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B.Sc. (General) degree - Syllabus
Animal Diversity (ZOOL 12014)
Co- Requisite : ZOOL 12022
Introduction to animal kingdom
Classification of animals and principals of Nomenclature of animals
Structural organization and diverse modes of life found within the following groups of
animals Rhizopoda, Zoomastigina, Apicomplexa, Ciliophora Porifera, Cnidaria, Ctenophora,
Rotifera, Platihelminthes, Nematoda, Annelida, Onychophora, Arthropoda, Mollusca,
Echinodermata, Lophophorates, Hemichordata, Urochordata, Cephalochordata and Chordata
Evolutionary trends in different invertebrate and vertebrate groups
Adaptive radiation of different groups of vertebrates
Special emphasis will be given to Sri Lankan fauna wherever necessary
Animal Diversity Laboratory (ZOOL 12022)
Co Requisite: ZOOL 12014
This course incorporates laboratory work on the structural organization and functional
morphology of selected types of the following groups of animals:
Rhizopoda, Zoomastigina, Apicomplexa, Ciliophora Porifera, Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Rotifera,
Platihelminthes, Nematoda, Annelida, Onychophora, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata,
Lophophorates, Hemichordata,Urochordata, Cephalochordata and Chordata
Special emphasis will be given to Sri Lankan fauna
Animal Histology, Physiology and Development Biology (ZOOL
Co- Requisite: ZOOL 21022
Animal Histology: Main types of tissues and their origin: epithelial tissues, connective
tissues, muscle tissues and nervous tissues; cell junctions, histology of selected organ
systems of vertebrates with special reference to the human
Animal Physiology: Homeostasis, propagation and transmission of signals, sensory
mechanisms, muscle contraction, blood circulation, digestion and nutrition, immunity,
exchange of gases, osmoregulation, excretion and hormonal co-ordination with special
reference to the human.
Developmental Biology: Fertilization, cleavage, gastrulation, formation of primary organ
rudiments, organogenesis, growth and differentiation, signal molecules that control
development and growth; development of the human during pregnancy, prenatal diagnostic
Animal Histology, Physiology and Developmental Biology Laboratory
(ZOOL 21022)
Co-requisite: ZOOL 21014
Laboratory studies on main types of animal tissues and histological structure of selected
organ systems of animals with special reference to human and ontogenic development of
selected animal groups.
Laboratory experiments on reflexes, vision, hearing and equilibrium, muscle contraction,
cardiovascular physiology, respiration, digestion endocrine organs and excretion
Animal Ecology Zoogeography and Ethology (ZOOL 22034)
Co-Requisite: ZOOL 22042
Principals related to the structure and functioning of ecosystems, Introduction to population
ecology, Population regulation, Life history patterns, Interspecific interactions, Predation,
Competition, Niche, Resource partitioning, Species Diversity, Terrestrial ecosystems, Fresh
water ecosystems, Brackishwater ecosystems and Marine Ecosystems. Earth's mantle and
core, Plate tectonics and Continental drift, Animal maps and Zoogeographical regions,
Paleogeography, Evolution of animals, Migration and dispersal of plants and animals,
Barriers for dispersal, Land bridges, Island patterns, Continental islands, Present
biogeographic regions, Centers of origination and divergence of species, extinction of
species, Sri Lankan fauna and patterns of zoogeography
Introduction to animal behaviour, Basic elements in animal behaviour, Evolution and
description of behaviour, Convergence and divergence of behavioural patterns, Animal
communication, Instinct learning and memory, Aggression, Motivation and drive, Sexual
behaviour and parental care, Rhythms in animal behaviour including biological clocks,
migration, hibernation; Social organization in higher vertebrates; territoriality, dominant
hierarchical systems, altruism and kin selection.
Environmental issues in Sri Lanka, Environmental policy in Sri Lanka, Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA), Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems as a planning tool for
the conservation
Animal Ecology Laboratory (ZOOL 24042)
Co-requisite: ZOOL 22034
Sampling techniques for terrestrial, aerial, soil and aquatic animals, Study of soil
ecosystems, Diversity indices, Soil analysis, Estimation of the size of animal populations,
Determination of Physico-chemical parameters of water, Effect of temperature on animals,
Study of adaptations in brakishwater, freshwater and marine animals
Field studies on terrestrial, soil, freshwater, brackishwater and marine ecosystems,
statistical analysis of ecological data using software packages,
Use of GIS for defining zoning plans for conservation and management of biological
Case studies on conservation and management of biological resources
Ecology and Zoogeography (ZOOL 22053)
Co – Requisites ZOOL 12014
Principles related to the structure and functional of ecosystems, Introduction to the
population ecology, population growth, population regulation, life history patterns,
Interspecific interactions, Predation, Competition, Niche, resource partitioning, terrestrial
ecosystem, fresh water ecosystem, brackishwater ecosystems and marine ecosystems.
Earth’ s mantle and core, Plate tectonics and Continental drift, Animal maps and
Zoogeographical regions, Paleogeography, evolution of animals, Migration and dispersal of
plants and animals, barriers for dispersal, land bridges, island patterns, continental islands,
Present biogeographic regions, centers of originations and divergence of species, extinction
of species, Sri Lankan fauna and patterns of Zoogeography. Fundamentals of Geographic
Information systems as a planning tool for environmental conservation.
Fisheries Biology and Aquaculture (ZOOL31014)
Co-Requisite - ZOOL 31022
Fisheries Biology:Characteristics of fisheries, Fishing gear, Food and feeding of fish, Reproductive biology,
Basic principals of fisheries management, Fisheries and aquatic pollution, World fisheries,
Fisheries of Sri Lanka, Fish stocks and concept of unit stock, Age and growth of fish,
Natural, fishing and total mortalities, Methods of fish stock identification, Fish population
estimates, Surplus yield models of fish stock assessment, Dynamic pool models in fish stock
assessment, Semi-quantitative methods in fish stock assessment.
