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Family Health and Fitness
Night Activities List
Wii Just Dance
Concept or Skill Targeted: muscular endurance
This involves fast hops, jumps, slides & arm movements.
Start by standing feet together in a personal space.
Equipment: Wii controller, projector, “Just Dance” game
Choose a song from the options on the screen (shorter song around 1 minute)
Give one controller to each player & their partner (four controllers total with eight participants)
Move your controller to start
Follow the person who is dancing on the TV screen
This activity builds muscular endurance which helps us perform tasks many times
without tiring.
Endurance, as a layer of fitness, also helps prevent injury (i.e. back problems).
National recommendations for physical activity include 30 minutes daily for adults and
60 minutes daily for children and teens.
Physical activity supports a healthy body and prevents heart disease.
100 Jumps
Equipment: 8 to10 ropes
Directions: Family members each have a rope and jump 100 jumps. When they
miss, they just continue with the number they missed on. They do not have to
start over.
Object: Aerobic activity-Participants jump to 100
 Jump rope encourages a heart-healthy lifestyle
 Jump rope is an easy and fun physical activity
 This activity builds muscular endurance which helps us perform tasks many
times without tiring.
 Endurance, as a layer of fitness, also helps prevent injury (i.e. back
 National recommendations for physical activity include 30 minutes daily for
adults and 60 minutes daily for children and teens.
 Physical activity supports a healthy body and prevents heart disease.
Ants on a Log
1 stalk of celery
1 Tablespoon of or low fat cream cheese
1 Handful of raisins
Clean celery and cut into 5-6 inch pieces. Spread celery sticks with low-fat cream cheese. Top
with raisins.
Nutritional Value:
220 calories 10 grams fat (for original recipe, this one has been modified)
This recipe replaces a higher calorie treat to have as a snack or dessert
Including different fruits & vegetables in all snacks increases your daily fruit and
vegetable consumption
National recommendations for fruit and vegetable consumption is 6-10 servings
Using low fat cream cheese cuts back on calories but not on taste
Apple and Cheese Pockets
1 Whole grain pita pocket
1 Tablespoon of ricotta cheese
4-5 Granny Smith apple slices
Dash Cinnamon
Crumble ricotta cheese and stuff in a wholegrain pita pocket. Cut several slices of the apple and
add to the cheese in the pita pocket. Add a dash of cinnamon on top.
Nutritional Value:
300 calories 7 grams fat
This recipe replaces a higher calorie sweet treat to have as a snack or dessert
Including fruits in all snacks increases your daily fruit and vegetable consumption
National recommendations for fruit and vegetable consumption is 6-10 servings
Using a whole grain pita pocket instead of a white one increases your fiber intake and
can usually decrease the amount of sugar in the pita.
Balance Shuffle
Concept or Skill Targeted: coordination, balance
Equipment: Four 2”x 4” x 8’ boards
Two children stand on a the board and exchange places twice without touching the ground
Messages to Convey…
The activity builds balance and coordination which helps us use all our body senses.
Balance and coordination are two of six skill related components that help to be success
in a sport.
Communication skill in sharing ideas.
Cooperation with another person.
Body Alphabet Letters
Concept or Skill Targeted: Bodily movements
This involves the use of your body to create the letters in the alphabet
Directions/ Steps:
The leader will call out letters of the alphabet for the participants to make with their body.
They can attempt to create the letter with their own body or make the letter with a
partner/more people.
 National recommendations for physical activity include 30 minutes daily for adults and 60
minutes daily for children and teens.
 Physical activity supports a healthy body and prevents heart disease.
Equipment: Bowling lane, bowling ball and 10 pins
Directions: One turn per family member to knock down pins. Do not set pins up
between family members.
Object: Recreational fun - To get all pins down
Concept or Skill Targeted: muscular strength
Equipment: none
Players lie shoulder to shoulder in groups of 4-5 by one end line. Following a signal to begin, groups
raise to a push-up position. The last student in line crawls under each person, assumes a push-up
position in front, and shouts “GO.” This process continues until the group has reached a designated
distance. Remind players to keep their bridges close together.
This activity is more fun if done with a larger group (10 people).
You could have a friendly competition between the adults and children.
