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CIA Covered Vendor Identification Job Aid
Vendor Name: ___________________________
Answering these questions accurately will assist in answering the question “Will the contractor (or vendor) be performing a
promotional or product related function?
Yes No” on the following forms on at.endo.
Employee/Contractor Add Questionnaire Form - used to obtain Endo assets (i.e. badge, computer, desk, etc.)
Set Up New Suppliers
Legal Template Request Form
o Complete Services Agreement
o Complete Statement of Work
Please answer the following questions first. Will the contractor (or vendor) be:
(a) selling, detailing, marketing, advertising, promoting, or branding of Endo-marketed products
(e.g., contract sales or speaker programs, speaker bureau or promotional ad board
coordinator, market research-if not double-blinded, sponsorship) that are not supervised by an
EPI employee;
(b) preparing or disseminating externally promotional materials or information about, or the
provision of promotional services relating to Endo marketed-products (e.g., visual aids, sample
management and distribution, co-pay cards or patient assistance programs, patient advocacy
groups), including those functions relating to Endo’s review process for promotional materials
and all applicable review committee(s) for promotional materials that are not reviewed by an EPI
(c) preparing or disseminating externally non-promotional materials related to an Endo-marketed
product that are distributed to HCPs, HCIs, and payors, including those functions relating to
applicable review committees and those functions involved in scientific exchange such as the
Clinical Development and Medical Science Department which is responsible for medical affairs
activities at Endo and is generally referred to in this CIA as “medical affairs” and are not reviewed
by an EPI employee;
(d) contracting with HCPs licensed in the United States to conduct post-marketing clinical trials or
any other types of post-marketing studies;
(e) contracting with HCPs licensed in the United States to conduct Investigator-Sponsored
Studies/Research (ISRs);
(f) providing authorship, publication, and/or disclosure of articles or study results relating to an
Endo-marketed product that are not reviewed by an EPI employee;
(g) providing activities related to the submission of information about Endo-marketed products to
compendia (such as Drugdex or other compendia of information about Endo-marketed products)
that are not reviewed by an EPI employee
If you answered “No” to the above questions, that partner will not be “covered” and you will answer “No” to the question
“Will the contractor (or vendor) be performing a promotional or product related function?
Yes No”
If you answered “YES” to any of the above questions, please answer the following: Will the contractor (or vendor) be:
1) interacting directly with healthcare professionals (HCPs), healthcare institutions (HCIs), payors or
consumers on Endo’s behalf;
2) performing activities, providing services, or creating materials related to the above-mentioned
function(s) and those activities are not reviewed or supervised by an Endo employee or review
committee (MARC or NPRC) prior to dissemination or execution.
If you answer “Yes” to the two questions above, that partner is “covered” and you will need to answer “Yes” to the
question: “Will the contractor (or vendor) be performing a promotional or product related function?
Yes No”
If you answer “No” to the two questions above, that partner is not “covered” and you will need to answer “No” to the
question: “Will the contractor (or vendor) be performing a promotional or product related function?
Yes No”
Contact your BU Compliance Officer with any questions when answering the above questions.
**For Personal use as a Job Aid – Please retain for your reference**