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Chisholm Connection
News from the Pews
MARCH 2015
2, 3
Sacraments of Initiation
& Easter Services, RCIA
School News
Regional News
Children’s Ministry News
Extraordinary Ministers
April Calendar
Parish News, Why We
CCI Hazards - Candle
Fires; April Saints
ACTiv8 & Youth Group
News; Sponsors
All baptised members of the community
Ministry Team
EM, Maitland, Morpeth, Rutherford,
Lochinvar, Largs, Beresfield, Paterson
Fr Paul O’Neill, Parish Priest
Fr Derek Garner, Fr Peter Street
Presbytery 4934 5783
Fr Maurie Cahill, Fr Paul Berezniuk,
Fr Lex Levey, Bishop Bill Wright
(Weekend Supply)
Dungog, Gresford, Clarence Town,
Summer Hill
Fr Paul Hopper, Parish Priest
4992 1477
Sr Maureen Rigby OP
Co-ordinator, Spiritual care of sick
& aged in care or at home
Irene Dixon, 0428 220 997
Co-ordinator, Dying, Bereaved
& Funeral Ministry
Jennie Nolan 0408 796 252
Children’s Ministry Deanery
Stef Lloyd, 0422 500 429
Co-ordinator, ACTiv8 Team
Samantha Hill,
Co-ordinator, Youth Groups
Regional Office: Louise Gilchrist, Rita
King, Janine Sidoti, Melissa Fenech
Regional Office
302-304 High St Maitland 2320
PO Box 215 Maitland 2320
Hrs: Tues to Friday
9.00am to 4.30pm
(closed for lunch 12.30-1.30pm)
Ph: 4933 8918 / Fax: 4934 1227
Email: [email protected]
Volume 5, Issue 3
Message from Fr Paul O’Neill
My sisters and brothers,
In paragraph 37 of “The Constitution of the Second Vatican Council on the
Church in the Modern World” we read “Sacred Scripture teaches what has
also been confirmed by humanity’s own experience, namely that the great
advantages of human progress are fraught with grave temptations: the
hierarchy of values has been disordered, good and evil intermingle, and every
person and every group is interested only in its own affairs, not in those of
So it is that the earth has not yet become the scene of true fraternity; rather,
at the present time humanity’s enormous power threatens to put an end to
the human race itself.
To the question of how this unhappy situation can be overcome, Christians
reply that all these human activities, which are daily endangered by pride
and inordinate self-love must be purified and perfected by the cross and
resurrection of Christ.”
We are about to celebrate Easter. The victory of love over suffering and
Recently I heard a statement that said when Christ became a human person,
the Incarnation, he chose in embracing humanity to be powerless and
vulnerable. In his humanity he revealed a God of tenderness and
Often I feel overwhelmed by all the issues that confront us daily: injustice,
poverty, sickness, violence, broken relationships. In the Christian community
we can discover hope in the face of hopelessness.
During the Easter Triduum we celebrate the rich Liturgies of the Mass of
the Lord’s Supper, the Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion and the Easter
Vigil and Easter Sunday Masses. These are wonderful times to celebrate our
faith, renew our hope and grow in love.
I pray that this Easter
Season will be a
wonderful time of
growth and renewal for
all Christian
With Love
Fr Paul
Chisholm Connection
March 2015
Page 2
Chisholm Pastoral Region: Sacraments of Initiation 2015
all Mass Centres, Saturday/Sunday 18th/19th APRIL
Session 4 - Sacraments of Confirmation/Eucharist, Parent Formation
Tuesday 21st April 2015
Wednesday 22nd April 2015
Thursday 23rd April 2015
Thursday 23rd April 2015
Friday 24th April 2015
7.00pm St Pauls Church Rutherford
7.00pm OLOL Church Beresfield
5.00pm St Mary’s Hall Dungog
7.00pm St Joseph’s Church East Maitland
10.30am Therry Centre East Maitland
2/3 MAY
6.00pm VIGIL OLOL Beresfield; SUNDAY 8.00am St Paul’s Rutherford;
SUNDAY 9.30am St Columba’s Paterson
9/10 MAY
6.00pm VIGIL OLOL Beresfield; SUNDAY 8.2-0am Holy Family Largs
6.30pm VIGIL Sacred Heart Campbell’s Hill; SUNDAY 9.30am St Patrick’s Lochinvar
16/17 MAY
5.00pm VIGIL St Joseph’s East Maitland; 6.00pm OLOL Beresfield;
SUNDAY: 8.00am St Paul’s Rutherford; 8.20am Holy Family Largs,
SUNDAY: 8.30am St Joseph’s East Maitland; 6.00pm St Joseph’s East Maitland
23/24 MAY
5.00pm VIGIL St Joseph’s East Maitland;
SUNDAY: 7.15am Immaculate Conception Morpeth, 8.30am St Joseph’s East
Maitland, 9.30am St Patrick’s Lochinvar, 6.00pm St Joseph’s East Maitland
Easter Services - Chisholm Pastoral Region 2015
St Joseph’s
Cnr New England Hwy & King St
East Maitland
Sacred Heart
New England Hwy, Campbell’s Hill
Immaculate Conception
Cnr George & James Sts, Morpeth
St Mary’s
53 Brown Street, Dungog
Holy Family
Cnr Church & John Sts, Largs
St Patrick’s
41 Rifle Street, Clarence Town
St Helen’s
11 Park Street, East Gresford
St Columba’s
Cnr Prince & Church Sts, Paterson
St Patrick’s
55 New England Hwy, Lochinvar
Our Lady of Lourdes (OLOL)
Cnr Anderson Drive & Delprat Ave, Beresfield
St Paul’s
10 Young St, Rutherford
Mass of the Lord’s Supper
5.30pm St Helens Gresford
7.00pm St Joseph’s East Maitland
St Mary’s Dungog
OLOL Beresfield
Sacred Heart Campbell’s Hill
10.00pm Evening Prayer Sacred Heart
Stations of the Cross
Prayer of the Church (morning prayer)
9.00am St Joseph’s East Maitland
7.00pm St Joseph’s East Maitland
OLOL Beresfield
Sacred Heart Campbell’s Hill
St Mary’s Dungog
10.00am OLOL Beresfield
St Columba’s Paterson
Immaculate Conception Morpeth
St Mary’s Dungog
St Joseph’s East Maitland #
St Paul’s Rutherford
Sacred Heart Campbell’s Hill
St Patrick’s Clarence Town
St Helen’s Gresford
# Denotes outdoor youth dramatisation
6.00am Ecumenical Sunrise Service,
Stockade Hill, East Maitland
7.15am Immaculate Conception Morpeth
8.00am St Patrick’s Clarence Town
St Paul’s Rutherford
8.20am Holy Family Largs
8.30am St Joseph’s East Maitland
9.30am St Patrick’s Lochinvar
St Columba’s Paterson
10.00am St Helen’s Gresford
The Passion of the Lord
3.00pm OLOL Beresfield +
Immaculate Conception Morpeth
St Joseph’s East Maitland +
St Paul’s Rutherford
St Mary’s Dungog +
Sacred Heart Campbell’s Hill +
Holy Family Largs
St Patrick’s Clarence Town
St Helen’s Gresford
Denotes Clergy in Attendance
Please tell your
friends and relatives,
everyone welcome!
