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Kingdom – Monera
Part 1 – Fill in the Blanks
Instructions – use your notes and textbook (pg 360-375) to fill in the blanks to properly complete each
1.) In the kingdom __Monera__ there is ___3__ smaller subgroups. These subgroups are called
___Eubacteria___, __Cyanobacteria__, and ___Archaeabacteria___. These organisms are
___prokaryotes___ since they contain no definite organelles inside their single celled bodies.
2.) ___heterotrophic___ organisms cannot make their own food. These organisms may live off
of dead and decaying matter. They are called ___chemotrophes__. If an organism can make
its own food it is called a(n) ___autotrophe___.
3.) Since bacteria are single-celled organisms it is very difficult to study them without a good
microscope. The outer covering of some bacteria is composed of lipid and carbohydrates.
These bacteria are called ___Gram -__, and their colour from staining appears ___red__.
4.) When a bacterial cell reproduces asexually it is called __binary__ __fission__. During this
process it __enlarges__ _a_ __bit__ as the cell prepares to divide. This is different from
what occurs to a cell during mitosis. Each daughter cell is ___ ‫ ___ ݋ݐ‬the size as the original
5.) The sexual form of bacterial reproduction is called ___comjugation__. During this process
the two bacterial cells ___line up__ during the first step of the process. A special
cytoplasmic tunnel, called the __protein__ __bridge__, is produced connecting both cells.
This connection allows one of the cells to __pass__ __DNA__ to the other cell. Some
bacteria have small circles of DNA called ___plasmid___.
6.) __Eschirichia coli__, __staphylococcus__, and __clostridium__ are examples of bacteria.
Many of the bacteria are helpful. Some live in the soil and help plants use __nitrogen __ as a
fertilizer. The plants that contain root nodules are called __legumes__. These nodules
contain bacteria that turn __nitrogen gas__ into fertilizer.
7.) If all the bacteria in the world were killed off today, discuss the major repercussions.
__all dead organisms would take too long to decompose (fungi and detrivores). This would
cause nutrients to be trapped in the dead organisms and the nutrient cycle would end. No
cheese or beer_.
8.) In the space below, draw and label a typical bacterial cell.
9.) Explain the process of binary fission for a bacterial cell.
__ (1) Cell elongates and DNA is replicated. (2) Cell develops furrow in centre as cell
membrane and cell wall develop plate cutting cell in half between two DNA strands. (3) Cross
wall develops completely to separate DNA strands. (4) Cell splits into two cells. __
10.) Bacteria are classified according to shape. The round bacteria are called __cocci_, while the
rod shaped bacteria are called ___bacilli__. The corkscrew shaped bacteria are called
11.) Bacteria can also be classified according to Gram staining. A purple coloured bacterium is also
called a __Gram +__ bacterium, while a red colour bacteria is called a ___Gram -___
12.) If an organism must have oxygen to survive it is said to be ___obligate aerobe___.
13.) If atmospheric oxygen kills the organism, we call it ___obligate anaerobe___.
14.) ___rhodopseudomonas virdis__ is an example of a photosynthetic bacterium.
15.) The term ___pathogen__ refers to a disease causing organism.
Part 2 - Graphing
Instructions – use the following data to construct a graph and then answer the questions below.
Table 1 – bacterial growth as temperature increases.
Bacterial Numbers per Quarter hour
1.) What is the independent variable on your graph? __temperature___.
2.) What is the optimum temperature for this bacteria? ___35℃___.
3.) How many bacteria will be produced in one hour at 30℃? ___1400___.
4.) Why does the number of bacteria decline after 35°? __the temperature is too high. The
DNA is denaturing and killing off the bacteria__.
5.) What is the average number of bacteria produced, per quarter hour, in this experiment?