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Downloaded from gsabulletin.gsapubs.org on April 6, 2015 W. D. CARTER U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. LUIS AGUIRRE LE B. Institute de Investigations Geologicas, Santiago, Chile Structural Geology of Aconcagua Province and Its Relationship to the Central Valley Graben, Chile Abstract: Aconcagua Province is herein divided into three major structural provinces which, for the sake of simplicity, are named the Coastal Cordillera, Central Valley graben, and Andean Cordillera structural provinces to correspond to the three geomorphic provinces recognized farther south. The coastal structural province includes the Coastal Cordillera which is underlain mainly by layered sedimentary and effusive rocks that strike north and dip homoclinally to the east, range from Triassic to Late Cretaceous in age, and are intruded by Cretaceous granodioritic and dioritic rocks. Igneous and metamorphic rocks largely of Paleozoic age comprise the western coastal margin, Along the eastern edge of the province is the Los Angeles fault zone, a wide, poorly defined band of semiparallel, arcuate faults which show downward displacement to the east and which appear to have resulted mainly from intrusion and uplift on the west. The Coastal Cordillera, therefore, may be considered a large horst with an intrusive granodiorite core. The Central Valley graben is bounded on the west by the Los Angeles fault zone and on the east by the Pocuro fault zone. Between these two fault zones is an area 20-30 km wide in which volcanic rocks of Late Cretaceous age are flat lying to gently folded and block faulted. In places, pipelike stocks of andesitic to dioritic igneous rock intrude the area. The Pocuro fault zone is a prominent lineament that marks the eastern limit of the Central Valley at Santiago and has been traced northward for 150 km. It may, however, have a mappable length of more than 1200 km. Vertical displacement downward to the west has been measured near Los Andes to be at least 2000 m. Consequently, this fault zone may rank among the major faults of the world. The Andean structural province is subdivided into the Las Ollas and Juncal subprovinces. The Las Ollas is a mountainous front range that lies east of the Pocuro fault and extends eastward for about 25 km. Upper Cretaceous volcanic strata are gently warped into broad, open, north-trending folds, with local sharp flexures and faulted mainly by normal faults. The eastern part of the subprovince is cut by a narrow belt of Tertiary plutonic rocks, some of which are associated with porphyry copper deposits. The Juncal structural subprovince extends eastward into Argentina. It is typified by close, overturned folding, vertical bedding, and thrust faulting. In general, structural deformation increases in intensity from west to east, with imbricate overthrusting to the east in Argentina. Present evidence indicates that major graben formation began during early Tertiary (preMiocene) time as a result of tensional stress developed by strain release of earlier compressional forces that folded the Andes. Post-Miocene uplift of the central Andean region renewed tensional stress and opened deep-seated, north-striking fractures and reinitiated volcanism. Most of the active volcanos of Chile may be aligned along such fractures. CONTENTS Introduction Location Purpose and previous work Acknowledgments Geomorphology Sedimentary and igneous rocks Structural geology General statement Coastal Cordillera structural province Los Angeles fault zone Central Valley graben Pocuro fault zone . . . . 652 652 652 653 654 654 656 656 657 658 658 659 Andean Cordillera structural province . . . . 660 Geologic history 660 Conclusions 662 Postscript: Chilean earthquake of March 28, 1965 662 References cited 663 Figure 1. Index map showing location of Aconcagua Province and vicinity, Chile 652 2. Correlation chart of stratigraphic nomenclature 655 3. Map showing major structural divisions of Aconcagua Province, Chile 657 Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 76, p. 651-664, 3 figs., 3 pis., June 1965 651 652 CARTER AND AGUIRRE LE B.-ACONCAGUA PROVINCE, CHILE Facing Plate Generalized geologic map and cross section of Aconcagua Province and vicinity, showing structural relationship to the Central Valley graben, Chile ........... 651 INTRODUCTION Location Chile extends along the western flank of the Andes Mountains for a distance of more than 4000 km. The country is divided from north to south into three geographic and distinctly different climatic areas: (1) a northern, extremely arid desert region; (2) a central region, with a pleasant Mediterranean climate that attracts most of Chile's population, and (3) a southern lake and fjord region with abundant rainfall. Aconcagua Province lies between lat. 32°00' and 33°10'S. and long. 70°00'and71°40'W.in the central region at the northern end of the Central Valley (Fig. 1). It covers an area of approximately 13,000 sq km. The southern boundary of the province is about 40 km north of Santiago and is marked at the Cuesta de Chacabuco by a range of hills that limits the northern end of Chile's Central Valley. The province includes the southernmost of the transverse valleys and mountain ranges that lie between the Copiapo River on the north and the Cuesta de Chacabuco on the south. These narrow valleys and sharp ridges extend from the drainage divide of the Andes to the Pacific Ocean. The major drainages include the fertile farming valleys of the Aconcagua, Ligua, and Petorca rivers. Of these, only the Aconcagua River has its origin at the drainage divide that marks the Chile-Argentina frontier. The Ligua and Petorca rivers extend into the high Andes but are robbed of the major part of the frontier watershed by the Choapa River and its tributaries which flow northwestward through Coquimbo Province on the north, and by the Putaendo River on the south, a tributary to the Aconcagua River. The Aconcagua Valley and the province are bounded on the south by a rugged mountain range that includes the Cuesta de Chacabuco (1320 m above sea level). From this narrow pass, one can look into Chile's vast Central Valley to the south and the Aconcagua transverse valley to the north. Purpose and Previous Wor\ Chile's Central Valley is a long, narrow de- 2. Structural and geomorphic features of Coastal Cordillera and Central Valley, Chile . 