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Astronomy 1001
Mark your answers on this test as you will NOT get your bubble sheet back.
One page of notes is allowed. Calculators are NOT allowed.
Fill in your name and ID number on the bubble sheet.
Use a #2 pencil on the bubble sheet. Make your bubbles dark and neat.
These tests will be available for pick up in my office M-F, 10am-4pm after July 15th and until July 22nd.
After this period of time you'll need to email me to set up a time to pick up your test.
There are 10 T/F questions each worth 2 pts., 40 multiple choice questions each worth 5 pts. and
your choice of 5 (out of 8 ) long answer questions worth 16 pts. each.
True/False ( True = A, False = B , worth 2 pts each)
1. Increasing the density of a cloud makes it easier to form stars there
2. A Red Giant's surface is hotter than its Main Sequence progenitor
3. Sunspots would appear bright if they were separated from the rest of the Sun's surface
4. Neutron stars are supported by electron degeneracy pressure
5. Dark places in nebula are dark because there is a lack of stars there
6. Accretion disks around Neutron stars won't always “spin-up” the star
7. F type stars are the coolest (temperature-wise)
8. If you know apparent brightness and luminosity you can find a star's distance
9. Stars farther away have larger parallax angles
10. Massive stars of any age are always hotter than low mass stars
Multiple Choice (worth 5 pts each) choose the BEST answer
11. A lightyear is
A) the time light takes to travel one parsec
B) the distance light travels in a year
C) the energy light gives off in a year
D) the time light takes to travel 3.26 parsecs
E) a year with a 1/3 less sugar
12.The dimmest star you can see with your naked eye is:
A) 0th Magnitude
B) 2nd Magnitude
C) 4th Magnitude
D) 6th Magnitude
E) 8th Magnitude
13. A brown dwarf is:
A) a gaseous object without enough mass to complete fusion
B) a protostar
C) any extra-solar planet larger than Jupiter
D) a dead star
E) a dwarf planet like Pluto
14. What is the current best estimate for the age of the universe?
A) 13.7 million years
B) as old as the Earth
C) 13.7 billion years
D) as old as the Sun
E) infinitely old (the universe has no beginning)
15. Stars show this type of spectra
A) Absorption
B) Emission
C) Continuous
D) Supernatural
E) None of the Above
16. The nightly motion of stars across the sky is due to:
A) revolution about the Sun
B) rotation of the celestial sphere around the Earth
C) precession
D) rotation of the Earth on its axis
E) gravitational pull of the Moon and stars
17. What is a Red Giant star doing in its interior?
A) Burning Hydrogen in its core
B) Burning Hydrogen in a shell
C) Burning Helium in its core and Hydrogen and in its shell
D) Burning Helium and Hydrogen in shells
E) Burning Carbon in the core
18. Which of the following is NOT true about black holes:
A) the closer you are to a black hole the slower time passes for you to an outside observer
B) light can not escape them
C) because of their immense density they can always suck in anything
D) light is redshifted while leaving the potential well
E) we have no knowledge of what happens beyond the Schwartzchild radius
19. What characteristic is most fundamental in determining the star's evolution?
A) initial temperature
B) initial location
C) initial luminosity
D) initial color
E) initial mass
20. Which is the closest in size to a White Dwarf?
A) the Sun
B) Jupiter
C) Earth
D) a small city (~10 km)
E) a car
21.The force of the Sun's gravity on the Earth is:
A) the cause of Earthquakes
B) greater than the force of the Earth's gravity on the Sun
C) negligible during Spring Equinoxes
D) decreasing over time, causing Earth's rotation to slow
E) equal to the force of the Earth's gravity on the Sun
22. The main sequence lifetime of a solar mass star is _____ years
A) 4.5 million years
B) 10 million years
C) 4.5 billion years
D) 10 billion years
E) none of the above
23. The stellar spectral sequence is:
24. Hydrostatic equilibrium is the balance of gravity and:
A) temperature
B) pressure
C) density
D) energy
E) heat
25. The first four elements in the sequence of fusion is:
A) Oxygen, Neon, Hydrogen, Helium
B) Helium, Carbon, Neon, Oxygen
C) Hydrogen, Helium, Oxygen, Carbon
D) Helium, Carbon, Oxygen, Neon
E) Hydrogen, Helium, Carbon, Oxygen
26. What is the end product of a Solar mass star?
A) A supernova
B) Red Giant
C) White Dwarf
D) a blackhole
E) none of the above
27. The evolution of a Solar Mass star is:
A) Main Sequence, Red Giant, Horizontal Branch, AGB, Planetary Nebula, White Dwarf
B) Main Sequence, Red Giant,ABG, Horizontal Branch, Planetary Nebula, White Dwarf
C) Main Sequence, AGB, Horizontal Branch, Red Giant, Planetary Nebula, White Dwarf
D) Main Sequence, Horizontal Branch, AGB, Red Giant, Planetary Nebula, White Dwarf
E) Main Sequence, AGB, Horizontal Branch, Red Giant, Planetary Nebula, Brown Dwarf
