Download World War I Propaganda Poster Assignment

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World War I Propaganda Poster Assignment
Canada has just announced that they are going to war and it is up to you to
recruit people for the war effort! Create a poster that is eye catching,
persuasive, and reflective of WWI propaganda. Your poster should include a
clear theme, picture/image, and slogan that relates to the time period.
Choose one of the following topics:
Buying Victory Bonds- which encouraged public financial support for
the war effort.
Saving/Conserving Food- Canadians were encouraged to ration and
not waste their food.
Keeping Your Mouth Shut- Canadians were urged not to talk openly
about the war effort in case an enemy spy was listening.
Joining the Army- young men were encouraged to sign-up for the
Demonizing the Enemy (Making the Germans look bad)- For
example, Canadians were shown pictures of Germans as baby killers,
and crazed maniacs.
Women and the war effort- Canadian women were encouraged to
help the war effort by taking on jobs traditionally performed by males,
such as working in factories and on farms.
Guiding Questions:
What topic will your poster be about?
What is this poster trying to get you to do?
How would this poster support the war efforts?
What historical facts are covered in this poster?
What type of propaganda technique will you be using in your poster?
How will your poster reflect this type of propaganda?
On the back of each poster complete the following chart. You do not have to
use full sentences, point form is preferred.
Who or what is your topic about?
What is your slogan?
What is the significance of your slogan?
Why did you use the images on your poster?
Why would this be an effective propaganda