3. Structural and geomorphic features of the High Andes, Chile 662 663 pression that separates the Andes Mountains from the Coastal Cordillera and contains most of her population and agricultural wealth. A few geologists have written about this prominent geologic feature, but none until now has mapped at scales adequate for determining the mechanics of its structural development. This 200 KILOMETERS Figure 1. Index map showing location of Aconcagua Province and vicinity, Chile paper, a compilation of recent geologic mapping and interpretation of aerial photographs in Aconcagua Province and adjacent areas of north-central Chile, intends to show that the Central Valley is a graben of considerable magnitude. It is hoped that this report, although preliminary and limited in scope, will stimulate further work on this significant structural feature. Several areas, suggested for future study, may provide valuable additional information. Domeyko (1903, p. 133-134) described the Central Valley as being more than 900 km long, extending from Chacabuco (40 km north of Santiago) south to the Gulf of Ancud. He also noted that the average width of the valley is about 50 km and that the land surface becomes progressively lower to the south. Santiago, for example, is about 500 m above sea level, whereas the valley plain just north of Puerto Montt is less than 100 m. INTRODUCTION 653 Felsch (unpub. data, 1936) and later Briig- series of volcanic debris of probable Quaternary gen (1950) described, in general terms, the age. structural components of the valley, mainly on Only recently, however, with the work of the basis of geomorphic evidence in the vicinity Thomas (1958), Aguirre Le B. (1960), Klohn of Santiago. Both described the valley as being (1960), and Carter and Aliste (unpub. data) has bounded by two lines of north-striking faults the stratigraphy of central Chile been clearly that separate the Coastal Cordillera from the enough defined and field mapping been done at high Andes. Bruggen (p. 79) mentioned that a scale at which stratigraphic and structural one fault extends along the base of Cerro San relationships could be measured and interpreted Ramon, immediately east of Santiago. The with reasonable accuracy. fault is ". . . marked by large triangular rock About 50 per cent of the geology within facets that face the valley. These facets are cut the area of this report has been mapped by by youthful streams with hanging valleys and reconnaissance methods and published at scales which have deposited large piedmont deposits of 1:150,000 (Thomas, 1958) and 1:100,000 of fanglomerate along the valley margin." He (Aguirre Le B., 1960); an additional 25 per cent pointed out that many springs, some of which has been completed on similar scales in undischarge warm waters, are aligned on or near published reports. Of this, about 20 per cent the eastern fault. He also described, in con- was mapped between 1958 and 1962 in greater siderable detail, a second fault that he con- detail at a scale of 1:50,000 by Carter and Aliste sidered to have formed the western margin of in unpublished reports on the Melon, La Ligua, the valley, and postulated several cross faults Nilhue, and San Lorenzo quadrangles of to explain the presence of the blocklike island Aconcagua Province. Although much work hills of bedrock that project through the allu- still remains to be done in this area, the data vial plain and are scattered throughout the collected to date provide background for future valley. Bruggen (p. 80) even suggested that the studies. major graben structure may extend as far north This report, therefore, synthesizes the geoas Arica, the northernmost city of Chile. logic data obtained from three separate mapping Gerth (1955, p. 223-230) agreed that the projects by Thomas, Aguirre Le B., and Carter Central Valley was a rift valley and suggested and Aliste in Aconcagua Province. It places that faulting was closely related to the present emphasis on the structural fabric of the area. volcanic belts of the Andean Cordillera. One These data help confirm Briiggen's (1950) block diagram (No. 7) included a geologic hypothesis that the Central Valley of Chile is a section along lat. 37° S. (near Chilian) through rift valley of tectonic origin. They also indicate Chile and Argentina in which Gerth showed that the structural development was more comtrough faulting of the Central Valley south of plex than simple doming or stretching of the the area herein described. earth's crust as implied by most of the classic Munoz Cristi (1956) described the threefold examples of and experiments in graben tecphysiographic division of the central region and tonics. This report also shows that the imporreviewed the geology of Chile as it was known tant geologic structures can be traced northat that time. The reader should compare the ward even though the more obvious geomorphic geologic section accompanying the Munoz features are not expressed. Finally, it indicates Cristi report with that of this report (PI. 1) to several key areas where additional geologic be aware of the differences in accumulated in- studies would contribute useful information. formation and interpretation as a result of more ACKNOWLEDGMENTS recent mapping. The geologic field investigations on which Lomnitz (1959) made gravity profiles of the Central Valley near Chilian (370 km south of this report is based were undertaken jointly by Santiago) and found that the alluvial fill of the the Institute de Investigaciones Geologicas of valley was thickest (2000 m) within a few Chile and the U. S. Geological Survey, under kilometers of its western edge. From this data the auspices of the Agency for International he deduced that the western edge is limited by a Development, U. S. Department of State. The authors wish to take this opportunity to fault with displacement of considerable magnitude. Here the west edge of the valley is acknowledge the helpful comments and data marked by a large pluton of diorite. Lomnitz provided by Herbert Thomas, Nelson Aliste, did not search for the eastern limit of the valley, and Carlos Ruiz of the Institute de Investigawhich in the Chilian area is covered by a thick ciones Geologicas and constructive criticism of 654 CARTER AND AGUIRRE LE B.—ACONCAGUA PROVINCE, CHILE this report by Beatrice Levi and Jose Corvalan of the Institute and Kenneth Segerstrom, George Ericksen, and Robert Dingman of the U. S. Geological Survey. GEOMORPHOLOGY The region of central and southern Chile from Chacabuco (40 km north of Santiago; Fig. 1) south to Puerto Montt is divided naturally into three geomorphic zones: A western zone called the Coastal Cordillera that is marked by relatively low, rounded hills, valley terraces, and an old erosion surface dissected by a rejuvenated drainage system that indicates late Tertiary to Recent uplift. The western zone extends from the Pacific Coast inland for about 50-60 km and is bounded on the east by a Central Valley zone that forms a long (900 km), narrow (20-50 km) plain covered by alluvium and drained by braided and meandering streams. The Andean Cordillera forms the east edge of the Central Valley and extends into neighboring Argentina. A drainage divide marks the frontier of the two countries. The Andean geomorphic zone is marked by sharp glaciated peaks, volcanic cones, and a youthful drainage pattern. The geomorphology of the western half of the Andes suggests, in many places, that the area was once a gently inclined peneplain, the surface of which ranged between 2200 and 3000 m above sea level. Rounded, peaks more than 4000 m in altitude, with smooth slopes are scattered throughout the zone and may have formed mesa-like promontories above the peneplain. In the eastern part of the Andes these "mesetas" have been glaciated, and the smooth slopes are cut off sharply by U-shaped valleys and bowl-shaped cirques. The average elevation of peaks along the frontier is about 5000 m above sea level. Mt. Aconcagua (7021 m above sea level), in nearby Argentina, towers above them like a monadnock. North of the Central Valley in Aconcagua Province, the three geomorphic divisions largely disappear, and in places it appears that the Andes extend westward nearly to the sea, for some peaks of the Coastal Cordillera (e.g., Cerro Tabaco, Cerro Chache) reach elevations of nearly 2500 m, and are connected to the high Andes by rugged transverse ridges. Farther north central valleys and coastal ranges reappear and, in places, are extensive. SEDIMENTARY AND IGNEOUS ROCKS Aconcagua Province is underlain by thick sequences of effusive igneous rocks interstrati- fied with marine and continental sediments ranging in age from Triassic to Miocene (PL 1). Rocks of marine origin are restricted primarily to the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous and crop out in the western slope of the Coastal Cordillera and in the high Andes along the frontier with Argentina. Great thicknesses of volcanic rock, largely of andesitic composition, are interstratified with continental sedimentary rocks of Late Cretaceous age and crop out in the intervening area that forms a zone about 95 km wide. The stratigraphy of Aconcagua Province has been described by Thomas (1958) and somewhat modified by Carter and others (1961) in the Coastal Cordillera and by Aguirre Le B. (1960) in the Andes. This is summarized in the accompanying stratigraphic chart, Figure 2. The oldest rocks of the area crop out at isolated localities near the coast and consist of contorted, highly metamorphosed mica schists, gneisses, and phyllites that are considered to be Paleozoic or older in age. They are unconformably overlain by less folded and weakly metamorphosed red metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks of the Triassic La Ligua Formation (Thomas, 1958). The composition of the La Ligua Formation and its relationship to the underlying rocks are so similar to the Triassic rocks east of Cerro Aconcagua in Argentina (Harrington, 1956), that they are considered to be correlative. A Triassic age for the La Ligua Formation is further supported by the presence of the Quebrada del Pobre Formation of Early Jurassic age, which unconformably overlies it on the east. The Quebrada del Pobre Formation consists mainly of dark-gray shale and limestone with abundant marine fauna and thin, but distinctive, quartz-sandstone and conglomerate layers. The strata, less deformed than the underlying rocks, dip gently to moderately eastward and are conformably overlain by the Ajial and Melon Formations, also of Jurassic age. The Ajial Formation is composed mainly of lavas, breccias, and indurated tuffs interbedded with thin lenses of marine siltstone and limestone containing fossils of middle Bajocian age (Thomas, 1958, p. 33). The contact with the overlying Melon Formation is conformable and may be gradational or, in part, interfingering. The Melon Formation is divided into two members: the Nogales Member, composed mainly of marine limestone, and the Horqueta Member, composed almost entirely of volcanic SEDIMENTARY AND IGNEOUS ROCKS breccia. Fauna of the Nogales Member indicate that it was deposited during the Bajocian Stage of the Jurassic Period. Although fossils are absent in the Horqueta Member, it is also considered to be of Middle Jurassic age because Lagunilla Formation to the Late Jurassic Period, largely because of its lithologic similarities to rocks of that age in Argentina. He divided the Lagunilla Formation into three parts: a lower member consisting of reddish- COASTAL CORDILLERA Carter, Perez, and Aliste (1961) Thomas (1958) V CC CORDILLERA Aguirre (1960) A lluvium 1— o ANDEAN Recent 7" CC §z 655 Terrace gravels Terrace gravels Horcon Horcon Pleistocene * Pliocene CC Miocene p CT OMgocene 1— Eocene Paleocene Lo Valle Farellones Las Chilcas Las Chilcas Abanico Veta Negra Cerro Morado Veta Negra Cristo Redentor Lo Valle to o o a a D 1— CC o d " i""l'/K h. Lo Prado O * o Lo Prado Pachacama Patagua H'3'"* a D 0 Jft £ D (/) San Jose """i"'"" '<"!J> ^s*' M 0 trt UJ HiatuS Lagunilla ^*- ^ •a Pachacama E Melon Melon S; Ajial Ajial ° Queb. del Pobre Queb. del Pobre La Ligua La Ligua E i- Figure 2. Correlation chart of stratigraphic nomenclature used in the Coastal and Andean cordilleras of Aconcagua Province, central Chile it underlies the Patagua Limestone which Thomas (1958) included as a member of the Melon Formation. However, later discovery of Early Cretaceous fauna in the Patagua permitted removing it from the Melon Formation and assigning it formational status (Carter and others, 1961). Late Jurassic strata are apparently absent in the Coastal Cordillera, and a hiatus represented by unconformity marks the contact with Early Cretaceous rocks (Carter, 1963). In the Andes, however, Aguirre Le B. (1960) assigned the brown conglomerate, sandstone, and gray dolomitic limestone; a middle member consisting of gypsum as much as 100 m thick; and an upper member of sandstone, andesite, and red siltstone. Correlation of the middle gypsum member with the Auquilcoian anhydrite of Groeber (Harrington, 1956, p. 144) is supported mainly by its lithologic similarity and stratigraphic position below the Early Cretaceous San Jose Formation. The most distinctive and widespread rock units, for correlative purposes, are fossiliferous 656 CARTER AND AGUIRRE LE E.—ACONCAGUA PROVINCE, CHILE marine limestones of Early Cretaceous age: the Patagua and Lo Prado Formations (Thomas, 1958; Carter and others, 1961) of the Coastal Cordillera and the San Jose Formation of the Andes (Aguirre Le B., 1960). Certain other distinctive units, such as conglomerate and fresh-water limestone with algal remains, locally help distinguish the Las Chilcas and Abanico Formations from other volcanic strata. Such units, however, are lenticular and discontinuous, and in their absence, it is often difficult to determine stratigraphic position. The Lo Valle and Farellones Formations consist mainly of volcanic tuffs, breccias, and flows of andesitic and basaltic composition. Soft, multicolored tuffs and pink, welded rhyolitic tuffs help facilitate local correlation and structural interpretation in places between the two major Lower Cretaceous limestone belts. Unconformities mark the base of the La Ligua Formation of Triassic age, the Quebrada del Pobre Formation, a marine limestone of Early Jurassic age (Thomas, 1958), and the Patagua Formation of Early Cretaceous age (Carter, 1963), indicating that the Coastal Cordilleran region, at least, was an unstable area subjected to periods of uplift and erosion at the end of the Paleozoic Era, at the end of the Triassic Period, and in Late Jurassic time. East of the unstable coastal area is the major part of the Andean geosyncline, a narrow, elongate trough whose axis probably lay at about the center of what herein is referred to as the Andean Cordillera structural province. The floor of the trough probably sank continually but more so each time the coast rose. Interlayered sedimentary rocks of continental and marine origin bordering the trough indicate that it was locally cut off from the Pacific Ocean by periodic uplift of the Coastal Cordillera. Final separation of the Andean geosyncline from the Pacific came at the end of the Early Cretaceous Period and was followed by volcanism, erosion, and deposition of sedimentary and volcanic rocks of continental origin that compose the Veta Negra, Las Chilcas, Abanico, and Farellones Formations. Angular unconformities mark the base of the two latter formations (Aguirre Le B., 1960), and intraformational conglomerates mark disconformities within them. The youngest sedimentary