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Nutrition Guide
‘You are what you eat’
Our body NEEDS nutrients, both macro (Fats, carbs, Protein) and Micro (vitamins, phyto nutrients, minerals).
Without these our bodies will begin to breakdown, fail to perform at optimum standards and enhance our risk of
When we exercise we break down our muscle tissue, and when we rest and sleep it is our bodies ‘clean and
rebuild’ period. If we do not provide the materials and time for our body to complete the ‘clean and rebuild’
phase then we will end up overtraining and experiencing burnouts.
Follow these basic guide lines to set the foundations for a good diet.
Always eat a nutritious breakfast. This does not mean you have to be up at 6am eating steak and eggs, it
just means your first meal of the day must contain the necessary nutrients to facilitate growth and
provide energy.
Try to stick to foods from natural sources at least 90% of the time. Which means meats, fruits, veg, oils
and grains.
ALWAYS include: protein, fat, vegetables.
Include carbohydrates before and after exercise or with every meal if you are an ectomorph.
Increase carbohydrate intake pre and post exercise.
The more you do, the more you eat.
Consider your body type before you try a specific diet.
Life is a balance. Don’t feel you have to eliminate anything from your diet. As long as you are consuming
a diet rich in a variety of nutrients and do not have adverse reactions to certain foods, there is nothing
wrong with indulging with certain things. Just do not be excessive with anything. Skipping breakfast and
having ice cream for lunch and dinner is obviously not a good thing its all about..
DISCLAIMER: There is no such thing as an umbrella prescription when it comes to nutrition. Each and everyone of
us has different energy demands and our bodies can and will fluctuate with what it can tolerate and what it cannot.
This is simply a guide. Not the gospel. Take the advice and implement it at will. If severe problems occur or weight
continues to increase despite healthy options in your diet and increases in exercise it is advisable to seek the help
of a physician or dietician.
So what does a Nutritious Meal contain?
Below are good sources of the macronutrients
Fats (poly, mono,
saturated) never trans.
Lean Red meat
Fish (salmon)
Cottage cheese
Protein powder
Whole fat plain
Greek yogurt
Olive oil
Raw Nuts
Organic butter
Coconut oil
Meat fat
Flax seeds/ oil.
Brown rice
Mixed beans
Sweet potatoes
Whole grains/
Lots of water and then some more water,
green tea and other variations of tea. There is
little to no need to consume sports drinks
unless extra calories are needed or the
exercise exceeds 1.5 hours.
Include a portion in every meal!
Veg and fruit
Cruciferous vegetabes
such as broccoli,
ccabbage, cauliflower.
Mixed berries
Your body type helps you decide what to eat.
Spiderman, Superman and the Hulk are all different and as such respond differently to
certain foods. Spiderman can tolerate more carbohydrates than the hulk and will generally
burn more energy. It will appear he can eat what he wants without gaining much weight,
however if he does not eat the right foods, he will never build a strong body. That’s why it is
important to still eat a good balance of all the foods mentioned above. The Hulk will find it
easy to gain weight and store fat, which is why it’s important for him to control what he
eats and consume less carbohydrates and sugars than the other two. Superman, has the
best of both worlds and has a good tolerance of carbs and naturally builds muscle.
What superhero do you mostly look like?
The important thing is to stick to a diet that is rich in variety and contains lots of nutrients.
You can bring out your best without the need to concern yourself too much about what
type macronutrients (carbs, fats, proteins) you are eating. However, if you are trying to lose
a little weight, first concentrate on extra exercise and then combine this with reducing
simple carbohydrates (i.e. sugar dense food, like candy etc) with a general reduction in
what you are eating (burn more energy than you consume and you will lose weight).
However, it is very important not to consume too little as your body will think you are
starving and hold on to as much as it can.
Again I come back to balance. Eat the right foods and your body will tell when it is hungry
and when you are full. By sticking to the guidelines above and consuming the foods listed
you too can take on superhuman powers and have the energy, strength and endurance to
become your best.
Energy Expenditure
When we work out via running, exercise, soccer etc. we expend and use energy. The best way to replace this energy
and to ensure our body recovers and can meet the demands of our environment is to ensure we supply it with the
right type and amount of energy it requires.
Use the list above to put together different meals and use the pictures below to understand how much you should
be eating each meal. Always remember these are just guidelines helping you lead a healthier lifestyle, nothing is a
Portion control and how much to eat as individuals
Do not worry about counting calories. Your portions can be determined by the following Precision
Nutrition guidelines:
Protein: Men eat two palm sized portions of protein, women should aim for one.
Vegetables: Men eat two fist sized portions of vegetables, women eat one.
Carbohydrates: Men eat two palm sized portions, women should aim for one.
Fats: Men eat two palm sized portions of protein, women should aim for one.
As far as nutrition is concerned, eat food as close to its organic state as possible and ensure you are consuming
adequate amounts of each macronutrient as well as micronutrients. Follow these simple rules and your body will
respond positively
An example from my own food diary looks like this:
Meal and time
Multivitamin, 1000mg omega 3 fish oil.
4 eggs, scrambled, chopped handful of bacon, spinach, tomatoes
sprinkle of flax seed.
Two slices of flax bread, with organic butter.
Glass of water, and green tea.
Snack 9am.
Lunch 12pm
Shake: Banana, spinach, blueberries, protein powder, water, Super
Greens powder.
Sweet potato, steak, onions, asparagus, tomatoes. (cooked in the
morning or night before).
Snack 3pm
Turkey on whole grain wrap, with romaine lettuce, cucumber,
handful of feta cheese.
Dinner 6pm
Fish, Quinoa, red peppers, drizzled in lemon and olive oil. (cook
double portion and leave half for tomorrows lunch).
Pre bed snack 9pm.
(Training day) In bed
for 10.
Protein powder, handful of berries, whole milk, handful of spinach,
and flax seeds, blended.
Remember that this is from a day where I have exercised in the morning and played soccer in the evening and my
goal is to maintain my body weight from an ectomorph/ mesomorph.