Download ABN AMRO Creditcard Application Form

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ABN AMRO Creditcard Application Form
ABN AMRO Credit Card
ABN AMRO Ajax Credit Card
ABN AMRO Gold Card (please tick)
Applicant details
Date of Birth
Sofi number
Number of children living at home
Marital status:
Personal bank account number
Activation code*
Mother’s maiden name
* Enter an eight-digit code that is easy for you to remember. These details may be used to confirm your identity by telephone.
Address details
Residential status:
Telephone number
House number
Town / City
Number of years at this address:
Mobile number
Work details
Work situation:
Full-time (more than 31 hrs)
If employed:
Employer’s name
Salaried employment
Agency worker
Part-time (less than 31 hrs) Number of years with your current employer?
Telephone number
Town / City
Financial details (minimum net income EUR 1,000.- per month)
Net monthly income b
Net monthly rent payment** b
Monthly maintenance obligation b
Net monthly mortgage payment** b
** Net means the amount minus rent supplement or mortgage tax relief.
Credit card details
ABN AMRO Credit Card and ABN AMRO Ajax Credit Card
b 1,000.- ( one thousand)
b 2,500.- (two thousand five hundred)
b 5,000.- (five thousand)
Preferred spending limit:
b 7,500.- (seven thousand five hundred)
Other amount b
(in words:
ABN AMRO Gold Card
b 5,000.- (five thousand)
b 10,000.- (ten thousand)
b 15,000.- (fifteen thousand)
Preferred spending limit:
b 20,000.- (twenty thousand)
Other amount b
(in words:
How should your name appear on the credit card:
(max. 26 positions)
In which language would you like to receive information on the credit card?
Additional credit card
Mr Mrs
Date of birth
Relationship to principal cardholder:
How should your name appear on the credit card:
(max. 26 positions)
You choose Spread Payments. Your spending limit equals the agreed credit limit. The Conditions of Spread Payments on the reverse side of this form apply (you are the Borrower specified therein). Each month 3% of the outstanding balance will be debited from your account. You may choose to pay a higher amount or the entire outstanding
balance at any time. You will pay monthly interest on the outstanding amount. The interest rate may vary and is currently set at 1.24% per month, which is equivalent to a
compound annual rate of 15.9%. ABN AMRO will inform you in writing of any changes to these rates. Further information is set out in the Spread Payments prospectus, which
is available on the internet ( or from ABN AMRO Creditcard Services (on 0900-0816, local rate). If your application for Spread Payments is approved, you can cancel the contract within 14 days of it taking effect if it was not concluded through one of the ABN AMRO bankshops. If you wish to cancel the contract,
please write to the address at the bottom of this form. If you wish to invoke this right, you are obliged to pay for any purchases or withdrawals made with the credit card and
any interest due in one go.
You choose Payment in Full. The entire outstanding amount will be debited from your account on a monthly basis.
Please enclose the following with this form:
- a copy of your passport or Dutch driving licence and, if applicable, a copy of your residence permit (front and back);
- proof of income (no more than two months old).
You hereby agree that ABN AMRO may consult the Central Credit Registration Office (Stichting Bureau Krediet Registratie / BKR) in Tiel in order to ascertain your eligibility for an
ABN AMRO Creditcard and, if required, for approval of Spread Payments. The Conditions of Spread Payments are enclosed with this form. You hereby declare that you have read
and understood these conditions and that you accept them. In addition, you hereby authorise ABN AMRO (depending on the options you have selected) to debit 3% or 100% of
your outstanding balance from your personal account on a monthly basis. By signing this form, you authorise and accept the implementation of this agreement, provided that your
application is approved by ABN AMRO.
Signature of applicant:
Signature on behalf of
Please send this form to: ABN AMRO Creditcard Services, Antwoordnummer 1225, 3770 WB Barneveld (no postage required)
ABN AMRO Bank N.V. Gevestigd te Amsterdam KvK nr 33002587
You can choose to pay either in monthly instalments, or have the full balance debited automatically.
ABN AMRO Creditcard Services is a department of ABN AMRO Bank N.V. Correspondence address: ABN AMRO Creditcard Services, Postbus 68, 3870 CB Hoevelaken.
ABN AMRO Bank N.V. is registered in Amsterdam, Chamber of Commerce no. 33002587. Its head office is at Gustav Mahlerlaan 10, 1082 PP Amsterdam. The company’s VAT number is NL
ABN AMRO Bank N.V. has a banking licence from De Nederlandsche Bank N.V., the Netherlands central bank, and registered with the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (Stichting
Autoriteit Financiële Markten / AFM). ABN AMRO Bank N.V. acts as a provider of credit cards and credit products.
If you have any complaints, please submit them to ABN AMRO Creditcard Services. If your complaint is not dealt with to your satisfaction, you can obtain information on ABN AMRO Bank N.V.’s
complaint procedures and the dispute settlement institutions to which ABN AMRO Bank N.V. is affiliated on the internet at or by calling 0900-0024 (local rate).
ABN AMRO Bank N.V. will treat your personal details with care and strictly in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (Wet Bescherming Persoonsgegevens, WBP). ABN AMRO Bank
N.V. will process your personal details within the framework of an efficient and effective business operation, focussing on the following activities:
- assessing and accepting existing and potential customers, entering into and executing agreements with counterparties and settling payments;
- analysing personal details for statistical and research purposes;
- carrying out general and targeted marketing activities in order to establish, maintain and/or expand customer relationships;
- safeguarding the security and integrity of the sector, including combating, preventing and detecting attempted or actual criminal and other acts against the Bank, its customers and
employees, as well as the use of and participation in warning systems;
- complying with statutory requirements.
