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What is Biotherapeutic DrainageTM?
Before we discuss biotherapeutic drainageTM, we must first discuss the term “emunctories”. The term comes from the Latin root, ēmungere, for wiping or cleansing, and describes an organ or duct that removes or carries waste from the body. Most simply, an emunctory is a route of elimination. The body’s normal physiological function is capable of removing all of the waste products produced by its own metabolic processes (endogenous waste) plus any accumulated wastes acquired from outside the body (exogenous toxins). Some examples of exogenous toxins are cigarette smoke, pesticides, heavy metals, chemicals in plastics, building materials and cleaning products etc.
All of our body’s cells produce metabolic waste. This waste is discharged into the body’s tissues and from there it is routed into the blood stream. The blood then passes through the liver where these waste products, which are toxic to the body if retained, are filtered out and modified into a form where they can be eliminated by the body through one or more of the primary emunctories. The natural routes of elimination (primary emunctories) are:
Sweating through the skin
Solid waste through the intestines
Liquid waste through the kidney and urinary bladder
Gaseous waste through the lungs
Insufficient elimination is at the base of any pathology. With insufficient elimination, the wastes/toxins accumulate in the body. If this occurs, then the secondary excretory organs (emunctories) kick in to attempt elimination. However, these secondary emunctories are not as efficient at elimination as the primary emunctories.
The secondary emunctories include:
the skin itself the mucous membranes of the:
o Urogenital tract
o Respiratory tract
o Gastrointestinal tract
If these secondary routes are stopped from eliminating, then wastes/toxins will continue to accumulate in the tissues, leading to more serious disease.
How well your body handles its endogenous and exogenous waste/toxins is determined by: 
Your genetic makeup
Your diet & nutritional status
Your lifestyle & individual exposures
Your history of antibiotic or drug use
Your emotional well‐being
301 N. Posey St., Salem, IN 47167 phone/ fax 812­586­0453
Some explanations of terms:
Emunction is a passive process and is the natural result of the body’s optimized physiological function. By contrast, detoxification is an external force imposed on the body to drive out impurities. Its methods (IV chelation, vitamin & mineral replacement, exercise, extensive deep heat dry sauna, etc.) can often exceed the physiologic limits of the body.
Then there is drainage. The late Dr. Gerard Gueniot described drainage as, “A physiological action that facilitates the organism to eliminate toxins, without aggression or forcing the body to eliminate beyond its physiologic limits.” Drainage facilitates the body’s elimination of waste products via its emunctories. It is also referred to as “physiologic detoxification”, meaning ‘of or consistent with an organism’s normal functioning’. Cells release wastes and toxins into the surrounding tissues. Drainage is the process ensuring that these wastes and toxins are carried by blood and lymph out of cells and tissues toward the excretory organs called emunctories for their elimination.
From Natural Medecine to a Medecine of the Individual, Dr. Gerard Gueniot with Dr. Pierre Tondelier, Editions Amyris, 2010
As Dr. Ginger Nash, ND has noted, “The implications of drainage for health and healing are enormous. The body's ability to properly eliminate plays a large part in determining the status of health.”