Chisholm Connection
March 2015
Page 3
RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
This year there are three people preparing to become Catholics in the Easter season; Grant Francis is from the
Rutherford parish, and Daniel and Marney Winter are from East Maitland.
On the 1st Sunday in Lent we celebrated the Diocesan Rite of Election with Bishop Bill at the Cathedral in
Hamilton. Daniel, Marney and Grant joined with all those in the Diocese who are being baptised or received into
the Church at Easter.
As Marney has not been baptised we celebrated the three Scrutinies for her during the Masses on 3 rd, 4th and 5th
Sundays of Lent. Scrutinies are Lenten rites of the RCIA and are “meant to uncover then heal all that is weak, defective or
sinful in the hearts of the elect; to bring out then strengthen all that is upright, strong and good.” RCIA 128
Lent for us all is a time of reflection and conversion and so during our meetings we have been giving Daniel, Marney and
Grant the experience of different ways of praying as we reflect on the changes that have taken place in their lives.
On Easter Sunday morning at St Paul’s Rutherford, Grant will be received into full communion with the Church, celebrating
the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion. At the Youth Mass the following Sunday evening at St
Joseph’s East Maitland, Marney will be baptised, her husband Daniel will be received into full communion with the Church,
and they will both celebrate the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion.
We also thank their sponsors Colin Green, Belinda and Phillip Cliff, for their generosity, support and commitment.
Our meetings continue until the Wednesday before Pentecost; this stage of RCIA, which is called Mystagogy, is a time of
strengthening for our “neophytes” and a time for us all to be inspired by the continued commitment of these new
parishioners. At our meetings we will talk about the Sacraments of Service – Marriage and Holy Orders - and introduce our
new Catholics to people involved in various parish ministries; we will also spend time exploring the gifts of the Holy Spirit
and talk about how these gifts can now be used for the life of our parishes.
On Pentecost Sunday we will celebrate the end of formal meetings with our Red Party lunch at the Corcoran Centre with
family members and all those who have been a special part of this RCIA journey.
Please keep these new members of our parishes in your prayers, as they begin, what we hope, will be an exciting journey as
initiated people of our Rutherford and East Maitland Catholic faith communities.
Thank you for making these people feel welcome and a part of our communities, please continue to keep us all in your
There are another four people who have enquired about beginning the RCIA process in August. Until then Patricia Banister
from the Rutherford parish has generously offered to host a few meetings for them in her home.
Some members of our RCIA team are the only representatives for their parishes so we would love to see other parishioners
from all our parishes join our team; it is such a rewarding experience and a wonderful way to live out our Baptismal
Happy Easter to all from your RCIA Chisholm Regional Team! Loretto Lynch on behalf of the RCIA Team of the Chisholm Region
THE CROSS - 10.00am in the
school grounds of East Maitland (Please note Senior Youth
Group practice after 6.00pm
Youth Mass 29/3))
Chisholm Connection
March 2015
Page 4
School News
Catholic Schools Week
St John the Baptist Maitland
Catholic Schools Week at St John the Baptist, Maitland was celebrated with a
Key Learning Area Tabloid followed by a picnic lunch on the playground.
The children in every class participated in a tabloid of activities that demonstrated to their visitors
some of the fun learning experiences that they have at school. Parents and grandparents enjoyed group
work that involved Religion, English, Maths, Human Society and It's Environment, Science, Creative Arts
and Personal Development, Health and PE.
Everyone really enjoyed the time learning together and the picnic was great.....the coffee van did a roaring trade!!
Enrolment into Kindergarten 2016
All Catholic schools in the Chisholm Region have opened enrolments for Kindergarten 2016.
To be eligible for enrolment in Kindergarten, pupils must celebrate their fifth birthday on or before 31st
May of the year in which their parents seek enrolment for them.
Parents are asked to collect Enrolment Packs from their parish school.
Schools in our Chisholm Region are
Our Lady of Lourdes, Tarro ........................ 4966 1302
St Aloysius, Chisholm .................................. 4088 8030
St Joseph’s, East Maitland .......................... 4933 5536
St John the Baptist, Maitland ....................... 4933 5613
St Paul’s, Rutherford ................................... 4932 8605
St Patrick’s, Lochinvar ................................ 4930 7270
St Joseph’s, Dungog ................................... 4992 1377
March 2015
Chisholm Connection
Page 5
St Mary’s Campus - Mock Trial Victory
On Wednesday March 11th, the Year 11 Mock Trial team played their first game at Maitland Town
Hall against Hunter Valley Grammar. With no experience under our belt the day was intended to be
a learning curb with our first glance at how the competition worked giving us an idea of what lay
ahead in further rounds. The team acted as the defendants, pleading the innocence of Lee Ward, a
former coach of the Mock Trial Competition who was accused of spiking a coffee which resulted in
the death of a colleague and foe, Katie Lynch. Our Barristers and Solicitors had to think on the
spot, claiming objections where necessary in the opponents’ questions and creating cross
examination enquiries of their own. The two witnesses were required to memorise a script and step
into the role of their characters whilst not breaking part when put under pressure. The defendant
was ultimately found guilty of the crime however the St Mary’s Year 11 Mock Trial Team were
victorious in the game with a score of 238-219.
Mrs Sheridan Pruteanu
(Mock Trial Coordinator)
Team from left –right Samara Peterson, Isabella Mattsson,
Caitlyn Touzell, Lilli Thompson, Emily Shakespeare and Eliza Mathews.
Caritas Pacific Emergency Appeal
Vanuatu has been devastated by the largest cyclone ever to
have hit the country. With average wind speeds of 250km p/h
and gusts up to 340km p/h, Super Cyclone Pam wiped out
thousands of homes, communities and livelihoods across the
island nation.
Please help. Caritas Australia’s Pacific Emergency Appeal is
now open. Donations will provide immediate emergency
response for the many communities affected by Cyclone Pam in
Vanuatu. Visit for more information.
