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Mohammed Alzain
Email ; [email protected]
Abstract ;
In attempt to create a complete mathematical description to the theory of entropic gravity, I will try to
represent the interaction between spacetime curvature and the entropic force through assumption that the
entropy is a vector physical quantity, which originally motivated by the thermodynamics of black hole, in this
way we will see clearly how gravity is an entropic force and connected with electromagnetism .
1 Gravity as an entropic force ;
Starting from Bekenstein’s entropy formula that it’s proportional to the horizon area then the entropy variation
(dS) associated with a piece of the horizon (dA) satisfies ;
𝑑𝑆 = Ξ© 𝑑𝐴
This assumption would affect the values of the entropy in different directions , motivated by this formula , let us
postulate that the entropy is a state vector ;
𝑆(x,t) = Ξ³ 𝑒(kx – wt)
Where ( S(x,t) ) entropy at a given point in space and time , (Ξ³) maximum entropy , Bekenstein argued that black
holes are maximum entropy objects ,when black holes absorb some photons in a pure state described by a wave
function , they re-emit new photons in a thermal mixed state described by entropy , so the classical looking to
entropy as a scalar is not valid .
It’s clear that entropy is proportional to mass-energy (M) ;
𝑑𝑆 = π›Ώπ‘€βˆ•π‘‡
so entropy is proportional to the gravitational field ;
(Ξ΅) constant . Then the entropy changing creates a gravitational field ; and this phenomenon is described by the
equation ;
Ξ΅ π›»× πΈ = ⎼ πœ•π‘†βˆ•πœ•π‘₯
Now we can derive a unique relation between stress-energy tensor and entropy which is the core of this paper ;
from equation(5) we find ;
𝑓 = ⎼ (π›»× π‘†) Οβˆ•Ξ΅
( f ) force density , ( ρ ) mass-energy surface density . and from equation (3) ;
𝑓 = ⎼ (π›»× π‘†)× π‘† Ο±βˆ•Ξ΅
( Ο± ) temperature surface density . From curl identity ;
½ 𝛻𝑆2 = (π›»× π‘†)× π‘† + (𝛻. 𝑆) 𝑆
𝑓 = ((𝛻. 𝑆) 𝑆 ⎼ ½ 𝛻𝑆2 ) Ο±βˆ•Ξ΅
Finally the stress-energy tensor that describes the interaction between the entropic force and the density and
flux of energy and momentum in spacetime ;
𝑇μν = ( 𝑆µ 𝑆ν ⎼ ½ Ξ΄µΞ½ 𝑆2 ) Ο±βˆ•Ξ΅
( Ξ΄µΞ½ ) the Kronecker delta , and from The Einstein field equation ;
𝐺µΞ½ = ΞΊ 𝑇µΞ½
( 𝐺µΞ½ ) the Einstein tensor; this equation represents the interaction between spacetime curvature and the
entropy and the result that gravity is an emergent phenomenon from physical systems tendency to increase their
2 The derivation of Maxwell’s equations ;
To unify the electromagnetic force with gravity, from the entropic origin , I will assume that the
electromagnetic field intensity is depend on the distance of the displacement of matter by an entropic force ,
then ;
(e,c,k) constants ;the electron charge, the speed of light, and the rate constant . (E , B) the electric and
magnetic fields. (x) the distance , so ;
π‘₯2 + 𝑦2 + 𝑧2 = 𝑐2 𝑑2 + Ξ±2 (𝐸2 + 𝑐2 𝐡2)
Where ( Ξ± = 𝑒/π‘˜ ) , this equation show us how the electromagnetic field is connected with space and time as
fifth dimension , and this extension of spacetime to five dimensions directly leads to the Maxwell equations as in
Kaluza–Klein theory .
References ;
[1] J.D. Bekenstein, Black holes and entropy, Phys. Rev. D 7 (1973) 2333.
[2] J.M. Bardeen, B. Carter and S.W. Hawking, The Four laws of black hole mechanics,
Commun. Math. Phys. 31 (1973) 161.
[3] S.W. Hawking, Particle Creation by Black Holes, Commun. Math. Phys. 43 (1975) 199.
[4] E.P. Verlinde, On the Origin of Gravity and the Laws of Newton, JHEP 04, 29 (2011).