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Very Short Introductions online
You are looking at 61-70 of 79 items for: keyword : security
NeoliberalismA Very Short Introduction
Manfred B. Steger and Ravi K. Roy
Print Publication Year: 2010 Published Online: Sep 2013
ISBN: 9780199560516 eISBN: 9780191777448
Item type: book
Publisher: Oxford University Press
DOI: 10.1093/actrade/9780199560516.001.0001
Neoliberalism: A Very Short Introduction explores the major political, economic, and
social dimensions of neoliberalism. From its heyday in the late 1990s when it became the
world's dominant economic policy, neoliberalism has suffered a major setback with the
financial crisis. Who have been the key thinkers and political advocates of neoliberalism?
Is neoliberalism doomed or will it regain its former ascendance? Is there a viable alternative
to neoliberalism? This VSI examines these questions as it explores the origins, core claims,
and the different ideas and leaders at the heart of one of the most debated ‘isms’ of our time.
2. First-wave neoliberalism in the 1980s: Reaganomics and Thatcherism
Manfred B. Steger and Ravi K. Roy
Print Publication Year: 2010 Published Online: Sep 2013
ISBN: 9780199560516 eISBN: 9780191777448
Item type: chapter
Publisher: Oxford University Press
DOI: 10.1093/actrade/9780199560516.003.0002
Neoliberalism is associated with US President Ronald Reagan and Prime Minister Margaret
Thatcher in the UK. #x2018;First-Wave Neoliberalism in the 1980s: Reaganomics and
Thatcherism’ charts their resolve to stand by the principles of neoliberalism even in the face
of challenges from their own supporters. The course of neoliberalism under Reagan and
Thatcher and in particular the regulatory reforms that focused on fiscal policy and Reagan's
commitment to ‘New Federalism’ are examined. They also shared a neoconservative
approach to foreign relations and the impact of this is considered in the context of the Cold
5. Neoliberalism in Latin America and Africa
Manfred B. Steger and Ravi K. Roy
Print Publication Year: 2010 Published Online: Sep 2013
ISBN: 9780199560516 eISBN: 9780191777448
Item type: chapter
Publisher: Oxford University Press
DOI: 10.1093/actrade/9780199560516.003.0005
‘Neoliberalism in Latin America and Africa’ examines the impact of the Washington
Consensus on Latin America and Africa. This reveals similar patterns and outcomes.
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Market-oriented reform in this region is needed to produce sustained economic growth
and to lift may millions of people out of poverty. The IMF and World Bank linked their
financial assistance to structural assistance programmes anchored in a single economic
prescription. As the examples of Chile, Argentina, and Ghana show however, not all
markets work in exactly the same way and seeking structural reforms to achieve this
requires rethinking of these strategies.
3. The fundamentals of financial accounting
Christopher Nobes
Print Publication Year: 2014 Published Online: Mar 2014
ISBN: 9780199684311 eISBN: 9780191779879
Item type: chapter
Publisher: Oxford University Press
DOI: 10.1093/actrade/9780199684311.003.0003
‘The fundamentals of financial accounting’ explores the basic ideas of financial accounting:
the way accounting actually works, the logic behind the double-entry recording system, and
the contents of the basic financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, and cash
flow statement). The following questions are addressed: What does a balance sheet try to
show? Why does it balance? How is it that any one transaction has two accounting effects?
Which costs lead to assets and which lead to expenses? How do cash flows fit in? How can
a profitable company go bust because of a lack of cash?
The European UnionA Very Short Introduction
John Pinder and Simon Usherwood
Print Publication Year: 2013 Published Online: Sep 2013
ISBN: 9780199681693 eISBN: 9780191778377
Item type: book
Publisher: Oxford University Press
DOI: 10.1093/actrade/9780199681693.001.0001
Illustrating how and why the EU has developed from 1950 to the present day, The
European Union: A Very Short Introduction covers a range of topics, including the Union's
early history, the workings of its institutions and what they do, the interplay between
‘eurosceptics’ and federalists, and the role of the Union beyond Europe in international
affairs and as a peace-keeper. It examines the Lisbon treaty, the EU fiscal crisis, the state of
the single Euro currency in its wake, and concludes by considering the future of the Union
and the choices and challenges that may lay ahead.