rocks of the area are those of the Horcon Formation of Miocene age (Thomas, 1958), flat-lying strata consisting of poorly consolidated conglomerate, sandstone, and shell beds that crop out 80-90 m above sea level along the present coast of Chile. The presence of these strata indicates that final uplift of the Coastal Cordillera must have taken place during late Tertiary or possibly early Quaternary time. Although the Horcon Formation has not been found in the Central Valley near Santiago, strata of similar composition and identical age are known to crop out at the southern end of the valley. This indicates that there, at least, formation of the Central Valley graben was pre-Miocene. Granitic rocks, largely of Cretaceous age, are exposed throughout the area. These can be divided into two elongate belts. The largest masses, composed mainly of granite, granodiorite, and diorite, crop out in the western belt of the Coastal Cordillera cutting strata of Triassic and younger age. Those intrusive masses shown as not cutting Cretaceous strata are herein considered to be of pre-Cretaceous age. Intrusive rocks along the coast are in contact with metamorphic rocks and are considered to be Paleozoic in age. Smaller plutons compose a narrow belt along the axis of the Andes, intrude stratified rocks of Late Cretaceous and Tertiary (?) age, and range in composition from granodiorite to quartz monzonite. Some of these masses are porphyritic and associated with the so-called porphyry copper deposits. Age determinations by zircon and potassium-argon methods suggest that Tertiary rocks of granitic composition are largely Miocene and Oligocene in age, whereas the prophyry types are Paleocene (Levi and others, 1963). The porphyritic intrusives may have been the source of rhyolitic sheets that comprise the upper part of the Farellones Formation. STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY General Statement Aconcagua Province is divided into three structural provinces: the Coastal Cordillera, the Central Valley graben, and the Andean Cordillera (Fig. 3). These structural provinces join and are named after the three geomorphic provinces that have been described to the south. Bounding the Central Valley are two major fault zones herein referred to as the Los Angeles and Pocuro fault zones. These zones form the margins of a down-thrown block and prove that the Central Valley is a graben. Differences between the faults suggest that graben development may have been somewhat different from the classic grabens of the world and from those developed in the experiments of 657 STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY In general, the strata strike northward and dip homoclinally eastward between 20° and 45°. Near the margins of the younger intrusive masses, moderate folding and faulting locally disrupt the homocline. Stratified rocks also occur as roof pendants and xenoliths within the margins of intrusive masses. The roof pendants Hans Cloos (De Sitter, 1956) and others. Each of the structural provinces will be discussed in order from west to east. Coastal Cordillera Structural Province The Coastal Cordillera structural province occupies an area roughly 55 km wide that is 1 32°00' •^ \. 1 J J ^" ,^- r" { ^s,^ ^-k Petorca S I "*• \ £ N • Sobrante 0^ \ 1 i \ ,. Laiiigua • I »Co. Chache ^ 2333m x^ 2 0 "3 c ^—' \ < •& CORDILLE RA STRUCTU ?AL £> PROVINC E \ * \ Las Ollas m \ r \ Putaendo \ Subprovince Juncal San Felipe i Subprovince \ ^^ \ ^•^ \ Los Andes 33'OC' ^ \ ANDEA § 1 /\-X / ^ ^rf 1 K ^ GRABEN \ \ "^ CENTRAL c •Cabildo T ^ » \1 STRUCTURAL PROVINCE \ L N COASTAL CORDILLERA VALLEY 0 / £• / 0 /V 1 *Portillo ^ 1 Cuestade Chacabuco\ _ 0 100 200 KM ^~^ \ ^ y \^' i ). \ Figure 3. Map showing major structural divisions of Aconcagua Province, Chile. See Figure 1 for location. bounded on the west by the Pacific Ocean and on the east by the Los Angeles fault zone (Fig. 3). The area is underlain by volcanic and sedimentary rocks which have been intruded by large, irregular masses of plutonic rocks mainly of dioritic composition. In general, the oldest stratified rocks lie along the coast, and progressively younger beds crop out to the east. These strata range from Paleozoic or Triassic(P) to Late Cretaceous in age. Most of the plutonic rocks are considered to be of Jurassic and Cretaceous age. Along the coast some of the intrusive rocks may be as old as Paleozoic (Ruiz F. and others, 1960; 1961). are generally located along the axis of the younger intrusive belt. Xenoliths, on the other hand, are small, generally rounded, and found in large, pocketlike concentrations in border zones near the contact with the country rock. Most are composed of dark-gray, porphyritic andesite that is characteristic of the Lo Prado and Veta Negra Formations that bound the intrusive; movement of the xenoliths, therefore, was probably not very great. Although faults and fractures are abundant in the area, most are high-angle, minor structural features that can be traced from a few hundred meters to a few kilometers. The domi- 658 CARTER AND AGUIRRE LE B.—ACONCAGUA PROVINCE, CHILE nant faults bear northward, but many strike northeastward or northwestward. Several moderately dipping (45°) normal faults border and dip away from the western edge of the eastern intrusive mass. Two are adjacent to and show downward displacement from two small cupolas of granodiorite, and one at the Palqui mine clearly shows that intrusion terminated at the fault plane without penetrating it. Lamprophyre dikes, however, extend from the intrusive and cut the fault plane and the copper-bearing ore body above it. Displacements are generally small, ranging from a few centimeters to a few tens of meters. The dominant joints strike northeast and cut both the intrusive masses and surrounding country rock. Faults are known to bound the Coastal Cordillera on the east and probably also bound it on the west. A submarine shelf extends approximately 22 km west of the Chilean coast, where it abruptly steepens into a narrow, elongate trench that parallels the coast. Soundings of the Chilean trench show depths ranging from 4000 to more than 6000 m. Such a trench must have been developed by erogenic processes, and structural features similar to those described in central Chile are most likely present. The Coastal Cordillera, therefore, is probably a horst intruded by granitic rocks and flanked by normal faults that separate it from two grabens, a deep ocean trench on the west and the Central Valley on the east. Los Angeles Fault Zone The Los Angeles fault zone marks the eastern margin of the Coastal Cordillera and is herein named by Carter after the Quebrada Los Angeles (PI. 1) in central Aconcagua Province, where the fault zone and its structural relationships were first recognized and are clearly demonstrated. The fault zone is an irregular and poorly defined belt a few kilometers wide, in which the dominant structural features are high-angle, semiparallel, rectilinear, arcuate faults, which in most places show displacements downward to the east. In places, the arc of the curved faults is concave to the west, and radii of the arcs point toward intrusive cupolas of the Coastal Cordillera. Rotational movement is indicated along some of these faults, for in uplifted areas they may be displaced a few meters, whereas in collapsed