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[has/have + past participle]
You have seen that movie many times.
Have you seen that movie many times?
You have not seen that movie many times.
GENERAL USE: Unspecified Time Before Now
We use the Present Perfect to say that an action happened at an unspecified time before now. The exact time
is not important. You CANNOT use the Present Perfect with specific time expressions such as: yesterday,
one year ago, last week, when I was a child, when I lived in Japan, at that moment, that day, one day, etc. We
CAN use the Present Perfect with unspecific expressions such as: ever, never, once, many times, several
times, before, so far, already...
I have seen that movie twenty times.
I think I have met him once before.
There have been many earthquakes in California.
People have travelled to the Moon.
People have not travelled to Mars.
Have you read the book yet?
Nobody has ever climbed that mountain.
A: Has there ever been a war in the United States?
B: Yes, there has been a war in the United States.
1. Experiences. We use the present perfect to talk about experiences without mentioning the time.
a) Have you ever been to France? I have never been to France
Note: If you want to specify the time then you use the past simple.
I went to France last year.
b) You can specify the time too by the use of This + expression of time:
I’ve read three books this year.
I haven’t smoked a single cigarette this morning.
c) This is the best paella I’ve ever eaten.
2. Accomplishments (Logros)
We often use the Present Perfect to list the accomplishments of individuals and humanity. You cannot
mention a specific time.
Man has walked on the Moon.
Our son has learned how to read.
3. Time Expressions with Present Perfect
a) Yet (interrogative and negative) / Already (affirmative)
Have you finished your homework yet? I haven’t finished them yet (At the end of the sentence)
I have already read this book.
b) Just (Acabar de + infinitive) The teacher hast just come out of the class.
c) Recently, Lately, So far… (Usually placed at the end of the sentence)
MALARIA RECENTLY. So far, we have only learned how to read
d) Frequency adverbs: Always, often… (They are always placed before the main verb)
I’ve always wanted to go to Denmark.
4. Actions that started in the past and continue in the present. This is especially important. In
Spanish we express these actions differently.
In these actions we can express the moment where they started: SINCE
Or the duration of the action: FOR
In Spanish we usually express these actions with the formula Llevar + gerundio, Llevar + sin + infinitive or
with the present tense.
Llevo muchos años viviendo en este país = I’ve lived/I’ve been living in this country for many years.
Estudio Inglés desde que tenía ocho años = I’ve studied/I’ve been studying English since I was eight.
Llevo sin ver a mi hermano cerca de un año = I haven’t seen my brother for over a year.
When we use stative verbs (Have, Be, Like, Know, want, etc.) we hardly ever use the present perfect
continuous. In those cases, the Spanish language uses the present simple:
Tenemos esta casa desde que nací: We’ve had this house since I was born.
Llevo con mi novio tres años: I’ve been (going out) with my boyfriend for three years.
Nos conocemos desde pequeños: We’ve known each other since we were children.
¿Has visto a Carlos últimamente? No, no lo veo desde hace siglos. Ha perdido el trabajo y está un poco
deprimido. Su primo lleva en paro desde 1998 y todavía está buscando trabajo.
Vi a tu novia ayer noche. ¿Ah, sí? Pues yo no la veo desde hace una semana. ¿Habéis tenido una discusión?
¿Por qué no lo habláis? Ya he hablado con ella pero los dos somos muy testarudos así que todavía no hemos
hecho las paces. Tiene gracia porque ella no me dijo nada.
Hace años que no voy al cine. De hecho no voy desde que mi hermano pequeño tuvo el accidente. Prefiero
quedarme en casa y ver la tele, es más cómodo. Pues nosotros vamos de vez en cuando. Pero hace mucho
tiempo que no voy al teatro. ¿Has estado alguna vez en la ópera? Fui una vez hace cuatro o cinco años. La
verdad es que me gusta mucho pero no he ido a un concierto en varios meses.
Llevo sin fumar un cigarro desde hace seis meses. ¿De verdad? Yo me acabo de fumar uno.