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UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository)
Dwarfs and giants: the dynamic interplay of size-dependent cannibalism and
Claessen, D.
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Citation for published version (APA):
Claessen, D. (2002). Dwarfs and giants: the dynamic interplay of size-dependent cannibalism and competition
Amsterdam: UvA-IBED
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Download date: 17 Jun 2017
Curiculumm vitae
Davidd Claessen is born on June 27th 1972 in Leiderdorp. It is hot and there will be
fulll moon. His sister Anoesjka is on the beach with a neighbour. She is not happy
too find David was born without her, but her mood quickly improves with the new
trainn Frans and Maria got for her. Two years later they all move to Lelystad. At the
agee of four David attends the kindergarten 'De Roezemoes' where he meets one of
hiss oldest, and probably least well-behaved of friends, Kasper. Other friends are
Jan-Hein,, and Bas. In 1976 he goes on to elementary school 'De Klipper'. In 1980
Davidd gets Olga, the dog later to be mistaken for his sister. In 1984 he attends the
SGLL (Scholengemeenschap Lelystad) highschool, where he re-unites with Kasper
forr 4th, 5th and 6th grade. Together they crash a school-staff party. He takes the
VWOO exams in the spring of 1990 and moves to Amsterdam in the summer to
studyy Biology at the University of Amsterdam (UvA).
Att the UvA David meets his best friends Catelijne and Jeroen. The new circle
off friends includes Ingrid, Selma and Friso and the six spend lots of time together.
Inn 1991 things are going well regarding new (girl-)friend(s) and fun but, by contrast,, the subjects of first year Biology at the UvA are disappointingly dull. Hoping
forr more exciting issues, David enrolls on courses from the Mathematics department.. These prove to be duller and also require far more work than what David's
sociall life actually allows. He returns to Biology. His growing enthusiasm for theoreticall ecology largely compensates for sedating cell physiology matters and, in
1993,, David develops a research study in theoretical biology supervised by Andre
dee Roos. This fruitful interaction leads to David's first paper, "Evolution of virulencee in a host-pathogen system with local pathogen transmission".
Thee possibility that David will ever work as an experimental biologist is put
firmlyfirmly aside in 1995 following a few months of field research in Norway, under the
supervisionn of Lauri Oksanen (Umea Universitet). The title of David's report of
thiss experience, "The role of mustelid predators in population dynamics of voles
andd lemmings on the fennoscandian tundra", is deceiving in the use of the plural
formm of the words 'vole' and 'lemming'. Crucially to David's decision to abandon
experimentall biology, the lemming in question is actually spotted by Catelijne
duringg a visit to the field site.
Inn the spring of 1996 David obtains his MSc. In August 1996 he moves to
Umea,, Sweden, to work in Lennart Persson's lab as a 'forskningsamanuens'. His
PhDD project, to study the effect of ecological interactions in the dynamics of physi181 1
182 2
ologicallyy structured fish populations, develops from the insight gained by working
togetherr with the group of fishy experimental biologist in Lennart's lab. In 1997
thee UvA awards David with a PhD scholarship ('bursaal') and his supervisors are
Andree and Lennart. In 1999 David formally becomes an 'aio'. He participates in
thee YSSP program in the summer of 2000 at HAS A, Austria. With Ulf Dieckman
andd Hans Metz's adaptive dynamics group he gains the knowledge required to exploree the evolutionary consequences of the ecological mechanisms he is studying.
Inn September 2001 David's post-doc project begins at the Institute of Arable
Cropss Research, at Rothamsted, United Kingdom. His project, together with Frank
vann den Bosch and Chris Gilligan, concerns the assessment of the ecological risk
underlyingg the use of transgenic crops. In November 2001 he moves to London.
writtenwritten by Filipa Vala
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Publications s
D. Claessen and A. M. de Roos. Evolution of virulence in a host-pathogen
systemm with local pathogen transmission. Oikos, 74: 401—413, 1995.
D. Claessen, A. M. de Roos, and L. Persson. Dwarfs and giants: cannibalism
andd competition in size-structured populations. American Naturalist, 155
(2):: 219-237, 2000.
D. Claessen and U. Dieckmann. Ontogenetic niche shifts and evolutionary
branchingg in size-structured populations. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 4:
189-217,2002. .
D. Claessen, C. van Oss, A. M. de Roos, and L. Persson. The impact of
size-dependentt predation on population dynamics and individual life history.
Ecology,Ecology, 83 (6), in press.
Manuscripts s
D. Claessen and A. M. de Roos. Bistability in a size-structured population
modell of cannibalistic fish - a continuation study, (submitted to Theoretical
PopulationPopulation Biology).
D. Claessen and A. M. de Roos and L. Persson. Population dynamic theory
off size-dependent cannibalism: a review, (in preparation)
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