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Write the letter of the answer YOU think is
correct on your marker board and hold it up in
front of you.
Keep a tally down at the bottom of your board of
how many you get wrong.
 1. Which of the following sentences
does NOT contain a pronoun?
 A. The great Greek and Latin poets
created myths.
 B. Homer was the first Greek poet who
created the myths.
 C. His stories were retold or invented by
the Latin poet Ovid.
 D. He put these myths into a collection
called Metamorphoses.
Read the following sentences then answer questions 2
and 3.
Ovid probably influenced Western literature than any
other ancient writer. Writers like Chaucer and
Shakespeare show traces of him in their work.
 2. Which of the following is the
antecedent of the pronoun him?
 A. Ovid
 B. Writers
 C. Chaucer
 D. Shakespeare
Read the following sentences then answer questions 2
and 3.
Ovid probably influenced Western literature than any
other ancient writer. Writers like Chaucer and
Shakespeare show traces of him in their work.
 3. Which of the following is the
antecedent of the pronoun their?
 A. Ovid
 B. Writers
 C. Chaucer
 D. Shakespeare
 4. Which of the following sentences is
written correctly?
 A. Me love to read about mythology.
 B. The stories of the gods is fascinating
to I.
 C. Me and my sister enjoy writing our
own myths.
 D. My sister said she is ready to write
 5. Which of the following sentences is
written correctly?
 A. The Titans were the first gods of us
 B. The Titan Cronus was dethroned by
their son, Zeus.
 C. Zeus became the ruler of all the gods
and ruled from his throne on Mount
 D. The Titans were punished or forced
into exile by Zeus and her brothers.
 6. Which of the following sentences is
written correctly?
 A. Zeus and his brothers, Poseidon and
Hades, are the three major gods.
 B. Zeus’ sisters and some of her children
make up the other important gods.
 C. There are many minor gods, and
many stories have been told about him.
 D. Her stories also included many other
characters and regular people.
 7. Which of the following sentences is
written correctly?
 A. I enjoys reading myths like “The
Golden Touch.”
 B. It are about a greedy man named King
 C. Dionysus grants him a wish, and he
wishes to be able to turn things to gold
with one touch.
 D. In the end, he ask for the gift to be
taken back.
 8. Which of the following sentences is
written correctly?
 A. “The Weaving Contest” is another
Greek myth I likes.
 B. It is about a peasant who could weave
better than the goddess of weaving
 C. She challenge the goddess Athena to
a weaving contest.
 D. Athena loses, so she turn the peasant
Arachne into the first spider.
 9. Which of the following sentences is
written correctly?
 A. They’re many words in our language
that are derived from Greek.
 B. Its surprising to learn that cereal
comes from Ceres, the goddess of grain.
 C. Your also smart if you knew morphine
comes from Morpheus, god of dreams.
 D. Who’s ever been called a narcissist?
That comes from Narcissus, who fell in
love with his own reflection.
 10. Which of the following sentences
is written correctly?
 A. Your parents probably never told you
where the name Olympics comes from.
 B. It comes from Mount Olympus. Its the
home of the major gods and goddesses.
 C. Who’s parents told them why we call
rainbow-like displays of colors iridescent?
 D. Their called that because of the
goddess Iris, the goddess of the rainbow.
 11. Which of the following sentences
does NOT contain an indefinite
 A. Everyone loves to read stories.
 B. My teacher made me write my own
myth one time.
 C. I didn’t tell anyone, but I really enjoyed
writing it.
 D. Each of us had to tell a creation story.
 12. Which of the following sentences
is written correctly?
 A. Many tells how something came to be.
 B. One were about why cats purr.
 C. None tell why cats were made.
 D. Someone write about how the turtle
got its shell.
 13. Which of the following sentences
uses a demonstrative pronoun?
 A. This Greek myth uses a story of the
gods to explain the seasons.
 B. Hades kidnapped Demeter’s daughter
and wanted to marry her.
 C. Because Demeter was the goddess of
grain, nothing in the land grew until this
daughter returned to her.
 D. That was the beginning of winter.
 14. Which of the following sentences uses a
demonstrative pronoun?
 A. Hades wanted to keep Persephone,
Demeter’s daughter, with him in the
 B. Persephone wanted to leave that place, so
Hades finally agreed.
 C. However, he made her eat a pomegranate
before she left.
 D. This meant that she had to return every six
months to live in the underworld with Hades,
and that causes the change in the seasons.
 15. Which of the following sentences uses a
reflexive pronoun correctly?
 A. The Greeks even have a myth about a
nymph named Echo, which explains the sound
of the echo.
 B. Echo angered Hera, Zeus’ wife, and so Hera
cursed Echo to only repeat the last lines of
what she themself hears.
 C. Echo falls in love with a boy named
Narcissus, who was only in love with himself.
 D. After Narcissus felt hisself dying, Echo faded
away from grief until only her voice was left.
 16. Which of the following sentences
uses an interrogative pronoun
 A. Who has heard of the Cyclops who
tends a flock of sheep?
 B. Do you know whom killed the
 C. What Harry Potter book had the
basilisk in it?
 D. Which creature would you rather ride,
a Hippogriff or a Pegasus?
 17. Which of the following sentences
uses an interrogative pronoun
 A. Whose son was it that becomes
 B. Who was the Greek god of the sea?
 C. Do you know to who Perseus gives
the shield?
 D. Whom do you ask for when you need
to send a message?
 18. Which of the following sentences
uses a relative pronoun correctly?
 A. Athene is the goddess who turns
Medusa’s hair into snakes.
 B. A Hippocampus is a huge creature
which pulls the chariot of Poseidon.
 C. Daedalus is the man whom created
Minos’s labyrinth.
 D. Centaurs are famous mythological
creatures, that are half-human and halfhorse.
 19. Which of the following sentences
uses a relative pronoun correctly?
 A. Satyrs are woodland creatures whom
are human down to the waist.
 B. It looks much different from their
bottom half, that is made up of hairy legs
and hooves.
 C. The god who they follow is called Pan;
he plays pipes.
 D. Satyrs are gentile creatures that are
also called fauns.
 20. Which of the following sentences
uses a relative pronoun
 A. Whoever heard of the hero Hercules?
 B. Hercules is the half-mortal son of Zeus
whom killed many monsters.
 C. Alcyoneus was a Gigante whom
Hercules killed.
 D. Hercules impressed whomever he met
with his tales of heroism.