Messages to Convey…
This activity builds muscular strength which helps us perform daily tasks efficiently.
Strength, as a layer of fitness, also helps prevent injury.
National recommendations for physical activity include 30 minutes daily for adults and 60
minutes daily for children and teens.
Physical activity supports a healthy body and prevents heart disease.
Catch 3
Concept or Skill Targeted: coordination
Equipment: three beanbags or tennis balls for each student
Players collect three beanbags or tennis balls and find a clear space on the floor. Three balls are thrown
in the air at a minimum height of three to five feet above the thrower’s head. The goal is to catch all
three when thrown at the same time.
Messages to Convey…
This activity builds coordination which helps us use our senses together with our body parts.
Coordination, as a layer of fitness, also helps prevent injury.
National recommendations for physical activity include 30 minutes daily for adults and 60
minutes daily for children and teens.
Physical activity supports a healthy body and prevents heart disease.
Cooperative Activities
Concept or Skill Targeted: cooperation
Equipment: mats for select activities
Players should pick a partner about the same size. Then they can select one of the cooperative activities
to try, starting with those circled.
Notes: Any tumbling or lifting activities should be done over a mat.
Messages to Convey…
This activity builds cooperation skills.
Cooperation, as an interpersonal skill, strengthens communication and expands support
Healthy relationships support a healthy body and may prevent heart disease.
Crab, Frog, Horse
Concept or skill Targeted: Muscular endurance
Involves acting like animals
Involves rock, paper, scissors
Participants will start off walking like a CRAB (LOW Level). When the leader says stop,
participants must quickly find another CRAB to play a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors.
The one who wins Rock, Paper, Scissors becomes a FROG (MEDIUM Level) and the one that
loses remains a CRAB. When the leader says start, the CRABS walk and the FROGS jump.
When the leader says stop, the CRABS must find another Crab, the FROGS find another FROG to
play Rock, Paper, Scissors.
If a participant wins as a FROG, they now become a HORSE (HIGH Level) and will gallop. If
participants lose as a FROG they go back to being a CRAB.
 This activity builds muscular endurance which helps us perform tasks many times without tiring.
 Endurance, as a layer of fitness, also helps prevent injury (i.e. back problems).
 National recommendations for physical activity include 30 minutes daily for adults and 60
minutes daily for children and teens.
 Physical activity supports a healthy body and prevents heart disease.
Dice Roll Warm Up
Concept or Skill Targeted: cardiovascular endurance
Equipment: 10 dice
Rock/paper/scissors to see who goes first.
First person rolls the dice.
Both people do the exercise that goes with the number that is rolled.
Do the exercise 10 plus the number rolled. For push-ups: 10 + 1 = 11
Second person rolls the dice and the process continues.
Play until each person has had three rolls.
If the same number comes up twice, redo the roll.
Dress Me
Concept or Skill Targeted: cooperation
Equipment: one large shirt per couple
One partner puts on a very large shirt and joins hands with their partner. They must continue to hold
hands while two other players try to take the shirt off the first person and put it on the second person.
They’ll have to do this over the partners’ heads, their connected hands and arms. The shirt will be
turned inside out during this process.
Messages to Convey…
This activity builds cooperation skills.
Cooperation, as an interpersonal skill, strengthens communication and expands support
Healthy relationships support a healthy body and may prevent heart disease.
Duck Walk
Concept or Skill Targeted: coordination, balance
Equipment: Six Duck Walk
Students balance their bodies on Duck Walker and twist their bodies to move ten feet.
Messages to Convey…
The activity builds balance and coordination which helps us use all our body senses.
Balance and coordination are two of six skill related components that help to be success
in a sport.
Endurance Exercises
Concept or Skill Targeted: muscular endurance
This involves fast walk, hops, jumps, leaps, skips.
Start by standing feet together in a personal space.
Equipment: none
Jump and turn one-quarter turn in place, 4Xs.
Hop right, hop left.
Jump with feet apart, then together.
Repeat steps 2 and 3, 2Xs.
Repeat step 1.
Side to side leap: leap with right foot to right side and tap the left foot next to the right. Then
leap with the left foot to the left.
Skip 8Xs in place.
Repeat step 1.
Repeat steps 2 and 3, 2Xs.
Repeat step 3.