2. How the EU was made
Usherwood Pindar
Print Publication Year: 2013 Published Online: Sep 2013
ISBN: 9780199681693 eISBN: 9780191778377
Item type: chapter
Publisher: Oxford University Press
DOI: 10.1093/actrade/9780199681693.003.0002
‘How the EU was made’ examines how interests and events combined to bring about the
development of the European Community and looks at the founding treaties. The Single
European Act provided for completion of the single market by 1992. It strengthened
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both the Community's powers and its institutions. It was succeeded by the Maastricht,
Amsterdam, Nice, and Lisbon treaties, likewise strengthening both powers and institutions,
and responding to similar combinations of pressures. The prospect of the single market
helped to revive the economy, and the Community institutions gained in strength as they
dealt with a vast programme of legislation.
3. A legal right
Raymond Wacks
Print Publication Year: 2015 Published Online: Mar 2015
ISBN: 9780198725947 eISBN: 9780191792915
Item type: chapter
Publisher: Oxford University Press
DOI: 10.1093/actrade/9780198725947.003.0003
Privacy is acknowledged as an essential human right, recognized by a number of
international declarations, among which the European Convention on Human Rights and the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights are the most significant. Interpreting
these provisions, the European Court of Human Rights provides important guidance in
respect of the attempt to balance privacy against competing rights and interests, and this
is briefly discussed. Leading decisions of the courts of various jurisdictions illustrate
the problems of definition and the attempt to balance privacy against other competing
rights. Cases before the US Supreme Court have generated an enormous, divisive debate
concerning, in particular, the subject of abortion, which the Court has conceived to be an
element of the right to privacy. A discussion of the celebrated US Supreme Court judgement
in Roe v Wade is fundamental to an analysis of the meaning and limits of individual
5. From confrontation to detente, 1958–68
Robert McMahon
Print Publication Year: 2003 Published Online: Sep 2013
ISBN: 9780192801784 eISBN: 9780191775413
Item type: chapter
Publisher: Oxford University Press
DOI: 10.1093/actrade/9780192801784.003.0005
In the late 1950s, the Cold War entered perhaps its most perilous phase, with the danger
of nuclear war at its most intense. ‘From confrontation to détente, 1958–68’ charts the
course of the Cold War through this period and the ensuing thaw in international relations.
Tensions peaked during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, in which Russia and the USA
came to the very brink of war. After this brush with nuclear annihilation, both countries
took a more measured diplomatic strategy — the first relaxation of tension since 1945.
However, the USA soon became involved in a more direct conflict, this time in Vietnam.
The American PresidencyA Very Short Introduction
Charles O. Jones
Print Publication Year: 2016 Published Online: Jul 2016
ISBN: 9780190458201 eISBN: 9780190458232
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Publisher: Oxford University Press
DOI: 10.1093/actrade/9780190458201.001.0001
Item type: book
The Founding Fathers were dedicated to the project of creating an American government
both functional and incapable of devolving into tyranny. To do this, they intentionally
decentralized decision making among the legislative, executive, and judiciary branches.
The American Presidency: A Very Short Introduction delves into the constitutional roots of
the American presidency to show how presidents face the challenges of governing within
a system of separation of powers. It reviews crucial themes, including democratization of
presidential elections, transitioning into and organizing a presidency, challenges in leading
the permanent government, making law and executing policy, and reforming and changing
the institution, before considering future prospects for the US presidency.
5. Connecting to and leading the government
Charles O. Jones
Print Publication Year: 2016 Published Online: Jul 2016
ISBN: 9780190458201 eISBN: 9780190458232
Item type: chapter
Publisher: Oxford University Press
DOI: 10.1093/actrade/9780190458201.003.0005
Presidents face numerous challenges as they endeavor to meet expectations of leadership
beyond given powers. “Connecting to and leading the government” shows how the
presidency manages the many organizations and expenditures of government, a task that
has grown in size, complexity, and intensity over time. To whom or what must presidents
connect? The many cabinet departments and major agencies are described along with
the roles of the inner circle—key advisers and assistants, the vice president, and the first
spouse. The federal government is intricately connected to governance in the fifty states and
thousands of localities. The challenge for presidents is to take advantage of bureaucratic
experience in formulating and promoting their programs.
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