areas they may be vertically displaced as much as 500 m. A notable example is found in the fault which cuts Cerro Negro, east of the Cerro Negro mine (PI. 2, fig. 1). In some places, the cumula- tive displacement of several parallel faults may be as much as 1000 m. Many of the major faults split into several divergent faults or "splays." These faults are numerous, of relatively short extent and little displacement, and lie near the borders of the intrusive masses. They apparently originated as tension fractures above and along the margins of intrusive masses as magmatic injection took place. Although individual faults probably do not extend to great depths, their combined cumulative displacement may, in places, be large. Between the major faults and cupolas of the intrusive masses are minor, moderately dipping cross faults, surrounding small blocks of gently tilted strata that together form a complex of small horsts and grabens. This is well displayed in the vicinity of the Cerro Negro mines in Quebrada Pitipeumo (PI. 1), where fresh-water limestones and copper-bearing tuffaceous strata serve as distinctive marker beds on which measurements are based. Northeast-trending faults intersect northwest-trending cross faults that are clearly of gravitational origin. They border gently tilted fault blocks whose strata strike northwest and dip gently south, in sharp contrast to the north-striking, east-dipping, homoclinal structure of the Coastal Cordillera elsewhere. Central Valley Graben The Central Valley graben is named after Chile's Central Valley, a clearly defined geomorphic feature that extends from the Santiago area into the Gulf of Ancud, 900 km to the south. The structural geology of the southern end of the Central Valley has been briefly described by St. Amand (1961). Near the southern boundary of Aconcagua Province the geomorphic features of the Central Valley die out, but its structural components have been traced northward from the Santiago region into the transverse mountain ranges and to the north boundary of the province. The graben is bounded on the west by the Los Angeles fault zone and on the east by the Pocuro fault. Together these delimit a north-trending elongate area about 20 km wide. In the Los Andes-San Felipe basin, due north of the Central Valley, strata of the youngest Cretaceous volcanic formations (Lo Valle Formation of Thomas, 1958; Farellones Formation of Aguirre Le B., 1960) crop out and are flat lying to gently dipping and moderately folded. Fault blocks within the graben dip moderately to strongly to the east. In places the strata are intruded by STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY small stocks of andesite, diorite, and basalt of Tertiary(P) age (Aguirre Le B., 1960) (PL 2, fig. 2). Faults of short extent and small displacement are numerous and diverse in orientation. The majority, however, are gravity faults oriented parallel or subparallel to the major north-south tectonic fabric of the country. Pocuro Fault Zone The Pocuro fault forms the east side of the Central Valley graben and separates it from the Andean Cordillera structural province. It is herein named for the Estero Pocuro, southeast of Los Andes, where Aguirre Le B. (1960) first obtained evidence for the fault. At Estero Pocuro, bedrock is cut by a wide, well-defined gouge zone in which mylonite shows microcataclastic texture with bent and broken crystals of plagioclase feldspar. The trace of the fault zone indicates that it is vertical or dips steeply to the west. In the Santiago region of the Central Valley this prominent lineament is represented by the west slope of Cerro San Ramon and adjacent hills east of Santiago, which, in places, form a steep escarpment; broad piedmont fans extend westward from its base. The escarpment disappears north of Santiago near Arrayan and Lo Curro, but the fault zone continues northward and in marked by differences in the dip of strata on either side of the fault, light-colored gouge zones, and alignment or sharp bends in the courses of subsequent stream valleys (PI. 3, fig. 1). Where well exposed, the fault zone is several meters to tens of meters wide and is marked by a light-colored alteration zone composed of pulverized rock or gouge. In the area between Chacabuco and the Sobrante fork of the Petorca River (a distance of 85 km to the north), the light-colored fault zone is accentuated by a marked color change on either side of the fault, which represents a difference in lithology and formation. Cropping out on the west side, within the graben, are pale-reddish-brown to yellowish-brown and pale-green volcanic rocks equivalent to Thomas' (1958) Lo Valle Formation, and Aguirre Le B.'s (1960) Guanaco or middle member of the Farellones Formation. On the east side, the outcrops are darker and are composed dominantly of reddish-brown continental sedimentary rocks interbedded with volcanic strata that are included in the older Las Chilcas Formation (Thomas, 1958) or the equivalent Abanico Formation of Aguirre Le 659 B. (1960). On the basis of stratigraphic correlation, Aguirre Le B. (1960) estimated that vertical displacement along the fault is downward to the west on the order of 2000 m near the city of Los Andes. The cross section, Plate 1, suggests that it may be as much as 8000 m in some places. To the north in the Sobrante area, field evidence of faulting is nearly the same, and similar amounts of offset are suspected. Vertical displacement is probably different from place to place, individual blocks within the graben being displaced more or less than adjacent blocks. The longitudinal extent of the Pocuro fault zone is only partly known. As shown in this paper, it is known to extend from Santiago northward 150 km to the northern boundary of Aconcagua Province. It undoubtedly continues northward and may join a major fault mapped by Pedro Dedios (unpub. data) near Vicuna, Coquimbo Province, or it may arc gently westward and enter the Pacific Ocean near the Bay of Tongoy, approximately 370 km north of Santiago. To the south, Klohn (1960) shows this or a similar fault that extends at least to the southern boundary of O'Higgins Province, 210 km south of Santiago. It could well extend to the Gulf of Ancud, 900 km south of Santiago. If these are one and the same fault, the known length ranges from 150 to 270 km, and the possible length may be as much as 1270 km, making it comparable with other major faults of the world. The fault plane, therefore, may well extend downward through the mantle. The possibility exists that lateral movement took place along the Pocuro fault, for this fault has many of the characteristics common to faults, such as the San Andreas of California, that are known to have had strike-slip movement. St. Amand (1958, p. 404) listed the following features as characteristic of strike-slip faulting: (1) Consistent straightness, or smooth and gradual curvature of the strike of the fault; (2) The occurrence of an alluvial-filled trough along the fault, or development of a graben marked by normal faulting on both sides of the fault; (3) The presence of branch faults; and (4) Geomorphic features such as shutter ridges and offset streams. More convincing evidence for lateral faulting is, of course, measurable strike-slip offset of intrusive masses, formations, and other distinctive rock units that have been cut by 660 CARTER AND AGUIRRE LE B.