Messages to Convey…
This activity builds muscular endurance which helps us perform tasks many times without tiring.
Endurance, as a layer of fitness, also helps prevent injury (i.e. back problems).
National recommendations for physical activity include 30 minutes daily for adults and 60
minutes daily for children and teens.
Physical activity supports a healthy body and prevents heart disease.
Gold Glove
Concept or Skill Targeted: coordination
Equipment: one Frisbee disc and two tennis balls or small beanbags per student
Players hold their disc with one object on the inside. Holding the sides of the disc, toss the object high
into the air and catch. Once proficient, add the second object. When you can catch both objects you
are ready to compete for a gold glove. Put one object down. Throw both the disc and the object
upward at the same time, catch the disc first and then the object on top. Try catching two objects for a
Messages to Convey…
This activity builds coordination which helps us use our senses together with our body parts.
Coordination, as a layer of fitness, also helps prevent injury.
National recommendations for physical activity include 30 minutes daily for adults and 60
minutes daily for children and teens.
Physical activity supports a healthy body and prevents heart disease.
Healthy Eaters
Concept or Skill Targeted: To reinforce the concept of healthy foods vs. unhealthy foods
This involves throwing bean bags
Knowledge of the food groups is useful
Bean bags
Laundry basket into which bean bags can be thrown
Hula hoops
Poly spots marked with unhealthy foods
Every participant is designated as a "Healthy Food Police Officer.” Each group of 2-3 will have
one of the hoops placed around the perimeter of the activity area designated as their “Police
Car.” Each police car contains a variety of healthy foods (i.e., beanbags). The large laundry
basket, designated as “the mouth,” is placed in the center of the activity area. Marked poly
spots are scattered throughout the activity area.
The teacher will tell the class that today they are going to be "Healthy Food Police." Their job as
police officers is to stop unhealthy foods from getting into someone’s mouth by replacing them
with healthy foods. Hold up examples from a “Police Car”. Allow students to suggest several
ideas of healthy foods.
The Healthy Food Police will work in teams to get healthy food (beanbags) into the mouth and
unhealthy food (poly spots) into their police cars. Students accomplish this by standing on the
unhealthy foods and throwing a piece of healthy food into the mouth. If the healthy food stays
in the mouth they pick up that piece of unhealthy food (poly spot) and place it into their police
car. If the healthy food does not land in the mouth, they leave that unhealthy piece of food on
the floor, allowing another student to throw from that spot.
The activity promotes healthy eating.
Hula Hoop Hoopla
Concept or Skill Targeted: To increase physical activity
Involves jumps, hops and various movements around and in a hula hoop
Scatter hula hoops in area
Hula hoop for each participant
1) Begin by marching around your hula hoop
2) Continue using the following movements (plus add your own):
One foot in, one foot out, circle around the hoop clockwise
Reverse, going counterclockwise
Using jumps, jump inside hoop, jump out to Right
Repeat to Left
March and step in then out, using Right, Left, front, back
March around the outside of the hoop clockwise
Repeat counterclockwise
Vary the movement using a variety of locomotor movements (gallop, skip, slide, tiptoe, skate,
run using little steps, etc.)
Add a "change hoops" and give students a locomotor movement to travel through space to find
a new hoop.
Try shadowing with a partner for more advanced students or let them invent a new "move".
 This activity builds muscular endurance which helps us perform tasks many times without tiring.
 Endurance, as a layer of fitness, also helps prevent injury (i.e. back problems).
 National recommendations for physical activity include 30 minutes daily for adults and 60
minutes daily for children and teens.
 Physical activity supports a healthy body and prevents heart disease.
Hula Hoop Twister
Concept or Skill Targeted: Muscular endurance, flexibility
This involves stretching/ flexibility
Different colored hula hoops
Prior to the introduction of this activity, many different colored hula hoops (the same colors of
the spinner) are scattered throughout the area.
The participants stand in column fashion.
The leader of each group performs a locomotor movement of his/her choice traveling around
the hula hoops, with the group shadowing the leader.
The instructor will call out specific directions, such as: “Put your right hand in a green hula hoop,
” or “Stand with your left foot in a blue hula hoop.”