28. You see a blue and a red star, what can you say about these stars?
A) the red star is less massive than the blue star
B) the red star is more massive than the blue star
C) the blue star is farther than the red star
D) the blue star is hotter than the red star
E) the blue star is cooler than the red star
29. UV is:
A) a high mass particle
B) a high frequency light
C) a faster than light particle
D) a low frequency light
E) slower than visible light
30. How old is the Earth?
A) As old as the Universe
B) Older than the Sun
C) 4.5 billion years
D) 4.5 trillion years
E) impossible to tell
31. Which is closest in size to a Neutron star?
A) the Sun
B) Jupiter
C) Earth
D) a small city (~10 km)
E) a car
32. Which is oldest?
A) M15 a globular cluster
B) The Solar System
C) Betelgeuse – a red supergiant
D) The Sun
E) You
33. What causes the radio pulses of a pulsar?
A) the star vibrates
B) the star spins and beams of radio waves cross the Earth periodically
C) the star accretes matter causing periodic runaway fusion that we observe as pulses
D) the star's binary companion periodically blocks the pulsar's constant radio emission
E) a black hole near the star absorbs the pulsar's energy and remits it as radio waves
34. The wavelength at which a blackbody emits the most energy is dependent on:
A) temperature
B) composition
C) density
D) size (radius)
E) mass
35. Clusters of stars are useful to study because they have the same:
A) distance
B) age
C) composition
D) all of the above
E) none of the above
36. Elements heavier than Iron are formed in:
A) the Big Bang
B) Galaxy collisions
C) star collisions
D) low mass stars
E) massive stars
37. When we observe very distant galaxies we are also
A) observing the very beginning of the universe
B) observing the very end of the universe
C) observing the past
D) observing the future
E) none of the above
38. What is meant by the “critical density” of the universe?
A) the density separating a collapsing and infinitely expanding universe
B) the minimum density that the universe needs to form stars
C) the average density of space between galaxies
D) the average density of space between stars
E) the minimum density that the universe needs to form galaxies
39. Why do other galaxies appear to be moving away from our own?
A) Our own galaxy is near the center of the Universe
B) Our galaxy bends light from these galaxies to make it appear that they are moving away
C) It just so happens that we are located where the big bang took place
D) Dark Energy is expanding the Universe
E) expansion of the universe means nearly all galaxies are all moving away from each other
40. The Milky Way is a:
A) a giant elliptical galaxy
B) an irregular galaxy
C) a spiral galaxy
D) a quasar
E) dwarf elliptical galaxy
41. What element is the end of massive stellar fusion?
A) Hydrogen
B) Iron
C) Carbon
D) Helium
E) Superawesomium
42. Evidence for Dark Matter comes from:
A) absorption of starlight
B) the expansion of the universe
C) black holes
D) rotation speed of objects in galaxies
E) the cosmic microwave background
43. The position of the Sun in the Milky way was determined by Shapley's observations of:
A) novae
B) blackholes
C) giant molecular clouds
D) open clusters
E) globular clusters
44. If the Moon is rising at sunset, what phase is it?
A) New Moon
B) Full Moon
C) 1st Quarter
D) 3rd Quarter
E) the Moon never rises at sunset
45. A solar eclipse occurs when:
A) The Moon's shadow falls on the Earth
B) The Earth's shadow falls on the Moon
C) The Sun's shadow falls on the Earth
D) The Moon's shadow falls on the Sun
E) The Earth's shadow falls on the Sun
46. Compared to the Terrestrial planets, Jovian planets are typically:
A) more massive
B) less dense
C) closer to the Sun
D) all of the above
E) A and B
47. The oldest stars in the Milky Way are about 12 billion years old. This suggests that:
A) About a billion years elapsed before stars formed in the Universe
B) The Sun is not a first generation star
C) These old stars have low levels of heavy elements
D) all of the above
E) none of the above
48. When was the Cosmic Microwave Background formed?
A) the Plank Era
B) during matter and anti-matter annihilation
C) during the recombination of nuclei and electrons
D) after the formation of the first stars
E) during the final stages of galaxy formation
49. The second most abundant element in the universe is:
A) Hydrogen
B) Helium
C) Carbon
D) Neon
E) Oxygen
50. What is the current temperature of the universe?
A) 3,000 K
B) 500 K
C) 3 K
D) 50 K
E) absolute zero
Short Answer (pick 5, worth 16 pts each)
Draw the two main types of telescopes and label them and their parts. Be sure to include sample light
Provide and explain 4 pieces of evidence that the Earth is round and moving. (The 4 pieces can be for
roundness or moving or both)
Explain why planets don't fall into the Sun. What does an object have to do to go into orbit?
Use pictures to describe the three types of spectra and how they are produced (think smiley faces).
Draw and label an H-R diagram. Be sure to label the axes (indicate where larger and smaller values
are), the main sequence, the giants, super giants, white dwarfs and the location of the Sun.
Explain in at least 6 steps how an oxygen atom currently in your brain got there. Start with the Big
Draw and label the 3 main parts of the Milky Way. Indicate where the following objects are most likely
to be found: metals, dust, young stars, globular clusters, the supermassive blackhole, old stars, gas and
open clusters.
Explain how Dark Matter was discovered. Include a description of at least two different lines of
evidence for Dark Matter. It may help to draw a graph (with a certain curve) and perhaps picture(s).