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The Meantime Sides The Meantime is a new work to be developed during the rehearsal process
at Theater Emory. It is an evening’s entertainment with a focus on live
radio-style performance (both classic and original) performed by an
ensemble of time traveling performing artists who have arrived with a
secret purpose. Depending on the individual talents of the performers, it
may include music, dance, clowning, mime, or any other thing that we
come up with. For audition purposes we are focusing only on radio style
readings, reflected in the sides. Vocal dexterity and an understanding of
period atmosphere are of utmost importance.
Contrary to tradition, the director is open to cross-gender casting. Flash
Gordon, Porky, or Montresor could be voiced by a male or female for the
purposes of the show. That having been said, if female actors wish to
present a monologue of their choosing from any 1930s play, that would be
welcome. Men may also exercise this option if they wish.
THE thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but
when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge. You, who so well know
the nature of my soul, will not suppose, however, that I gave utterance to
a threat. AT LENGTH I would be avenged; this was a point definitively
settled. It must be understood that neither by word nor deed had I given
Fortunato cause to doubt my good will. I continued as was my wont, to
smile in his face, and he did not perceive that my smile NOW was at the
thought of his immolation.
He had a weak point -- this Fortunato -- although in other regards he was
a man to be respected and even feared. He prided himself on his
connoisseurship in wine. In painting and gemmary, Fortunato was a
quack, but in the matter of old wines he was sincere. In this respect I did
not differ from him materially; I was skilful in the Italian vintages.
2. Radio Play: The Thing on the Fourble Board
(narrates, in conversation with an unheard guest): Me, I'm a roughneck.
Well, I was a roughneck, I mean, twenty years ago -- a little too old, too
slow now. Besides, I got a dollar now, I don't have to be a roughneck,
y'see. Married, got a nice home. Hafta meet my wife. (calls out) Hey,
Mike! Her name's Maxine but she likes to be called Mike. Mike! I
guess she's busy out in the kitchen someplace. Besides, she doesn't hear
very well. Shame, too -- she's so pretty and everything. Well, you'll
meet her... Sit down... I was sayin' I was a roughneck... Well, no, that
doesn't mean exactly what you think it means. A roughneck is an oil
field worker, specifically, a guy on a drilling crew. Call 'em roughnecks
like ya call a section hand on the railroad a gandy dancer or a garage
hand a grease monkey. Same time, you work around a drilling crew for
a while, you're gonna be a roughneck in every sense of the word, boy.
The derrick floor or a fourble board's no place for a guy with a bow tie
'cause when you have to fool around with drillin' holes that go farther
down in the ground than it is from the top of Pike's Peak down to sea
level... Yeah, sure they do.
(narrates): Sure, I don't think there's an oil man in the world that don't
wonder one time or another what's down there besides rock and oil and
gas. Oil that's made out of trees that died twenty million years ago. Oil
that's made out of dinosaur bones. Oil that's maybe... made out of the
flesh and blood of men, maybe, that beat each other to death with a stone
axe, ate saber tooth tiger for lunch. We found somethin' once, me and
Billy Gruenwald. And-- something found us. I'll tell ya about it.
3. Flash Gordon Excerpt—
(Treat this as a multi-character monologue. Each actor will voice all of the
I know who you are, Flash Gordon! The world's greatest athlete! But your trained
strength will not save you, only my mind! The mind of Zarkov, the scientist can
save you. Can save any human soul upon the Earth!
The turbo drive! He's reaching for the controls!
Stand aside, Dr. Zarkov
(LAUGHS) Feel it! The gravitation pull of the new planet! We crash in five
seconds! (LAUGHS)
The rocket ship hits the planet! Dr. Zarkov and Dale are thrown from the rocket
ship unconscious. Flash is thrown clear of the wreckage and lands on his feet,
uninjured. He rushes to the side of the unconscious girl, picks her up, and starts to
carry her toward the distant towers of a city on this weird new planet. Suddenly,
strange soldiers armed with ray guns appear, and capturing Dale and Flash, force
them to come with them to the throne room of Ming the Merciless, emperor of
Mongo and supreme ruler of the universe.
Oh, thou indulgent Ming, most merciless majesty of Mongo, supreme ruler of all
the peoples of the new planet, thy slaves salute thee.
Good. Ming shall want the Earth people.
Thy slaves obey, oh Ming the Merciless.
Get your hands off me! I'm no slave, I'll meet your emperor as a free man and an
So, Earth man, you are a free man, and my equal. Throw him to the red monkeymen in the arena. I would be forced to make this free man my equal.
THERE is thy freedom, Earth man. Now you go into the arena to meet the red
monkey-men of Mongoid.
Don't worry dear. (TO MING) Emperor Ming, I will show you that I, a free man
from the Earth, are more than a match for your brainless red monkey-men.
Flash reaches the bottom step leading to the arena. He leaps and swings at the
nearest red monkey-man. Then grasping the fallen man-beast under the armpit,
Flash whirls him around in a flail, knocking the others in all directions. Emperor
Ming, fearing that his monkey-men will all be killed, orders his soldiers to destroy
Flash with their ray guns.