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Math 73
Test II Review
1.- Solve the following systems by elimination and substitution.
2x + 3y = 8
x + 2y = 3
3x + 4y = 12
6x + 8y = 12
2.- Solve the following word problems.
(a) The sum of two number is 32. One of the numbers is 4 less than 5 times the other. Find
the two numbers.
(b) James Bond has 20 coins totaling $1.40. If he has only dimes and nickels, how many of
each coin does he have?
(c) Batman has $8, 000 to invest. He puts the money in two accounts. The first one pays
5% annually and the second pays 6% annually. The total interest after one year is $450. How
much money did he invested in each account?
3.- Multiply (and simplify) the following.
(a) (4x
(b) (2x3 + 2)2
(c) (x + y
5x2 + 4x
4)(x3 + 4)
z)(x + y + z)
4.- Simplify the following.
54x 4 x12
(3x)2 [3x(5x)0 ]
(b) (2x4 y 3 z 5 )5 (6x 2 y 3 z 7 )2
2x3 y 5 z
3x6 y 5 z 9
5.- Factor the following.
(a) 3ax + 21x
(b) x3
4x + 20
(c) x2 + 6xy + 9y 2
(d) 3x2 + 19xy
(e) 2x3
(f) 8m3 + 1
14y 2
(g) 27x3
6.- Solve the following by factoring.
(a) x3
4x + 20 = 0
(b) 6x2 = 24x
(c) 3x3
12x = 0
(d) (x + 3)2 = 49
7.- The path of a missile is given by h(t) = 16t2 + 64t + 80 where h represents the altitude
of the missile after t seconds. How long does it take to hit the ground?
8.- Write the following in Scientific Notation.
(a) 0.000000054
(b) (3, 000, 000.0)(2.5 ⇤ 10 3 )
9.0 ⇤ 1024
1, 500, 000, 000.0
9.- Solve the following system by graphing
4y = 20
y = x+2