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Subtidal Zone
 Found all over the world on the coastlines, often found where there is rocky gravel and moderate to strong
tidal currents.
 The area that’s known as the subtidal zone ranges from the lowest low tide to the beginning edge of the
continental shelf at a depth of 200m
Abiotic Features
 This environment is like being put in a washing machine on the heavy wash cycle filled with rocks and icy
 Waves bring in nutrients
 Exposed to direct sunlight at low and extremely low tides
 Temperature , water pressure, salinity levels, and sunlight radiation remain pretty constant
 Somewhat protected from predators like fish as the water is shallow and there is constant wave action
Biotic Features
Grazers such as:
Sea weed - producer
Algae - producer
Kelp - producer
Filter feeders such as:
Sea urchins
 A lot of the animals in this zone are decomposers, they feed on decaying plants and animals and also on
plankton ex: mussels
 In this zone there are also grazers that feed on algae ex: sea urchins
 There are also predators that feed on filter feeding animals and grazers
starfish, crabs
 Sea stars can stick to rocks so they don’t wash away with the waves Marine plants such as sea weed
provide protection and food
 Some creature find crevices to protect them from waves
 Can tolerate exposure to air for short periods of time
 Bioluminescence and camouflage is used to hide as many predators visually forage in this zone
(human impact)
 Pollution like oils, pesticides, and household chemicals
Construction activities in or near the area can possibly cause damage
Rocky Shore intertidal
Abiotic things in my rocky shore, Kelp, Barnacles, Seaweed,
everything in an ecosystem feeds off each other, it is a
continuous cycle. Biotic living things in my ecosystem is rock
crab, seals, sea lions, snails, crab, starfish. All species have
different times of the year to adapt to different things, if 2
species are fighting for a certain food it is going to push a one
or the other away from that particular area and migrate
further somewhere else. It is hard for some species to adapt
to the area they are in because the lack of food. When the
winter comes along and water cools down and ice plays a
big factor in the life of all species in the ecosystem they need
to adapt to the colder water and same in summer, needing to
adapt to the warmer water.
Climate/Weather – Due to being in a tropical climate the weather can change very drastically from calm
waters to tsunamis or hurricanes. Usually the average climate temperature is 22 °c or higher.
Salinity and Water Levels – Mangrove Forests can only be found in waters with high salinity (average
being about 34.5%) while they also require between 1.5 - 8 feet of water in order to exist.
Snails would be the herbivorous consumers and decomposers within this ecosystem as they eat dead
along with living plant live. Triplefin fish are the 1st carnivorous consumers as they consume the
herbivorous consumers and reducing bacteria. Kahawai fish would be the 2nd level carnivores as they
eat smaller fish such as the triplefin along with herbivorous consumers. The heron would be the apex
predator which is able to consume any of the animals within this ecosystem although will probably focus
more on consuming the carnivores underneath its rank.
Mangrove trees make adaptations when it comes to low oxygen, for example red mangrove trees use
their roots to lift themselves up over the water level in order to absorb air through the pores in their
bark, while black mangrove trees are found on higher ground and have their roots sticking out of the soil
in order to take in air.
Mangroves also have to adapt to limiting salt intake along with limiting water loss. They limit salt intake
by using what's called a "sacrificial leaf" which absorb the salt from going inside the mangrove, and
limits water loss by restricting the opening of the pores on the leafs surface along with making their
leaves avoid the sun during midday to lessen the amount of evaporation from the leaves.
The deep sea floor is the lowest layer in the ocean. Located in the benthic zone.
Abiotic features
There is little or no light that is visible in this part of the ocean. Photosynthesis is not possible in this area
so most of the organisms that live there rely on organic matter that is produced in the photic zone.
In this area organisms experience extremely high pressure.
Deep ocean water has very low temperatures. Temperatures vary from 4°C to -1°C.
Biotic features
Krill Shrimp
Many Krill are filter feeders. They feed mainly on phytoplankton. They are near the bottom of the food
Deposit feeders
Deposit feeders are organisms that eat organic material that fall from the upper zones
An important adaptation is not to be seen too easily. Many animals have transparent bodies or have
silver sides that act as mirrors to help them hide from predators. At the deeper layers, the animals are a
dark red, black or brown color. These colors don’t reflect the blue color of most bioluminescence.
.Another adaptation would be that some animals have very large eyes to catch any small amount of
Hydrothermal vent
What is a hydrothermal vent?
Hydrothermal vent is an opening in the sea floor that heated mineral water flows through. They
are found far from shore and are found deep under the water on the seafloor along the mid-ocean
ridges. Common oceans they are found in are East Pacific Rise and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
-Unique things about hydrothermal vents
Hydrothermal vents are deep underwater in the aphotic zone. Organisms at this depths in the sea
depend on bacteria that are able to convert sulfur that can be used as energy. Most hydrothermal
vents are found at an average depth of about 2100 meters down on the ocean floor.
-Some creatures that live in hydrothermal vent ecosystems
Deep-sea pompeii worms are large worms that tolerate extreme hot temperatures. They
live on hydrothermal vent chimneys.
Hydrothermal vent crabs live on the shell of a vent mussel. Hydrothermal vent octopus
live near black smokers. They’re carnivores and they eat the smaller creatures that thrive
Hydrothermal vent limpets live on the shell of the vent mussels.
What do they eat and what eats them?
What adaptations to the environment have the organisms made?
Hydrothermal vents had to adapt to being aphotic, extreme cold temperatures and living in high
Vent bacteria is bacteria around hydrothermal vents that are almost everything: rocks, the
sea floor, even the inside of animals like mussels. The oddest and toughest bacteria are
the thermophiles.
The vent octopus are different from other octopus because of the adaptations they have
had to make to the deep sea. They don’t have an ink sac and their eyes have no iris.
Vent shrimp don’t live that long, they farm their own bacteria in their gills and they hover
around the vent water.
Zoarcid fish live near tubeworms and mussels near the hydrothermal vents. They are the
top predators of their ecosystem, they are carnivores and they predation on tube worms or
on crabs. They are 2 feet long and they move really slow.
Open Ocean Notes:
By: Terry and Clarisse
The open ocean biome is located in the oceanic zone which is passed the continental
shelf.-The open ocean covers ¾ of the earths surface.
- 65% of the ocean is passed the continental shelf in the oceanic zone.
-Examples of animals that live in the indian ocean in the open ocean zone are the
Great White Shark, Bottlenose Dolphins, Blue Whale, Clown Anemonefish, Green Turtles
and the Sapphire Devil ( Blue Devil).
- The indian ocean consumes 20% of the worlds water.
Examples of animals that live in the Pacific Ocean are
-Sea Otter
-Yellow Eyed Rockfish
- Reef Triggerfish
- Pacific White Sided Dolphin
-Lagoon Triggerfish
 The Pacific Ocean is the Largest of all the oceans.
 The pacific ocean covers 46% of the of the earth's water surface
Examples of Animals that live in the Atlantic Ocean are
 Manatee
 Humpback Whale
 Sea Lion
 The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest Ocean of all the oceans.
 The Atlantic Ocean covers 29% of the earth's water surface.
Examples of animals that live in the Southern ocean are
 Weddell Seal
 Orcas
 Rockhopper Penguin
 Antarctic shag
 The Southern Ocean is the Fourth-Largest Oceans out of the Five principal Oceanic
The kinds of animals that live in the Arctic Ocean are
 Beluga whale
 Bowhead Whale
 The Arctic Ocean the smallest of the world's five major oceans.
 The Arctic ocean covers 5% of the earth’s water surface.