Then have the students place an assigned hand, foot, elbow, knee, etc. in the correct colored
Choose a new direction each time
This activity builds muscular endurance which helps us perform tasks many times without tiring.
Endurance, as a layer of fitness, also helps prevent injury (i.e. back problems).
National recommendations for physical activity include 30 minutes daily for adults and 60
minutes daily for children and teens.
Physical activity supports a healthy body and prevents heart disease.
Hula Hooping
Equipment: 8 hula hoops, stop watch
Directions: On single family tries to hula hoop for 10 seconds
Object: Recreational Fun
 This activity builds coordination which helps us use our senses together
with our body parts and strengthens your core muscles.
 Coordination, as a layer of fitness, also helps prevent injury.
 National recommendations for physical activity include 30 minutes daily for
adults and 60 minutes daily for children and teens.
 Physical activity supports a healthy body and prevents heart disease.
Inside Out Sandwich
1 Slice of turkey
½ Tablespoon of mustard
1 Sesame breadstick
Spread mustard on a slice of deli turkey. Wrap around a sesame breadstick.
Nutritional Value:
95 calories 3 grams fat
This recipe replaces a higher calorie sandwich with similar ingredients
Turkey is a high protein meat that can be leaner than many other lunch meats
Inside out sandwiches can be eaten as a snack, high protein snacks will keep you fuller
Jungle animals
Concept or skill targeted: Increase cardiovascular endurance
Involves several different movements that imitate animals
Poly spots, cones, bean bags, hula hoops, scooters
1) Choose an animal that they can begin with
2) Explain how they will imitate this animal
Frog: jump from lily pad to lily pad (poly spots)
Caterpillar: put each foot on a bean bag and slide feet into hands like a caterpillar inching along
Flamingo: balance on one foot, stretching the quads Note: This could be used as a "rest" station.
Students may need a wall nearby to assist with balance.
Snake: slither like a snake under hurdles (or jump ropes hung from cones)
Horse: gallop and leap over the hurdles
Kangaroo: jump with a hula hoop as if jumping rope
Fish: lie on a scooter, abdomen down, and pretend to swim
This activity builds muscular endurance which helps us perform tasks many times without tiring.
National recommendations for physical activity include 30 minutes daily for adults and 60
minutes daily for children and teens.
Physical activity supports a healthy body and prevents heart disease.
My Plate Relay with Scooter Boards
Big idea: Half of your plate should be fruits and vegetables. We need 5-9 servings of fruits and
vegetables every day!
1. Make two teams
2. Give each person an envelope of food card
3. Each person should get at least one food card and identify the food group in which it goes
4. When you say go, one person at a time scooter boards down to the food plate, places the food in the
right food group on the plate, and scooter boards back to the next person in line.
5. When they’re finished, call them down to the plate to see how they did. They can make changes and
move cards if they are incorrectly placed.
Play with one team or more than one team if you have enough people
Eggs are often mistakenly places in the dairy group. They actually go in the protein group.
If anyone is unsure what food group their food goes in, there is a symbol on the back of each
card that gives a clue.
Review the big idea: half of your plate should be fruits and vegetables.
Stamp passport
This activity teaches children about good nutrition
Healthy eating supports a healthy body and helps prevent heart disease
My Plate Relay
Big idea: Half of your plate should be fruits and vegetables. We need 5-9 servings of fruits and
vegetables every day!
1. Make two teams
2. Give each person an envelope of food card
3. Each person should get at least one food card and identify the food group in which it goes
4. When you say go, one person at a time runs down to the food plate, places the food in the right food
group on the plate, and runs back to the next person in line.
5. When they’re finished, call them down to the plate to see how they did. They can make changes and
move cards if they are incorrectly placed.
Play with one team or more than one team if you have enough people
Eggs are often mistakenly places in the dairy group. They actually go in the protein group.
If anyone is unsure what food group their food goes in, there is a symbol on the back of each
card that gives a clue.
Review the big idea: half of your plate should be fruits and vegetables.
Stamp passport
This activity teaches children about good nutrition
Healthy eating supports a healthy body and helps prevent heart disease
My Plate
Concept or skill targeted: To provide kids with the knowledge of “My Plate” to promote healthy eating.
