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Tapas Acupressure Technique®, also known as TAT®
2016 classes are 6pm to 7:30 pm (summertime hours) in our UT
IMIH lobby.
Combining classes and class-series is recommended.
For example, Physical Concerns (3-series), Long-term Dietary Changes (2series), and Eating with Purpose...& Joy (2-series) could be combined for
more comprehensive support in altering dietary lifestyle habits.
Physical Concerns ~ June 2nd, 16th and 30th three-series class
meetings (over a 5-week period) – not sold separately.
Unfamiliar changes in our bodies, inner dialogue, bad experiences of loved
ones, and media of all sorts, can trigger less-than-ideal responses on our
body-mind energies when facing injury, disease, or even just aging.
Fortunately we can be aware of, cultivate, and re-focus the energy around
any physical concern in ways that optimize response for quality of life and
even medical intervention, using TAT® skills.
To ensure that each participant can connect their unique concerns to the
acupressure process that we do together, enrollment for this will be very
As always, sharing in the group is not necessary for participation or
We will meet every other week for three classes together. Special
attention will be given to the time to hone your own acupressure skills
between the class meetings.
You must have had at least one individual acupressure session with Terry
to enroll.
Physical concerns can also include over-eating or a sense of lack of choice
around what we are eating. You can also work with recurring negative
thoughts about disease when no disease has been diagnosed.
Walking the SMART Walk ~ one evening only June 09th
This class will support us in making second nature whatever practices from
the Stress Management and Resilience Training you find most challenging,
or, most useful - such as forgiveness, compassion with difficult situations,
or gratitude.
You can apply TAT® to your SMART practices at any stage of your
personal development with them, even if you feel you have gotten
completely out of practice with the material.
You must have had at least one individual acupressure session with Terry
to enroll. As always, sharing in the group is not necessary for participation
or efficacy.
Overwhelm on the Information Super Highway
~ one evening only June 23rd
Tired of being faced with a new phone, the umpteenth password, updates,
details, changes, deadlines, latest information in your profession, along
with working out what to eat tonight, and your loved ones important
events? Is it just too much and all the time?
We will use TAT® to tame the stress and hone discrimination in prioritizing
and meeting standards in a way that feels appropriate and supportive to
This class may also fit for you if you are noticing other forms of ‘burn-out’
not necessarily related to learning-overload.
You must have had at least one individual acupressure session with Terry
to enroll. As always, sharing in the group is not necessary for participation
or efficacy.
Caretaker Stress ~ Jul 21st & 28th
Who is taking care of you while you take care of others?
Whether you are a professional care-giver, the default care-giver in a living
situation, or it's just your nature to take care of others, there can
sometimes be negative impacts at various stages in your life and theirs.
This class will support us in appreciating the energy of our interactions and
gifts, as well as understanding deep care for ourselves and relieving
chronic stress. Giving and receiving are both parts to the same equations.
The two classes are offered as a set and not sold separately. Optional
homework in between.
You must have had at least one individual acupressure session with Terry
to enroll. As always, sharing in the group is not necessary for participation
or efficacy.
Long-term Dietary Changes ~ August 18th & 25th
Astronomers recently detected previously only hypothesized gravitational
waves and yes, it is possible to alter the energy patterns of falling back to
too much food, or drinks, or, sugar – especially when it compounds
unwanted alterations in our health.
This class supports us aligning energy in ourselves that may split our
intention of ease with preferred dietary habits.
This class may also fit for you if you have been successful with shorter
term eating goals yet experience reactions like deprivation and persistent
sense of unwillingness. ( Class focus is not suitable for those already in a
very lean body fat percentage category.)
The two classes are offered as a set and not sold separately. There will be
optional homework.
You must have had at least one individual acupressure session with Terry
to enroll. As always, sharing in the group is not necessary for participation
or efficacy.
Eating with Purpose ...& Joy! ~ dates TBA early fall
It can be very useful at times to eat for specific health reasons un-related
to all the social, cultural, and chemical ties energetically linked to many
foods. If you find yourself following dietary restrictions with a sense of
joylessness, or even dread, you may be missing out on the essential value
of what you are eating. Or, if you find that a __{name a certain food}_
seems to have more power than you do in your own life, this class will
support us in a sense of actual choice.