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#190 The Double Russian Revolutions of 1917 – The Lord’s Purpose #1: Birthing the 7th
Kingdom and ‘Birthing’ the 8th Kingdom of Revelation 17:10-11
We are now making the transition from V. I. Lenin to expand upon the
significance of The Double Russian Revolutions of 1917.
First, let’s review information from Unsealing #176 Making the World Safe for
Democracy – The Double Russian Revolutions of 1917.
First Russian Revolution of 1917, the Democratic Provisional
Government. The First Russian Revolution in March 1917 led to a democratic
Provisional Government at the time of the overthrow of Romanov Tsar
Nicholas II. This was the government that Woodrow Wilson supported. Its establishment would
aid Woodrow Wilson in his decision to enter the war to “Make the World Safe for Democracy.”
Second Russian Revolution of
1917, the Bolsheviks. Russia was in
severe turmoil during the mid-months
of 1917. The Bolsheviks, led by V. I.
Lenin, wanted power and were able
to overthrow the democratic
Provisional Government in what is
known as the October Revolution.
[Thus, the name of the Russian
submarine in the book and movie The
Hunt for Red October was Red
October.] However, Russia at the
time of World War I was still abiding
by the old calendar, and in the
western world, the October
Revolution was occurring on
November 6-7, 1917. November 6-7,
1917, were the beginnings of what
would become the “short space”
Soviet Union.
Key Understanding: Birthing the
7th kingdom and ‘birthing’ the 8th
kingdom of Revelation 17:10-11.
The First Russian Revolution of
1917 launched the World War I Second Ascension of America, the 8th Kingdom; the
Second Russian Revolution of 1917 birthed the 7th Kingdom, the “short space” Soviet
Union. In fact, one of the Lord’s primary purposes in ordaining Double Russian
Revolutions was to initiate the Double ‘Births’ of Kingdoms at that point in time, meaning
the 7th and 8th Kingdoms of Revelation 17:10-11. The 7th would represent Soviet
Communism. The 8th would “Make the World Safe for Democracy.”
#190 The Double Russian Revolutions of 1917 – The Lord’s Purpose #1: Birthing the 7th Kingdom and
‘Birthing’ the 8th Kingdom of Revelation 17:10-11
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Revelation 17:10-11 (KJV) . . . and THE OTHER [the Seventh Kingdom, the USSR] IS
NOT YET COME; and when he cometh, he [the Seventh Kingdom, the USSR,
representing Communism] must continue A SHORT SPACE.
11 And THE BEAST [out of the Pit in Rev. 17:08, the United States of America,
representing Capitalism] that was, and is not, even HE IS THE EIGHTH, and is of the
seven, and goeth into perdition.
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‘Birthing’ the 8th Kingdom of Revelation 17:10-11
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