Chisholm Connection
March 2015
Page 6
What’s Happening in the Region
wishing to have their child/children baptised
within our region is required to attend a Baptism
preparation session. Completed Baptism
registration forms and donation will be collected
on this night. Parents are urged to attend the
Mass as a family.
*Sunday 12th April 2015 (After Youth Mass)
Sunday 3rd May 2015 (After Youth Mass)
*Please note DATE CHANGE - as the 5th April is
Easter Sunday, there will be NO Baptism session
that night.
Share your thoughts, comments, spiritual
journey with your community in the
Chisholm Connection! If you wish to
contribute to our monthly regional newsletter;
please contact us at the regional office on
4933 8918. Your views and suggestions are
important to us! Thank you to our contacts from
each parish who supply us with their parish news
and notices.
EMAIL!!! Contact the office if you wish to be
included in our monthly distribution list.
linked to the “Chisholm Pastoral Region” page
Chisholm Connection
Deadline & Distribution Dates 2014/2015
Editorial Deadline Distribution Date
20th April
25th May
26th April
31st May
For enquiries please contact 4933 8918/email
[email protected] (Be aware these dates may change)
My name is Lisa Williams and I am
currently in a Flute and Piano/Vocal
Duo with Luke Baker. We are both
experienced musicians and Catholic
Music Teachers working in Catholic
Schools in the Diocese of MaitlandNewcastle. I have studied Flute at the Elder
Conservatorium in Adelaide, and Luke has studied Voice
at the Newcastle Conservatorium. Last year we worked
together at St Peter’s in Maitland. We are available to
play for weddings and other events. We can be
contacted on 0450 995 472 or at
[email protected]
MOVIE NIGHT ON THE SAINTS - we hope to see you on
Saturday 18th April, 2015, 7pm in the Caroline
Chisholm Rooms (adjacent to St Joseph’s Primary
School Admin) 57 King St, East Maitland. PLEASE
NOTE this Movie Night will be a week earlier than
- Emmy Award
Miniseries. Joseph son of
Jacob, is one of the best
known figures in the Torah,
famous for his coat of many
colours (although this is
actually a mistranslation of the
Hebrew phrase "kethoneth
pac" which in fact means "long
sleeved tunic "and his Godgiven ability to interpret
Cast into a pit by his jealous brothers, young Joseph
pleads for mercy. Instead the brothers sell the
terrified boy into slavery in Egypt for 20 pieces of
silver. Eventually Joseph turns this agonizing
betrayal into triumph.
Academy award winners Ben Kingsley and Martin
Landau highlight an outstanding cast in this beloved
Biblical tale of treachery and redemption. Joseph
uses his gift for divining dreams to rise from
slave to Pharaoh's most trusted aide, saving Egypt
from seven years of famine. Then his brothers
travel to Egypt in search of food and right into
Joseph's power. "Forgiveness is greater than
vengeance," Joseph declares. "Compassion more
powerful than anger." But can he forgive so
grievous a wrong?
Books and pious objects for sale. Refreshments provided.
Everyone welcome. Enquiries Judy Chlebowicz 4936 6349.
IMPORTANT - PLEASE NOTE: (St Joseph’s East Maitland)
There will not be any ADORATION OF THE BLESSED
SACRAMENT on Friday 3rd April as it is Good Friday,
and there will not be any First Saturday Devotions on
Saturday 4th April as it is Holy Saturday.
March 2015
Chisholm Connection
Page 7
What’s Happening in the Region
Participants in the Planned Giving program
wishing to receive a Tax Receipt need to collect the
request form from your church porches. This form
is required to be completed EACH YEAR. Only the
parishioners who have this form returned to the
Chisholm Office will receive a Tax Receipt. The
form can be returned via the second collection,
email or regular mail.
If anyone wishes to join the planned giving
program you are also welcome to complete the
same form.
Please don’t hesitate to contact
[email protected]
if you have any queries.
The Diocese currently has a policy that enables
parents to contribute to their parish planned giving
program and obtain a partial or full exemption
from paying the Diocesan Family School Building
Levy (DFSBL) at their children’s school.
It is important to clarify the following matters
regarding this practice: The payment of the DFSBL is not eligible to
be claimed as a tax deduction, as the levy is
compulsory and not a voluntary contribution
 A percentage of the parent’s contribution to
the parish’s planned giving program can be
claimed as a tax deduction if no material
advantage is received by the parents
 Material benefits to the parents would
include a partial or full exemption from
paying the DFSBL
Therefore, if parents choose to contribute to their
parish’ planned giving program, they will continue
to receive an exemption from paying the DFSBL.
However, those parents receiving the exemption
are unable to claim a tax deduction for their
contributions to the parish.
CALLING for any interested parents/carers/
and0-5 year olds to form a playgroup - to be held
in the Parish Rooms of OLOL Catholic Church,
Beresfield. Playtime.....Craft.....Music/Singing/
Dancing.....Story Book.....Support for Mums/
Carers. Supported by Mrs Bronwyn Lowrey
(Pastoral Care Worker). All enquiries welcome
Ph: 4966 1302 (Tues or Wed).
The annual collection for the support of the church in
the Holy Land takes place on Good Friday. This
collection promotes the missionary work of the Church
in the Holy Land by providing welfare assistance to
local Christians in areas such as health, education,
employment and housing. Parishes, schools,
orphanages and medical centres throughout the Holy
Land also rely on assistance from the Good Friday
The collection is also used to maintain 74 churches and
shrines associated with the life of Jesus. Last year,
Australian Catholics donated $1.3 million to this cause,
despite tough economic times, natural disasters and
increasing cost of living which put a strain on family
budgets and financial resources. Your generosity is
greatly appreciated. Please also pray that peace and
harmony will become a reality in the birthplace of
Jesus, the ‘Prince of Peace’.
March 2015
Chisholm Connection
Page 8
What’s Happening in the Region
 Sunday 29th March - Sacred Spaces Fine Music
 Saturday 11th April - Formation Program for Parish
 Sunday 29th March - Ecumenical Way of the
Formation for Leadership
9.30 am – 12.30 pm Unit FL1: Leadership as Ministry (Sr Patricia
1.00 pm – 4.00 pm Unit FL2: Leadership Styles and Dynamics (Sr
Patricia Egan)
These Units have been designed especially for members of Parish
Leadership/Pastoral/Finance Councils and Teams as well as those
involved in other parish groups and ministries. They are offered
free of charge. Please bring your own lunch. Tea and Coffee
provided. RSVP [email protected] / 02 4979 1134.