—ACONCAGUA PROVINCE, CHILE rectilineal faults. Even more convincing are the effects that active strike-slip faults have on man-made structures. Although features 1, 2 and 3 have been recognized, no further evidence of lateral movement has yet been found in the Pocuro fault zone by present mapping. Present evidence of great vertical displacement is outstanding and overshadows any suggestion of horizontal movement. Major displacement is known to have taken place during the Tertiary Period, but the Pocuro fault zone may be the surface expression of a zone of weakness in basement rock which has been active since Paleozoic time and instrumental in the crustal downwarping that formed the Andean geosyncline. This is suggested by its proximity and parallelism to the axis of the geosyncline and differences in stratigraphic position of unconformities of the Jurassic Period found in the Coastal and Andean Cordilleras. Andean Cordillera Structural Province The Andean Cordillera structural province is limited to that area which lies east of the Pocuro fault and extends eastward into Argentina. In central Chile this province can be roughly subdivided into two parallel structural subprovinces, herein designated the Las Ollas subprovince on the west and the Juncal subprovince on the east. LAS OLLAS SUBPROVINCE: The Las Ollas subprovince is a narrow zone which extends from the Pocuro fault eastward for about 35 km and constitutes the western front of the Andean Cordillera. Topographically the mountains of this subprovince are somewhat lower than those found in the high Andes of the frontier or in the Juncal subprovince, to the east. The geologic structures are simple, consisting mainly of broad, open folds, sharp flexures of short lateral extent, and gravity faults. The major structural axes strike to the north, and the majority of the faults are subparallel to the Pocuro fault, with normal displacement downward to the west. The stratified rocks exposed in the Las Ollas subprovince are Late Cretaceous in age and have been intruded by irregular masses of plutonic rocks. The majority of these plutons are found in a long, narrow belt, 10-20 km wide, in the center of the subprovince. Around these intrusive masses the strata are either locally upturned or flat lying and strongly faulted for short distances. It is within this intrusive belt that two of Chile's "porphyry" copper deposits are located (Rio Blanco and Disputada de Las Condes). Projection of the belt both north and south indicates that similar, better-known deposits are in the same belt (e.g., El Teniente, Porterillos, El Salvador, Chuquicamata) (Ruiz F. and Ericksen, 1962). Age determinations of zircon (lead-alpha method) contained in two samples of granodiorite from the Los Chacayes batholith, exposed south of the Aconcagua River, indicate that these rocks are Tertiary in age, (Levi and others, 1963). Samples listed as Chile 16 and 17 by Levi and others gave dates of 30 and 50 million years ( ± 2 0 m.y.), respectively, suggesting that the rocks were intruded during or prior to the Miocene Epoch. JUNCAL SUBPROVINCE: The Juncal subprovince is marked by high, jagged peaks of 4000 m and more, vertical cliffs, glacial cirques, snowfields and U-shaped, moraine-filled, and erraticstudded valleys. These join to form a drainage divide that marks the frontier with Argentina. Structural deformation is more complex than to the west and is characterized by both moderate and tight folds, some of which are asymmetrical and overturned. In general, the fold axes bear to the north, indicating that compressional stress was oriented east-west. Upthrusting appears to be an important factor in the frontier zone, for high-angle to vertically dipping beds of Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous strata have been mapped in eastern Aconcagua Province by Aguirre Le B. (1960) and by Klohn (1960) in frontier areas to the south. Imbricate thrust faulting has been described by Harrington (1956) in the area east of Mt. Aconcagua in Argentina. There Jurassic limestone strata have been thrust eastward against a solid plutonic mass of Paleozoic age capped by thin layers of Triassic sediments. This relationship suggests that compressive stress came mainly from the west. An equal opposite stress was offered by the stable plutonic mass and resulted in upthrusting, overthrusting, and tight folding in the Juncal subprovince. GEOLOGIC HISTORY The historical record of geologic development in central Chile is incomplete. The presence of marine limestones of Early Jurassic age in the Quebrada del Pobre Formation (Thomas, 1958) indicates that the Andean geosyncline was locally initiated near the beginning of the Mesozoic Era. Four cycles of marine invasion, retreat, and volcanism of the GEOLOGIC HISTORY Jurassic and Early Cretaceous are recorded by the stratigraphic sequence as it is known today. Major uplift and erosion apparently took place in the Coastal Cordillera during Late Jurassic time, for Upper Jurassic strata are entirely absent. To the east, in the area now occupied by the Andes, a thick sequence of limestone, sandstone, conglomerate, and gypsum, principally of terrigenous origin (Aguirre Le B., 1960, p. 16) was deposited during the Late Jurassic. The Cretaceous period brought marine invasion and deposition of fossil-bearing sediments throughout the area. At the end of Early Cretaceous time the southern end of the elongate Andean geosyncline was cut off from the rest of the Pacific basin by mild, gradual epeirogenic uplift accompanied by volcanism. The geosyncline became a large catchment basin for volcanic rocks, which may have been expelled as sheet flows from fault zones along its margins or along its axis. During this period a thick (3000-m) series of andesite porphyry lava flows (Veta Negra Formation) was followed by a thick series of effusive tuffs and flow-breccias (Cerro Morado Formation). Deepening of the basin, with resultant tilting of existing strata and uplift of the Coastal Cordillera, is indicated by conglomerates in the Las Chilcas and Abanico Formations of Late Cretaceous age, which record a new erosional cycle and, in general, dip more gently to the east than do the older strata. Angular unconformity is not always clearly demonstrated, however, for the basal contact is not everywhere clearly marked. This is largely the result of the fact that the upper part of the Cerro Morado Formation is composed of poorly bedded, blocky tuffaceous flow breccias that interfinger with and are overlain by cobble and boulder conglomerates which are composed of the same tuffaceous rock, and which form the base of the Las Chilcas and Abanico Formations. Thick lenses of such conglomerate wedge out a few kilometers from where thicknesses of 500-1000 m of conglomerate can be measured. The upper part of the Las Chilcas and Abanico Formations is composed largely of conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, and fresh-water limestone, all interlayered with volcanic rocks, largely lavas and tuffs, indicating periodic volcanism and quiescence with erosion. Renewed and more intensive volcanic activity at the close of the Cretaceous Period resulted in deposition of the Lo Valle and 661 Farellones Formations, the youngest of the folded volcanic rocks. This renewed activity apparently