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Psychology Chapter 2 Learning: Principles and Applications
LearningThree Basic Types of Learning
Classical Conditioning
Pavlov’s Experiment
Neutral StimulusUnconditioned StimulusUnconditioned ResponseConditioned StimulusConditioned ResponseClassical ConditioningGeneral Principles of Classical Conditioning
Simultaneous ConditioningGeneralizationDiscriminationExtinctionClassical Conditioning and Human Behavior
Taste AversionsJohn Garcia and R.A. KoellingOperant Conditioning
Operant ConditioningReinforcement
B.F. SkinnerReinforcementExamples of Reinforcers-
Schedules of Reinforcement
Continuous SchedulePartial ScheduleFour Basic Intermittent Schedules
1. Fixed-ratio Schedule2. Variable-ratio Schedule3. Fixed-interval Schedule4. Variable-interval ScheduleStimulus Control
Secondary ReinforcerExamplePrimary ReinforcersExampleAversive Control
Aversive ControlNegative ReinforcementTwo Types of Negative Reinforcement
1. Escape Conditioning2. Avoidance ConditioningPunishmentDisadvantages of Aversive Control
Factors that Affect Learning
FeedbackTransferPositive Transfer-
Negative TransferPracticeMental PracticeLearning Strategies
Learning to Learn
Harry HarlowLearned Helplessness and Laziness
Learned LazinessLearned HelplessnessMartin SeligmanThree Elements of Learned Helplessness
1. Stability2. Globility3. InternalityLearning Complicated Skills
ShapingCombining Responses: Chaining
Response ChainsExampleResponse PatternsExampleModeling
ModelingObservational learningExampleDisinhibitionExample-
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