Concert Series 2015 at 2:00pm at Sisters of Mercy
Convent, 30 Queen St, Singleton. Tickets for each
concert include afternoon tea: $25 (adult) and $5
(school student). Reservations recommended to
guarantee seating. Tickets also available at door from
1.30pm on day of each concert (cash only). For tickets/
information, Sacred Spaces Office (open Mon-Thurs
mornings) 6572 2398 / [email protected].
Details of concerts at
Cross 3.00pm-4.30pm, St Joseph’s Church, 140 Wangi
Rd, Kilaben Bay. All are welcome to attend. Picnic
facilities are available from 1.00pm.
 Tuesday 31st March - Bishop Bill Wright invites you
to the CHRISM MASS 7.00pm - Sacred Heart
Cathedral, Hamilton, 841 Hunter St, Newcastle West.
This is followed by refreshments in the Davis Courtyard.
 Wednesday 1st April - safeTALK for SEASONS
for GROWTH. Cost: Gold coin donation.
Registration: Companions must register at All other participants please
4979 1355 or email [email protected].
Venue: Toohey Room, Catholic Diocese, 841 Hunter St,
Newcastle West.
 Thursday 2nd April. Watch and Pray will be held at
9:00pm at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Hamilton. The
Vigil will commence at 9pm at Sacred Heart
Cathedral (841 Hunter St,, Hamilton) and will conclude
at 9am on Good Friday. The Blessed Sacrament will be
exposed for Adoration throughout the evening and
prayer stations will be set up around the Cathedral for
you to visit at your own pace. To RSVP email
[email protected].
 Thursday 9th April - Mini Retreat and Healing
Prayer will be held at 10.00am at Sacred Heart
Cathedral, Hamilton
 TWEC Mum’s Night out Wednesday 6th May -
5.30pm West Wallsend Workers Club, Carrington St,
West Wallsend. RSVP 30th April 4939 9601 or
[email protected].
 Friday 8th May - Annual TWEC Dinner with Phil
Glendenning will be held at 6.30pm Therry Centre,
New England Hwy, East Maitland. Phil Glendenning is
the Director of the Edmund Rice Centre and is
currently the President of the Refugee Council of
Australia. RSVP by 30th April to Secretary 4930 9601
or [email protected]. Cost for hors d’oeuvres, drinks,
main meal and dessert is $60 per person. Tables of 10
& individual bookings are available.
 8th, 9th, 10th May - MAITLAND MUSICAL
SOCIETY presents the production of “INTO THE
WOODS” to be held at St John’s Hall (Pro Cathedral).
Tickets on sale at or Phone:
0456 727 861.
and Other Ministries (Spirituality & Faith). 9.30am St
James’ Church, 4 Sowerby St, Muswellbrook.
 Saturday 18th April - Formation Program for Parish
and Other Ministries (Spirituality & Faith). 9.30am St
James’ Church, 4 Sowerby St, Muswellbrook.
Formation for Leadership
9.30 am – 12.30 pm Unit FL 3: Management Skills (Mr Sean
1.00 pm – 4.00 pm Unit FL 4: Leadership of Foundation Areas
(Mrs Teresa Brierley)
These Units have been designed especially for members of Parish
Leadership/Pastoral/Finance Councils and Teams as well as those
involved in other parish groups and ministries. They are offered
free of charge. Please bring your own lunch. Tea and Coffee
provided. RSVP [email protected] / 02 4979 1134.
 Sunday 19th April - RCIA Mass of Celebration
with Neophytes, 9.30am Sacred Heart Cathedral,
Hamilton. Morning tea will be served after Mass.
March 2015
Chisholm Connection
Page 9
Children’s Ministry News
I have often been asked, “What
do I teach the children, if I
become a volunteer SRE
teacher?” (catechist).
The answer is, we use
authorised curriculums, that
take you step by step through
each lesson.
Children’s Ministry offers full
training and support for the
SRE teachers. There are a
number of resources available
to make your lessons engaging
for today’s classrooms and
Here is an account from one of our wonderful SRE teachers.....
My name is Ailis, and I teach scripture at Morpeth Public
School. I started teaching scripture last year, and I love it.
The students I teach are so excited on Thursdays, and when I
come into the year 2/3 classrooms, I am greeted with many
“Ailis guess what I did on the weekend” and “my mum
bought me a bible, and now I read it every night” and the
ever popular “Ailis look at my…”.
After the hubbub dies down, we get to the “bible stuff”,
which today consisted of us learning about forgiveness, and
what it means, and the way that we can apply it in our lives.
After hearing our story of forgiveness, the students and I
discuss what this will mean in our own lives, and many
resolutions are made to forgive siblings or friends. The
depth of the children’s understanding, and power of the
things they say never ceases to amaze me. After given a
colouring sheet to complete the class is over, and I leave
with many heartfelt “see you next week Ailis”.
Every week in scripture is different, but it is always
rewarding to hear the students start to understand what
you are telling them and watching them begin to unfold
their own faith. No two days of scripture teaching are the
same, some are harder than others, but when you have
children learning more about our faith, there is no greater
joy than being the one teaching it to them.
If you are interested in becoming an SRE teacher or an assistant
please contact
Jennie Nolan (Children’s Ministry Deanery Co-ordinator)
0408 796 252 / [email protected]
March 2015
Chisholm Connection
Page 10
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Executive Summary
There has been a document prepared for those in our community who are
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. This is an important ministry
in the life of our parishes; it enables members of the community to assist
the Priest in the distribution of the Blessed Sacrament. There is however, a
varied standard of practice and habits around the performing of this
ministry throughout the region. As such, following discussion with the
clergy and the liturgy team this document has been prepared. This is the
summary of the wider document that will be given to all extraordinary
ministers of Holy Communion of the next few weeks and Fr Paul as the parish Priest of the parishes will be
conducting formation sessions after Mass over the next month. The points raised in this document are in line
with the rubrics of the Mass and the General Instruction of the Roman Missal. As such this is how communion
will distributed throughout the parishes after Fr Paul O’Neill has conducted the formation. All new people to this
ministry will be formed using this document. All ministry is important. Everything we do in the Church is
important, we do it for our loving God, and as such it should be done well and done properly. This may mean
that some of the habits we have been using will change, that is ok because we do this for our God, and for our
brothers and sisters in the faith community. As with any change this will take some time to get used to, again
that is ok, because we do this for our God, and for our brothers and sisters in the faith community. I commend
the summary of the document to you.
The following are offered as guidance for those who participate in the liturgical life of the Parishes of the
Chisholm Pastoral Region as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. They have been formulated in light of
the requirements of the General Instruction to the Roman Missal, sound pastoral liturgical practice, and the
specific situations that exist in the Parishes.
What name is correct in referring to this ministry?
The formal title for those exercising this ministry is Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.
When do I move from my seat?