heralded the forthcoming Andean orogeny that folded and faulted the strata as they are seen today. Orogenic processes that formed the Andes Mountains and the Coastal Cordillera of central Chile appear to have begun during late Early Cretaceous time and extended into Quaternary time. Both compressional and tensional stresses were significant in structural development. Uplift, caused either by epeirogeny, intrusion, or both, along the Coastal Cordillera, developed strong vertical stress as well as horizontal eastward stress by lateral expansion. The uplifted stratified rocks tilted eastward in the coastal region. An equal, opposite horizontal stress was created by the stable landmass to the east in central Argentina. Thus, an east-west oriented compressional force was developed that resulted in folding of the intervening rocks. North-trending overturned folds, upthrusts, and overthrusts to the east along the frontier and in Argentina suggest that the major horizontal stress came from the west. Compression stopped at the end of the intrusive period. With this release, tensional forces developed along the eastern margin of the intruded area, forming a zone of weakness that resulted in the Pocuro fault zone, the Central Valley graben, and the collapse structures of the Los Angeles fault zones. The faulting is presently believed to have begun during the early Tertiary (Paleogene), for Miocene marine strata crop out on the east coast of the Island of Chiloe and at the southern end of the Central Valley. Although no such direct evidence has been found in the Central Valley near Santiago, two lines of evidence tend to show agreement with this hypothesis. First, lead-alpha age determinations of the intrusive rocks in the Las Ollas subprovince of the Andes indicate that intrusion took place prior to or during Miocene time. In addition, Darwin (1845) mentioned and later Thomas (1958) described the Horcon Formation of Miocene age which crops out to the west along the coast north of Concon and has a measurable thickness of 80-90 m. This marine formation indicates post-Miocene uplift of the Coastal Cordillera of nearly 100 m above the present sea level. Whether or not volcanic activity was related to formation of the Central Valley graben is still not clear. In central Chile, Tertiary to Recent volcanic evidence is mainly concentrated along the frontier with Argentina. 662 CARTER AND AGUIRRE LE B.—ACONCAGUA PROVINCE, CHILE The only volcanoes included in the area of this study are Tupungato and Tupungatito, which lie 70 km east of Santiago. The latter still emits fumarolic vapor from its crater. These volcanoes are the northernmost of an extensive chain that parallels the longitudinal valley of Chile on the east. Within the Central Valley graben near Chacabuco are Alto del Huechiin (PI. 2, fig. 2) and several other pluglike masses of andesitic composition that are believed to represent volcanic necks (Thomas, 1958, p. 74). The Huechiin and neighboring pipes intrude strata of Cretaceous and Tertiary (?) age and are, therefore, younger. Their presence suggests that faults and fractures in the Central Valley are deep seated and once connected to a magma chamber below the earth's crust. Some volcanoes of the high Andes, like Cerro Tupungato (PI. 3, fig. 2), are glaciated and still have icefilled cirques near their crests; and lava flows extending from them are interstratified with morainal material in U-shaped valleys. Others, like Volcan Tupungatito, are clearly younger, for they are superposed on the older volcanoes and mask the underlying glaciated terrain. Near the southern part of the Central Valley, active volcanoes are probably aligned along a fault that forms the eastern limit of the valley (Klohn, 1954, written communication). Gerth (1955) suggested close volcanic relationship for all the rift zones of the Andean Cordillera. The authors are inclined to agree with Gerth, for the present evidence indicates that the Central Valley graben and the volcanic belt of the frontier are closely related in geologic time and undoubtedly formed under similar stress conditions. Both appear to have formed after compression and folding, probably as a result of strain release at the end of intrusion and uplift along the Coastal Cordillera. The tensional forces thus developed were apparently deep seated and caused the formation of faults, such as the Pocuro and those along the frontier that extended through the earth's crust into the molten magma chamber below. The Central Valley dropped and major eruption took place both within the Central Valley graben and along the Juncal subprovince where the effects of compressional stress had been the greatest. valley northward through Aconcagua Province, even though their geomorphic expression disappears. (3) The longitudinal valley is a rift herein called the Central Valley graben. It is a major structure bounded by the Pocuro fault and the Andes on the east and the Los Angeles fault zone and Coastal Cordillera on the west. (4) The Pocuro fault is a prominent lineament along which several thousands of meters of vertical displacement is marked. It probably extends to great depth. (5) The Los Angeles fault zone, on the other hand, comprises a band of many normal faults of short linear extent and relatively minor displacement. They are closely associated with masses of intrusive igneous rock on the west and are the result of uplift by intrusion. Such faults appear to be local and shallow. (6) Blocks within the rift are mostly tilted to the east, suggesting that rotation, owing to differential movement, was greater on the east than on the west margin of the graben. Processes that formed the Central Valley graben and the linear chain of volcanoes in the Andean region appear to have been similar in origin and probably occurred at about the same time. Both appear to have formed by tensional forces generated by strain release following uplift by intrusion along the coast and compression and folding of the Andes. The presence of Miocene strata in the southern end of the Central Valley, however, indicates that there, at least, graben formation was preMiocene and that gentle, late Tertiary to Recent uplift was the latest significant tectonic movement. Most of Chile's volcanoes appear to be younger than Miocene, but a few may be older. Best available evidence indicates that many of them were formed prior to the Pleistocene Epoch. Several are younger and intermittently active at the present time. Further work along the Pocuro fault zone is needed to determine its longitudinal extent and its sense and magnitude of movement. Such work should include studies of its location, geomorphology, and structure in Coquimbo Province, north of the mapped area. In addition, detailed stratigraphic studies of the Abanico and Farellones Formations should be extended from the Aconcagua River to the north. CONCLUSIONS It has been shown that: (1) The tripartite geomorphic division of central Chile is controlled by structural features. (2) These structural components extend from the longitudinal POSTSCRIPT: CHILEAN EARTHQUAKE OF MARCH 28, 1965 The area described in this report encompasses most of the area damaged by the Chilean earthquake of March 28, 1965. On this date, at 16 Figure 1. A north-trending f a u l t of the Los Angeles fault zone passes through the valley separating