Involves coloring and awareness of healthy foods
Paper plates and crayons
1) Explain what they will be doing before you pass out plates and crayons to kids
2) They must color in the plate with the following categories, fruits, grains, vegetables, proteins and
dairy on how they think they consume each.
3) Go over the My Plate Guidelines:
Enjoy your food, but eat less.
Avoid over sized portions.
Make half your plate fruits and vegetables.
Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk.
Make at least half your grains whole grains.
Compare sodium in foods like soup, bread, and frozen meals—and choose foods with lower
4) Give them a new plate and tell them how to fill in the plate correctly (how they should be eating
according to the recommendations).
5) They can take the plate home to practice their good nutrition.
This activity teaches children about good nutrition
Healthy eating supports a healthy body and helps prevent heart disease
Paddle Strike
Concept or Skill Targeted: eye/hand coordination
Equipment: 6 paddles; 6 balls; six hoops
Student stands in hoop and continuously strike a ball with a paddle 25x while remaining in the
Messages to Convey…
The activity builds eye/hand coordination which helps focus on tracking a ball.
Pogo Ball
Concept or Skill Targeted: coordination, balance
Equipment: Six Pogo Balls
Students balance their bodies on a Pogo Ball and bounce 10x.
Messages to Convey…
The activity builds balance and coordination which helps us use all our body senses.
Balance and coordination are two of six skill related components that help to be success
in a sport.
Push-up Variations
Concept or skill targeted: Increase muscular strength/endurance
Will provide more excitement when doing push-ups.
Can be done in the modified or regular push-up position.
Small ball/ beanbag
Choose from any of the following push-up variations and see how many you can get through.
Alphabet Push Ups
Tap left shoulder with right hand, then right with left, etc. as you recite the alphabet.
Ball Tap Push Ups
Put a small ball in between your hands. Tap the ball with right hand, then left. (The ball does not move).
This time make the ball move from side to side.
This time touch the ball with your elbow. Right elbow then left.
Partner Patty Cakes
Two people in push up position face each other. Tap right hand to right hand and then left to left.
Continue alternating until too tired to go on. Too make harder increase distance between partners.
Push Up Position Hockey
Two people in push up position face each other. Using a bean bag or ball, try to slide the object between
your partner’s two hands. The partner may stop it with one hand only.
Alphabet Push Ups with a Partner
Two children are in push up position across from each other. They are to high five each other using
opposite hands while working their way through the ABC's. To make more difficult have them go
through the alphabet backwards.
Tennis Ball Roll Push-Ups
One child is in push up position while a partner is behind them holding a tennis ball. The partner with
the tennis ball rolls the ball under the student in push up position and the push up person catches the
ball and tosses it back to the partner over their shoulder.
This activity builds muscular endurance which helps us perform tasks many times without tiring.
Physical activity supports a healthy body and prevents heart disease.
Remote Control Movement
Concept or Skill Targeted: Physical Activity; movement
This involves free movement in the square area
Everyone should start spaced out
Remote control if you would like
1) Tell participants that you have a remote control that will control their movements
2) Buttons used will be; play, pause, fast forward, slow motion, and rewind
3) Review the following commands:
Play- walk throughout the space.
Fast Forward- jog.
Slow Motion- demonstrate a slow motion movement for run
Pause- freeze. Remember there is no sound during 'Pause.'
Rewind- move backwards
National recommendations for physical activity include 30 minutes daily for adults and 60
minutes daily for children and teens.
Physical activity supports a healthy body and prevents heart disease.
Rockwall-Life Line Climb
Equipment needed: jump ropes
Directions: Family will connect ropes to each other (do not tie them on. Place one
end of rope in pocket or waistband and connect to each family member.
Object: Muscular endurance, muscular strength and cooperation - to get family
across the Rockwall to other end of without the rope disconnecting. If the rope
comes off family must come off wall. No jumping off wall.
 This activity builds muscular strength and interpersonal cooperation which
helps us perform daily tasks efficiently.
 Strength, as a layer of fitness, also helps prevent injury.
 National recommendations for physical activity include 30 minutes daily for
adults and 60 minutes daily for children and teens.
 Physical activity supports a healthy body and prevents heart disease.
Sharp Shooter
Concept or Skill Targeted: eye/hand coordination
Equipment: One Sharp Shooter BB games
Two students take shots the hoop. Challenge who can make the most points in 1 minute.