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion should move into the sanctuary as the Priest receives communion from
the chalice (GIRM 162).
What do I do if I notice there are not enough Extraordinary Ministers of Communion present?
If necessary, move up to ensure that the correct number of ministers is available to assist in the distribution of
What do I do if Mass is concelebrated or there is a Deacon present during Mass?
If there is more than one priest and/or a deacon is present, rostered Extraordinary Ministers are asked to either
remain in their seats or, if necessary, return to their seats.
How do I move from my seat? What and how do I reverence?
After leaving your seat, move forward towards the sanctuary, and make a reverence to the Altar (since the Altar
is the focus of our liturgy) before moving into the sanctuary and move to the side of the Altar to await
Why don’t I need to wash my hands before distributing Communion?
There would be no need to wash your hands prior to distributing Communion, but if you should wish to do so
please make use of the facilities in the sacristy before Mass starts.
When receiving Communion, is there anything I should know?
It is important that the Extraordinary Ministers of Communion model good practice in the reception of
Communion to the Assembly.
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supervised or controlled in any way by the Diocese. The Diocese is not in a position to endorse the advertisers or
the services provided and makes no representation about those matters. Accordingly, the Diocese cannot accept
any responsibility for the advertisers or the activities or services that are the subject of these advertisements.
March 2015
Chisholm Connection
Page 11
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Executive Summary
If asked to retrieve the Blessed Sacrament from
the Tabernacle what should I do?
It is preferable that the Blessed Sacrament reserved
in the Tabernacle not be used as a means of being
able to provide Communion. When there are large
numbers of communicants, the Presider will generally be the one
who retrieves the Blessed Sacrament from the tabernacle. An Extraordinary Minister of Communion should
move directly to the tabernacle, unlock it, remove the Blessed Sacrament, and then move directly to the Altar
and place it directly on the corporal.
How do I offer Communion to members of the assembly?
Focus on what you are doing, and who it is you hold in your hands. In doing so, you are giving the proper
reverence to the Eucharistic species. The reception of communion ought to be a dignified part of the celebration
of Eucharist, not a mad rush. There is no need to include the name of the person in this statement, i.e. “The Body
of Christ, Bill” or “The Blood of Christ, Mary”. “The Body of Christ” or “The Blood of Christ” are to be the only
words used.
What do I do if a child or adult asks for a blessing?
When this happens, the generally accepted practice for Extraordinary Ministers of Communion is to trace the
sign of the cross on their forehead. It is never appropriate for an Extraordinary Minister of Communion to
make a sign of the cross with the consecrated host – this is a “benediction” and is strictly reserved to the
I am ministering the chalice. What do I do if someone wishes to self‐intinct the Host?
If people come and wish to self‐intinct, you are requested not to challenge them.
What do I do if I drop a Host or spill some Precious Blood?
If a Host is dropped, it should either be consumed or placed on the corporal. If the Precious Blood is spilt, this
should be soaked up with purifiers as soon as practical.
I am ministering the chalice. Do I assist with consuming the remaining Precious Blood?
To avoid confusion, all Extraordinary Ministers are asked to place the Chalice with which they were ministering
on the corporal in the middle of the Altar when their ministry is over. The Priest will consume the remaining
Precious Blood (GIRM 163); the Priest may request your help to consume this; in which case the Chalice will be
presented to you with the words “The Blood of Christ”.
If I need to assist with purifying the vessels is there anything I need to know?
You are asked that when you have finished distributing the Blessed Sacrament, to place your vessel on the
corporal which will be in the middle of the Altar. Generally the Priest will then purify the vessels (GIRM 163).
When do I return to my seat?
After you have placed the vessel you were using on the corporal on the middle of the Altar, immediately move
back to your seat, again moving deliberately. It is customary to again reverence the Altar (not the tabernacle) as
you return to your seat. The ‘correct’ practice is to come up at the appropriate time, fulfil the ministerial role,
place the vessel which you were using on the corporal in the middle of the Altar when finished, and then
immediately return to your seat.
I am taking communion to the sick. When will I be called forward?
If you are one of the Extraordinary Ministers of Communion taking Communion to the sick, you will be called
forward by the Presider before the final blessing of the Mass.
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Chisholm Region Calendar
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April 2015
Easter Services
Please note: All care and attention is taken to ensure
that times and places of events are correct at time of publication.
Wishing you a safe and happy Easter!
Chisholm Connection
March 2015
Page 14
What’s Happening in East Maitland
APOSTOLATE OF PRAYER TO ST JOSEPH OF THE ETERNAL FAMILY held at the home of Pat McPherson, 65 Brisbane St, East
Maitland the first Wednesday of each month at 7.00pm. Next date: 1st April 2015. All welcome. Ph 4933 6635.
There will not be any ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT on Friday 3rd April as it is Good Friday, and there will not
be any First Saturday Devotions on Saturday 4th April as it is Holy Saturday.
ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: First Friday of each month from after Mass at 7am till 9am Mass on Saturday at St
Joseph’s East Maitland. Next date: 1st May 2015. ALL WELCOME!
FIRST SATURDAY DEVOTIONS – 2nd May 2015 St Joseph’s Church, East Maitland & Therry Centre.
12 Midday
Rosary & Confessions
Morning Tea
DVD (School Library)
Midday Prayer & Angelus
Cenacle Rosary & Divine Mercy Chaplet
Everyone is
welcome to come
along for all or any
part of the devotion.
For more
information please
call Judy 4936 6349
Marion 4934 1949.
CENACLE & DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET PRAYER MEETINGS at the home of Pat McPherson, 65 Brisbane St, East
Maitland, 7.30pm Wednesday evenings (excl first Wednesday of each month); 10.00am Thursday mornings.
EAST MAITLAND CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE The next meeting at 7.30pm in the Catherine McAuley Rooms,
King Street, East Maitland. The NEXT ANOINTING MASS will be 10.30am Tuesday 21st APRIL 2015! All welcome.
ST JOSEPH’S CRAFT GROUP: Meet every Monday in the McAuley Room 9.30am to 1.00pm. For more
information please contact 49331744 / 49335840 / 4933 4586; or just come along. EVERYONE WELCOME!
SOCIAL GROUP - WIDOWS, SINGLES, DIVORCED - Next outing please contact Barbara 4934 3862.
ST JOSEPH’S EAST MAITLAND PLAYGROUP 2015: Monday mornings in the Therry Centre. New families
always welcome. We are a nut free zone! Cost is $3 and a piece of fruit to share. Contact Christine 0407 536
452 or [email protected] for more details. Looking forward to seeing you there.