Aquaculture:Aquaculture systems, Desirable features of potential species for aquaculture, Site selection
and construction of culture facilities, Freshwater edible fin fish culture, Ornamental fish
culture and culture of freshwater aquarium plants, Brackishwater shrimp culture and fin fish
culture, mariculture of edible fin fish and mollusks. Breeding of selected species of edible
and ornamental fin fish and shrimp and nutrition of different development stages of these
species, Common viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic diseases of cultured fin fish and
Fisheries Biology and Aquaculture Laboratory (ZOOL 31022)
Co Requisite - ZOOL 31014
Edible fishes of Sri Lanka, Exotic species, Ornamental fish species, Age and growth of fish,
Morphometric and meristic studies of fish, Morphology in relation to food and feeding habits,
Reproductive biology, Fish stock assessment, Edible fin fish and shell fish used in
aquaculture, Commercially important ornamental fish and aquarium plants, Larval stages of
cultured shrimp and feeding regimes of shrimp larvae, Feed types used in aquaculture,
Breeding techniques and techniques used in integrated aquaculture, Common viral,
bacterial, fungal and parasitic diseases of cultured fin fish and shrimp
Fisheries and Aquaculture Management (ZOOL 31073)
Fisheries: Characteristics of fisheries, fishing gear, basic principles of fisheries
management, fisheries and aquatic pollution, world fisheries, fisheries of Sri Lanka; Surplus
yield model in fish stock assessment; Dynamic pool models in fish stock assessment; Semiquantitative methods in fish stock assessment.
Aquaculture: Aquaculture systems, site selection and construction of culture facilities;
Environmentally friendly freshwater edible fin fish culture, ornamental fish culture and
culture of freshwater aquarium plants, brackishwater shrimp culture and finfish culture,
mariculture of edible finfish and mollusk culture.
Applied Entomology and Plant Nematology (ZOOL 32034* )
Co-Requisite - ZOOl 32042
Applied Entomology: Introduction to the orders of common insect pests and Order
Acarina, Biology and control of insect and mite pests of rice, coconut, tea sugarcane and
selected fruit and vegetable crops in Sri Lanka, Biology and control of common household
and stored product pests, Causes of insect pest outbreaks, Concepts in insect pest
management: General Equilibrium Level, Economic Threshold Level and Economic Injury
Level, Chemical, cultural and biological control, Integrated pest management, Biology and
control of insect vectors that are of medical importance in Sri Lanka.
Plant Nematology: Morphology and life cycles of economically important plant nematodes,
Plant - nematode relationship and nematodes as plant virus vectors, Economic Threshold
and Economic Injury Levels in relation to nematode control, Economically important
nematode pests in tea, rice and other selected crops in Sri Lanka and their management
Applied Entomology and Plant Nematology Laboratory
Co - Requisite: ZOOL 32034
Applied Entomology Laboratory: Demonstrations on life stages and damage symptoms
of economically important insect and mite pests of rice, coconut , tea, sugarcane, selected
fruit and vegetable crops and stored products, Techniques for preservation, Mounting and
permanent slide preparations of insects, Use of insect taxonomic keys for the identification
of pests to the order and genus levels (ants and aphids), Concepts in insect pest
management, Natural enemies of insect and mite pests, Insecticides and application
equipment, Biological control programmes in Sri Lanka, Insect rearing methods, Household
pests, Demonstrations on life stages of insect vectors that are of medical importance in Sri
Plant Nematology Laboratory: Soil sampling for population studies of plant parasitic
nematodes; Extraction of nematodes from soil and plants materials, preservation and
mounting for identification of Nematodes
Parasitology and Plant Nematology (ZOOL 32054*)
Co - Requisite: ZOOL 32062
Parasitology: Importance of human parasitology, major points differentiating animal
parasitic diseases from infectious diseases caused by viruses and bacteria; Classification,
morphology, biology and life cycles of parasites of man, domestic animals and fish,
Pathogenesis, Symptoms, Transmission, Severity, Prevention and treatment of parasitic
infections of the following: Intestinal amoebae and other amoebic infections, intestinal
flagellates, Haemoflagellates (Visceral and cutaneous leishmaniasis, Trypanosomiasis),
Malaria parasites, Toxoplasmosis and other protozoan diseases of human and domestic
animals; Liver, intestinal, lung and blood flukes of man and domestic animals; Introduction
to cestode diseases, Taeniasis, Cysticercosis, Hydatidosis and other cestode diseases,
Intestinal and other nematodes, Filarial diseases, Insect and mite parasites of human and
domestic animals and parasites of fish
Plant Nematology: Morphology identification and life cycles of important plant nematodes,
Plant - nematode relationship and nematodes as plant virus vectors, Economic Threshold
and Economic Injury Level, Economically important nematode pests of tea, rice and other
selected crops in Sri Lanka and their management
Parasitology and Plant Nematology Laboratory(ZOOL 32062*)
Co - Requisite: ZOOL 32054
Parasitology Laboratory: Identification of prepared slides of selected parasites of man
and domestic animals and fish: slide preparation, mounting for intestinal amoebae and
nematodes of man and their identification, Staining and identification of life stages of
malaria parasites of man, Parasitic surveys - liver and gastro intestinal parasites of cattle,
internal and external parasites of rat and slide preparation and mounting for their
identification, Parasites of fish, Parasitic surveys of fish for external and internal parasites of
Plant Nematology Laboratory: Soil sampling for population studies of plant parasitic
nematodes; Extraction of nematodes from soil and plants materials, preservation and
mounting for identification