Download Exam2 Study Guide CH 11-14 1. Who stated that supermajorities

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Exam2 Study Guide CH 11-14
1. Who stated that supermajorities could reverse "the fundamental principles of government"?
2. The number of Senate votes required to force an end to a filibuster is
3. If one party can elect _____ or more U.S. Senators, assuming they all follow the party line and vote as
a bloc, they can force through any legislation they want.
4. A congress consisting of two chambers is called a(n) ______________.
5. The framers of the Constitution
6. Every ten years, seats in the House of Representatives are reapportioned based on
7. Each state is guaranteed at least __________ seat(s) in the House of Representatives, no matter what
its population.
8. To ensure equal representation in the House, congressional districts in a given state must contain, as
nearly as possible, equal numbers of
9. The “one person, one vote” rule that emerged from the Supreme Court’s decision in Wesberry v.
Sanders (1964) means that
10. A representative who acts as an instructed delegate
11. A representative who acts as a(n)__________is one who tries to serve the broad interests of the
entire society.
12. The Constitution makes the vice president of the United States the
13. The use of unlimited debate in the Senate to obstruct legislation is called
14. Choosing a vice presidential running mate is something the president does as
15. In his or her role as __________, the president can appoint, with Senate approval, and remove high
ranking officers of the federal government.
16. While the president has the sole power to negotiate and sign treaties, the Senate must approve a
treaty by a __________ before it becomes effective.
17. The presidential practice of appointing individuals to government or public jobs to reward those
who helped the president win office is known as _______________.
18. Congress can override a presidential veto with a
19. The War Powers Resolution of 1973 requires the president to
20. A(n) __________ is a binding international pact that is made between the president and another
head of state and that does not require Senate approval.
21. The Justice Department is headed by the
22. The newest executive departments are
23. The Federal Reserve System (Fed) is a(n)
24. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is a(n)
25. The Civil Service Reform Act of 1883 established the principle of government employment on the
basis of
26. A three-way alliance among legislators, bureaucrats, and interest groups to make or preserve
policies that benefit their respective interests is referred to as a(n)
27. The three corners of the iron triangle in a policy area are
28. In 1789, the three government departments were
29. A federal agency that is not located within a cabinet department and has a single function is known
as a(n)
30. Federal bureaucrats holding top-level positions are chosen by the president and
31. U.S. congressional districts on average now have about__________ people.
32. The presiding officer in the House of Representatives is the
33. The House of Representatives
34. The ____________ Amendment of the U.S. Constitution reserves to the states and to the people all
powers not granted to the federal government.
35. On average, the Supreme Court hears _________ cases each year.
36. The judicial philosophy known as ____________ holds that government should do nothing that is
not specifically mentioned in the U.S. Constitution.
37. The Supreme Court claimed the power of judicial review in
38. The power of the courts to check the actions of either of the other branches is the power of
39. A denial of “cert.”
40. The federal court system has __________ levels of courts.
41. The decisions of the federal appellate courts may be appealed to
42. A legal precedent is best defined as a
43. Under the principal of stare decisis, a decision of the U.S. Supreme Court
44. _________ law is the body of law enacted by legislatures.
45. Civil law
46. A nominee for the Supreme Court must be confirmed by
47. The requirements for becoming president of the United States are set forth in _________________
of the U.S. Constitution.
48. The U.S. Constitution requires that members of the House of Representatives be elected every
49. Under the U.S. Constitution, only the ____________ has the right to declare war.
50. An executive order is a