Download Unit E1 Day 8 Zero Product Property Day 1.notebook

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Unit E1 Day 8 Zero Product Property Day 1.notebook
January 18, 2017
Fun With Numbers!!!
Think about the following scenario. Someone tells you that you must choose an option for a contest:
Option 1: Your team is the best team in baseball. Your score in the contest is calculated by multiplying the number of runs that team scores in each game throughout the entire season.
Option 2: Your team is the worst team in baseball. Your score in the contest is calculated by adding the number of runs that team scores in each game throughout the entire season.
The option with the highest score at the end of the season wins. You get to pick your option, which one do you pick and why? Jun 1­8:18 PM
Unit E1 Day 8 Zero Product Property Day 1.notebook
January 18, 2017
Unit E1 Lesson 8
Learning Target: Factor a quadratic to find the zeros of the function.
Factor. 1) x2 ­ x ­ 30
2) 12a2b ­ 18ab2
3) 5n2 + 8n + 3
4) 4a2 ­ 20a + 25
5) x + 3 = 0
6) 3x ­ 5 = 0
Jun 2­4:00 PM
Unit E1 Day 8 Zero Product Property Day 1.notebook
January 18, 2017
When I solve a quadratic equation, what am I really finding?
The graph of a quadratic is a parabola ­­ you are finding where the parabola touches the x­axis
Jun 2­5:19 PM
Unit E1 Day 8 Zero Product Property Day 1.notebook
January 18, 2017
So...if I have something factored, like (x + 5)(2x ­ 3) = 0, think back to the baseball contest ­­ what happened to the score for the option where you multiplied when your team had a shutout?
What do we know if we are multiplying factors together and get an answer of 0?
This is because of what is known as the
So...either x + 5 = 0 or 2x ­ 3 = 0
Example: Match the function with its graph
1) y = (x + 4)(x ­ 1)
2) y = (x ­ 4)(x + 1)
3) y = (x ­ 4)(x ­ 1)
Jun 2­9:18 PM
Unit E1 Day 8 Zero Product Property Day 1.notebook
January 18, 2017
Examples: Find the solution(s) to the following quadratic equations:
1) x2 ­ x ­ 12 = 0
2) 4x2 + 12x + 9 = 0
3) 25a2 ­ 100 = 0
Jun 2­9:13 PM
Unit E1 Day 8 Zero Product Property Day 1.notebook
January 18, 2017
Examples: Find the root(s) to the following quadratic equations using factoring:
1) 6x2 ­ 18x ­ 18 = 6
2) 7x2 ­ 14x = ­7
Jun 2­9:34 PM
Unit E1 Day 8 Zero Product Property Day 1.notebook
January 18, 2017
Examples: Find the x­intercepts of the Quadratic Equations.
1) 5x2 ­ 44x + 120 = ­30 + 11x
2) ­4x2 ­ 8x ­ 3 = ­3 ­ 5x
Jun 2­9:36 PM
Unit E1 Day 8 Zero Product Property Day 1.notebook
January 18, 2017
Examples: Find the zeros of each function 1) y = (5x ­ 8)(5x + 8)
2) y = x2 + 9
Jun 2­9:40 PM
Unit E1 Day 8 Zero Product Property Day 1.notebook
January 18, 2017
Application Problem:
1) Joe’s rectangular garden is 6 meters
long and 4 meters wide.
A) He wishes to increase the area of his garden by adding
a strip of equal width all the way around the garden. Using
the figure below, show the addition to the garden and
label the width of the addition w.
4 m
6 m
B) When the addition is finished, the area of the garden is
48 m2. Write an equation that represents the total area
covered by the new, larger garden.
C) Solve for the width added to each side of the garden, w.
Assignment: Worksheet
Jun 4­8:41 AM