Messages to Convey…
The activity builds eye/hand coordination which helps focus on tracking the ball.
A fun competitive game for two people.
Sit and Reach
Equipment: 2 Sit and reach boxes
Directions: sit on floor with legs straight out and feet touching inside of box.
Thumbs hooked together and reach forward. Hold for 3 seconds.
Object: Testing flexibility - To see how far you can reach without bending knees
 This activity builds flexibility which helps us perform daily tasks efficiently.
 Flexibility, as a layer of fitness, also helps prevent injury.
 National recommendations for physical activity include 30 minutes daily for
adults and 60 minutes daily for children and teens.
 Physical activity supports a healthy body and prevents heart disease.
Soccer Ball Juggling
Concept or Skill Targeted: coordination, physical activity, movement
Equipment: Four soccer balls
Each person gets a soccer ball and tries to juggle it as long as they can.
Then, have people get in a group pass a soccer ball around as long as they can without having it
touch the ground.
Messages to Convey…
The activity builds coordination and teamwork
National recommendations for physical activity include 30 minutes daily for adults and
60 minutes daily for children and teens.
Physical activity supports a healthy body and prevents heart disease.
Soccer Ball Knock Out
Concept or Skill Targeted: coordination, physical activity, movement
Equipment: One small goal, two soccer balls, a cone
Balance one soccer ball on a cone within the goal. Students kick, head, or do trick shots with the
second soccer ball in an attempt to knock the first ball off of the cone.
Messages to Convey…
The activity builds coordination
National recommendations for physical activity include 30 minutes daily for adults and
60 minutes daily for children and teens.
Physical activity supports a healthy body and prevents heart disease.
Track Meet
Concept or Skill Targeted: coordination
Equipment: two plastic grocery bags (or scarves) per player
Players stand in a clear space with a plastic grocery bag (or scarf) in each hand. The first bag is forcibly
tossed out to the side quickly followed by the second bag/scarf to the opposite side. The goal now is to
catch the first bag/scarf, and re-release it before catching the second bag/scarf. This process continues
with players attempting to keep both bags/scarves in the air.
One Handed - Participants can use two scarves with one hand. They toss one up and then the
other, and then catch the first one followed by the second. Repeat.
Columns – Participants use three scarves. They toss one up their midline and the others up their
right and left sides. Then they catch the middle one on its way down and get it back in the air
followed by catching and tossing the right/left scarves.
Messages to Convey…
This activity builds coordination which helps us use our senses together with our body parts.
Coordination, as a layer of fitness, also helps prevent injury.
National recommendations for physical activity include 30 minutes daily for adults and 60
minutes daily for children and teens.
Physical activity supports a healthy body and prevents heart disease.
Veggie Pail Toss
Concept or Skill Targeted: To reinforce the concept of healthy foods vs. unhealthy foods
This involves throwing toy veggies
Knowledge of the food groups is useful
Toy veggies
Pail into which bean bags can be thrown
Fruit and veggie cards
The teacher will tell the participants to choose either a fruit or a veggie
The teacher and the participant will find the card and determine which group it belongs to and
what food it is
The teacher will also ask if the participant knows why it is healthy – and tell the answer
The participant will then throw the fruit or veggie into the pail
The activity promotes healthy eating
5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables are recommended each day
Waffle to Go
Small Dixie cup
Fruit (raisins)
1/4 cup fat-free plain Greek yogurt
Portion out a tablespoon of raisins. Fill a Dixie cup with the fruit and top with Greek yogurt.
Nutritional Value:
340 calories 7 grams fat (for original recipe, this one has been modified)
This recipe replaces a higher calorie sweet treat to have as a snack or dessert
Including fruits in all snacks increases your daily fruit and vegetable consumption
National recommendations for fruit and vegetable consumption is 6-10 servings
Using plain non fat Greek yogurt decreases the sugar and fat in the recipe and increases
the protein which is great for a heart healthy diet.
Angry Birds
Equipment: Angry Birds, Pigs, Sling-Shot, Cup Stacks (sets of 3), and 2
Challenge: Attempt to knock down 3 pigs with 3 angry birds using the
sling shot, younger students may throw angry birds by hand.