Monday 6th April
Monday 13th April
Monday 20th April
Monday 27th April
B. Passfield, 24 Narang St, East Maitland
J. O’Reilly Family, 7 King St, East Maitland
PK. & H. Meyn, 6 King St, East Maitland
What’s Happening in Maitland / Largs / Paterson
SACRED HEART, CAMPBELL’S HILL: An update on the works on the Sacred Heart Church. The first stage will be
commencing after Easter - this will be the repairs to the rafters and correction of the drainage problems which has
caused the front stairs to separate slightly from the building. The work hopefully will be completed in one week so
there will be no impact on our weekend mass. After this work is complete then the next stage can commence which
will be the repairs to the stairs, driveway and disabled access. More detailed information will be in the next
Chisholm. The community are most grateful to Mrs and Mrs Hinman for their generous bequest.
CATHOLIC WEEKLY They are on sale before and after every Mass and only costs $2.
PATERSON ACTiv8 Youth Group starts at 6.00pm on 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month. (NOT IN SCHOOL
HOLIDAYS) Fun games...yummy food...good friends... and God too!
LARGS: LARGS Weekly YOUTH Group 5.30pm ending with Mass at 7.00pm.
Chisholm Connection
March 2015
Page 15
What’s Happening in Beresfield
LITURGY OF THE HOURS Each Friday 9.30am, Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Beresfield
Each Friday morning we pray together the Prayer of the Church often called The Liturgy of the Hours.
This is the prayer of the whole People of God, and we invite you to join us on Fridays at 9.30am in the
Church, as we offer our praise to God, and pray for the needs of our world.
POLISH MASS: Polish Mass is celebrated at OLOL Church at 8.00am on the 4th Sunday of each month.
ROSARY: The parishioners of OLOL Beresfield pray The Rosary together at the Church each Saturday
evening before Mass, commencing at 5.40pm. Everyone is invited to join us.
Holy Thursday, Mass of the Lord’s Supper (2nd April)
Good Friday, Stations of the Cross (3rd April)
Good Friday, The Passion of the Lord (3rd April)
Easter Vigil, (4th April)
LADIES SOCIAL GROUP: The ladies group meets on the 4th Tuesday of each month from February to
November at 11.00am in the Parish meeting room. It has been decided to cease formal meetings, but to
continue to get together on an informal basis commencing this month. The next informal get together will be
on Tuesday 28th April 2015 at 10.00am. You are warmly invited to come along and join us. Bring a plate to
share and we will all enjoy a friendly informal get together.
OLOL PLAYGROUP: CALLING for any interested parents/carers/and0-5 year olds to form a playgroup - to
be held in the Parish Rooms of OLOL Catholic Church, Beresfield. Playtime.....Craft.....Music/Singing/
Dancing.....Story Book.....Support for Mums/Carers. Supported by Mrs Bronwyn Lowrey (Pastoral Care
Worker). All enquiries welcome Ph: 4966 1302 (Tues or Wed).
AFTER MASS SOCIAL GET TOGETHER: Our next after Mass get-together will be held on Saturday 11th
April. We hope you can come and join us for a chat, a cuppa and some tasty supper.
PARISH TEAM MEETING: The March parish team meeting was held on Tuesday 10th. Following is a brief
summary of points raised at the meeting: Easter services planned; events at OLOL school; reports from
Regional Liturgy and Regional Finance Councils; maintenance matters. We were incredibly saddened to hear
that our Music Ministry Team of Dennis, Paul and Kath have decided to resign. This team has given every
parishioner a wonderful gift for which we will be eternally grateful. The PPT wish to thank each of them for
the many years they lovingly served the parish.
The next Parish team meeting - Tuesday 14th April
Parish Meeting Room, beginning at 7.00pm.
Everyone is invited to join us.
What’s Happening in Dungog/Clarence Town
DUNGOG: St. Mary’s is hosting a special Sunday Mass, ‘Remembering Your Child’s Baptism’. We are welcoming all
the parents and children who have recently had their children Baptised and those who are planning to have their
child Baptised. A morning tea will follow in the church’s hall.
Catholic Scripture will be commencing in Term 2 at both Clarence Town and Dungog Public Schools.
CLARENCE TOWN: We welcome the McBlane family of Grey Street, Clarence Town who are having their
youngest son Gus baptised during our Easter Mass. Proud parents Yvonne and David, older brother Jack,
grandparents and six (6) Godparents also join the celebration of Gus’ baptism and we welcome Gus to our Church
Wishing all a Holy and Happy Easter.
March 2015
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What’s Happening in Morpeth
March has been a very busy month commencing with our first Community breakfast on Sunday the
first. Once again it was extremely well attended and provided an opportunity to welcome the families
of the children who are participating in the Sacrament of Initiation program. We have six young
people participating in the program which will culminate in them receiving their First Communion and
Confirmation on Sunday 24th May.
After a couple of date changes we were able to organise a Wednesday night showing of The Second
Best Exotic Marigold Hotel which was enjoyed by all those who joined us on the night.
A special thanks must go to Bev O’Toole who organised the World Day of Prayer and to all those who
provided the delicious morning tea. This Ecumenical Service was very well attended by
representatives from the three local Christian churches. Pam Tierney, our guest speaker presented an
insight into the impact Domestic Violence has not only in the Bahamas but also in Australia.
On Monday 9th March we celebrated the official opening of St. Aloysius School, Chisholm which of
course is attached to the Morpeth Parish. We congratulate Suzanne Fern, the Principal, and her staff
for hosting such a wonderful and joyous event. The parish of The Immaculate Conception, Morpeth
look forward to building a strong link with the school community as the years progress. On the feast
day of St. Patrick, the children from St. Aloysius were bussed to Morpeth to celebrate mass in their
Parish Church. This was a special celebration for both the children and many of the Morpeth
parishioners who joined them on the day.
We have been seeking quotes for the mowing of the church grounds and the cleaning of the
Corcoran Centre on a regular basis. A parish meeting will be called to agree on the successful tender
as soon as all quotes are in.
Consideration needs to be given to removing much of the garden adjacent to the church surrounds in
order to allow better air flow and less water penetration to the sandstone at the base of the
building. This will require a large scale working-bee which should be undertaken before the Chapel
Jazz weekend on Saturday 16th May. Saturday is the preferred day for such a working bee as the
green waste will need to be taken to the Maitland tip, which is free on week-ends. We will be looking
for lots of help from as many as possible on the day to ensure we can complete the task in a
reasonable timeframe. We will also be looking for trailers to cart the waste to the tip. Are you able to
give us a hand on Saturday 11th or Saturday 18th April? Many hands make light work.
