Download 1. (5 points) Place the following in order of DENSITY beginning with

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AST 100/101 - Survey of the Universe Quiz #5- 12/2/10 - 30 (+1) pts possible
CID: ________________________________
1. (5 points) Place the following in order of DENSITY beginning with the least dense (most rarefied) to the
densest: a) Earth b) Saturn c) Uranus d) universe at the time of the big bang e) water
2. (3 points) How does the CORE composition of the terrestrial planets differ from the Jovian planets and why?
3. (3 points) Which planet has the strongest magnetic field and why?
4. (4 points) Suppose you have been tasked to engage the president of the “Pluto is a Planet” society in a debate
on the status of Pluto. Using any combination of your knowledge of the 8 major planets and/or comets and
other minor planets to give 3 bullet points arguing that Pluto is NOT a planet.
5. (2 points) Figure 1 shows spectra of one of Jupiter’s moons compared to the spectrum of water.
What kind of spectrum is this? Which moon is it?
AST 100/101 - Survey of the Universe Quiz #5- 12/2/10 - 30 (+1) pts possible
CID: ________________________________
6. (4 points) Imagine you are living on an off-shore oil rig and a helicopter lands carrying a few military
personnel who tell you that a newly discovered asteroid the size of Texas is going to hit the Earth in less than 3
weeks. Should you believe them and why or why not?
7. a) (2 points) What do greenhouse gases do to heat up the atmosphere of a planet?
b) (3 points) There are no longer greenhouse gases in Mars’ atmosphere. Where did they go and why?
8. (2 points) Since most astronomical objects don’t come with speedometers, how do we determine a distant
galaxy’s velocity? (Hint - HW 2!!)
9. (2 points) What is the driving force behind the star formation process?
Extra Credit
(1 point) Two Hydrogen ions are walking down the street. Suddenly one trips. He then says to his friend:
“Dang, I just lost an electron.” His friend says “Are you sure?” He replies, “yup, i’m positive!”
What is (scientifically) wrong with this joke?
AST 100/101 - Survey of the Universe Quiz #5- 12/2/10 - 30 (+1) pts possible
CID: ________________________________