the h i l l s of Cerro Negro (mine workings, upper left) from Cerro El Penon (flat-topped peak). Mew is east. Note that the beds dip south at the mine but are nearly horizontal east of the f a u l t . Figure 2. Pluglike intrusive mass of Cerro Alto de Huechun (altitude, 1352 m) rises 600 m above the floor of the Central Valley near Chacabuco. View is east toward the Andes. Trace of Pocuro fault coincides approximately with snow line at about 3000 m; s k y l i n e is about 5000 m above sea level. STRUCTURAL AND GEOMORPHIC FEATURES OF THE COASTAL CORDILLERA AND CENTRAL VALLEY, C H I L E CARTER AND A G U I R R F . LE B, PLATE 2 Geological Society of America B u l l e t i n , volume 76 Figure 1. Aerial view looking north along the tract of the Pocuro f a u l t near the headwaters of the Colina River. Note that the strata west of the f a u l t (I 1 ') dip eastward, whereas those to the east dip westward. Minor stream valleys are aligned along the structure. Crosscutting stream gorge at center has exposed f a u l t gouije. Figure 2. View looking east at Mt. Tupungato (extinct volcano, elevation 6500 m) shows glaciated volcanic terrain p a r t i a l l y masked by recent lava flows (toreground) from Volcan Tupungatito ( f u m a r o l i c volcano) to r i g h t (south) of scene shown. Flows rest on glacial till and a l l u v i u m . STRUCTURAL A N I ) GFOMORPHIC FKATURKS OF THE H I G H A.NDKS, C H I L K CARTF.R A N I ) AGl'IRRF. I.H B., PI.ATF 3 Geological Society of America B u l l e t i n , v o l u m e 76 POSTSCRIPT: CHILEAN EARTHQUAKE OF MARCH 28, 1965 hours, 33 minutes, and 14.6 seconds (GMT), the village and railroad station at Llai Llai, Valparaiso Province, shook violently and were almost totally destroyed. A large tailings pond serving the El Soldado copper mine and mill at the town of El Cobre collapsed, and a sea of mud swept over the town, completely destroying it and killing about 360 residents. Extensive property damage was reported over an area having a radius of at least 120 km and including both Santiago and Valparaiso, the largest population centers of Chile. On the basis of severity of damage, Llai Llai was initially considered to be the epicenter of the major shock, The U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey report of March 30, 1965, entitled "Preliminary Determination of Epicenters," placed the epicenter at long. 32.4° S., lat. 71.2° W., at La Ligua, about 50 km northwest of Llai Llai. The 663 focus of the quake was estimated to be at a depth of 61 km, and the energy released at the focus was between 6.4 and 7.25 in magnitude on the Richter scale. The damaged areas were mainly in the Coastal Cordillera structural province and Central Valley graben of this report. As previously noted both areas are highly faulted, but the faults are generally considered to be of relalively shallow depth. Movement on the Pocuro fault is considered to be the most likely source of the energy released. Downward projection to the west of this steeply dipping fault in section A-A' indicates that the fault plane should be about 50-70 km below the approximate epicenter at Catemu and Llai Llai. This range is in general agreement with the estimated depth of focus of 61 km. REFERENCES CITED Aguirre Le B., Luis, 1960, Geologia de los Andes de Chile central, Provincia de Aconcagua: Chile, Inst. Inv. Geol., Bol. no. 9, 70 p. Briiggen, Juan, 1950, Fundamentos de la geologia de Chile: Santiago, Inst. Geog. Militar, 374 p. Carter, W. D., 1963, Unconformity marking the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in the La Ligua area, Aconcagua Province, Chile: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 450-E, Art. 196, p. E61-E63 Carter, W. D., Perez, E., and Aliste, N., 1961, Definition and age of Patagua Formation, Province of Aconcagua, Chile: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull, v. 45, p. 1892-1896 Darwin, Charles, 1845, Viaje naturalista alrededor del mundo: Libreria el Ateneo, editorial, Buenos Aires (Translated into Spanish by J. Hubert, 1951), 297 p. De Sitter, L. U., 1956, Structural geology: New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 552 p. Domeyko, Ignacio, 1903, Jeologia. Tomo quinto: Santiago, Imprenta Cervantes, 457 p. Gerth, Heinrich, 1955, Der Geologische Bau der sudamerikanischen Kordillere: Berlin-Nikolassee, Gebriider Borntraeger, p. 1-253 Harrington, H. J., 1956, Argentina, p. 129-165 in Jenks, William F., Editor, Handbook of South American geology: Geol. Soc. America Memoir 65, 378 p. Klohn, Carlos, 1956, Estado actual del estudio geologicode la "Formacion Porfiritica": Minerales, Ano 11, no. 55, p. 49-60 1960, Geologia de la Cordillera de los Andes de Chile central, provincias de Santiago, O'Higgins, Colchagua y Curico: Chile, Inst. Inv. Geol., Bol. no. 8, 95 p. Levi, B., Mehech, S., and Munizaga, F., 1963, Edades radiometricas y petrografia de granitos chilenos: Chile, Inst. Inv. Geol., Bol. no. 12, 41 p. Lomnitz, Cinna, 1959, Investigaciones gravimetricas en la region de Chilian: Chile, Inst. Inv. Geol., Bol. no. 4, 19 p. Mufioz Cristi, J., 1956, Chile, p. 187-214 in Jenks, William F., Editor, Handbook of South American geology: Geol. Soc. America Memoir 65, 378 p. Ruiz, F., Carlos, and Ericksen, G. E., 1962, Metallogenetic provinces of Chile, S. A.: Econ. Geology, v. 57, p. 91-106 Ruiz, Carlos, Aguirre,Luis, Corvalan, Jose, Rose, H. J., Jr., Segerstrom,Kenneth, and Stern, T. W., 1961, Ages of batholithic intrusions of northern and central Chile: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 72, no. 10, p. 1551-1560 Ruiz F., Carlos, Segerstrom, Kenneth, Aguirre Le B., Luis, Corvalan, Jose, Rose, H. J., Jr., and Stern, T. W., 1960, Edades plomo-alfa y marco estratigrafico de granitos Chilenos: Chile, Inst. Inv. Geol., Bol. no. 7, 26 p. 664 CARTER AND AGUIRRE LE B.—ACONCAGUA PROVINCE, CHILE St. Amand, Pierre, 1958, Circum Pacific orogeny, p. 403-411 in Hodgson, J. H., Editor, The mechanics of faulting—a symposium: Canada, Dominion Observatory, v. 20, no. 2 1961, Los terremotos de Mayo, Chile, 1960: U. S. Naval Ordnance Test Sta., China Lake, Calif., Michelson Labs., Tech. Art. 14, 39 p. Thomas, Herbert, 1958, Geologia de la Cordillera de la Costa entre el valle de La Ligua y la cuesta de Barriga: Chile, Inst. Inv. Geol., Bol. no. 2, 86 p. MANUSCRIPT RECEIVED BY THE SOCIETY NOVEMBER 23, 1964 PUBLICATION AUTHORIZED BY THE DIRECTOR, U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY AND THE DIRECTOR, INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACIONES GEOLOCICAS Downloaded from gsabulletin.gsapubs.org on April 6, 2015 Geological Society of America Bulletin Structural Geology of Aconcagua Province and Its Relationship to the Central Valley Graben, Chile W. D CARTER and LUIS AGUIRRE LE B Geological Society of America Bulletin 1965;76, no. 6;651-664 doi: 10.1130/0016-7606(1965)76[651:SGOAPA]2.0.CO;2 Email alerting services click www.gsapubs.org/cgi/alerts to receive free e-mail alerts when new articles cite this article Subscribe click www.gsapubs.org/subscriptions/ to subscribe to Geological Society of America Bulletin Permission request click http://www.geosociety.org/pubs/copyrt.htm#gsa to contact GSA Copyright not claimed on content prepared wholly by U.S. government employees within scope of their employment. 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