Drainage Remedies:
The UNDA numbers are made from plant and mineral substances prepared in low potency homeopathic dilutions (see my article, ‘What is Homeopathy’). The UNDA Numbered Compounds are a unique combination of homeopathic formulas that were developed for Biotherapeutic DrainageTM. They are formulated in Belgium and have been in use since the 1930s. The UNDA Numbered Compounds are an extremely safe and effective method of detoxification at a cellular level. They respect the body’s capacity to dislodge, remove, process and excrete toxins without overburdening the body. The UNDA Numbered Compounds are unique in that they combine dilute forms of plants and minerals which create a dual action: the plants guide the remedy to the appropriate organ system and the minerals are co‐
factors for enzymes of that organ. These remedies are typically used in combinations of 3 to target the organs that your practitioner determines are in need of support. – Seroyal
UNDA Numbers are a safe and gentle supportive therapy. They can be used with a newborn baby right up through advanced old age. They will not interfere with any other treatments/therapies being employed, whether conventional medicine (including chemotherapy) or naturopathic therapies. They are usually used in groups of 3 ‐ 4 at a time and the therapeutic duration of their employment can be anywhere from 1 to several months. Dr. Ginger Nash, ND notes:
Homeopathic remedies are extremely safe and non‐toxic but immensely potent medicines. As such, they have profound implications for virtually all states of disease, or imbalance, in the body… The UNDA compounds are unique in that they combine diluted forms of plants and minerals, which give them a dual action. The plant part 301 N. Posey St., Salem, IN 47167 phone/ fax 812­586­0453
of the medicine (or remedy as we say in homeopathic terms) has an affinity for certain organ systems in the body. For example, the plant Chelidonium majus has an affinity for the liver whereas the plant Cratageus oxycantha has an affinity for the heart and cardiovascular system. The plants also possess unique characteristics in terms of the way they affect an organ or organ system. For example some plants may have a stimulating action whereas others will calm or sedate an organ's function. The minerals in the compound have an effect on the way our cells carry out chemical reactions. Basically, every cell in our body is like a tiny, individual engine. Engines process different reactions and then eliminate the waste products left over from their work. Different metals enable the cells to carry out their functions. When used in homeopathic dilutions this is an energetic stimulus.
So the plants guide the remedy to the appropriate organ system, be it digestive, cardiovascular or respiratory, and the minerals help change the way the cells are biochemically functioning. Because this is the case, these remedies are actually helping the body detoxify by helping all the individual engines (our cells) work more efficiently, especially with regard to eliminating waste effectively…Homeopathic medicines are regulated through the Food and Drug Administration and each product is assigned a National Drug Code (NDC) number. The specific indications you see on each compound are part of the regulatory process. Please note however, that the compounds cover many more things than what is written on the box.
Biotherapeutic DrainageTM can be achieved with products* which facilitate drainage on the intracellular level. These include:
UNDA numbers
trace or oligo elements (minerals in precisely measured low doses)
Schuessler (Tissue) Salts
Gemmotherapy, (sometimes called Phytoembryotherapy). Beyond drainage, Gemmotherapy remedies build up the function of organs and therefore encourage more efficient elimination of toxins.
Key points about drainage:
Works at an intracellular level due to homeopathic remedy potency.
Facilitates restoration of cellular physiological function, by providing the key for elimination of the cell’s wastes/ toxins, thereby helping the body to normalize the physiological function of its organs.
Can be done in combination with other remedies and is not contraindicated with pharmaceutical medications  It is good to make sure that the emunctories are open and able to handle the waste that drainage will facilitate. Ways to support and open the emunctories are: eating enough fiber, drinking sufficient water, doing extra self‐care in the form of castor oil packs and dry skin brushing (see my handouts), deep belly breathing in fresh outside air and moving your body (normal daily exercise). Depending on your individual situation, dietary changes may be helpful. Getting adequate sleep is also very important to the drainage process; this is the body’s down‐time during which there is decreased metabolic activity and thus less build‐up of waste. It is a time of passive drainage and cleansing, and the time during which the most healing takes place.
*For more information on drainage products:
301 N. Posey St., Salem, IN 47167 phone/ fax 812­586­0453
1. Homeopathy – see my article, ‘What is Homeopathy’. 2. Biotherapeutic DrainageTM products and remedies – go to:
Resources used:
History of the Emunctories; Thomas A. Kruzel, ND ©Thomas Kruzel, ND; National College of Natural Medicine & Foundations of Naturopathic Medicine Project
Emunctories as a Complex Functional System ; Thomas A. Kruzel, ND ©Thomas Kruzel, ND; National College of Natural Medicine & Foundations of Naturopathic Medicine Project
Biotherapeutic Drainage & UNDA Numbered Compounds; series presented by Dr. Dickson Thom ND, DDS. Series presented January 27 – April 7, 2016.
Ginger Nash, ND; 2011 lecture in Toronto, ON, Canada
Common questions; Ginger Nash, ND,
Biotherapeutic Drainage Detoxification & Biotherapeutic Drainage; ©2014 Seroyal
301 N. Posey St., Salem, IN 47167 phone/ fax 812­586­0453