental Crust
Physical Geology 15/e, Chapter 20
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Mountains and Mountain Building
Mountain belts – chains of mountain ranges that are 1000s of
kilometers long
commonly located at or near the edges of continental landmasses
part of the geosphere
as they grow higher and steeper, erosion rates increase
air rising over mountain ranges results in precipitation and erosion
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Mountains and Mountain Building
Mountain belts
Major controlling factors:
• Intense Deformation – mainly
compressional folding and faulting
• Isostasy- vertical movement of
mountain belts during and after an
• Weathering and Erosion – rates
affected by many factors such as
climate, rock type and heights.
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Characteristics of Major Mountain Belts
Size and Alignment
• Very long compared to width
• In North America they tend to be parallel to
Ages of Mountain Belts and
• Higher mountain ranges tend to be
geologically younger
• Appalachians are much older than the North
American Cordillera
• Ancient mountain belts have eroded nearly flat
to form the stable cores (cratons) of the
• Precambrian Shield – Precambrian
metamorphic and igneous rock exposed by
erosion over large areas
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Characteristics of Major Mountain Belts
Thickness and Characteristics of Rock Layers
Mountain belts
•Typically contain thick sequences of folded and faulted sedimentary
rocks, often of marine origin
•Originally deposited on continental margins
Patterns of Folding and Faulting
•Open folds common where deformation is not vey intense
•Tighter folds and recumbent folds indicate greater deformation
•Indicate crustal shortening produced by compression common at
convergent boundaries
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Characteristics of Major Mountain Belts
Metamorphism and Plutonism
• Regional metamorphic rock and plutonic rock is found in the most
intensely deformed portions of major mountain belts
• Migmatites – intermixed granite and metamorphic rock caused by partial
melting of metamorphic rock
Normal Faulting
• Older portions of some major mountain belts have undergone normal
faulting as a result of later uplift and horizontal extension
Thickness and Density of Rocks
• Gravity measurements indicate that continental crust beneath mountains is
less dense and thicker than oceanic crust
Features of Active Mountain Ranges
• Frequent earthquakes and deep ocean trenches parallel to ranges
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Evolution of Mountain Belts
Orogenies and Plate Convergence
•Continental crust becomes thicker with tight folds
and reverse faults due to intense compression
•Orogenies and Ocean-Continent Convergence
• Andean Type (ex. Andes Mountains)
• Accretionary Wedge
• Gravitational collapse and spreading
•Arc-Continent Convergence
• The arc and continent are too buoyant to be
subducted (ex. New Guinea, Sierra Nevada)
• Flipping subduction zone
•Orogenies and Continent-Continent Convergence
• The two continents are too buoyant to be
subducted (ex. Urals, Alps, Himalayas)
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Evolution of Mountain Belts
Post Orogenic Uplift and Block Faulting
Block-faulting – a long period of erosion, uplift
occurs after convergence stops
• Isostasy
• As erosion removes overlying rock, the crustal
root of a mountain range rises by isostatic
• Normal Faulting
• Tension in uplifting and spreading crust results
in normal faulting and fault-block mountain
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Evolution of Mountain Belts
Post Orogenic Uplift and Block
• Delamination
• Thin crust and block faulting in the
Basin and Range
• Basin-and-Range province – may
be the result of delamination
• Overthickened mantle lithosphere
beneath old mountain belt may
detach and sink into asthenosphere
• Resulting inflow of hot
asthenosphere can stretch and thin
overlying crust, producing normal
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The Growth of Continents
Continents grow larger as mountain belts
evolve along their margins
• Accumulation of sediment and igneous activity
add new continental crust
Displaced Terranes
Geologic continuous areas within mountain belts
where the age and characteristics of the bedrock
appear unrelated to that of the adjacent regions
• Terrane boundaries are usually faults
Concluding Comment - Plate Tectonics is a great
advance but many new problems will need to be
solved as science builds on the past.
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End of Chapter 20