Object: Eye hand coordination
Eye hand coordination activity lead up to other sports
Fitness can be fun
Be creative with activity
Play angry birds without using a computer
Modified Fitness Spin Wheel
Equipment: Smart board, Modified Fitness Spin Wheel Program
Challenge: Spin the wheel do the activity
Object: Use a variety of activity for a healthy workout
 Know and Use all 4 components of fitness
 Fitness can be fun
 The whole family can be active together
 Everyone knows how to be active, now it is your turn
Heavy Ropes
Equipment: 2 heavy ropes, stop watch
Challenge: How many jumps can you do in 30 seconds?
Objective: Increased heart rate through rapid, coordinated movement
 There are many different ways to raise your heart rate
 Regular activities which raise your heart rate are crucial for your
long-term health
 Think outside the box with your fitness activities
Fitness Jeopardy
Equipment: Mobile Smart Board, Healthy Living Jeopardy Game
Challenge: Select and answer one or two questions
Objective: A lifestyle of Health and Fitness begin with knowledge
 A healthy diet and regular exercise is important for everyone
 5 2 1 0 does not stop after elementary school
 Activity, Health, and Fitness can take many different forms
 Trivia games are fun for the whole family
Flexed Arm Hang
Equipment: 2 pull up bard
Challenge: Do a flexed arm hang from the pull up bar for 30 seconds?
Objective: Build upper-body strength
 You do not have to join a gym to exercise
 You will not get stronger by watching activity, you have to do it.
 Strength building activities can be simple
Equipment: Mat, Stop Watch
Challenge: Can you hold a plank for 30 seconds to 1 minute?
Objective: Increase core strength
 There are many different ways to exercise at home, even in-between
commercial breaks
 You do not have to join a gym to exercise
Regular Exercise is important for everybody.
Traversing Wall
Equipment: One side of the Traversing Wall, orange cones, levels chart
Challenge: Can you cross the Traversing wall at your level?
Primary – Level 1
Intermediate – Level 2 through 5
Adult – 6 through 9
Objective: Coordinated movement, balance, flexibility, endurance and
strength training combined in one activity.
 Fun for the whole family
 Use all components of fitness in a single activity
 Go outside and play
 Challenge yourself to try new things
Stilt Walk Obstacle Course
Equipment: 2 pairs of stilts, 2 pairs of can stilts, 8 cones
Challenge: Can you walk on stilts weaving through the cones?
Object: Improve dynamic balance skill.
 Balance is an important sport and life skill.
 Having good balance reduces risks of injury.
 Physical activity supports a healthy body and prevents heart disease.
 National recommendations for physical activity include 30 minutes
daily for adults and 60 minutes daily for children and teens.
Equipment: 4 steppers
Challenge: Can you complete 100 steps
Object: Increase your Cardio-respiratory and Muscular Endurance.
 Physical activity supports a healthy body and prevents heart disease.
 National recommendations for physical activity include 30 minutes
daily for adults and 60 minutes daily for children and teens.
Hula Hoop Challenge
Equipment: 8 hula hoops, stopwatch
Challenge: One single family tries to hula hoop for 10 seconds
Object: Recreational Fun
 This activity builds coordination which helps us use our senses
together with our body parts and strengthens your core muscles.
 Coordination, as a layer of fitness, also helps prevent injury.
 National recommendations for physical activity include 30 minutes
daily for adults and 60 minutes daily for children and teens.
 Physical activity supports a healthy body and prevents heart disease.
Partner Stunts
Equipment: 2 mats
Challenge: 1. Partner pull-up, 2. Back to back, 3. Belly Swan Balance
Objective: Teamwork challenge developing muscular strength and
 This activity builds balance and coordination which helps us use our
senses together with our body parts.
 Balance and coordination, as layers of fitness, also helps prevent
 This activity also builds muscular strength which can help prevent
 National recommendations for physical activity include 30 minutes
daily for adults and 60 minutes daily for children and teens.
 Physical activity supports a healthy body and prevents heart disease.
1. Partner pull-up
2. Back to back
3. Belly Swan Balance
Balloon Challenge #1
Equipment: balloons, 2 Koosh paddles
Challenge: 1. K-2nd with parent: Can you and a partner volley your
balloon back and forth alternating hits while saying the alphabet?