What’s Happening in Gresford
St Helen’s Gresford this year hosted the World Day of Prayer. It was a great example of ecumenism
with many representatives from the local Anglican and Congregational Churches, as well as fellow
parishioners. Guest speaker was Tracey Edstein, Editor of our Diocesan Magazine Aurora.
Representing the clergy was Anglican Priest Fr Stephen Moore. Fr Stephen had held a large funeral
and burial of a well-known local identity only a brief time earlier; we are grateful he could attend the
What was once the Community Health Centre and prior to that the Old Convent, has now been
converted. The back section has a paying tenant and the remainder of the building will serve as
parish rooms, allowing us to gather together for group sessions, parish meetings and social get
On Saturday 28th March at the 5.00pm Mass at Sacred Heart Church Summer Hill, a special plaque
will be affixed and blessed, celebrating the church’s centenary. Everyone is most welcome to attend.
There will be no Mass at Gresford that weekend.
Chisholm Connection
March 2015
Page 17
What’s Happening in Lochinvar
LOCHINVAR JUNIOR YOUTH GROUP is now WEEKLY (during school term) on Mondays commencing
from 6.00pm ending with LOW at 7.30pm. (Co-ordinated by Samantha Hill)
What’s Happening in Rutherford
A COLUMBARIUM: Ian 4932 8501; CRAFT GROUP: Dorothy 4932 7475;
HALL BOOKINGS: Adrian 4932 5601; GARDEN VOLUNTEERS: Peter 4932 8117
Palms Australia: Opening our hands to the World
Why we do The Things We Do?
The introductory rites of the Mass are an important element in the Mass. They gather us together to
prepare for the celebration; they unite us as the body of Christ and predispose us to participate in the
sacrifice of the Eucharist worthily and well. The greeting of the Priest “the Lord be with you” and our
response “and with your spirit” is a reminder of the presence of our Crucified and Risen Lord in our
midst. We focus at this time on the importance of coming together to worship.
Far from being a negative thing, the emphasis of this rite is on the infinite love of God. He wants to
forgive us, we say sorry to Him for the times we have not lived as Jesus taught us, and we say sorry to
our Brothers and Sisters also. This part of the Mass contains one of the most ancient parts of the liturgy
the “Kyrie Eleison” Greek for “Lord have Mercy”. The act concludes with the Priests absolution, which
however, lacks the efficacy of Sacramental Confession.
Every family has times when they look back at photos and tell the stories of times past to the next
generation. The Scriptures are like the history book of our community. These are the inspired Word of
God which makes known to us today the story of who we are as people of God. We hear about His
promise to come among us and we hear about the fulfilment of that promise in Jesus. We also hear
about the early Christians and the struggles they faced so long ago. When we listen to the readings
proclaimed in Church we are listening to our story, and looking back into our photo album.
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March 2015
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Saints and Feasts in April 2015
THURSDAY) This Mass commemorates the night of Jesus
arrest. During this Mass we celebrate the wonderful gift
that Jesus gave to the Church at the Last Supper; the
Eucharist. This is commemorated not only by the
celebration of the Mass but also by the washing of the feet.
The Eucharist we receive is Jesus Himself nourishing us to
be able to go and to be of service to others. We receive
Him to be strengthened to be His presence in the world
today. After Mass the Blessed Eucharist is processed
through the Church and
is reposed on an altar so
that we can keep watch
with our Lord in His
agony. Will you stay and
watch one hour with
Him after this beautiful
Church is empty, it is stripped. We
acknowledge that Jesus is going
through His passion. The Sacraments
are not celebrated today we are in
mourning. We wait as Jesus hangs upon
the Cross. We venerate the wood of that Cross, and we
pause as our Saviour dies for our Redemption. By ancient
tradition we receive communion from those Hosts which
where consecrated on Holy Thursday night.
4TH APRIL - HOLY SATURDAY We are in mourning Jesus
is in the Tomb. We await with joyful hope the experience
of His Resurrection.
THE LORD At the Vigil, this
“Vigil of all Vigils” we mark
with Joy the wondrous gift to us
that is our Redemption. We
celebrate with exuberant joy
and wonder this event in
history. We hear from the Bible
God promising His people their redemption and we hear
from the Gospel the account of the finding of the Empty
Tomb! The fire is Blessed and the Paschal Candle is lit,
the water of Baptism is blessed and those who are to be
received into full Communion with us are brought into the
Church of God. We renew our Baptismal promises, and
begin again the new life of the Risen Lord.
MEMORIAL 1803-1841. was born to a poor family in
France, as a young boy he was recognised for his unusual
intelligence and piety and was made a pupil of his parish
priest, he later went to the seminary and was a priest and
joined the Marist missionary congregation in 1831. In
1836 he was sent to preach the Catholic faith in the islands
of the South Pacific. He and his companions were
welcomed by the people and learned the local language
and began to spread the faith, however when the Chiefs
son requested baptism the enraged Chief sent warriors
with clubs to kill them. His martyrdom occurred on the
28th of April 1841. A year later the entire island converted
to the Christian faith.
1347-1380. was a mystic member of the
Third order Dominicans. She was the
youngest of about twenty children and
was from an early age devoted to a life
of prayer and penance. This was
conducted at home in the face of strong
opposition from both of her parents. Her
love of God and the Gospel is evident in
her Dialogue and in her 383 letters, all of
which were dictated as she never learned
to write. Her personal holiness was
centred on Christ Crucified which she saw as the supreme
sign of God’s love of man. In the last few years of her life
she became embroiled in the politics of the Church and the
State, urging the Pope (Gregory XI) to return to Rome
from Avignon. This indeed happened, and when this pope
died there were two claimants to the See of Peter, she
worked tirelessly for Pope Urban the VI to encourage
people to recognise him as the legitimate Pope. She
worked so hard for this cause that she suffered a stroke
and died on the 29th of April 1380. She was declared a
Doctor of the Church in 1970.
1504-1572. was a
Dominican Friar, bishop and was one of
the most important popes of the counter
-reformation era. Once elected pope in
1565 he made it quite clear that he
intended to implement the degree of the
Council of Trent in both letter and
spirit. He was immediately loved by the
Roman people for his holiness and for his radical reform
of the morals of the city as well as for a drastic and
dramatic purge of the Roman Curia. For the needs of the
Church he made important decisions. Bishops were to
reside in their dioceses, religious orders were to be
reformed the Breviary and the Roman Missal where
updated and made obligatory except where there was a
prescription of 200 years in favour of local rites. The
Roman Catechism was completed and translated into
many languages, and catechetical instruction of the young
made obligatory for all parish priests. He was well loved
for his prayer life and his commitment to monastic
austerity, personal devotion, and kindness to the poor and
sick. He died in 1572 and was canonised in 1712.