Spread Payments is a continuous credit under which you can make purchases and withdrawals with your ABN AMRO Creditcard up to the agreed credit limit. The amount repaid can be used
again up to this limit. The interest due depends on interest rate levels at the time. You should therefore always request the current rates.
Credit limit
Effective annual interest rate*
Monthly payment** Theoretical term***
Total credit cost****
b 1,000.-
b 30.-
66 months
b 1,423.-
b 2,500.-
b 75.-
118 months
b 3,702.-
b 5,000.-
b 150.-
167 months
b 8,188.-
b 7,500.-
b 225.-
179 months
b 12,416.-
* The effective annual interest rate shows the price of the credit, reflecting all the costs associated with the credit.
** The monthly payment is 3% of the outstanding balance, with a minimum of EUR 20. This column shows the maximum monthly payment. This is the monthly payment when all the available
credit is used.
*** The calculation of the theoretical term assumes that all the available credit will be used, that no further purchases or withdrawals are made, that the payment instalments are not
brought forward or pushed back, and that the rate of interest does not change.
****This is the result of the theoretical term in months multiplied by the monthly payment based on 3% of the outstanding balance.
Conditions of Spread Payments
The English translation has no legal force and is provided to the customer for convenience only. The conditions in the Dutch language shall be binding and prevail in all respects. The law of the
Netherlands shall apply.
These conditions apply to the Spread Payments Agreement (the Agreement) in force between ABN AMRO and the Borrower. The Conditions of Use of ABN AMRO Credit Card shall be deemed
to form part of these conditions, insofar as the present conditions do not depart from them.
2) The credit facility granted under the Agreement (the Credit Facility) can only be used for making purchases and withdrawing cash with the credit card(s) provided by ABN AMRO to the
Borrower and Additional Cardholder. The amount of a transaction carried out with the credit card(s) is subject to interest from the transaction date, unless the balance owed is paid definitively
and in full within 14 days of the date of the billing statement.
3) The Borrower undertakes to pay ABN AMRO a monthly amount for interest and repayment (the Monthly Payment) equal to 3% of the outstanding balance of the Credit Facility with a minimum
of EUR 20 (in words: twenty euros). If the outstanding balance is less than EUR 20, the Borrower shall only be required to pay the balance owed. If the outstanding balance is higher than the
credit limit, the next Monthly Payment shall be increased by the amount in excess of the credit limit.
4) The Borrower shall always be entitled to make additional payments into ABN AMRO’s account, quoting the Borrower’s reference number.
5) The Borrower may withdraw funds up to the credit limit. ABN AMRO shall be entitled to refuse withdrawals even if the credit limit then in force has not been reached, for example if a payment
has not been received by ABN AMRO in time.
6) ABN AMRO shall always be entitled to reduce the credit limit. ABN AMRO shall notify the Borrower of such a reduction, giving reasons.
All amounts owed to ABN AMRO under the Agreement shall become immediately payable if:
a. the Borrower has been in arrears with one (1) Monthly Payment due for a period of at least two (2) months, and still fails to meet his or her obligations in full after being served with notice
of default;
b. the Borrower is no longer resident in the Netherlands or can be reasonably assumed to take up residence outside the Netherlands within a few months;
c. the Borrower has died and ABN AMRO has reasonable grounds to assume that his or her obligations under the Credit Agreement will not be met;
d. the Borrower has been declared bankrupt or the debt rescheduling arrangement for natural persons has been declared applicable to the Borrower;
e. with a view to entering into the Agreement, the Borrower has deliberately provided ABN AMRO with incorrect information to the extent that ABN AMRO would not have entered into the
Agreement, or would not have done so under the same conditions, had it been aware of the true state of affairs.
8) Both the Borrower and ABN AMRO shall at all times be entitled to cancel the Agreement in writing giving two (2) weeks’ notice. ABN AMRO can take this step in particular if the Borrower is
in default. Cancellation shall have the effect that the Borrower and Additional Cardholder cannot make any further purchases or withdrawals under the Credit Facility. The provisions of the
Agreement shall otherwise remain fully in force until the Borrower has paid all sums owed to ABN AMRO under the Agreement.
9) ABN AMRO shall provide the Borrower with regular statements of the balance of the Credit Facility, and the statements shall show the interest charged.
10) The Borrower authorises ABN AMRO to collect the Monthly Payment from the Borrower’s designated personal account.
11) ABN AMRO is affiliated to the Central Credit Registration Office (Stichting Bureau Krediet Registratie / BKR) based in Tiel. ABN AMRO shall report the Credit Facility to the BKR. The BKR will
record this information in order to prevent and limit credit and payment risks for the affiliated institutions, and to prevent and limit overindebtedness of consumers.
12) ABN AMRO undertakes to report any arrears of payments under the Agreement of more than seventy days to the BKR, which shall record this information. This may have implications for any
subsequent applications for finance.
13) ABN AMRO shall be entitled to vary and/or add to these conditions within the limits of the law. Any variations and/or additions shall come into force one month after notification of this to the
Borrower. If the Borrower does not agree to the variations and/or additions, he or she must notify ABN AMRO of this in writing within the said period.