2. 3rd – 6th with parent: Can you and a partner volley your balloon back
and forth alternating hits by striking it with paddles while counting by 3’s
up to 39?
Objective: Integrating eye/hand coordination with teamwork, math,
and/or the alphabet.
 You can accomplish more when working in a team.
 A team must use communication to be successful.
 Mistakes are only “temporary setbacks”.
 Striking skills takes eye/hand coordination which is a building block
for many sports and recreational activities.
 Sports and recreational activities support a healthy body and can help
prevent heart disease.
Juggling Scarves
Equipment: 15 juggling scarves
Challenge: Can you juggle 3 scarves, Cascade pattern? Can you juggle 2
scarves in a circular pattern? Use the other hand?
Objective: Improve eye/hand coordination in a non-traditional/fun way.
 Anyone can learn to juggle!
 Learning to juggle helps in many other sports such as basketball,
football, racquet sports, soccer, etc.
 Physical activity supports a healthy body and prevents heart disease.
Mountain Climbing
Equipment: High Jump mat, folding mat, 2 Sandy-B ropes, 2 cones
Challenge: Can you climb to the top of the mountain? Use your legs. Be
safe coming down!
Objective: Improve muscular strength of the upper body and legs.
 Outdoor recreational activities like hiking and mountain climbing is a
great way to improve Cardio-respiratory & Muscular Endurance.
 Physical activity supports a healthy body and prevents heart disease.
Equipment: 3 nets, 3 white Gatorskin balls, low basketball hoop
Challenge: Partners attempt to make baskets using net.
Objective: Teamwork, timing, and skill are needed to accomplish this
 This activity builds cooperation skills.
 Cooperation, as an interpersonal skill, strengthens communication
and expands support systems.
Human Spring
Equipment: None
Challenge: With a partner – extend arms so palms of partners are about
6 inches apart. Fall forward touching palms and see if you and your
partner can push off back to a standing position without moving your feet.
If successful take a small step back and try again. Keep taking a small
step back with each successful attempt.
Objective: Teamwork, timing, and trust are needed to accomplish this
 You can accomplish more when working in a team.
 A team must use communication to be successful.
You must trust yourself and others in life as well as sports.
Balloon Challenge #2
Equipment: balloons
Challenge: With a partner – hold balloon between both foreheads, try to
lie down and then stand back up without using your hands.
Objective: Can you work together to accomplish this task.
 You can accomplish more when working in a team.
 A team must use communication to be successful.
 Mistakes are only “temporary setbacks”.
 There is no “I” in TEAM.
Simple Stunts
Concept or Skill Targeted: balance and coordination
Equipment: mats
Players should pick a partner about the same size. Then they can select one of the mat activities to try,
starting with those circled.
Notes: Facilitators may need to spot players during various activities (i.e. Limber, Back Bend from a
Standing Position, etc.)
Messages to Convey…
This activity builds balance and coordination which helps us use our senses together with our
body parts.
Balance and coordination, as layers of fitness, also helps prevent injury.
National recommendations for physical activity include 30 minutes daily for adults and 60
minutes daily for children and teens.
Physical activity supports a healthy body and prevents heart disease.
Cooperative Activities
Concept or Skill Targeted: cooperation
Equipment: mats for select activities
Players should pick a partner about the same size. Then they can select one of the cooperative activities
to try, starting with those circled.
Notes: Any tumbling or lifting activities should be done over a mat.
Messages to Convey…
This activity builds cooperation skills.
Cooperation, as an interpersonal skill, strengthens communication and expands support
Healthy relationships support a healthy body and may prevent heart disease.
Mat Activities
Concept or Skill Targeted: coordination
Equipment: mats
Players should pick a partner about the same size. Then they can select one of the mat activities to try,
starting with those circled.
Notes: Facilitators may need to spot players during various activities (i.e. Limber, Back Bend from a
Standing Position, etc.)
Messages to Convey…
This activity builds coordination which helps us use our senses together with our body parts.
Coordination, as a layer of fitness, also helps prevent injury.
National recommendations for physical activity include 30 minutes daily for adults and 60
minutes daily for children and teens.
Physical activity supports a healthy body and prevents heart disease.