Chisholm Connection
March 2015
Page 21
An Australian Vision for Catholic Youth Ministry
The National Vision for Youth Ministry provides a framework for Catholic Youth Ministry with three
To foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person.
To draw young people into responsible participation in the life, mission and work
of their faith community.
To empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in the world today.
It has 8 main focus areas:
Community Life
Justice and Service
Leadership Development
Pastoral Care
Prayer and Worship
To find out more about how YOUR faith place can better understand and implement a comprehensive
approach to Youth Ministry contact the ACTiv8 Team Coordinator Stef Lloyd on 0422 500 429.
After the DIOCESAN LICENSING WORKSHOP to be held on Sunday 1st May, we are looking forward
to having a regional information session on “WHERE TO FROM HERE” as we transition from our
current WOLI licence to LicenSing for copyright coverage in our parishes.
We would like to invite anyone involved in music ministry throughout the Chisholm Region to come
along to a local information session to be held on:
Saturday 2nd MAY
10:00 -11:30am
The venue is yet to be confirmed, but more information will follow in the bulletin and the next
Chisholm Connection.
Be assured that during this transition time, all our copyright responsibilities are being carried out as
our WOLI licence has not yet expired. As a result, please continue reporting your use of songs to
the regional office as normal.
In preparation for this local information session on LicenSing, please email any questions you have
about LicenSing to me at [email protected]. This will give us a chance to get all the
necessary information we need to be confident to use this license in our region. In addition to any
questions you might have, it would be beneficial to start compiling a list of the regular songs you use
for worship at Mass. It will be useful to know which songs we use are covered by LicenSing, and which
are not, as this will help us assess whether a second licence may be needed for your parish. To see for
yourself if the song lyrics and the accompaniments are covered by LicenSing, you can search on the
website at: If there are any concerns or anxieties that you
have regarding this transition to LicenSing, please contact me here at the office on a Wednesday or a
Friday. It is always better to tackle problems and change together rather than trying to do it alone.
God Bless,
Melissa Fenech
Chisholm Pastoral Region, Administration Assistant
Office Hours: Wednesdays and Fridays Phone: (02) 4933 8918
Email: [email protected]
March 2015
Chisholm Connection
Page 22
ACTiv8 Youth News - “Be, Grow, Show”
Last weekend about 30 young people from across the Maitland
Newcastle Diocese participated in the annual Diocesan youth
retreat Be, Grow Show. This year the retreat was held at St
Catherine's Catholic College Singleton starting on Friday night
20th March and ending on Sunday 22nd March lunch time.
Participants ranged were aged18+ and included teachers, youth
ministers, pastoral placement participants, members of the
DCMYP and many more. We were very lucky to have our retreat
facilitated by Sr Patricia Egan from the Sisters of St Josephs at
The focus of this year’s retreat was a “Lenten Journey”. As a
group we started our journey at the beginning of lent with an
ongoing online discussion group on social media via Facebook. Our discussion group has provided many
inspirational moments and has caused some great discussions and interactions with each other about
different challenges lent provides, the meaning of lent, the lead up to Easter and many people have shared
bits long the way of their own Lenten journey. This group then used
this online discussion to lead into our weekend retreat with each
other. Sr Pat continued our Lenten journey with 3 sessions that not
only challenged our perspective and understandings but created
challenging and deep conversations between participants. As a
group we were challenged to look past what we understand and
look for deeper meanings beyond what we know. Sr Pat provided
us with a wonderful insight on the mystery that
is Christ's life, death and resurrection.
As a group we celebrated mass with the
community of St Patrick’s Singleton. This
mass was a great experience to spend with each other as part of our journey. Fr
George Celebrated mass with our very own Fr Peter Street concelebrating. From Mass
we all enjoyed a formal dinner together before retiring to the site to engage in an
evening movie. for those of us that could manage to stay awake we watched the recent
movie Calvary which tied in well in some ways to the content we were learning about
over the period of our retreat. The movie caused a great discussion afterwards that
continued to rule conversation over breakfast and lunch on our final day.
By the end of our retreat we all came away with full bellies, new connections and
friends, and a lot of new knowledge as well as a deeper relationship with God. We were
encouraged to continue to walk our journey with Christ and with each other.
Chisholm Connection
March 2015
Page 23
Junior Youth Groups 2015
Our Junior Youth Groups are focused on providing a fun, positive community
environment for Primary Schools kids in Years 3 - 6. Each youth group has yummy
snacks, fun games, an educational input about the Catholic Faith, and a prayer experience.
Junior Youth Groups run during the School Term and have a break in the holidays.
ALL children are welcome throughout the school year!
1st and 3rd Monday night of the month
during school Term
Every Monday night
during school Term
Where: Nara Meeting Room
Cnr Prince & Church Sts
St Patrick’s Catholic
School Hall
113 Gregory Rd, Lochinvar
6.00pm - 8.00pm
6.00pm - 8.00pm
Includes Liturgy of the Word
7.30pm - 8.00pm
Includes Liturgy of the Word
7.30pm - 8.00pm
East Maitland
Every Tuesday night
during school Term
Every Wednesday night
during school Term
Where: Therry Centre, Cnr New
England Hwy & King St
East Maitland
Where: Largs Church Hall
Cnr John & Church Sts
5.30pm - 7.30pm
Includes Mass
7.00pm - 7.30pm
5.30pm - 7.30pm
Includes Mass
7.00pm - 7.30pm
Senior Youth Group 2015
For Teens in Years 7-10
Every 2nd and 4th Sunday after the 6.00pm Youth Mass at East Maitland.
Have a sausage from the BBQ and then wander down to the Therry Centre
to begin a night of fun, faith and fellowship!
Therry Centre, Cnr New England Hwy & King St, East Maitland
7.30pm - 8.30pm
Chisholm Connection
March 2015
Page 24
Thank you to this month’s sponsors
To help us alleviate paper and printing costs, sponsorship is available at $50 per issue. If you are interested please
contact us through the Regional Office, and we will help to promote your business within our Parish communities.
Tony & Margaret Fry
61 Melbourne Street, East Maitland 2323
Facsimile (02) 4934 1850
Telephone (02) 4933 5977
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 Rego
Providing personalised legal services in:
Powers of Attorney
Business law
Employment law
Retirement housing
Wills & bequests
Insurance law
Notary Public
467 High Street Maitland NSW 2320
Telephone: 4933 6344
email: [email protected]
Proudly Supporting “News from the Pews” …..
at the Therry
We can cater for all occasions
4933 7855
4933 6685
And let them know you appreciate their support of the Chisholm Connection.
That’s the best way to thank them for your monthly newsletter.